l fouffritlt tribune classifies ads on page twelve vol 65 no 27 the tribune stouffville thursday november 18 1954 twelve pages goodwood hunter bags timber wolf township council opposes markham village attempt to annex 2500 acres mr harvey bunker of goodwood returned from the north woods early this week with a large 75lb timber wolf which he shot in the parry sound district his first shot wounded the animal hunters in the from a distance of 65 yards dawson hare but two additional bullets were necessary to kill it mr bunker received a 25 government bounty other group were ken reesor harvey benson art iue- man walt ward art brown bill birkett and geo and walt todd block roads to nab shotgun hoodlum residents on the 7th conces sion of markham are alarmed over- the erratic shootings in the district during the past 2 weeks the hoodlum respon sible for the damage has not been arrested although mark ham twp police have strong suspicions and are working ov ertime on the case the shoot ing reached a more serious na ture early saturday morning when the billboard in front of the peaches community church was shattered at close range mrs cameron kennedy a near by resident heard the blast about a dozen mail ioxes al ong the concession road have also been riddled by pellets so far domestic ducks a horse and a steer have been killed it is believed that the same person or persons are respon sible for the killings eorly saturday morning po lice chief clarence wideman carried out a thorough search of the district and stopped all cars to question the drivers skating club pop concert nov 29 the annual skating club pop concert and ice frolic will be held in the stouffville arena on monday evening nov 29th this year there will be not only an exhibition of fine skating but also a period of hockey with the lions pee- wees and a comedy game on ice watch the tribune next week for further announce ments stores open for business in stouffville friday and saturday evenings mr eldred king ringwood fanner gave us a look the other day at one of his dressed capons which tipped the scales at eleven pounds seven ounces quite a bird markham property owners call election meeting a meeting of markham township property owners association is announced for evening of nov 30th at cherry hill farm no 7 highway be tween unionville and mark ham all candidates for mark ham township council 1955 will be invited to be present and given an opportunity to address the meeting and out line their platform and claims for election or reelection as this will give voters a chance to see and hear candidates for 1955 council election to be held dec 6th for the first time under the ward system a large attendance is looked for forgery case thrown out surrounded by the elders of his church george selkirk 31- yearold evangelical lay prea cher and land developer today heard a forgery charge against him withdrawn before magis trate 0 s hollinrake the charge was dropped for lack of evidence defense coun sel norman borins said the complainant dr donald rog ers failed for the second time to come to court to back up his original charge dr rogers nominal presi dent of the langstaff land and development co of which sel kirk owns controlling interest laid the charge over a 50 cheque mr and mrs norman nigh visited relatives in brantford on the weekend snowplowing contract goes to floyd preston was for nearly 100 register for teacher training school a very successful teache training class was conducted last week by the markham township sunday school as sociation in the sunday school rooms of st andrews united church at markham there were 92 teachers and superin tendents registered for the school with an average attend ance for the three nights of nbout go pupils the enrolment was a crass section of the 30 sunday schools of the town ship with victoria square lead ing the list with 13 students other leader- were browns corners united with 10 mark ham united missionary 9 sto uffville baptist s hcadford un ited 9 brethreninchis 7 lutheran 6 unionville angh- 6 dixon hill united mis- si nary 4 kbeneze- united i other townhip sunday schools with smaller numbers he teaching iff was dr r mclean taking the course to superintendents rev d c harry the aduils and young peoples course miss adams b sc the junior teachers course mus daly ba a tcm the teenage and mrs r hus ton the primary or- mclean of the chool miss adams and miss daly are from the ontario religious ed ucation council rev d c har ry is minister of christie st baptist church and mrs hu- son is the wife of the pastor of the united missionary church in stouffville mr e j sliver acted as principal of the school the courses were essentially those of methols to be used in todays sunday schools and gave the teachers and superin tendents practical information regarding the best teaching practices for the sunday school those attending the school were high in their praise of the splendid presenta- tioas of the instructors in the study sessions the brief worhip service was taken each evening by rev a c huston rev norman row an and rev herbert shantz who along with e j stiver formed the committee tor or ganization of the school the markham township sunday school association appreciate very much the use of the ss rooms of st andrews united church the accommodation was ample for ail five classes floyd preston vandorf the successful tenderer this winters snowplowing con tract in whitchurch township when council opened tenders on saturday afternoon the rate will be 550 per hour for plowing and 6 jper day stand by time mr prestons tender was one of three received for the job the tender of delbert baker of s210 per yard for treated sand was also accepted about 500 yards of this salted sand is required for the winter months whitchurch accepted the bid of k j beamish co for re surfacing the musselmans lake load the amount being 36 8 71 budget nearly gone road supt davis told coun cil that at the beginning of the month there was only 63600 remaining in the road budget for this year and no word had been received so far from the dept of highways on councils request for a supple mentary appropriation he also reported to council that two new bridges required after the hurricane on the van dorf sideroad and on the third concession were being planned by margison t babcock they would be 16 ift wide eight ft high and 45 ft span want sprrd sign a deputation appeared be fore council from bloomington asking that vpeed limit signs be erected in the hamlet to try and slow down traffic as it was feared some child would be killed coming out of the school murray raymer spokesman for the delegation aid that stop signs had been erected al the crossroads where several bad accidents had occurred mr r e parker the bloom ington school teacher told council that small children cant ce either way when they come out of the school grounds markham twp council in tends to oppose any attempt made by markham village to annex 2500 acres of land sur rounding the town the muni cipal board hearing on the question is scheduled for thursday of this week in the markham veterans hal at 10 am on monday night at the regu lar meeting of council a delega tion of residents ejected by the annexation move appeared to express both their affirmative and negative views on the pro posed plan reeve alf lemasurier read a statement from the markham village planning board which stated the main reasons for wishing to expand the bound aries of the town additional assessment and establishment of industry reeve lemasurier speaking on behalf of council informed the delegation that the mem- ibers were not opposed to mark ham village squaring off its boundaries but they would definitely fight their plan to take over valuable lands that the township had set aside for industrial purposes what plan have you questioned one of the delega tion we have a master plan answered the reeve he pro ceeded to show the plan to the interested spectators markham village has done a poor job of public relations stated reeve lemasurier they never discussed their proposal with the township council at any time the markham village coun cil merely stated that they intended to go before the mun icipal board continued the reeve they could have saved both themselves and the town ship considerable money councillor art lennie ques tioned whether it would be proper for the township to approach the markham village council for discussion id be willing answered the reeve but i think the next move is up to them councillor nick schouten spoke in favor of annexation he stated that markham vil lage could service the sur rounding area with water fire protection and other conven iences much better than the township chairman of the markham twp planning board dr tanner stated that as far as he was concerned the annexation question was merely a rumor he charged lack of cooperation on behalf of markham village reeve lemasurier informed the delegation that the chair man of the metropolitan board knew nothing about the mat ter he will attend the munici pal board hearing mr doug turner a member of the markham towaship pro perty owners association ask ed mr schouten to state the villages reasons for annexing the 2500 acres mr schouten stated that the village needed more room needed sewers needed indus try and a balanced assessment mr milne freeman property owner in the box grove dis trict spoke strongly against the annexation move he fear ed for the lass in assessment with regards to the public school in the area mr walter spademan spoke agaiast the annexation move he said that markham town ship roads were in fine condi tions while thase in the village were a disgrace he said the same was true in the winter with regards to snowplough- ing urgent announcement if you are a buiiienmiian or merchant of stouftville you are most strongly urged to be present at a meeting to be held in the municipal hall on friday afternoon at 2 pm to further plan for the santa claus parade this annual christmas event is one which has made the town a popular shopping centre at the yuletide season and your help in putting the affair across is desperately needed its jour parade give it your support and come to the meeting on fri day afternoon community hail board asks help mr cliff wallwork and two other representatives of the whitchurch township com munity board which administ ers the affairs of the township hall at vandorf appeared be fore council on saturday after noon to ask for assistance in maintaining the hall for the municipality mr wallwork explained that the small rental charge was not sufficient even though raised slightly to maintain the hall he also stated hat the building was fast deteriorating and was in urgent need for some capital expenditure the roof was leaking and insulation was badly needed reeve mclaughlin stated that he believed the township needed the hall and a commit tee was named to enquire into the cost of some of the repairs needed the hall was presently faced with a deficit on the years operations of about 50 sunderland to have place in new liner the advertising and publicity department of the cunard steamship company made a request in august for pictures of municipal or other import ant buildings of sunderland to be sent to its montreal office the new liner lvernia now- being built for the cunard firms canadian service is to have a room termed county cousins the artist for paint ing the murals was in mont real in october the brock towaship cierk received a letter thanking him for the most useful information sup plied pertaining to their request for the new liner lvernia in the near future when the liner gets in service and is in montreal perhaps when the st lawrence seaway is com plele in toronto you may vis it the lverna and see the county cousins room with the topographical jxiintings of sun derland england and sunder land ontario along with other towns and cities ward question to be on pickering ballot when pickering township ratepayers go to the polls next month they will be asked whe ther thej- are in favor of a ward system for election pur poses their opinion will be ex pressed in either a yes or a no the pickering twp court of revision was held this week some 240 appeals were regis tered with the exception of 8 appeals all assessment com plaints came from south of the second concession court qf revision urges measured assessment for township of whitchurch death pilkey lyman john enter ed into rest at aurora ont on monday nov 15 1951 ly man john pilkey beloved husband of the late sophia mitchell and dear brother of mrs mantle of toronto ma ry jennie alice and luther deceased- in his 85th year mr pilkey is resting at mc- eachnie funeral home pic kering for funeral service in claiemont united church at 2 pm on thur- nov 18 interment claremont union cemetery casket will be open in the church from 1 pm till time of service ed by the hurricane flood wat ers two failed two days after the storm and one failed a week ago this was caused by undermining of the founda tions upon inspection several other structures have been bad ly undermined and are being repaired by underpinning as quickly as possible whitchurch township court of revision completed their hearing and disposition of the sixtysome appeals agaiast the township assessment on satur day and appeared before coun cil to report on the completion of the court and make recom mendations for the future mr cliff wallwork chairman stated that the court wished to commend assessor fred cum mings for an excellent job of assessing under the existing system however he said that the members felt tliat some form of measured assessment should be introduced as soon as passible to give the assessment a more equalized basis reeve mclaughlin in reply stated that measured assessment was under consideration and some work had been done towards that end mr earl toole member of revision court stated that he thought council was to be com mended for proceeding cau tiously and that any change should be given plenty of pub licity to acquaint the public with the new system the court recommended to council that the four houses on the east side of yonge st on the bond lake curve now as sessed in king twp be an nexed to whitchurch between 4000 and 5co0 in assess ment was involved while it was agreed that the amount of assessment was very small king twp now had to come across yonge st to assess this small piece of property reeve mclaughlin stated that he thought king twp should be asked what their view would be on the idea planning board a resolution was placed be fore council from the planning board recommending that coun cil not pass a bylaw presented by lome lee solicitor con senting to encroachments of buildings on the road allow ance located on parts of lots 60 and s3 plan 240 council tg- reed that the advice of their solicitor should be sought in the matter council recommended that the following appointments be made to the three high school hoards in the township a h williams to stouffville district board dr williams to aurora high school board and j l burrows to newmarket the appointments are expected to be made by county council hon w j dunlop opens new school the honourable w j dun lop minister of education offi cially opened the new 450000 markham district high school on friday night a large crowd attended the official opening and inspected the building fol lowing the program mr frank burkholder acted as chairman greetings and remarks wer presented by mr alf lefllasu- rier reeve of markham twp mr j v fry reeve of mark ham village mr l e shore architect mr d r chadwick chairman of the stouffville high school board and mr b 1 newell princiial of mark ham district high school mr norman reid president of the markham twp sunday school association presented principal newell with a bible ilr g k taylor president of the markhamunionville lions club presented the school with the union jack the flag was received by mr john robb vice chairman of the school board rev c e fockler pro nounced the dedication prayer the guest speaker was intro duced by mr hollis e beckett mpp the school choir under th direction of miss audrey lettl- mon rendered a number of musical selections full typing class at local night school reveal final figures on markham twp road damage announce 5th anniversary with twocolor display the len wilkes clothing store announce a gigantic fifth anniversary sale this week with a great twocolor display on page eleven of this issue the store is loaded with attractive goods for christmas and anniversary and great price reductions are listed in the advertisement a number of merchants have availed themselves of two- color advertising as now offer ed by the tribune and more re expected to do so as christ mas draws near drop into the office today and ask for a quo tation on your christmas dis play in two colors grave trucks he said were go- by every few minute- all la fifty and sixty miles an hour council agreed to have the road measured and possibly a bylaw prepared if there is found to he the amount of builtup area required by tew the final figures on mark ham townships road damage caused jy hurricane hazel were made known to council on monday evening by mr j a howard road superintend ent and engineer mr howard stated that due to 12 bridgese being either de stroyed or critically damaged and 8 other large washouts it had been necessary to block off the township roads in 20 dif ferent places with regard to the 12 brid ges four were relatively small sructurese and it is possible to replace them with large steel pipes three have been replaced and the fourth will be completed this week two bai ley bridges have been erected two other structures although critically damaged are still able to carry light loads one of these is the deacon bridge on 16th avenue mountjoy sideroad just west of the ken nedy road and the other is on isth avenue cashel sideroad east of the kennedy road these have been backfilled and are open to traffic the a e rule contracting company have commenced per manent repair work on the bridge at cashel on the kenne dy road and temporary repair work is heing started by the ontario bridge company on the bridge at cedar grove this accounts for 11 bridges the 12th is on the south townline and is being looked after by north york with regard to the eight road washouts read su- typing has become one of classes every tuesday night structress is mrs dolman the most popular subjects at thepresent time the class n v r conducted at th stouffville is completely filled with pict hee a l of district high school evening taking the course the in- the group at work art is a popular course perinlcrdcn howard reports all to be properly backfilled and open to traffic at the present time only five roads remain blocked of the twelve bridges damag- an informal art class con ducted in the stouffville dis trict high school every tues day evening has attracted more than thirty local paint ers the instructor is mr arnold hodkins of leask- dale pictured above is mm fred byer of stouffville with one of her fine oil paintings which she recently completed