Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 11, 1954, p. 2

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the stouffville tribune eicbiikci 182 member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized at tecondclat mail potiofflce dept ottetca printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada j250 elsewhere s350 c h nolan editor ja thomas sports am a v nolan son publishers notes and comments hockey interest dwindling in ontario hockey interest has dwindled in stouffville and district but we find that it has dwindled throughout ontario as a whole last week an interested sjorts fan writing to our local sports editor put forward the admission charge of 75c as the big reason for the decline this protest may have some truth but in our opininn only partially so to back up our contention we could quote from simcoe lindsay bowmanville whitby newspapers who are all telling the same story poor attendance nowhere but in maple leaf gardens is there any sign of hockey enthusiasm the story appears the same throughout the province we believe the reason is a combination of circum stances there is some merit in what our friend writing in last weeks issue has to say about price money is tighter however we are just as sure that should the price of admission be cut in half the crowd going to saturday night hockey games would not be doubled there is much more to it than that a big deterrent to attendance has been the advent of television especially on saturday night with nhl games on that night saturday is the poorest night in the week for local hockey games in our opinion thirdly there is a genera disinterest something that has grown with the professionalizing of the game it may be a passing phase and we trust it is but the signs are there every hockey club in the stouffville league is feeling the pinch and managements should be giving consideration to doing something about restoring their crowds word has come to us during the weekend that the famed oshawa truckmen operating in whit by will likely fold this week because of poor attend ance the situation is serious and can get worse it ix -si- friday night shopping quite well received stouffville business places in the main found the first friday night open for shopping quite well re ceived some told us of being pleasantly surprised with the result others stated that while the result was fair it could not be compared with saturday still others made mention of daytime shopping being off volume in preference to the two nights however the friday and saturday night opening system will continue until the end of the year we predict and some assessment made at that time of the value of each night this newspaper would welcome readers comment on the shopping facilities in town and their preference lor friday or saturday night ir if k possibility of deputyreeve with stouffvilles population now past the two thousand mark the question is asked whether con sideration has been given to changing the community from a village to a town or the advisability of pro viding for a deputyreeve on council as far as we can learn from reading the ontario statutes the two thousand population stipulation is the main item affecting the setting up of a town under the clause governing the amount of acreage stouffville can qual ify however the election of a deputyreeve to council that is having a council consisting of a reeve deputy- reeve and three councillors similar to a township is the one being given most consideration chief benefit of such a move is to gain a second seat on county council however there is one stipulation to the election of a deputyreeve which is being checked into this week the law provides that the municipal ity must have one thousand eligible voters at local elections to qualify for a deputyreeve it stipulates that those voters classed as mp would not be eligible to be counted in the thousand in most cases wives of local owners are classed thus however the point has been raised and some authorities claim that all such owners wives are entitled to be classed as ten ants fr tv ft public service cast thy bread upon the waters and it shall return to thee after many days is among the wisest words of scripture it expresses a great truth which applies every where that if you do helpful things for your neighbors and home town they appreciate it and give you much in return the people who give their time and effort freely for the benefit of their home town gain far more than they ever expected in return in this unselfish service they made friends and acquired a wide acquaintance so atht people are keen to do things for them some people say there is no money in public service so they wont do any of it but those who give generously receive generously st marys journalargus fv fr fr the horsepower race reminds us of the old song horses horses horses everywhere these new models are on show in motor car dealers windows while you may lift the hood and look long and longingly one does not see many horses but they are there just the same icores of them should say hundreds for at least any car without a hundred or more horsepower today wouldnt even be in the picture it is definitely sure the buying public would turn up their noses if that power plant under the hood didnt have a super abundance of power twentyfive years ago 1030 most low priced cars had only one fifth of the power exhibited today even ten years ago the power plant while it looked as big produced much less than half the power it docs today that small car back in 1030 had about 35 to 10 hp while today it rates from 125 to 160 hp formerly high speed was reserved for that big lumber wagon the piercearrow cadillac and the wollesley today any small make of car would put them to shame in speed not to mention any other feature one would like to mention there is not a car today in standard makes eliminating possibly some of the small cars and even they can gain exceptional speeds that will not obtain speeds of 80 miles per hour or better it is reported some of the big makes are coming out with horsepower in excess of 250 hp high- compression motors have created a tremendous change in the power of automobiles so much so it seems fantastic when comparisons are made back a few years with top ratings the modern motor of 1051 produces speed of 40 per cent or more it does this on less consumption of gasoline even as high as 100 per cent more mileage the average would be well this weeks sunday school lesson lasson for november h and dlpositiors instead a stlv ix vaixks wrong ways are apt to harden ivoiti 13 is 20 25 is and increase with the years oliin tew a good name is and right ways likewise be- raihr to be chorn than jcieat come esetablished the child riche and loving favour is father of the man wm than silver and sold wordsworth 1iov 221 verse 12 the hearing ear the lesson as a whole and the seeing eye the lord approach u he lrn hath made if so we are david uvingstone was jea- accountable to the giver for ous for the name of christ and the way we use them see also obtained for himself an imper- psalm 949 isable name when he died in chap 2l a good name is the heart of africa a company rather to be chosen than great of natives made the perilous riclfes favour rather than journey to the coast with his gold the word good is in- bodv through territorv in erted for the sake of the eng- for parents only the tribune stouffville ont thursday november 11 1954 lets banish race prejudice by nancy cleaver the freuoh canadian boys the events which led up to and girls are very much like this catastrophe the horrible us one ontario collegiate u- results of prejudiceobjects of dent who had visited quebec on a national scale cannot be last summer reported to his remembered by youngsters family the first nighi he was but this is fresh in the mem- home he had spent a month ory of most parents alive to- working and trying to improve d3y his french under the inter- they can recall what hajv- provincia visits plan pened in germany under hit- d er the jews were a despised father minority and they became the dead bodv he was vor referred to applies to that objects of insults and perse- the which comes from both god 1 ravel is an excellent way anion they were prevented migntv in westminster woev and man to break down race prejudice from mixing with the socalled with the highest honour the verse 2 the rich and poor let resolve to amsn race superior members of the ary- britlsh empire could bestow meet together the lord prejudice if we fathers and an race with tiendlsn clever- at that time the brlah maga- of them all human distinc- mothers wouli really work on ness hitler made the jews the zitie punch mostly devoted to tions of class have no meaning ln important job we could scapegoat blaming all the which superstition would have ten idiom the idea being in- idta think to won decreed their death had it eluded in the hebrew word j hs u been known that thev were for name doubtless the fa- different hb fathe given a resting place amid humor and satire published a hi the presence of god accomplish wonders we know y 0 germany in the depres iioem the last stanza of which verse 3 a prudent man tnat chiid 101 lh sion years on them the fright- ran hirieth himself but the simple antagonistic feelings towards f climax of this evil cam- he needs no epitaph to guard are punished taking no el differs from paign shocked the conscience a name thought for the morrow does lum race sclent lsts afhrm of the world the nazi leaders which men shall prize while not mean having no foresight llen there ls tni even gloried in their acts of worths- work is known even warfare which ometimes instinctive prejudice observers torture and cruelty towards the he lived and died for good calls for exposure to almost at nursery schools find no an- jewish people thousands of be that his fame certain death is as much a tipathy no fear or withdrawal j w exterminated thou- let marble crumble- this is matter of defense as of of- on the part of a tittle boy or sands fled to oher lands the livingstone ense k toward another small you- state of israel which is recog what is the secret of such a verse 4 by humility and ngster who differs from him in n by the majority of na- riaine just this livingstone the fear of the lord are riches color tions continues to be fiercely had the right standard of val- and honour and life humil- the word prejudice is linked resented by the arabs ties this was the man whose uy and the fear of the lord wul lne v projudge or pass an outstanding example of consecration was expressed in are here so closely associated judgment on an individual be- t enriching influence of a a refusal to have or hold any- as to be almost identical ri- fore inquiry has been made gentilejewish friendship was thing save in relation to the ches and honour and life are tll british tradition is that ti of the famous writer wil- kingdom of god this was the the reward of such a spirit a man is considered innocent j gather and the family of man who explained his devo- and they are a reward that unless he is proven to be guil- lehudi menuhin the great vio- tion to his work in africa in does not perish ty any fairminded person can jinist is there not some indi- these simple words the love tlie heart or the lesson see the folly of lumping a vidua or some family in your of christ compelled me he tlle question which thrusts group of persons and labelling community of another race died in a tiny shack but his itself upon its throughout the them all according to their whom you can show some lit- name lives not only in the an- passages of our lesson is do race it is only the ignorant tie practical act of neighbour- nals of earths great ones but ue hav a right sense of val- and the bigoted who hold pre- liness there is no better way in the courts of heaven ues conceived opinions of a per- to practise the friendliness a greater than livingstone some things are radically son without sufficient grounds which destroys prejudice lived to glorify the name of and essentially wrong so that last christmas in countless travel helps to increase tin- his father and to him has those who see value in them canadian schoolrooms instead delstanding between individ- been given the name which are utterly perverted in their of searching for information nals if you are travelling in is alwve every name living- julgment and will reap the about christmas customs in a europe how much you would stone in his measure and jesus harvest of their evil ways so book many children asked a appreciate being entertained christ without measure had it is with those who deliber- dutch or german or italian the home of natives there their eyes fixed on the eternal ately engage in malicious con- child about christmas in his there is no method of show- values the value of a life rie- duct the harm they do to homeland this intermingling hg a newcomer something of pends upon its standard of val- others will turn upon them- of children of different cultures our canadian way of life than lies selves by the same token has greatly enriched our na- by being hospitable why not verse hv verso those who do good will find tional educational life it has invite a new canadian couple 1rov 1127 seeketh rich benefits strewing their destroyed silly prejudice to- and their children to share a good procureth favour pathway ward foreigners where par- meal under vour roof hospi- seeketh mischief it shall come some things are legitimate enls and teachers have com- tality neighbourliness to stra- this is just another way of in themselves but if sought for bmed to welcome the newcom- ngers in a strange land help to saying that favor is the reward their own sakes and especially ers and emphasize their com- create a strong and unified of goodness while malicious if they are sought to the ne- mendable attributes canada thev are the strongest conduct is a boomerang gleet of better things they be- college boys and girls when known forces to conquer the verse 28 he that trusteth come evil and their value turns they study world war ii often disease of prejudice in his riches shall fall but the to ashes in this category is question their parents about copyrosbil righteous shall flourish material riches when men the dollar is not almighty af- make riches their goal right- ter all it is a frail reed to lean eoasness is cast aside these on while righteousness is a are the poor rich who have at- strong tower and tends to pres- tained to worldly wealth but ervation compare psalm 113 have lost their souls in doing chap 137 rich yet so and they find too late nothing poor yet hath that their bank account is not great riches pity the poor the security they thought it to rich whose wealth is all they be it does not deliver from sick- have for it does not satisfy the ness from the burnings of con- editors mail editor the tribune dear sir 1 noted that editorial on the theme of government work ers with its opening note the federal government now em ploys 32joo0 people and is pav ing them ss1oo0ooo a month or at the rate of over 1900000- 000 a year also its closing note one in every persons in canada is on ottawas work payroll astonishing as that may seem i presume that the above figures would entitle one to describe the federal govern ment as the nations biggest employer tills doesnt look so good to this maninthesiteet certainly it is time for the av erage man whether at work in the citys factories or down on the farm to begin to len der the facts outlined alove and to remember that the fed eral government proud ami mighty though it be and ac customed to frontpage lime light ha- no money that it does not first get from the rank and file of the people we tend to forget that it is the little fellow tie the uno who or the average man who carries the load of the overhead 1 think in terms of the farm only the other day i lead that the average capital investment in the nations 015- 000 farms in 1953 stood at sic 000 in the united slates by the way the figure is estimat ed to be 25000 but the fol lowing figures from the us farm scene id use the cana dian data if 1 had them seem to tear that average primary producer to pieces in 1950 only 11x1231 farms had gross sales of farm products of over 25000 only 381151 had gross sales between 10000 and s2- 999 721210 farms had gross sales between 5xk and 9999 882302 farms had gross sales of only 2500 to 1999 while 901311 farms had gross sales of only between 250 and 1190 that is a breakdown of 3700112 commercial farms in the us in 1950 the remain ing 1072838 farms are listed as parttime residential or ab normal mwt in october gta digest st paul minn harvest moon items from bygone days from the files of the tribune wheat 125 buckwheat soc sept mi oats 60c and sweet clover 450 claremont is agitating for to the establishment of a high on sunday and part of mon- soul but rather envy the rich science from the hand of the school in that burg da his section experienced poor who content with little thief from the indignation of besides the cost of the fa- one of hoavie rainfalls are rich in godliness in friend- a broken law from the judg- nious band of the black watch of tne hole season all low- ships in ministry ments of god or from death al toronto exhibition aug 29 fie are more or less chap 1513 a merry heart on the other hand those who l0 sept 10 upwards of 30 000 while streams are maketh a cheerful countenance have put right before posses- has been spent for special at- running as high as in the by sorrow the spirit is s may be poor in this tractions all of which can be s time broken the ellect of a merry worlds goods but they are see for 25c admission and 25c eggs advanced to 50c per heart is outward in the coun- rich in the possession of their f t grandstand dozen at the local market on tenance but the efiect of sor- souls in a conscience void of superintendent cowan is thursday butter remains at row is inward to give that hro- offense in true friendships in sending a circular to the secre- 35e t0 lhe farmer hens brou- keuness of spirit which is the the gratitude of those whom t 0 t agricultural so- 23c aml cliickens 25c to 30c 117 they have helped and rich or pieties directing attention to f he 1s a frercen the callse the agriculture beaverton was visited by bad fire last week when the fine brick block owned and racing at fairs a nt intimating occupied by l j cameron as a boot and shoe store and the sacrifices of god pa 51 verse 14 the heart ne c ln lne t seeketh knowledge the fed from springs of living wa- and arls acl prohibiting horse- nout feedeth on f lcr u cing at fairs and intima ness different sorts of men again there are some things ln it i the intention of the seek different sorts of food whose value depends on what department to see that it is pper story by the oddfellows the one seeks food for the in- goes along with them viewed st enfoiced iodge were completely de- ner man and the other is con- by themselves a man would many private past cards arc proved the total loss is esti- tent with feeding his senses normally regard much as bet- findin tneir h d mated at 11000 the lodge verse 15 days of the ter than little if i were given leut1 onite beca h send are minus their regalia and ted evil merry heart my choice of one dollar or a faued to alix the pessary one band instruments which were continual feast it us not thousand dollars apart from cem j stored in the building outward allliotion and outward any other consideration of thp vp e w mr and mrs harold warri- stouflville ont nov 4 1954 editor the tribune dear sir i keep reading with interest your caustic comments on the way the street lighting is maintained in stouffville and wonder why with all the criti cal remarks heard about town concerning the same added to your articles whoever is in charge doesnt do something about it although i am not a lifelong resident i have been here long enough to see that your crucism of the street lighting is well founded if the man looking after the job i dont recall his name is not capable or is neglectful of the work how is it he is kept on so long 1 know that in large places where i h wor ked one would not last long if he failed to fulfill his duties not very long at any rate however those who do the engaging of town help are as much to blame if they permit such situations to continue i have aeon lights on my own the weaver forth and back from mom till night he follows his traotor or team back and forth so longs theres ugh then to bed and to plod m 1 dream but the morning sun shines on his labor and toil and the rain where hi effort has been when lo and bexd on that freshly worked soil u a beautiful blanket of green now the warm days come and the coo nights go while grain grows sturdv and bold the harvest moons smilingly gaze below at a magic carpet of gld then the reaper goes forth with sickle and cart to gather the fruits of hi- care returning at even with light ness of hear theres enough for himself and to spare so the warm days go and the coo nights come when the weaver may sit by his fire to delight in the cheer and the love of his home the solace to all his desire wfr street remain in darkness night after night apparently forgotten toronto citizens complain of some of their dark streets where crime is ramp- am it 1- fortunate for us here in this nice little town that we dont have much in the way of crime as there are certainly plenty of dark streets just made for trouble i know of several lights not far from my home that are out now but one seems to get little action we are paying for these street lights in our taxes and paying for them lo 1 on not out heres hoping your continued campaign in the paper for better lighting maintenance bears fruit yours in the dark special low rail fares to the royal agricultural winter fair toronto nov 1220 fare and onehalf fob the round trip good going not 11 20ih ind return uivc toronto not lalcf than midnight november 21st full mlormslk jnm my mfeul af at zonal canadian builders aillicted evil stock breeder rs apart from cem st usideration of tne ve wellbeing that are contrasted course i should ohoose the and j johnmitlerof hav moved from mongo- here but two states of the thousand dollars but suppose brougham passed awav on iia to newmarket heart the morbid and the there were handles to these monday last he was born on a longfelt want in stouffville cheerful that makes the diff- so that choosing the thousand nay 18 kl a is a large and commodious ska- crence between a continual oollars required my giving up ell rla scotland is and hockey rink and now mourning and a continual feas- the fear of the lord which in a uj h pomes the good news that he one dollar did not require gnipmc of shee a s messrs baker bros will erect little with the and at the same time involved fol 5 mlcl p m a bui fl by treasure me in a lot of moral complies- markham twp with whom feet wide this will give a su- great treas- tomhaton dollar would be ho ivef j wh perior ice space to that of the the farmers have had ideal markham or uxbridge rinks this man makes miles minutes verse 16 fear of the lxrd and trouble tires of earth bring the trou- worth infinitely more than the ble of keeping them safe but thousand likewise a simptu- weau f n for hockcy pmposs we cannot enjoy our little ous banquet perhaps a roast- j unless the pure fear of the lord ed steer from a prize slock is dm of nas with its commingled reverence ordinarily preferable to a mea- housed faking the fl ir mes of thp tribnne crops as a whole the farmers have done fully as well this season as any other class of the community from the hick of thr tribune oct 2fllh 1926 an exhibit of potatoes and cauliflowers grown on the re- gain prices oct 22 1932 although the chicken supper is advertised in this issue at 50c the ballantrae ladies aid announced a reduction to 35c and 25c now who would miss this annual feast at such bar- and love sanctifies it ger supper of dried vegetables verse 17 herbs where but who would not prefer to love is a stalled ox and eat the plainest meal with one hatred think of a couple who loves him than sit at a who truly love each other sit- banquet with one whom he ting down to the frugal fare knew was seeking to injure which their limited means can him 1517 it is good then afford and a couple whose ro- to see all that is involved in mance has gone on the rocks our choices throwing a big party for their once more some things seem claimed holland marsh may crowd which would you ra- decidedly better on the stir- be seen in the window of r ther be face but have less salutary f green son of bradford it befell a group of well- chap 2011 even a child is effects while other things vs the end of june when the known markham farmers m- known by his doings which may seem repellent are land was drained and the last 8b ager fred there is too easy an attitude more beneficial we shall all week in july when the vege- carruthers and i ercy spoflord toward the ways of children admit that a merry heart l a tables were planted vol the re- w the car in which they as if growing up would auto- good thing and produces an- suits have been vefy gratify- z ll matlcally correct wrong habits other good thing a cheerful ing following are prices for grain this community wen start led to learn of the accident over 50 per cent back in model t days a 200 mile trip would be a long day and an exceedingly tiresome one just to wheel the car with its little steering wheel and take the jolts and bumps with inadequate snubbcrs lack of smooth pavement for hundreds of miles and the window curtains blowing in the breeze is a far cry from aircondition heaters and a flow of power five times as great what took twelve hours can now be done in less than live if in the next ten years the horsepower in motor cars increases as it has done in the last ten drivers can be assured that stepping on the gas will become more sensational than can be imagined why so much horsepower simply because we the motorists de mand it need it and know how to use it elmira signet on the stouffville market this last sunday morning collided with a northbound freight train at the langstaff jail farm countenance but heart and a cheerful counte nance are not necessarily a week kail wheat sit2 spring crossing mr spofford had his right foot severed while the remaining trio were more or mwr less cut and bruised stouffville lads captured all first prizes in tractor classes preparation for right relation on friday at feterboro fred with god they mar make one timbers won the cne trophy very forgetful of god but sor- a cabinet of silver pat steck- row of heart works inward to ley a modern cookstovc and the spirit and especially if it harry put presented u sorrow for sin makes for with the large cabinet of sil- that brokonness of spirit which vcr valued at over s200 god does not despise but councillor and mrs d ii which he met- with mercy rusnell and mr and mrs pe- and blessing so ve rrusl eek ter irhman returned on tues- thinzs not simply for their day from a threeday motor pleasurable effects but for trip to fergus arthur and ml their final resuiu forest he builds the trucks or planes or the railroad locomotives that carry commerce linking our country province by province to him money is of daytoday concern security is his skill and his ability to earn it is an important ability not only to him but to our couniryfor the skilled daily wage earners of canada are physically responsible for our national progress hn wages are not always enough lo enable him to face the many emergencies that face everyone at one time or another and when that happens he must borrow the present day consumer finance company was developed to answer the needs of men like him to give the money help ho needs in raising his family and sending his children to school the small loans act was supported by household financ to provide cash loans on a sound and intelligent basis to supply him with exlra money at reasonable rates it allows him lo face emergency and opportunity without dependence on friends or relatives thatis how household fina nee has helped millionsof canadians to continue building a stronger sounder nation mcywhyondlt 0useh0ld f inanci ujooju lo hon auaumimoio consume rtmncc comam

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