the tribune stouffville ont thursday november 11 1554 cutest miscellaneous live stock l articles for sale i wanted piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard heinti- man phone fairs radio electric stouffville 300 23tf ah orders promptly attended to if vou wish tocr pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored wilhout pain to them or you just call i2tf bchells meat market lul stouffville id 220 will pick up and deliver we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meal for farmers oboyles meat market ph 35 stouff 49lf wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry eest cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 26tj 13ti wanted we are in the market for a quantity of chantsey carrots suitable for soup purposes also turnips any size or quantity r e brown son stouffville ph morley brown 176w2 day or night 262 voung woman experienced in general office work desires position during school hours or can handle work in own home reply to box m co the tribune for sale 10 pigs 7 weeks old wallace storry phone 33119 for sale holstein heifer due this weekend vaccinated o s kennedy goodwood ph stoiavie 61404 for sale pair of golden throat pheasants and pen stouffville s4wl for sale mcintosh and delicious apples clifford winger gormley rr2 ph stouffville 67003 sale register for sale registered shrop shire ram cecil story vic toria square ph 67507 sto for sale pullets 45 ri x br laying also 400 ls i nh started to lay fred lewis stouffville 61326 for sale muscova ducks fine breeding slock pure white strain heavy meat birds one drake proven breeder and three ducks deepkeeled layers ph stouff 299j4 electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 3swi stouffville 12tf chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm v household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king hi 8tf 21 hour service anywhe electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances fenaired k hmhiilfiniss 16tf phone 367 stouffville septic tanks pumped ph markham 241j 21if washing machines all makes kkpaiked and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand we are cxclusivo iteatty dealers for new washing mac hi lies ironer- dryers etc c h bell son phono stoullville mtlw transportation wanted from stouflville to toronto city hall area arriving by s30 am leaving toronto at 543 pm ph stouff 67902 for sale 150 susei 50 white leghorns 6 month old w edwards gormley ft it 2 headford ph tu 4- work wanted girl de sires steady work preferably in a store phone 3sw6 transportation wanted from victoria st stouffville to dauforth and main or main and gerrard arrive 745 am one way only ph stouflville 32j2 262 for sale registered eng lish yorkshire boar service able age price 55000 also some 8 wks old price 2500 eldred king ph stouffville 62s0s 243 for sale quantity of laurentian table turnips also feed turnips and feed carrots geo bartholomew lot 3 con 9 whitchurch two heattr stoves coal or wood medium small sise good condition ph rich mond hill tu 42470 for sale one roadsander attachment for dumptruck phone lxbridge 355 for sale 15 gravity water bowls and float tank phono stouffville 64912 l c ken nedy for sale furnace blower with new motor and jacket heater apply stedman store for sale about 500 bus feed turnips ready for load ing 20c a bus ph stouffville 67615 walter beach lot 26 con 2 uxbridge prepare for winter driving rechargit battery restorer removes sulphation ends term inal and cable corrosion pro longs the life of your battery easily applied s100 prepaid quantity discount to dealers brooks texaco service rri markham ont 21tf cull for free estimates leslie bros air conditioning hot water warm air heating oil burners richard wilson engineering dent apply to f g baker ph stouffville a2t 16tf filing repair shop all kinds of saws scissors etc sharpened also plow shears and skates mens boots and shoes half soled- small lathe work done 20tr isaac smith rear of library phone evenings stouff 01810 or g807 shoe repair your shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair located ix the iioldex iiiock 23tf main street stoiillvillo harold heating air conditioning dealer for howard furnaces and oil burners sales installations service vacuum cleaning 254 phono stouffvillo 60912 n goldkind son purchasers of all kinds of poultry 21tf 427 manning ave toronto phone wa 2s260 or call booths ph 123 stouif aida cleaners cleaning that gives sancx moth protection at no extra cost phone stoiiltvlilr 313 markham 333 6lf ken ogdens garage ra1lantrae all makes of 22lf tractors cars repaired phone slouftvlllc 00024 transportation wanted from hagermans corners to oconnor drive and bermond- sy rd arrive s30 am leave 430 or 5 pm phone agin ls4r4 wanted first mortgage on farm for 1000 apply box w tribune wanted cotswold or leister ram to exchange for this years lamb also guernsey cow for sale phone stouff ville 6670s highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 337m3 36tf dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 3363c gordon young ltd tf farms wanted we have numerous enquiries for farms in this district please contact us 25s joseph qltlvn realtor 218 main st newmarket hone newmarket 1038 days 11137 evenings voters lists township of uybuidge xotick is hereby given that i have complied with section 9 of the voters lists act 1951 and that i have posted up at my office in goodwood on the oth day of november the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list re mains there for inspection and i hkreby call upon all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law the last day for making ap peals being the 19th day of no vember 1954 john ashenhurst clerk township of uxbridge miscellaneous enfd custom corn picking iiic 2row picker mounted on super m guaranteed husking elevator available chas cooper claremont phone 103 custom bulldozing basement excavation back- tilling landscape designing shaping grading ponds drag line available when necessary agent for popular prefab homes cottages garages 9tf art st ec k ley phono stouftvillo 00816 or 00801 albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 3091g 30tf mount albert 4120 preston uros gene and clair excavating grading bulldozing v wm1i in pond free estimate 12tf tb aurora ivlrwikw 74100 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired i hour service c stlxdex richmond hill ph tu 41215 3stf sanitary excavating septic tank tile beds ornamental ponds drains ft ditches of all types manure loadlm 2tf tixoin nnniinoki stoultvllle rri ontario phono 00807 we still have a few start ed chicks left at these bargain prices barred rocks light sussex white rocks white wyandotte black australorp jersey white i giants new hamp new hamp x barred rock light sussex x new hamp new hamp i lt sus sex 2 week old cockerels 1395 pullets sis 95 non- sexed 1795 3 week old add 3c 4 week old add 6c 5 week old add 9c 6 week did add 12c 7 week old add 15c to above prices assorted breeds 2c per chick less white leg horn pullets 2 week old 3295 3 week old 3595 4 week old 3895 5 week old 4195 6 week old 4495 immediate delivery cod also day old chicks and tur key poults tweddle chick hatcheries limited fergus ontario help wanted for sale medium size mc- clary range with shelf and reservoir 19 pc walnut din ing room 6uite modern de sign both in real good con dition apply percy hardy ph 34005 claremont for sale rug size 96 76 ph claremont 36 for sale about 100 of goodyear rubber garden hose standard size in good con dition mrs will gohn pavil ion st unionville ph hoj help wanted immediately male clerk minimum educa tion grade ni excellent op portunity for advancement apply bank of nova scotia markham ph 263 2tf wanted christian to help with housecleaning one day a week ph mrs adams stouff ville 69 business opportunities genuine opportunity to become part of a long estab lished firm 1000 required excellent returns for clean cut man who has the ambition to be his own boss include phone number to box o for sale acme space heater large size coal or wood like new phone stouff 6160s for sale findlay oil space heater medium size in good condition waiter grove ph stouffville 65505 for sale mcclary coal or wood range in ivory enamel with hot water front in good condition 5000 mrs a e weldon ph 172j for sale beef from choice yearling cattle front quarter 30c hind quarter 42c cut wrapped if desired ph 64706 s a stouffer 262 for sale girls skates size 7 only used a few times 4 phone 87w3 stouffville for sale aluminum ribbes roofing special clearance 10 per square call ted alpin co oxford 2005 545 war den ave toronto 262 heater for sale coal circu lating heater large size rea sonable phone stouff 5sw2 young man to work in gro cery store full time good wages 5day week liberal employee benefits pension group insurance holidays with pay apply po box 100 stouffville help wanted reliable woman or girl to help with care of home and children mrs john dowling ph clare mont 33112 cars for sale cars 1951 mercury panel truck low mileage also 1939 plymouth sedan make offer ph stouffville 6310s lost found lost 3 holstein heifers and one black heifer with white head strayed from pasture west of goodwood ph sto 6gj3 an outside toilet was jcft at four corners brougham on halloween night owner may have same by proving proper ty and paying for this ad robt miller brougham large septic tanks installed drain digging tile laying all material supplied for estimates call between 530 and 7 pm 19tf murray baker eagle street newmarket phone 631 mcginness mobile homes trailers are now even a better buy at new lower prices write telephone or visit us and see our new 5 year plan at 6t fin ance rates mcginness mobile homes successor to ottawa trailers limited 2034 dufferin ave toronto ontario 21tf for sale hot water heat er inglis 40 gal 6 mos old 2 1000watt elements price 125 or best offer ph 297j2 stouffville 252 for sale large size condition ville ph i oil space heater fess in excellent bob hall stouff- 2wl 252 found three holstein heifers strayed to our premises about the 1st day of june owner may have same hy proving ownership paying expenses phone claremont 33s03 implements skates we buy sell and trade figure speeder tube and hockey skates good allowance on tradeins on new skates lwvton shoes and repairs markham precast concrete septic tanks delivered and installed york county apprf 7ed brooklln concrete products phone 155 brooklln tf apples most of the better varieties xo 1 and domestic grades j h f r robb concession 8 markham twp i i miles smith nf markham village choose the conde 400 milker for the man who demands hand milked performance conde are never a cause of mastitis now available at new low j us prices special offer present users of condes may exchange their present pulsators free of charge for the new type by paying postage only contict us today 252 jones milling equipment phone urtitl stouflville markham 253 phone 20iij3 friday nov 1 gigantic auction in the stouffville sales pavilion on no 47 hey of dry goods clothing plas tics and many many other useful articles sale is from 15 in the afternoon and 710 in the evening note this is a special sale put on by a reliable wholesale jobber ladies this wu be a chance of a lifetime to buv your fall requirements and start your christmas shopping this is all brand new goods if you have never attended such an auction you are invited to be there everybody welcome dont forget the date friday nov 12 saturday nov 13 auc tion sale of household fur niture dishes and glassware tools etc on no 7 highway twp of vaughan at edgely the property of a buell no reserve terras cash sale at 2 pm sharp ken clarko prentice auctioneers saturday nov 13 exten sive auction sale with some new attractions at the stouff ville sales pavilion on no 47 hgy will be selling fresh springer cows stocker cattle pigs tall sizes horces pou- ies sheep poultry vegetables miscellaneous articles there will also be a special auction of dry goods clothing etc and added feature will be a concession selling a dozen kinds of cheese wholesale from the cheese factory to you dont miss this come and see the many chances be ing made in the pavilion it self everybody welcome sale starts at 1 pm with 3 auction rings going at tho same time dont miss this sale never a dull moment sellers atkinson auction eers hid monday nov 15 auction sale of cattle pigs horses hay grain at lot 4 con 2 township of uxbridge 1 mile north of altona the property of win j mccartney terms cash no reserve sale at 130 pm sellers and atkinson auctioneers monday nov 15 auction sale of dairy herd including fresh cows open heifers calves pig6 horses hay and grain at lot 4 con 2 ux bridge twp 1 mile north of altona the property of wm j mccartney note as the result of an accident the own er is forced to sell his entire livestock without reserve terms cash sale at 130 pm sellers atkinson auc tioneers tuesday nov 16 exten sive auction sale of 65 head of holstein and hereford cattle horses pigs 75 tons of hay 1600 bus grain oliver 77 tractor new in 1950 s ft power binder on rubber near new side rake new s ft cultivator new etc all the machinery is nearly new the property of allan ross lot 12 con 7 scott twp 2 miles south of leaskdale or 4 miles north of uxbridge no reserve sale at 11 am farm sold terms cash ted jack son and reg johnson auc tioneers wednesday nov 17 auc tion sale of hereford short horn poleangus fresh and springer cows also 10 dur ham stockers weighing 650 to 700 held at the farm known as burton car farm vz mile south of barrie at the corner of the 14th concession of innisfil twp and no 11 hgy tho property of stanley applegate note these cattle have all been tb tested and blood tested within the last 30 days terms credit can be arranged with tho owner if arranged before the sale starts sale at 2 pm sellers atkinson auction eers thursday nov 25 auction sale of 20 head of registered and fully accredited blood- tested and vaccinated hol stein cattle case tractor dc model threshing machine alllschalmers hay baler near new a full line of power and farm implements hay grain at lot 2 con 4 whit church twp at gormley the property of geo w barrett no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer real estate i coming events the friendly bible class at brougham church is holding hot supper on friday evening november 12th in the township hall brougham supper from 6 pm until all are served ad mission s5c and 40c for rent 5room house in town available nov 15 adults preferred newly decor ated ph stouflville 21j3 to rent downstairs apart ment 4 ooms with bath ph stoutville 6100 i r i maninoth euchre and lucky reasonable rent 4 rooms draw sponsored by markham with modern conveniences oes veterans hall mark- business people ph clare- ham wed nov 24 1st prize mont si card table and chairs and 19 additional prizes usual euchre ad- to rent modern apartment with all conveniences oil heated phone 32s04 clare mont 262 s m sinclair real estate broker 4000 down north of uxbridge 100 acre farm 73 workable balance bush and pasture good stream barn 60 x 40 pig pen henhouse driving shed srm solid brick house in good repair furnace lots of cupboards asking price s1400u call mr heaton ph 232 1sooo 9s acres rolling sandy loam and bush small stream only 2 miles oft thin milk rd barn 70 x 40 water and hy dro installed drive shed blacksmith shop 3 bedroom stucco house modern kitchen 2 good wells 5000 christmas trees about half cash re quired ask for mr sinclair s m sinclair realtor stouftvillo 32 prizes tickets 3 for 25c mission 3 tickets euchre in the township hall goodwood on friday nov 12 at s30 sharp sponsored by the local loba admission 35c lunch the stoutfville womens in stitute is holding the annual bazaar saturday nov 27th in the united church sunday i school at 3 pm in memoriam wells in treasured memory of our darling daughter ani sister shirley who passed away nov 14th 1941 age 6 years loved remembered longed for always treasured with a love sincere mother daddy t brothors and sisters bennett in loving memory of a dear wife and mother nora steukley bennett who passed away nov 15 1951 o happy hours we once enjoyed how sweet their memory still but death has left a loneliness the world can never till sadly missed and lovingly re membered by her husband george son lames and daugh ters evelyn and dorothy stoultvillc home school asocial ion itaiur afternoon tea and llouu linking st nov- 20th 25 pm every adult visiting our bazaar i gets a free ticket on a hamper j of groceries value 16 see earrv window there will be a 10c fish pond for the children as well as free movies for them while you shop and have a cup of tea transportation to the school from the post othce and back will be provided hunt in loving memory of a dear wife and mother mrs edith hunt who passed away november 14 1953 though her smile is gone for ever and her hand we cannot touch we will never lose sweet mem ories of dear mother we loved so much lovingly remembered by husband and family an afternoon tea will be held in the basement of the united church on saturday november 13th from 35 pm proceeds in aid of the flood relief fund afternoon tea and tea cup reading wednesday nov 17th from 2 to 5 pm at the home of mrs r uoxborough first farm north of melville church on the sixth concession of markham proceeds to go to melville wa well known fortune tellers will be there to read douglas in loving memory of a dear daughter margaret douglas who passed away nov 13 1945 thoughts deeper still than sorrows sacred tears keep fresh the flower of love throughout the years lovingly remembered mother douglas in loving mem ory of margaret douglas who passed away nov 13 1945 looking back with memories upon the path you trod we bless the years we had with you and leave the rest witli god ever remembered by brother and sisterinlaw gordon isobel overland kingston court of revision villagk ok stouffville notice is hereby given that the court of revision of tho village of stouflville will sit at the municipal chambers stouff ville on thursday november is 1951 at 730 oclock pm to hear and consider all appeals filed agalnsl the assessment roll of the municipality for the year 1955 garfield clerk i brown cards of thanks philip we wish to extend lour heartfelt thanks and appre ciation for many nets of kind ness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings re ceived from neighbors relatives and friends with special thanks to rev h lackey for his con soling words in our bereave ment of a loving father the family the stouffville cream anncnmes it will not be open my on friday nights i would like to take this op- iportunity to thnnk my i friends who so kindly sent fruit fiowec and cards and for thlr many of kindness during ecent lllne dkmonstrator clearance sale 1 only singer drophead treadle and stool 2950 1 only singer electric portable i new case and motor 5350 i 1 only singer electric portable i brand new j9i50 1 only singer electric console round bobbin reverre stitch like new regular j23950 now 17950 1 only singer electric console revense stitch round bobbin like new reg 26150 acw 19950 1 only singer electric queen anne reverse stitch console round bobbin like new reg 29950 now 22495 all machines covered by singer guarantee 6 free cwing lessons open friday evening until ooo pm singer sewino centre 102 main si newmarket rhone 1075 dairy feeds toiuvs prices shiirduiit itlnlrli fords 24to dairy con 8100 8100 32t dairy con 9000 8900 24 beef maker 8100 8100 dry fresh feed s3 00 8400 oilcake meal 9fi no cobalt iod salt 3so0 see other feeds listed at com paratively low prices jones milling a equipment phone ztitw 1 stoultvillc goodwood the goodwood womens as sociation met thursday after noon nov 4 at the home of lire g macdougall final plans for the turkey dinner to be held in the united church nov 10 were discussed also final plans for the annual ba zaar which will be held satur day nov 27 mrs r storry took charge of devotional and after scripture reading and lesson thoughts read a paper on spiritual growth mrs r feasfoy supplied readings for the program and these were given by various members lunch was served at the close of the meeting by miss ar- buckle and mrs morgason the december meeting will take place at the home of mrs claude watson keep in mind the merry mixers meeting on friday no vember 12 when the ground observer coups will supply the program the merry mixers play dont darken my door was well received in whitevale last friday evening the play will be given in denbigh nov 13 and victoria square nov 19 scoittr and cubs will both meet thursday evening this week at the same time 730 at this meeting the cubs who are qualified will be received iito the scout group auction sale of cattle pigs houses hav it grain monday noy 15 at lot concession a vvbkiuge twp 1 mile rutth of altona the property of wm j mccartney cattle guernsey cow milking bred in september guernsey cow milking bred in september guernsey cow- september guernsey cow september guernsey cow- september guernsey cow- september shorthorn cow- in september hereford cow milking bred in september hereford cow open 2 shorthorn cows calves by side guernsey heifer 2 years old hereford heifer 1 year old 2 guernsey heifers 1 year old guernsey calf 2 shorthorn heifers calves by side hogs sow due sow due sow due yorkshire hog appro 500 lbs 6 chunks approx 150 lbs hay grain approximately 30 ions of hay approximately 700 bus oats approximately 150 bus wheat horses bay marc bay gcldine note owing to an accident the owner is forced to sell his livestock without reserve terms cash no reserve sale at 1110 pm milking bred in milking i milking bred u milking bred in milking bred ski lars atkinson auctioneers twp ok whitchurch tenders i stouffville municipal counci will conven- in pea session frank boauus thursday evening tenders for treated sand sealed tenders marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 1200 noon saturday november 13 1954 to supply and haul to stock piles at various places in the township as designated by the roads supt approxi mately 500 cubic yards more or le- of and treated with 75 lbs of salt per cubic yard- tenders to state price per vard lowest or m tend essarily accepted road errev dav audley mr and mrs everett quan- trill and jimmy of whitby and mr and mrs david neill and janice of pickering visited mr and mrs dick winter on sun day several from here attended almonds anniversary service sunday evening audley church members are sending a donation to the flood victims fund anyone wish ing to contribute please do so by next sunday congratulations to mr and mrs john ashton on the birth of their daughter on nov 3 mrs george squire and chil dren spent several days last week at her sisters home near orangeville the community club met at the home of mr and mrs j r davidson with a good attend ance the vicepresident bob betson presided following the business mr davidson gave a very informative talk on personnel work marilyn won- nacott played two numbers on her guitar school days and pauls waltz a social half- hour followed the next meet ing will be a box social in the school on december 1 it is nice to see mrs frank puckrin out again after her re cent operation mr t annan is home from the hospital and feeling much better auction sale hereford shorthorn angus fresh springer cows durltnm stockers tb blood tested selling al tho burton car farm half mile south of bnrrie on hgy no 11 at the corner op con 14 innisftl township the property of stanley applegate wednesday nov 17 10 head of durham stockers weigh 650 700 is head of hereford shorthorn and poll angus cows fresh or springing note these cattle have all been tb tested and blood test ed within the last 30 days and show a clean sheet they are also in extra good condition terms credit may be arranged with the owner if arranged be fore the sale sale nt 200 pm sei lbrs atkinson auctioneers the stouffville womens in stitute will be held at the home of mrs truman baxter on thursday nov 18th at 215 pm roll call something of interest from our early life bring ome antique article to be shown the program will be in charge of mrs baxter con vener of historical research voters lists 1954 municipality of the village ok stouffville county of york notice is hereby given that i have complied with section 9 of the voters lists act and that i have posted up at my office at stouffville ontario on the 29th day of october 1954 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at muni cipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law the hist day for appeal being the fifteenth day of no vember 1954 dated this twentyninth day of oct 1954 garfield d brown clerk stouffville ont 252 voters lists township of markham clerks nollre of first posting up of voters list iii1 municipality of the township of mnrkhnm county of york notice is hereby given that i have complied with section 1 of the voters lists act and that i have posted up at my office at buttonvllle on the 5th day of november 1051 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at mu nicipal flections and that such list remains there for inspec tion and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law the last day for ap peals being the 19th day of november 1151 dated at buttonvlllo this 5th day of november 19w charles hoover clerk township of markham note copies of the voters nd current events and her t committee demoastration of i lists are supplied to post offi- r r i stouflidithes made from dried foods cc in iha municipality