fesfe o ribw classified ads on back page no i the tribune stouffville thursday august 12 1954 ten pages town sidewalks create council issue member inreatens resignation junior orphan groundhog gets much attention on n itlor hut k threatens ligiialion fro in conimiiuf over procedure council jiuiicu wins poiut tenders 1 he called e building oi n ita and the re ins but to haw v jui 11 a i nore mo rey to accept t or anv iior dan- d councillor might have ie im in fa- now that the said council- ogden suggested that e contractor be allowed to oceed with the repair work w underway and that tea rs should be called for the w walk to be laid im agreeable to that said of certain bad stretches of i councillor burk the clerk was walk in town ies ogden hay- instructed to proceed to adver- ing been engaged to do the tise for tenders for anew four work under the direction of ft walk on edward st to the the streetsand walks commit- 1 high school a distance of 30u on mate i now much was to de sji wt declared councillor dan iel- work has been proceed i for some days on the repairing markham men are charged with manslaughter terry strain and ken tor rance who fired shots last week in pursuit of chicken thieves on the torrance farm south of town on the 10th con- j cession appeared in magis- trates court at newmarket on tenders have been more of a use of the school and the home tuesday and were charged tee councillors milt burk and and a three ft walk west delbert booth it was also pro- harold st a distance of 66 ft posed at an earlier council objects to walk width meeting that a fiveft walk be j mr len buckland objected laid on the west side of ed- strongly to the live ft walk in ward st from harold st north r 0 his place on edward to the new high school and a st stating that while he was narrower strip on the north j 0 being asked to pay for fif- stle of harold to join with al- ty percent of a three ft walk bori st hg had no intention of shovel- in reply to councillor dan- ling snow on a five ft walk he ie- reeve ogdeji stated im j contended that the walk was not of that opinion in the past i being built primarily for the upper school results are announced junior an orphaned ground hog is the centre of attrac tion at the shadow lake girls camp north of stouff- ville operated by the t eat on co ever since the pet was found abandoned by its mother camp counsellors have befriended the little fellow he was feci by hand until he was able to enjoy clover carrots and grownup fare on special occasions the girls give him watermelon and cantelope pictured above is miss joan scott 17 one of the camp staff girls watching junior nibble on a carrot hindrance than a help the owners should not be penal reeve went on to elaborate hisjized with the wide walk statement saying that when the reeve ogden stated that the lowest tender was accepted in walk was necessary because of the past poor workmanship heavy traffic it would be expect- had been the result cd to ear he added that if well at least tenders clear mr buckland refused to pay the council and contractor re- 1 his share the new walk could plid councillor daniels be put under local improve- lariier in the meeting mr intent and all would be obliged lea buckland had appeared to pay for it on their taxes before council and among other j however he said that this was complaints which lie registered a much more costly way of was the question a to why ten- 1 proceeding on a small job ders were not being called for as to the matter of snow tiie sidewalk which runs in shovelling councillor ratclilf front of his houe on edward stated that folks have io shovel st and for which he is being their side walks on main st aked to pay a krtion on 12 frontage i wasnt under the impres sion that the committee was to all the way to the public school reeve ogden staled that all the home owners with the ex ception of mr buckland had present a report to council or j indicated to him their willing- it would have been done statness to pay their share of the ed councillor booth walk mr buckland said i to date council has heard wont pay one cent until i nothing no two councillors know whos going to have to should take on a 2000 expen diture without consulting coun cil 1 dont think your price can be beat but that isnt the point continued councillor daniels when the question arose of nl pping the present contrac tor who is engaged in the re pair work and calling for ten ders councillor burk stated if you do that ill resign the committee chairmanship its only a matter of form when that amount of money is to be spent said councillor daniels shovel the snow and im not going to do it the view was expressed that the town bylaw merely stated that all walks must be shovell ed with no mention of varying widths councillor daniels suggested that possibly a four ft walk would be sufficient and this is the width for which tenders are being called it was agreed that the tender price would have to be known regardless of how the walk was paid for and would definitely need to be known if the walk was built with manslaughter as the re sult of the death of one of the men escaping with the chick ens the men were remanded by magistrate bartrem until august 24th robt puddicomb one of the brothers charged with the rob bery was sentenced to three months in jail and peter pud- dicombe 16 another brother involved in the same crime was given one year probation perhaps we erred in the under local improvement delegation asks delay in dissolving school area waul new vote on ismu a thirtysix man app red before township council regular meeting o r esting that the to be llilil tc tie a and be two on i- paye their area down at the last election since i that time a bylaw to dissolve j the area board was forwarded delegation to the bept of education and uxbridge has beet approved the separ- at their ate school sections comes into montlti effect jan 1st ctrheni we shouldnt be taken to vhich the task for our action on the ea would matter staled reeve ball individual we only did what the rate- requested and theres ting we can do now to stop we must carry out the wishes of the people pointed out the reeve chairman of the public man hospitalized in cartruck crash at gormley a cartruck collision on don mills rd one and onehalf miles south of here early saturday sent charles p phillips 47 of browning ave toronto to to ronto general hospital with critical head injuries bound for the family cottage at royal beach lake simcoe mr phillips was the lone occu pant of his car when it collided with a 3600pound truck load cd with sand the truck driver albert e carey 1 of agincourt said he was southbound when he saw the car approaching he dim med his lights and so did the car but suddenly the cars lights brightened it shot across the road and crashed into the door of the truck he said the side of the car was ripped off but it continued on for 92 feet before plunging into the roadside ditch and striking a telegraph pole mr phillips was thrown 52 feet from the wreck age landing on the pavement police said markham police chief clar ence wideman investigated the crash carey was uninjured phillips was rushed to toronto general hospital for emergency urgery over 160 attend annual wideman bible school more than 160 pupils have uxbridge twp tax rate drops 13 mills a drop of 25 mills for town- attended the annual wideman ship purposes aided uxbridgi township council to strike a mill rate of 4005 for 1951 in comparison with 41s mills last year this is an overall de orease of 13 mills in 1953 the mill rate for township pur poses was set at 125 council decided that a rate of 10 mills would be sufficient for 1954 the countv rate is 111 high school 66 township 10 public school 134 union ss no 1 s8 mills the sharpest increase was noted in the public school rate which equaled 134 mills as compared with 118 mill last year the increase was due to a loss of 3600 in grants through the dissolving of the area system bible school on the sth con cession of markham the church has been operating summer bible school for the past is years mr elmer burkholder is the director this year the bovs and girls range in age from four to eleven years there are eleven classes and thirteen teachers on friday evening of this week the closing exercises will be held in which all parents and friends are invited to attend the teachers in charge at the school are jos grove arthur byer ada hoover mrs edna roberts mrs thomas grove lome mcdowell elsie hoover pearl grove mrs herb reesor mrs elmer burkholder mrs las greenwood arlene fretz and edith wambold he delegation i en now the ratepayers compare the ud then illow the rate- votc for tween the alt em and the school dr w it v for the deleg ti n typed brief to cot above proposals man ited a board eldred trged that coun- jporatc with the the approa down said mr oe was horseshoe tourney here aug 28th on saturday aug 2sth the stout ville horseshoe club will hold a local tournament all members are requested to qualify before that date any new members who wish to compete in the tourney are welcome there will be good prizes the event will com mence at s pm change voting hours in uxbridge twp at the regular meeting of uxbridge twp council on mon day evening a bylaw was pass ed to change the voting hours in the municipality the polls will now be open from 10 am to 7 pm the change was made in order that residents employ ed outside the township might have time to vote on returning home formerly the voting hours extended from 9 am to 5 pm damage to sheep by dogs in uxbridge twp continues to mount a bill was presented from mr r mcconnell sth concession amounting to 100 this included four sheen killed and one wounded pointed ro wav mi that he ticize c ilc for couni wit i- enactment of the bylaw the issue could be given icr consideration nornwn w kr of good- i roan i the towns quiprtu reeve the first delegation oppos- eouncil was never inc the area sytem had no jy ne school grounds on wnich to base an before the july 1st election stated chairman countered reeve catherwood we were told on another vote should be the called the attitude of i quite cap- j ratepayers has changed time continued mr provincial grant increased to town t hrotigh negotiations by clerk gar brown the pro vincial grant to stouflville for this year has been increased about 100 the original grant was based on the 1951 census and clerk brown waited on the dept of municipal affairs and protested this small fig ure as a result the grant is now based on the 1953 assess ment figure of 1s93 and am ounts to 2s3950 this per capita grant is new for 1951 and is in lieu of the previous one mill subsidy which was given all munici palities taxpayers will note that a synopsis of the grant appears on all tax bills this year the rejkrt from the dept of municipal affairs was inter esting in the fact that it includ ed all population figures of stouffvihe since 1901 at that time the population was 1223 figures are as fol lows up to date 1901 pomilation 1911 mrs eleanor crossen advances in prov bowling finals last week at kingston mrs eleanor crossen of stouffvihe captured the district singles lawn bowling championship in competition with ladies from ottawa toronto and kingston mrs crossen now advances in to the provincial finals and will represent eastern ontario in the ladies singles the championship math will be played on tuesday aug 24th her opposition will be a mrs cherry of london ont 1921 1931 1941 1951 1952 1953 1223 1034 ia3 1155 1233 1605 17ss 1s93 many j since c own busu tins st bv the a catherwood the figure for 1954 while not official is expected to ex- wo thousand tor aks inncase question of more water discussed by council although the problem is un der the jurisdiction cf the pub lic utilities commission town council in stouffvihe discussed at some length the question of getting increased water pres sure in town councillor dan iels stated that during one fire brigade practice thus year not a drop could be squeezed from one of the hydrants at the east end of town for the problem of lawn wa tering it was suggested that perhaps hours should be stag gered as it was found when everyone was using the two hours provided between six and eight oclock in the eve ning some taps in town would give little more than a trickle council expressed the view that there was plenty of water on reservoir property but the time was coming when some means of getting more of it to town would have to be dealt with and it was doubted if the present main line alone was sufficient to carry a large enough supply more and more homes were being built and subdivisions were being opened up and while council made no concrete proposal the prob- om was a serious one to be faced sooner or later note 1 751 1001 ii 661 74 111601 051 cr 501 591 bovd arnold hlst cr geom cr bet cr zoo cr burkholder margaret eng comp i eng lit i hist i geom ill trig ill zool 1 chem i fr au 1 fr comp ii coultice jim ec cr geom cr bat cr zool cr phys ill chem ii foord ray ec ill e lit cr hist ii bot cr zool cr chem cr frisby graham ec cr e lit 11 hit ii geom cr trig i phys i chem ii fr au cr fr comp cr hartwick marie ec cr bot cr hisey barbara hist cr zool cr fr au ill fr comp cr hood gloria ec ill hist cr bot cr zool cr chem cr fr au ii fr comp ii hood marilyn e comp ii keffer bettv lou ec ill e lit cr hist cr bot cr zool ill chem cr fr au cr fr comp cr lewis carole hist cr geom cr bot ill zool cr lintner ann bot cr chem cr mcmullcn william ec cr e lit cr alg ii geom 1 trig i fr au cr fr comp iii mile edward ec cr hist ill phys ill chem ii scnell marie ec cr hist ill zool ill fr au cr fr comp cr smith june ec i e lit ii hist ii geom ill trig ii zool ii chem ill fr au ill fr comp iii smith patricia ec cr e lit cr hist ii geom ii trig ii zool hi chem 1 fr au iii fr comp hi stover catherine ec cr e lit cr thompson glenn alg ii trig ii bot ii zool ii phvs i chem ill fr au iij fr comp cr white margaret e c cr e lit cr hist cr geom ill bot ill zool ill chem h fr au cr fr comp iii young man is seriously injured as car snaps off pole and rolls over two youths miraculously es caped injury while another was rushed to hospital when their car careened out of con trol on the 9th concession at bloomington on sunday eve ning the auto driven by ar thur harding sth concession of whitchurch rolled over 3 times snapped off a telephone pole and came to rest against a tree most seriously injured was ronnie wilson of stouff vihe who suffered a broken arm cuts and bruises the other passenger jim auckland of mt albert although thrown from the wrecked vehicle was unhurt the car was proceeding south when it suddenly swerved out of control and into the ditch nearby neighbors were quick ly on the scene and they lifted the overturned auto off hard ing who was pinned beneath it auckland was thrown clear and was not found until some min utes later dr smith of stouff vihe rendered first aid treat ment to wilson before he was taken to the toronto east gen eral hospital the car is a to tal wreck twp of whitchurch buys new grader at a special meeting of whit church township council on thursday evening a new model 112 caterpillar road grader was purchased from the geo w crothers equipment at a net cast of 10s47 seven tenders were submitted ranging in price from 13000 to 19000 the machine will be fully equipped and ready for serv ice following approval from the dept of highways a proposed subdivision com prising 10 lots on in 11 con s was turned down by council the members feared that a se rious school problem would re sult if such an approval were granted dorothy mover and cousin margaret schell from orillia are holidaying this week at lake rosseau muskoka reoiling some town streets part of church st and tenth st have been reoiled by the bruel paving co and a new top has been placed on obrien ave the reoiling was done gratis because of council com plaints on the previous job done and the new top on o brien ave was done with the town bearing the cost of ma terial only council had previously dis cussed the oiling and express ed dissatisfaction with the work the view was expressed that much of the oil ran off when it was done during a rain and m other places it did not take because of the wet roads councillor burk chairman of the road committee stated that the original oil was of a much lighter grade than that used in the second application a total of 14021 gallons of oil was used at a cost to the town of 337746 the matter of allowing blake st to remain open to burk holder st came up for discus sion thursday night and coun cil agreed that while the short stretch between the two streets was very narrow it should be left open as a convenience and some repair work be done on it with gravel mrs ray fleury has return ed home after undergoing an operation in the womens col lege hospital toronto cups anil saucers 95 at reesor sale one of the best furniture auc tion sales in years was the way in which auctioneer ken pren tice described the recent sale of the furniture belonging to the estate of the late mrs menno reesor dishes were ex ceptionally high cups and sau cers running as high as 5 a chest of drawers brought 150 quilts sold from 10 to 15 each a washstand 30 and an ancient melodion 50 mrs g r w thomas is back at her home on church st soccer league game here sat i after a visit with hor sister in ni under the lights i omemee insufficient care in road work reeve lemasurier it was denied ard chairman ct a resolution iuncii sent into itlon con- regard to the a communication was let us forget the past and eeived from assessor e r s good asking that his alary be ncreased and cited the recent ed area board member wan beach the council should re friends will be interested to learn that rev geo robin- former pastor at melville ls slowly recovering from an at- itack of pneumonia and expects bvjthouzht can be given the ques and i nw m will be brought jaime i fore council replied reeve well as the fact that the job is becoming continually wore in volved mr goods salary was the spring from cheque artist nabbed by provincial police it is expected that over one hundred charges of cheque for gery will be filed against ed mund thomas taken into cus tody recently by the ontario provincial police at orange- vllle this is the same man who cashed three forged cheques in stouffvihe last november am ounting to nearly fifty dollars according to reports received by local chief w s hilliard thomas of no known address attempted to cash a had cheque at an orangcville service sta tion however before the at tendant handed over the mon ey he checked the legality of the endorsers signature and discovered it to be forged he immediately notified the opp and the man was arrested he is wanted by vandorf stouff vihe and whitby provincial police as well as many others in various parts of ontario if something could be done to annexation as one of his rea- so i the hospital about iod the bylaw until further sons for aking the increase as august lslh mr and mrs rob ins have been visiting in tl- old country and i was here that he was taken ill on julv phe couple wish to thank births whitemr and mrs herb white are happy to announce the arrival of a son at the brierbush hospital on aug 1951 a brother for allan the i question the area si jtem save opera 1 1 nave i rued the c land council dircctiivl a frk jve bovdrrolph and bra are written during mr robins council contended ness their address u iscureonj was now that tnu matter had albert ave hull yorki ot oi their hands j ready been deal with for i8ushire england happv to announce the birth their on on saturday the need for patching on john st a hardtop road be tween thornhil and bayview ave is proof of insufficient care in our road building in the past declared reeve alf lemasurier during a special meeting to discuss this prob lem on monday night the road in question was paved a year ago by beamish construction co with the township providing the recom mended gravel for the base test holes were made in the road recently under direction of the dept of highways and it was found in some cases that little foundation material was present there had been cer tain irregularities over the building of the road at the time covering a period of two years but the department finally agreed to pay the subsidy the reeve related at monday nights meeting representatives of thornhili police village mr buchanan who was road superintendent at the time the road was paved and mr beamish and his engineer were all present a report was placed before markham council bv their own engineer mr jack howard on the condition of the road and the developments which had taken place concerning the patching the report read as follows members of road committee township of markham dear sir and madam this is with regard to the pavement on john street from yonge street to the bridge east of johnson avenue early this spring the thorn- hill trustees arranged with beamish construction to apply hot patch in several locations where the pavement was cracking a representative from that firm approached the writer and recommended that they also apply this patch to parti of john street east of the village limits all of this work was completed early in may within two weeks it was noticed that most of these patches were starting to creep and lift and this condition has become steadily worse beamish construction has been quite concerned about this condition and last week mr dohertv of that firm arranged with mr roy baker of the department of high ways to take some tests with an auger these tests showed that the cracking occurred at places where the pavement was laid on next to no founda tion one tct hole showed crass section of subsoil top soil 4 inches of gravel and 2 to 3 inches of pavement a road of this tvpe hould have been stripped of a ton soil and then had at least 6 inches of gravel before placing the asphalt actually mr baker advised that he would think a road of this tvpe should really have about an is inch gravel base before placing the asphalt at this point it is hard to know what to do obviously it is impossible to go back and put in a proper foundation without ripping the whole pavement ud and this is not oo practical actually the road august 7th 1s5 a brother would probably stand up for for aian brian and kathy a good number of years except for the fact that it is taking a lot of heavy traffic one solu tion could be to put about 3 more inches of asphalt on top of that which exists thereby forming a pavement of suffici ent mass to withstand the effects of the poor foundation at this time the beamish construction co has agreed to scrape off the remaining patch in those places where it has peeled our road department will then try to seal the cracks in the pavement by using a spray patch your comments concerning this matter will be appreciated j a howard engineer and road superintendent following this report reeve lemasurier summarized the past history of the job on john st in the following words the poor condition of the pavement on john street east of yonge st in thornhili has come to my attention and the road committee has received a report from the engineer of the road department this bears out my belief that there has not been sufficient care exercised in the construction of roads in the past you will recall that in july 28 1952 my following resolu tion was voted down that council receive a written monthly progress report from the road superintendent re garding finances and construc tion schedule 1 am not bringing this up to embarrass or to throw any asperions on any former mem ber of council employee con struction company or the de partment of highways but for the purpose of acquainting the public with some facts which sometimes become distorted i feel that the facts should be laid before the people of markham township so that this 195 council may be absolved from anv blame for the condition which now exists on john street i believe that the laxity in the road department has been rompletclv overcome with the hiring of our engineer mr jack howard and with the installation of proper book keeping methods as recom mended by the auditor in 1952 while we cannot turn back the pages of time and correct past mistakes a situa tion of thi kind should never occur again on april 11th 1952 the following resolution was car ried moved bv mr c hooper and seconded by mr a lennie that we iastruct the k j beamuh construction com pany ta carry out their con tract of paving john street at the price submitted to council to the bridge subsequently the work was performed on august 26th 1952 the following resolution was car ried moved bv mr a james and seconded by mr c hoo per that we request the ontario department of high ways for the usual subsidy on s1612500 being the cost of paving john street you will note this resolution was several months after the contract was let and the pav ing completed and i believe continued on page 6