more and more tulips being grown from holland tips when purchasing upholstered furnishings comfort is the first consideration here when you shop try sitting la various chesterfields and chars make sure you can rise eejv without a mighty effort if a chair u loo deep and soft to move around in you wont be coaiortabe for ions a piece just a little firmer and higher will suit you better dont be taken in bv peces with very wide arms they serve no purpose and only lake up floor space in vour home a lawson sofa or a contemporary one is your best buy take note dont judge upholstered furniture by its weight strensth and light ness count more bircb ash or maple frames are stroug dowel joints or mortise and tenon joints also spell strength ak the sales man about the webbing which should be strong and firmlv tacked springs should be closely fitted to gether the number varies according to the grade of furniture from 9 to ii on a good chair down to 6 to 8 on lowqualitv furniture above the springs there should be a cover of heavy burlap filling of moss a mixture of moss and hair or foam rubber incidentally foam rubber doesnt always guar antee quality in lowpriced lines it might only be a lha slab rounded out with cot ton in good furniture the foam is thick molded and carefully sjiaped your best guide to upholstered furniture is a reputable manufac turer and a price that means qual ity its poor economy lo buy cheap upholstered furniture any type of furniture for that matter shop around and compare styles construction and prices before you buy ask a lot of questions then pay the best price you can afford you wont be sorry the tribune stoufmjle ont thursd fto lfl elder sister first j at double wedding send thank you notes gift with esteem from holland land of the tulips tome 50000 tulips presented to the people of canada on the occasion of canadas second annual na tional tulip festival growing in the canadian capital like a multi colored blanket of brilliant beauty the tulips sent by the associated bulb growers of hol land queen eros painted lady and many more picturesque names malak well known ot tawa photographer 1io look this photograph recently returned from holland where he photo graphed the great tulip fields and found the dutch people exception ally friendly to canadian with a deep sense of gratitude for the part canaians played in the liber ation of the netherlands choose night attire with practical eye two factors are important in buying night wear prettiness and practicality fortunately in this age of nylon practicality is no longer a problem perhaps sou have always bought night dresser without trying them on before you purchase in buying your trousseau however insist on trying on our night dresses choose them for fit prettiness cut and a color which is flattering to your skin tones we recommend two long and two short because of the popularity of short housecoats nothing is more unbecoming than a crisp short breakfast coat worn over a long sheer night dress if you can afford more night dresses in your trousseau we recommend sheer cool cottons such as batiste for hot summer nights a doable wedding is two w3- dines at one ceremon the invitations carry two sets of names end should rvad mr aud mrs henry blair fisher request the honor of vour presence at the marriage of their daughters helen mane to mr john burton hdl act j nancy man n to mr alfred ar nold morgan the elder sister js named first and goes up the aiie first there may be two sets of at tendants or one each bride goes up the iisle in dividually the father escorting the elder sister and an uncle brother of friend of the family escorting j the jounger j in the receiving line the brides mother stands first then the first grooms father mother second grooms father mother bndes father elder sister her groom younger sister her groom and the attendants j at the bridal table the seating i is the same as usual except that the second bride and her groom sit between the first groom and maid of honor there may be two wedding cakes or one the elder sister cuts the cake first and is toasted her groom re plies for her the younger sister then cuts the second slive of the cake or the first slice of her own cake end is toasted individually her groom re plies for her and proposes a toast to the bridesmaids when gift is received j happy the bride who on her pose get your mother or your sis- wedding morning looks at her ued- iter or our best friend to take dins fitits with a clear conscience charge of entries no matter how no sense of guilt over unwritten noble your spirit you cant do thankyou notes to haunt her ho- everything alone neymoon no shrinking from meet- ins aunt nellie at the reception because the w hatoaearthdovou j thmkitis that she sent has been i neglected and its easier to write the notes as the gifts arrive and your spirits are effervescing with j do write as vividly a you can remembering hat the teacup or lamp or set of china an question will probably become an integral part of your home 1 dont sign yourself it writing happiness over the good wishes of our marriage pf- relatives and friends s mrs h tb t wedding gifts bv their very na- l ls bu lure deserve specially worded and j jii charming thankyou notes most of f mention the ar them are selected with a thought vie somewhere in the note if it that thev will take their special h to be one of thoc uney place in your new home some of iplainablc things that the whole bn- them as silver and crystal you i dal p has guessed about and ax i will have all vour life others wilt no u has he found cal1 a iwitl be part of the happiest months piece of glass silver or what of your life though they may not be meant to last through the years express vour enjoyment in a per sonal message that will truly show the gratitude you feel a list of dos 1 do purchase your papers and stamps ahead of time and work at a big desk or table with plenty of good equipment 2 do as the gifts arrive and are unpacked enter the number of the present name and donor date and not 3 dont stop your note as soon as youve said thank you al ways have at least a sentence on another subject 4 dont think youre being board- ingschoolish to be enthusiastic most people especially the older love it home delivery increases use it has been proved that norms description in the gift list of a i delivery of milk increases the use book made especially for this pur- of milk in the home modern bride should follow rules of etiquette set years ago subjection of women is almost forgotten today soft color tones traditional white always popular with bridestobe more than any other time of the year spring is most in harmony with the bride it is the season of promise of awakening of flow ered landscapes and washed skies if you arc to be a springtime bride youll fill the church with apple blossoms or masses of lilacs or acres of daffodils and youll choose a dress of cro- cucrisp organdy pure silk organ za or shantung lace and satin or drifting nylon tulle neckline news youll search for the neckline that suits you best it may be prim and high or very antebellum and offshoulder your sleeves may be any length from long to non existent but whatever your choice the bodice will be tight and shapely the skirt will be fabulous ly full and the whole dress will be a paean of praise to love love love youl consider color as well as white but color at its subtlest beginnings pink blue and ivory that are the fain echoes of the three primaries red blue and yel low you will want to consider from as well as color and learn how- to create he illusion of a tiny waistline how to make your skirts bell out yet further than they do already a small comfortable waistcinch gently boned and art- j ully cut docs the former if your skirl is really bouffant a taffeta bombast that rings your hips with small hoops does the latter over this for a still more dramatic effect you should add one or more crinoline petticoats gathered onto a single flat hip- band and over all these under pinnings like a grace note you might add a taffeta petticoat band ed around the bottom with pale blue satin as most wedding dres ses have ide or offshoulder neck lines choose a strapless bra thats well fitted if you arc wearing a veil of heirloom lace give it form by having it draped over a horse hair shape made by your milliner headdresses and do observe the tend in bridal headdresses today theyre all small and close fitting often no more than an elaborate head clip to which your veil is attached the veil itself may be shoulderlength fingertip length or long and trail ing depending on the overall for mality of your wedding there is one veil trick you may want to use a tiny lining veil of very pale pink worn under the white one will do subtle miraculous things for your skin aud coloring cut il extremely short and no one will even know that its there theres another trick that makes sense too and it has to do with your gloves if you plan to wear them cut a slit in the seam of your ring fingei so you can free it during the cere mony without removing the entire glove simple slippers slippers should be simple and above all comfortable you might dye them a delicate blue in re cognition of the old tradition or you may want them trimmed with a bit of lace or spray or orange blossoms flowers are as much an intrinsic part of a wedding cos tume as the veil there is a pro perly proportioned bouquet for every bride it is merelv a matter of determining with the help of your florist the one that is exactly right for your height and type of wedding dress look at the bouquets in photo graphs 3nd notice how far remov ed they are from the overpower ing ones that you see in oldtime wedding pictures centre of attraction you should be the centre of at tention and your flowers merely a charming accessory if your dress has a romantic feeling con sider a nosegay ringed with a ruffle of tulle or lace little departures from tradition point up your wedding with individ uality and charm married women are very fortu nate in our time they are almost the equal of men before the law in fact you may look at your hus band and say what is yours is mine and what is mine is my own it used to be that a woman occu- pied a position of complete econo mic subjection to her husband ac cording to the law husband and wife were one person and that per son was the husband the moment a woman married all her real pro perty came under his control true he could not sell it without her con sent but he could collect all the rents and profits from it and do as he wished with them even the ownership of any jewelry or furni ture a wife might have brought with her did not rest in her after marriage in the unlikely case that she worked he could collect her pay welltodo women were of course often protected from hese unfortunate consequences of the law by marriage contracts per haps arranged by a thoughtful and affectionate father a reform of these unhappy condi tions was begun in england by the married womens property act of 1881 and 1882 the provisions were made applicable in canada except in quebec where marriage con tracts are usual in 1890 and there have been many improvements since that time canadian women now own property in their own right and are so independent that they have forgotten the disabilit ies which their predecessors suf fered making will is necessity even for newlyweds choose wedding music with extreme care although you the bride may not be conscious of the music which will be played on that day the im portance of the music cannot be underrated il establishes the mood in the church before you enter and it provides the background for the whole ceremony as soon as you set the date for your wedding and have called on hie clergyman lo confirm it you should consider the music the church organist should be consut- cd to be certain he is free on that day discuss with him the size of the wedding and if it will be for mal or informal this is most im portant as music for weddings var ies together you and tin organist should work out the program if you are anxious to have a friend or relative play instead of the regular organist at the church consult him anyway as it is pos sible he may object to someone else playing this is his prerog ative and you must give ui grace fully the music can be from a wide range for the larger wedding it can be heavier music than you would choose for a small wedding anv of these arc quite correct deck thyself my soul with glad ness by bach be thou but near by bach cesar francks chorale in a minor handels concerto number 10 small wedding for this type you might consider schuberts or gounods ave ma ria borowskis sonata iu a mi nor or mendelssohns on wings of s3ng music to be sung if you decide to have a choir present ihey will probably sing while you are signing the resistar the delightful hymn the lord is my shepherd set to the tunc of crimond was the one sung al the wedding of queen elizabeth 11 the lords prayer is often sung but perhaps too often as the beau tiful words are lost in the so-fnm- lliar melody soloists will have many good sug gestions as to what he or she is accustomed to sing at weddings if possible accept what they siig grooms expenses few as compared to family of bride the groom must pay for the en gagement ring the wedding ring the marriage licence and the cler- gymans fee which should he any where from ten dollars up depend ing on the scale of the wedding though it seldom exceeds twenty- five this fee cheque or crisp new bills js put in an envelope and cither sent in advance to the cler gyman with a kind note or-deliver- cd to him just before the cere mony bv the best man florists bill a florists bill will be sent to the groom for the bouquet of the bride her goingaway corsage button holes for himself the best man the ushers his father and prospec tive fatherinlaw and corsages for your mother and his own the bride and her mother will actually make all of the arrangements with the florist but grooms mother should be consulted as to her pre ferences the groom should give suitable gifts lo the best man and ushers ii is a sound idea if he also pro vides them with lies and cloves so that these will be alike if a bach- lors dinner is given il should nev at a time when you are contem plating a long life of wedded bliss there is something inherently re pugnant about the thought of death and wills nevertheless it must be recognized that marriage is a ser ious step and that to make careful and prudent arrangements for a future which must be open lo the usual chances of human life can only be taken as an evidence of affection professor clyde auld of the uni versity of torontos department of law points out that in actual fact everybody has a will the law making il for you if you do not ex ercise the privilege of doing it for yourself the only difficulty is that you may not like what the law decides consider facts here are some facts for your consideration by law a mans old will becomes invalid when he mar ries if a man dies leaving a wife and no children and he has made no will or has not made a now will at the time of his marriage he will die intestate then his wife will get the first 5000 twothirds of the balance will go to his wife and onethird of the balance will go to his nextofkin if there is no nextofkin this third will go to the crown if a wife dies intestate and leav es only a husband only onehalf of her estate will go to her relatives even if much of the wifes money came from the earnings of her hus band and there is no will her people will get half of it both need wills it is particularly necessary pro fessor auld warns in these days of frequent automobile accidents that both husband and wife should make wills if a wife dies immedi ately after she had inherited her husbands property then this pro perty would be dealt with under her will the complications which can arise in particular cases are infin ite in number and it would ob viously be very wise for any pros pective bride and groom to make wills which arc to come into force the day they many make changes you will want to change your wills of course as your circum stances change hut this is easy to do do not imagine however you can make written notes on vour will yourself and thus change it no you must go to your lawyer and either write a new will if the changes involved are fundamental or else add a short postscript or codoci to your will changing cer tain sections the world is a glorious place and you arc ready to dance your way into a buoyant and satisfying fit ture since you received your en gagement ring your thoughts have centred on visions of white tulle radiant faces of your loved ones rich music in a candlelit church and the handsome man who will await you at the altar as that day approaches your life will be come even fuller as the whirl of details about its planning build up to a crescendo the phrase wedding etiquette need not frighten you actually it is an all encompassing phrase to cover certain guiding rules which are the result of many generations of combined experiences canadian wedding etiquette differs from the british or american ways and yet adopts many of the nicest quali ties of each those who come to canada from other countries will do well to conserve some of their old and established customs to enrich the ceremony begin the plans for your happy- marriage by recognizing the fact at the outset that money and mar riage marriage and money are inevitably connected the first questions at the beginning of any wedding planning must be- how much can i afford to spend the second question centres on how you will spend this money musts come first your heart may be set on a traditional wedding and a glamor ous full length dress with a train but it is wise to realize that such a wedding demands a few musts engraved invitations a white aisle carpet a canopy at the church will be necessary there should be a bridal dinner before or after the rehearsal the manner of dressing the groom the fathers and moth ers and bridesmaids must follow suit with formal or informal attire in fact it will establish the pro cedure of your whole wedding it may be that like so many brides nowadays you are to mar ry a man who is not yet estab lished you may therefore feel that a large proportion of your money should go to buying a good all season wardrobe for yourself in this case you may elect to be married in a three quarter length dress which will reduce your ex penses and simplify dressing for the rest of the wedding party the smportant point about how- to spend your money is to make sure you really take lime to think over the possible alternatives and to choose the type of wedding which will bring you personally most happiness the date begin with a tentative date and then see what you can do to bring into agreement the interest of all those concernucd to begin with of course are the wishes of you and the groom yourselves then your parents first and those of the groom second must be consulted allow as much time as possible for planning three months is not too long you may wish to be married in your own church or chapel and find that only certain dates are available will your dressmaker have time to look after you even the florist must be consulted well in advance what about a caterer taxis a photographer and the place of the reception choosing a wedding date really involves assembling the various interests and services involved and getting them all to coincide at one point wedding guests the problem of whom to invite lo a wedding often presents con siderable difficulty there are your own friends and you as the bride will want to give first place to them and then there are the friends of both families concerned it may be a mercenary matter to mention but it is well to re member that the families friends will probably produce more worth while presents for you than your own friends who will likely be young in addition deference to the wishes both of your parents and his parents will no doubt be much appreciated parents do not like to feel that their sole place your lives is confined to the payment of bills invitations the lists of those to receive invitations and announcements should be typed and in the hands of the brides mother at least six week in advance the groom should take the responsibility of seeing that his mother produces an intelligible list and not one that contains such items as aunt fan- and uncle jim with no ad dress wedding notebook a looseleaf notebook of models- ate size is strongly recommended as the salvation of the sanity- of the mother of the bride who usu ally bears the brunt of wedding arrangements if all the wedding information is collected within the covers of one book the feeling of distraction and inability to cope with such a mass of detail tends to disappear one section can be given to tha alphabetical names of those invit ed and as acceptances come in a red checkmark can be used a following section may contain the list for announcements another a list of gifts received another tho reception arrangements another the church arrangements another the order given to the florist an other the mounting costs and trou seau purchases and a final sec tion which should be placed first in the book labelled cur rent in it you may note down various appointments and al tha odds and ends which occur to yoa to get done such as have the hall rug cleaned and take oh the screen door clothes trousseaw if you have made your early do cisions wisely and have a general budget to guide you you will find less difficulty in deciding how to spend the specific sum you allot to clothes the wedding gown and the golngaway ensemble demand first consideration it is wise to choose a wedding dress which can be worn later either as it is or with some alteration your going- away ensemble will of course be come an integral part of your wardrobe begin with a list of what clothes you have and of what you need and buy those things first this procedure will steer you away from buying expensive items which look thrilling but which you may have very little occasion to wear it is wise to buy an allseason trousseau so that you wont need to ask your new husband to make any large outlay for at least a year do nevertheless see that you get a clothing allowance however small from the beginning of your married life otherwise your husband will be led to false con clusions about the cost of dressing a wife convertible trousseau is best for honeymoon choosing music you and the organist will prob ably have quite a discussion about the program listen to his sugges lionsits his long expert mm a wonderful counsel you have any particular favorites make them known lo hini your one guiding principle should bv to choose great music religious uithcine under no circumstances should it be scniipopular in fact the lord ls my shepherd heal you find some miisic is hann willans eternal love ed in churches such as o prom- 1 cause and v uveyou truly i complete essentials even if our church allows them jt 0 or a ucauiuui eveimm oat you would be wise to avoid sclec- 1 i- l nt a w pclfl llif i at anv rate something which will lion- like these as ihey are not 1 uuucu ii cuuuiy h hcart considered suitable j js inac of dls the expenses of the honeymoon wedding marches liiietion bctvcen a formal and an are the responsibility of the groom you will probably choose the informal wedding actually the unless of course some kind ire- nil i l u erpiimnl w nreciselv the same latlve has provided a cheque spcci- bridal lhorus torn lohengrin j ceremonial u prcuscis uu saint i t ijj i iu sugges- possinie accept wnai i icy k i i docs particularly well frivolous for bride m tehscr llmia vberc1 customary for the groom r yu walk- bcellmve 1 give the bride a wedding gift- of s jjgjb- can rise lo a jewel or a fur cape which she can wear on her wed ding clay so much the better if not then perhaps a mother of pearl compact to carry on her wedding day or a beautiful evening bag the clothes you take on your honeymoon ought to combine a number of very special virtues for one tiling they must be in credibly becoming for another they niusi have easy odaptability to different places different moods and different times of day a suit and or a dress with- jacket combination are indispens- ables for the summer bride the dress might be a variation on the simple classic shirtwaist style if its a print it should be a rather small and inconspicuous one that can be worn again and again the acket is often made of a con trasting fabric thai will look well with other items in a wardrobe match the dress is more casual and equally adaptable the low cut sleeveless or strapless dress with a cover up jacket is another com bination thats hard io beat its superbly suited to summer so journing in either town or country provided the fabric isnt too dressy a lightweight summer suit made of one of the creaseresistant ma terials is the perfect costume for plane train cor or boat of all outfits this is the most flexible given a few wellchosen accessor ies such a suit may be dressed up or down with ease and the parts may be worn separately or together glass finds place in home settings much of it given by grooms parents r lrp7wsmonarndihcin yj fess j i for this purpose indeed ev- crythin 1 comes under the category of ihc wedding march from midsummer i onc nights dream for the recession- dress feu weddings ran be pig- m al most brides wouldnt consider eon holed as one or the other and l i themselves married unless thcv any bride should feel quite free to i heard the music of these pieces as make within reason and with and full eening dress if the wedi they walk down the aisle how- due consideration for decorum ding is after siv ever for the processional you land artistic effect whatever ar- engraved invitation- will be us- might prefer a hymn such as i rangements suit her own particu- and a cano at the church and praise my soul the king of lar circumstances h house if the weather is al all heaven the voice that breath- formal wedding in ihc strict j uncertain the chapel or church cd oer eden the king of live sense mean the bride will wear and ihc place of ihe reception m shepherd is suns by a choir a full length bridal drcs uiually should be beautifully decorated or played by the organ with a long train and veil and car- and the music choen v ith care large wedding r flwers her groom and othera white aisle canvas or red carj before the processional and j men concerned will wear morning pet if you prefer the french trad- while the reenter is being sijned i dress if the wedding is before six ition is generally- used new punch recipes for sparkling bowl tea wine punch make tea by pouring 1 quart boiling water over 2 table spoons black tea let stand 5 minutes strain and add j cup sugar cool then add 3 cup lemon juice stir and pour over a large square block of ice in punch bowl add 2 large u 5 qii bottles of chilled saulcrne or any other white table winei stir again garnish with thin slices of lemon this quantity will serve about 15 guests brides bowl with rum cut one half pineapple in slices and place in a large pitcher with onc cup of sugar syrup onc cup of lemon juice two cups of pineapple juice and one and a half bottles of sold rum chill thoroughly in refrigerator for at least two hours when ready to serve pour over block of ice in punch bowl and add two quarts of sparkling water a pint of sliced strawoerrict makes a decorative garnish and a few liny sprigs of mint may be added serves about 20 people party punch place iwcntfivc ounces of lemon juice ten ounces of or- anse juice onc half cup of sugar five ounces of curacao two bottles of while rum and two ounces of grenadine in a large pitcher mix and chill thoroughly pour over ice block and arid two quarts of sparkling water three if a milder punch h desired garnish with thin slices of lemon serves 20 to 25 guests fine glass possesses a particu lar subtle loveliness thai nothing else quite achieves its magical de licacy its transparency grace and table setting for both aesthetic and functional reasons a set of glass is one of the essentials of e new home and more and more those days we find that the bride is receiving it from the grooms parents this appears to be a grow ing trend and a very sensible one particularly when glass can be given by place settings as is the custom with chinco and silver what you may ask consiitutcs a glass place setting two categories we believe that properly speak ing glass should be divided into two categories one for the table the other for the living room a basic table setting might very well consist of these three pieces wa ter goblet medium wine glass that can double tor juice and cham pagne gloss that may be used for fruit cup or sherbet as well as shrimp or oysler cocktail in tlje livingroom setting we include a highball glass for all hard or soft drinks an oldfashioned glass that is equally useful for breakfast fruit juice and the ubiquitous cocktail glass these may match the table glass in pattern or they may be more colorful and less expensive an other glass place setting that is verv useful includes five pieces goblet sherbet iced tea juice and salad pkite or yon may prefer to make up your own glass place set ting vi suit your particular needs it is a simple matter to file your pattern and place setting plan with i the gift registry of your favorite store then you may refer family trous generally free of imperfec tions and stronger than others good handblown stemware con tains lend and one test for judge- ing is to tap the bowl of the glass ft should ring with a clear musi cal lone bill be sure the glass is standing on something or held by the stem if your fingers are tou ching the bowl it will not respond pressed glass since it contains lime and is generally thicker will not ring clearly when lapped which is absolutely no reflection on its quality in cither type look for smooth edges and absence of distortion if there is a design it should be regular sharp and clear ly defined at one time crystal meant on ly clear uncolored glass but with the great advancements mnda in the manufacturing of fine colored glass it has come to encompass all quality glassware and speak ing of color ft is interesting to observe the trend away strong uncompromising shades such as cobalt blue towards paler ones and subtle tones of smoke and brown buy from open stock rather than in sets open stock means pat terns that you can be assured will continue lo be sold over a period of lime so that you can acquire i more items in your pattern or make fyjurc replacements when you start to use your glass ware make a habit of following a few simple rules which will add beauty and long life to this glitter ing possession for instance nev er hold a piece of stemware under the hotwater faucet the sudden and uneven heat may cause it to crack when pouring very hot liquids into a bowl or glass put a shine thats hard to duplicate with the most prolonged handpolishing the decoration of glossware is interesting and varied it may be etched cut or engraved cuttings are usually quite deep sharp and sparkling engraving is often used to decorate glass with a lovely beatifully modelled floral design figure or other dominant motif etching is often employed to pro duce a delicate intricate lacelike pattern on glass and when used generously the effect is extremely elaborate simplicity very tall slenderslcmmecl glas ses are the most formal the most perishable and the most elegant generally speaking shortstemmed glasses are usually the most cas ual and often quite contemporary in feeling for real adaptability if you want a glass pattern that will suit any setting and grace any table select a simple shape with a moderate stem and great deal of grace and friends to that list without any i embarrassment so much for ways gfehf the heal of buying glass but how about the kt nip ways of recognizing quality when you choose your glass l rlass here arc a few pointers hand made glassware falls into two clas- onc inside the other because theyre apt to stick and if they do fill the inner one wiih cold water and immerse the outer one in warm water they v ill then come apart quite easily without danger of cracking if you sifications handblown aid press ed or molded i handblown is the process ucd in manufactur ing such stemware as goblets cocktail glasses and so on and the wash your glasses in a dishwasher adjective is truly descriptive the- use a recommended type of glass is literally blown into cleaner and allow ihcm to dry- shape by experts pressed or right in the rack they will emerge molded glass usually applies to i dazzling and shiny heavier piecakes such as plates i if you wash them by hand try bowls and the like it contains lime one of the excellent detergents or for toughness and strength and is liquid washing agents rinse in hot pressed into shape by finely de- water and set the glasses to dry tailed mold i in a robbercoated dish drainer i handmade ware i this method saves a good deal of fine handmade glassware is lus- elbow grease and guarantees a place furnishings in order to create centre of interest little of interest is oflcn a prob- lem in a small room which iscks a fireplace or picture window or any of the more pleasant aithi- tcctural points you cancreate a cenlro or inter est with a furniture nnangoment if the room isnt very large then your furniture could be placed around he wall so from each piece you will merely look across live or six feet to another unit sie of room if the sire of ihe room allows more scope try placing your sofa under an important painting or closely grouped selection of paint ings prints or photographs chairs to cither side will then add addi- tlnal importance to this grouping on the other hand you could cur tain onc whole wall regardless of the size and shape of windows on it lo make this expanse the centre of interest of the room dont use soap in cleaning rugs it leaves a film which attracts fresh dirt for quick treatment of spills use a neutral detergent and dont whale rugs with a heater beating may break ihc backing of the rug