Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 10, 1954, p. 3

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tgy tgbogs fegmgy ont twntaty jus 19 ism the stouffville tribune kitmuhtd i3ii member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as secondclass mail poszojict dept otictra printed and issued every thursday at stoufiviue ont in canada 250 elsewhere 350 c h nolan editor jas thomas sports 4 usst a v nolan son publishers tob kajjgjjtj oslt play the game by xancjr cleaver notes and comments road experiment it will be interesting to see how well our town streets stand up this year with the recent grading nd now the application of sand they have received tenders for local street gravel called for sixty per cent stone but it would appear that the idea of stone has fallen by the way and about ninety percent sand has been used in most streets we have inspected sand is being used a great deal today for bog holes and as a binder on top of oil but how it will stand up with a coating of oil on top will be interesting to see hang up imease but will they edmonton journal one of the boldest pieces of social legislation ever brought down in canada is a recent amendment to the ontario telephone act it provides a fine of 580 for anyone who refuses to surrender a party line in an emergency this law is sound enough in theory it was doubtless inspired by reported cases where individuals refused to cut short their conversations and hang up even though frantic neighbors were trying to call the lire brigade or the doctor but enforcing it is going to be quite a problem i most of the offenders in these cases are women and it is a wellknown fact wellknown to men any- way that the fair sex regards interminable telephone conversations as one of its constitutional rights they will certainly resist vigorously any effort to rule them off the wife then there is the question of just what constitutes an emergency fire police and ambulance calls ob viously qualify but what about an urgent call to a heedless husband or offspring to take the roast out of the oven before it is too late is this serious enough to justify breaking up a conversation about mrs binks new hat ontario rural magistrates we suspect are going to need an extra supply of the wisdom of solomon canadas big liquor bill gives reason for alarm that private individuals medical and dental groups as well as other organizations are voicing their alarm over the increased liquor traffic in canada is given solid ground by recently released figures of canadas liquor bill organizations which never before took any particu lar interest on the liquor issue are now watching with considerable concern the rising consumption of alco holic beverages in the dominion the womens christian temperance union which has battled the liquor traffic for many years must feel a certain amount of satisfaction when they see that other publicminded bodies are also urging the government to inaugurate new controls which will tend to cut down the liquor traffic statistics show that 15000000 canadians are spend ing 800000000 annually on beverage alcohol in 1951 there were 1400000 more drinkers of alcoholic beverages in canada than there were in 1943 re search also shows the startling fact that among this huge poulation of drinkers that one out of every 20 becomes an alcoholic and three others become ex cessive drinkers in 1952 in this dominion 75 per cent of the adults used alcoholic beverages to some extent for every dollar canada spends on operating all of its educa tional institutions she is spending 225 on beer for every dollar spent on teachers salaries she is spend ing 310 on beer wine and spirits those who have expressed concern at the cost of education in canada might have food for thought in the fact that canadians are spending two and a half times as much for alcoholic beverages as for educa tion a recent survey also shows that canadians spend 22 per capita for milk and 47 per capita for alcohol that however is not the only cost it is estimated that there are 250000 men and women alcoholics in canada and the governments today are spending money in various ways in an attempt to find a cure while canadian industry claims that alcohol costs about so million dollars annually through absenteeism short production accidents and inefficiency the liquor traffic runs tip a huge bill in canada and it is very questionable that the continual granting of new outlets is going to lessen the consumption of beer and liquor or lower the appalling number of alcoholics oshawa times purchasing power and employment we strongly believe in purchasing power as a means of creating employment but we should understand the terms we are using many people look on purchasing power as another name for money and believe that it can be increased at will by simply paying more money for the work that is being done in actual fact purchasing power is anything that people will accept in payment for the goods or the services they have for sale what most people want in exchange for their goods or their services is other goods or services that other people have for sale thus purchasing power is any goods or services that can be sold money is a certificate of value showing ownership of goods or services up to the value printed on it it is a great convenience because it can be carried around in ones pocket and also because it can be applied to any goods or services that are for sale it is accepted as value because people have confi dence that there are enough goods and services avail able to honor all the money in circulation if called on to do so but if we start paying more money to the workers without any increase in the goods or services they produce we shall soon find that the value of our money- is slipping its purchasing power is decreasing and no increase in employment will result wage earners should keep these facts in mind when they arc being urged to demand more pay for less work it is productive industry lhat creates purchasing poer and nothing else can do it printed word play the game you cant always beat the other fellow john if you jose take it on the chin mr brown admonished hi son but you dont like to get licked in a golf tournament john protested and whenever i come home from a school game you and mum ak me did you win its fun to be or top and i hate losing a child is sometimes unflat- teringly candid john had not iced his fathers discomfort when he was beaten at golf he feit that his parents were eager that his team should in variably be the winning one in the sports at school occasionally he had listened to comments from teachers about good sportsmanship but john got no pleasure out of a game unless he and his team mates were victors what does your child think- ebout winning and losing do you know have you placed so much emphasis on excelling in sports that like john he hates to lose or have you held up the ideal of being a gracious loer and a generous winner how much faster a child learns by example than by ver bal instruction it is very hard for a child to play a game fair ly to stick by the rules he is tempted to blame his partners or complain that his oppon ents cheated when he is de feated but if mother and dad take time to play simple games like checkers parchesi ping pong dominoes and if they themselves are good sports this is very catching mary soon sees that although she and mo ther couldnt keep up with dad and brother tom at croqui- nole nevertheless mother still continued to have a happy time perhaps more than any oth er age this is a very competi tive one while they are still young it is in games that children realize the spirit of play is the vital thing not com ing first the duke of welling ton said that the battle of wa terloo was won on the cricket field of eton he was paying a compliment to the sporting code in the english public schools this has always ask ed for triumph if possible but above all it has expected court esy and fairness to be shown to ones opponents the duke lived at a time when sports had not been com mercialized to the extent which they are today now so many adults are spectator- and so few actually participate in games in thy situation it is all the more essentia that par ents teach their children ideals of sportsmanship a boy or girl should learn that there is nothing disgrace ful about losing providing an individual has done his best but to refuse to abide by the rules or to take an unfair ad vantage of another player and thus come first must be shun ned the attitude of the play ers and not the score is what builds character a man was watching a group of boys playing ball after school in the yard he asked one lad how are you making out what is the score the boy replied the other side has eleven runs and we havent any yet the onlooker expressed his surprise that thevboy wasnt discouraged but the boy laugh ed he was having a grand time he wasnt disheartened his team hadnt come to bat yet when junior plays ball hockey or some other game on a special night of a series for a school or a church team mother or dad should make a real effort to see the game it means so much to a younsgter to have his parents cheering on the side lines and how few parents manage to get there how can they commend their boy for his good sportsman ship if they have never seen him in the moment of victory or defeat a boy may have to memorize the fine lines of sir henry xewbolts famous ioem play the game he may admire the ideals expressed there but his thinking on good sportsman ship will be colored even more chance remark such as this your team played good ho ckey but the other fellowsjiad the edge on you in their pass ing and checking they- deserv ed to win but youll have an other chance next year and 1 was proud the way you all shook hands with the winners when the game ended copyright this weeks sunday school lesson amos devoixcks ixtkmperaxck temperance amos u 41 2 lesson for june 13 golden tet lt us walk hon- etly as in the day not romans 1313 the lesson as a whole by j i macaulay vu for best results use tribune classifieds editors mail editor the tribune dear sir that message by one of your national advertisers based on the question v here oh where does the money go can be said to have stolen the show at our ruralurban study club it impulsed a smart dis cussion and was generally de scribed as an effective public relations gesture and a builder of goodwill among the custom ers many ideas were expressed it was the concensus for ex ample that there is ample room for promotional work along this same line on behalf of the agricultural industry a young farmer pointed out with breezy and refreshing direct ness that you could put in your eye the number of our final consumers in town and city who have the foggiest idea of just what happens to their food dollar and particularly just how much of it actually gets back to the farmer one of our city members com plained that- he had only the bulk or gross revenue figures on agriculture as supplied by the official statistics ottawa and he added no other activity or industry suffers from such generalizations as does agricul ture at this juncture he held up a fullpage ad from the new york times in which one of the farm journals talks about machines for mak ing money and he read from the text to make money from milk a farmer needs good cows and enough of them plus ex- perience and knowhow pas tures field crops barn feedlot milking machines cans refrig cration milking twice a day feed handling manure remov al means a lot of work a cow capable of 10000 lbs of milk 5000 quarts a year needs more than seven tons of prov ender 2700 lbs of corn and oats at 72 5300 lbs of hay at 70 5700 lbs of corn silage at s30 550 lbs proteins at 20 such as soybean and lmseed meals meat scraps grass silage to the feed bill add s210 veterinary fee s57c breeding charge 11 miscella neous 21115 in all if the nearby crewiery pays 390 per hundred pounds for milk each cow earns 300 per year or 17855 over the charges listed a 10cow herd worth 7000 can gross s7s0o a year plus a possible 500 from the calve- less labor plant depreciation investment interest everyone deplored the vague way in which the revenue data trailed and lost themselves lt those firil half iloren words finally it was pointed out thai according to an analysis i of h farmer c har of the food dollar by tie us depuj new books in sfouffville library travelling library books fiction waterfront findlay outlaw haycox the becoming wa ters carse give us our years banning the evil bf time berckman smiling desperado brand the rawhide years fox a pathway to heaven bordeaux forgive us our trespasses douglas yellow boots lysonko i and my true love macnnes roses last summer miller tete jaune cache owen spinsters pro ress ruck the golden isle- slaughter no vacancy rolfs mrs applegates affair van de water the ponder heart welty the gallopping broncos brand montana maverick- field to keep us free allis she knew three brothers widdimer dr nortons wife walker last clear chance wilkinson ring for jeeves v ode ho use golden is the wheat moses nonfiction where the high winds blow campbell painting as a pas time churchill the riddle of macarthur gunther historic houses of canada hale base ball major league technique and tactics allen around the world on eighty dollars christopher help your hus band get ahead mrs dale carnegie craters of fire tazi- eff struggle for africa bart- lett hummel hummel peter son father dear father be- melmans around the world in 1000 pictures runyon fiction hollow silver miller the southerners lee rainbow on the road forbes the spare room white doctor at sea- gordon the gipsy in the par lour sharp the desperate hours hayes turn east turn west creifthton the ken- tuckians giles a pocketful of rye christie not as a stranger thampson my dearest love laring curtain for a jester lockridge the velvet doublet street sagas of the mounted police mow- ery mlord i am not guiltv wees bless this house lofu when the grass was free- approach lo the lesson when men choose the of sin they will not tolerate rebuke whoever or whatever rebukes them must be gotten rid of some way so they will seek to silence gods messen gers and do all they can to induce upright perons to join them in their evil ways so long as there is a faithful preacher or a holy man around the sinner cannot be quite comfortable he feels small condemned mean in the pres ence of a man of god that all the more reason why we should fearlessly and persist ently proclaim gods message and why we must live above reproach so long as we do both in a spirit of meekness and humility and love with such a double testimony there is always hope of the sinner re penting and if he does not his blood is not on our heads a nation is in bad state when its men turn to iniquity but when its women join the ranks of the debauchees that nation has gone far in the way of de struction when the women of israel followed the ways of jezebel there was little hope left nations never fall from ex ternal forces always it is the internal sitation that conditions a nation for the fatal blow the termites of luxury and sin de vour the national strength and it is a frail shell not a mighty bastion which has to meet the assault from without the his tory of israel is not the only lesson in this truth babylon assyria greece rome egypt and some more modern na tions are exhibits in the mu seum of tills truth our lesson today should start christian people praying for our own land unless a might turning to god stems the tides of lux ury oppression and violence here our boasted strength will be found to be a delusion in the hour of crisis verse by verse amos 211 x raised lip prophets nazarites the particular duty of the prophets was to speak for god while the particular duty of the naz arites was to live for god as examples of consecration and holiness these were gods gifts to israel for their good verse 12 but ye gave the nazarites wine and command ed the prophets prophesy not instead of profiting from the ministry of these men of god israel had sought to turn them away from their tasks tempting the nazarites t o break their vow and the pro phets to refrain from speaking the word of god see chapter 712 13 as an example of the latter chap 41 ye kine of basnan which oppress the poor which say bring and let us drink the volup tuous women of samaria are likened to cows fattened in the ush pastures of bashan these women stirred up their husbands masters to oppress the poor in order to secure the provision for their revelries compare 1 kings 2125 verse 2 the lord god will lake you away with hcoks and your posterity with fishhooks the prophet declares gods sol emn oath that these revelers would be takn captive like fish taken on the hook the refer ence is doubtless to both the women and their lords chap 61 woe to them that are at ease in zion and trust in the mountain of samaria named chief of the nations in this oracle amos includes judah with its capital in zion along with israel whose cap ital was samaria he addresses the nobles of the two nations who have shown themselves far from noble verse calneh hamath gath be they better than these kingdoms the prophet bids them by comparison with other great cities to sec how favored of god they are cal neh was one of the oldest cities in the world situated in baby lonia hamath was in syria gath one of the ve chief cen ters of the philistines verse 3 ve that casue the seat of violence to come near they refused to accept the mes sage of impending judgment putting it far from them while setting violence on the seat of authority verse 4 that lie upon beds ofivory and eat the lambs and the calves here is a picture of the extravagance 3nd luxury in which the lead- jers of these two nations were indulging the beds of ivory hageh proud new flae ma son th sirier kinc -schoon- are probably the couches upon over spinsters in jeopardy which they reclined at meat marsh was weak- of agriculture it found that the fanner got 45 cents wnich means that the farmer got less for his products than the cost rnnpoitine proce s i n g wholesaling and retailing grcenacreo i continual iuxiwy ening the nation verse 5 that chant to the sound of the viol like dav id they sang idle songs tasv at their feasts inerit- ing new instruments for their own pleasure as livd had in vented them for the praise and worship y god the viol was after the ordr of the harp verse 6 that drirjt and anoint themselves but they are not grieved for the afflic tion of joseph this was not only druikenness txit sacri lege for like betshazzer dan 521 they drank out of sacrifi cial bowl and anointed them selves with sacred ointment see exod 302233 the arliic- tion of joseph predicted by the prophets did not even give paue to these godless revet verse 7 now snail they go captive with the first this is definitely marked in the case of judahs captivity neb uchadnezzar took the chief men first leaving the poorer people 2 kings 211116 the heart of the lesson god was good to lsrae he delivered them from the bond age of egypt led them through he great wilderness and gave them a good land dispossessing the mighty but wicked anior- ites for their saks not only so but he undertook to lead them in the way of blessing the good and the right way for this purpose he gave them prophets not foreigners but men of their own families to instruct them and nazarites men set apart bya special con secration as patterns of de votion and purity but instead of obeying the words of the prophets and learning holiness from the nazarites they sought to turn these men of god from their high calling inviting the nazarites to join them in their revelries anti trying lo silence the prophets such iniquity was a heavy weight upon the heart o fthe lord and called for judgment this is the message of amos 29lg the women cf israel were among the chief offenders prodding their husbands to any oppressive and unscrupu lous dealings which would in crease their luxury and enable them to indulge their extrava gances the prophet likened these women to the cows that fed in the rich pastureland of bashan watered by the melt ing snows of mount hermon they were wellfavored kine indeed btu heartless and gree dy and the prophet foresaw for them and their wicked hus bands a day of retribution when they would go off into captivity like fish caught on tlie anglers hook along with their children such is the pro phets burden in 11 2 our third section gives us a picture of the voluptuous living of the nobility of both judah and israel instead of gratitude to god for the benefits which they enjoyed beyond those of the nations around them they took all gods bounty as their right and turned it all to self ish purposes business directory brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical i member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east siimiffrille dental neil c smith lds vvs graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone lotiv stouflville e s barker lds dws honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds grill phone 27tw stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 136 coroner for york county dr f j button stouffville phone 371w- xkay hours daily 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 1g4 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm dr r b mitchell xray office hours dally except sun day 130 to 330 pm 7 to 9 pm sunday 2 to 3 pm for emergencies only office over kcvnll drug store phone 230 stouffville itcsidcnce 319j chiropractors to a considerable extent its true that life is a gamble nevertheless a great deal de pends upon how you play your cards modern aluminum alloys seem tough- enough to take almost anything for instance one manufacturer uses aluminum for those little electrically driven cars the kids love to climb into at carnivals and fairs the idea is to whirl around at high speed exchanging spineshattering bumps with other motorists they actually stand up under this treatment the cars we mean our own alcan research ers are constantly developing and testing new applications better products improved production techniques theres always something new in alum inum aluminum company of canada ltd alcan a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and fridaj 9 to 12 am pearl r onley dc chiropractor and electro therapist main street stoultvillc phone 220 for appointment opfometric e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffvillo office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays june 28 2 july 20 a 2t afternoons and evenings only phones 80j2 and 25j1 garnet v gray ro optomktiust hours 030 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone 10j2 for appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insuranco in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop ken laushway general insurance phono 270wl 270w2 stouffville ont fire automobile liability f g alsop ixsuiiance for every purpose phone 362j f m pugh the future belongs to those who prepare for it lie prepared by insuring with the mutual life of canada prompt v- courteous service phone l8i2 stouffrillc general insurance insure today the coop way for information enquire at yolrt local coop or write to john sytema ncnmarkct ph zjlji stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s9j2 marie jack hairdressing ijomi avenue stoultville permanent waving machine machineless cold wav hairstyliug and shaping phone ltowl betty beauty salon victoria street mach1neless machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone stouffville 287 it itadgero hairdressing kit obrien cold waving and mac111neless peitmanents 2nd concession ixhridge at lavov 17tt phono 00110 stouffvillo auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph sto 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised hills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are moat reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual servico for the price of one milliken po ph agin 52ws markham po ph mark 20r prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cly uxbridgo pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 07313 s d pollard phono stoufivhio 01813 licensed and authorized for the county of york farm stock implements household furniture heal estate 5026 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison itcsd itcnl estate broker phone s7j1 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone servico day or night phone stouffvillo 98wl mimtumttmum j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtest service telephone 90 markham ontario jmcaaaaaaacnpaaccccpb stouffville machine tool works telephone 213 near of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinettv machinery repairs

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