the tribune stouffville pal thusrday aprilj221951 new heating guarantee wcomfortbond backs each bbs system report from ottawa pine orchard by michael starr mr clause 499 b substituted we mr and mrs jftae mcclurs ontario ituiin- were supnorted in this by the myrna and dannv were toror- speculaiions as to the idem- 1 ccf but were defeated on o visitors saturday miss itv of mr abbotts successor the thirr reausng o the crmi- j mynia remaining until sunday are picking up again revenue inal code minister mccann who has an n established reputation as a of hardboiled fiscal realist has new kind of comfort with coleman blend- air and exclusive magic blenders easy to install with 3 air tubes that fit any home a space saver with compact furnace in basement closet or utility room summer cooling can be added when you are ready only blandair has the coleman comforf bond ch bell and son stouffville i il ii i phone 281w glen major mr and mrs howard lang- ille and david spent the week end with mr and mrs george pickett misses june and betty fiss and eleanor johnson toronto spent the weekend at their homes mr murray fraser spent sunday in uxbridge mr and mrs ralph faulk ner visited sunday at the jones home mr joe jones spent sunday with mr and mrs edgar john son and family miss margaret winter and mr allen jones of newmarket spent the weekend at the jones home miss hazel jones spent sun day at her home congratulations to mr and mrs joe jones who were mar ried 31 years or april s miss annetta carpentier returned to white clouds on monday after spending the vinter in montreal there must be umpteen mil lion ways to achieve happiness a faculty member of cornell university is as happy as a lark over having finally suc ceeded in recording the whoop of a whooping crane drawn honourable mention justice minister carson who has a more academic mind doesnt lack for qualifications and it says here aspirations as premier of manitoba he was provincial treasurer and in terestingly enough minister of dominionprovincial rela tions two of mr abbotts for mer parliamentary assistants are well up on the list of his possible successors fisheries minister sinclair whose per sonality is not unlike that of his exchief insists that he couldnt be drafted for the post but oldtimers take that with a grain of salt resources minister lesage who also un derstudied mr abbott and his budgetary methods might well get the nod from prime minis ter st laurent the newcomer whoever he may be wont lack for prob lems the present minister has budgeted in a prudent esti mate for a surplus of s1-1g0- 000 in 195155 this estimate assumes an upward trend in business conditions in the last half of this fiscal year if it comes as expected the pru dent estimate wont be far out but if it doesnt the tiny sur plus may be converted into a deficit of 100000000 or 125- 003000 thats the difference which two or three percentage points in gross national pro duct make in dollars and cents we have been informed re cently that the number of un employed in canada who are drawing supplementary bene fits number somewhere in the neighbourhood of seventyfive thousand on a question asked the labour minster as to whether the supplementary benefits would be cut off as of april loth we were informed that they will not be contin ued which means that those who were receiving these ben efits are not now receiving any aid from the government what ever the criminal code has now been given third reading and i wish to refer particularly to clauses 305 and 372 with which labour generally was most con cerned these clauses refer to breach of contract and mis chief the conservative party moved an amendment in re spect to clause 3c5 asking that it be deleted and the old he ccf brought i mr and mrs edson johns- an amendment that both ton attended the party last f these clauses be referred week in honour of mrs johns- back to the committee for fur- ons aunt who celebrated her ther study and we again mettcth birthday with defeat there is a sav- mr and mrs r chapman ing clause in section 33 which j were sunday visitors with mr has been approved by all la bour bodies and accepted as here is a wonderful opportunity for you to become a nurse fi eeond and third choices on monday april 12th four and mrs l harper rev norman rowan was a dinner guest with mr and mrs baker on wednesday new members took their seats miss beth johnston nurse in the house of commons and in training at western hospi- thee were the members who tal toronto was a weekend lecentlv won the four byelec tions two in the province o ontario alid two in the prov ince of quebec two conserva tives and two liberals were successful which did not change the standing of the two parties it was a terrible shock to the conservative members when we lost rodney adamson member for york west both le and mrs adamson were held in very high respect by all who knew them the con servative party here in otta wa will particularly miss rod ney adamson because of his capabilities and his knowledge of particular subjects he serv ed his constituency well since 1910 and because of that he was returned election after election to represent the peo ple of his riding the budget debate was launched on monday april 12th and we will continue it after the easter recess we ex pect that this debate will take at least ten days because of the governments neglect to alleviate taxation it has given members in the opposition a great deal of material for de bate purposes on wednesday evening aip ril 14th we adjourned for the easter recess and will reas semble on april 26th i wish to take this oppor tunity of expressing to the peo ple of ontario riding my sin cere wish that they have a very happy and joyous easter the time of easter is a very important one and should make us contemplate its meaning the condition of the world to day faced with continued wars disturbances and unsettle- ment is real reason for us to do so christ gave his life for us and was resurrected in or der to create a better world in which to live but as we look upon conditions as they exist today where strife suspicion and distrust prevail it seems as though his supreme saori- visitor at her home here the willing workers met at mrs chapmans home wed with over twenty present mrs mullen gave a splendid paper on easter meditations the jr room had two stu dent teachers last week mrs win galley spent the weekend with mrs wesley lundy ice was in vain we in ontario riding should endeavour to promote peace and understand ing amongst ourselves amongst our neighbours and our friends in our communities this en deavour to promote under standing should spread throughout our country and the world if we were success ful in doing this then i am sure a great deal would be done to prevent conditions such as we have todav stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to suppjy your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 135 office phones 370 12ft if you want a fascinating career and a background to enhance your whole life nursing pre sents a great opportunity classes for threeyear nursing courses at ontario hospital schools are now forming for september entrance requirements age 17 or over secondary school graduation diploma good health at ontario hospital schools of nursing you receive while training free room 2nd board free uniforms and laundry honorarium while train ing 30 a month during 1st year 25 a month during 2nd year while on affiliation in a general hospital so a month during 3rd year vacation three weeks each year plus- all statutory holidays recreation excellent facilities at each school for afterduty social and sports activities for further information apply to superintendent of nursing school of nursing ontario hospital brockvillo kingston whitby or new toronto ontario department of heaith honourable maclcinnon phillip mo cm mini lor cedar grove why buy a camera unless you know how to operate it for all types of cameras contact cadieux studio ratcllff block 37tf before buying and be assured of good picture results stpuflttilje ph 24 j2 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop the people who helped make the history of this township will be honoured guests on the day the new buildings are op ened in buttonville on may 1st a special invitation will be extended to all residents of markham township who are over so years of age there will be a tree planted on the grounds to commemorate the occasion and the old docu ments that formed the town ships early records will be on exhibition the buildings will be open for public inspection and the staff will be on hand to explain the new equipment and show the new quarters these are a fow of the innova tions that will make the open ing ceremonies may 1st a new and different experience for those of ns who are weary of the meaningless tradition that usually accompanies otlicial ceremonies this years coun cil is working hard to make the occasion a meaningful milestone in our townships history the square dance to be held on friday april 23rd in cedar grove schoolhouse is shaping up very well just a few notes to be added to last weeks no tice the committee will pro vide the cool or hot drinks dur ing the evening but the ladies attending are asked to bring light lunch and cookies you know roy clifton will be call ing but did you know that members of the colman dance group are expected to join us keep the date circled april 23rd the spring waste paper drive sponsored by the wms is underway again will you please bring all your waste paper tied in neat bundles to zion church any time within the next two weeks because there is always a good deal of visiting both into and out of cedar grove over easter we have decided to skip this weeks play reading group and carry on as usual two weeks from sunday at the mcclennans monday nights euchre re sults brought some new win ners into the limelight for the ladies mrs albert booth mrs connor box grove and mrs hill altona for the men al- vin klink stouffville mr led ger west hill and howard plaxton brock rd the easter thankoffering meeting of zion wms was held at the church on wed april 7th locust hill cherry- wood centennial and kew beach were visitors for the morning mrs a g little op ened the meeting with the poem if easter be not true followed by a hymn and pray er after the reading of the minutes mrs l gates of oher- lywood announced the rural gathering of the wjms to be held at unionville on june ith the wife of the minister of kew beach church mis bruce grey spoke on the gardens mrs little was in charge of the worship period and mrs robert lapp had the scrip ture reading mrs gordon ha- genmann fallowed the theme with a beautiful solo in the garden the meeting closed with a hymn and benediction and group 3 served lunch notks about neighbours with the buds and the rob ins and all the usual signs of spring our wanderers returned from the south nellie lapp and the offens will now receive their mail at home welcome back we missed you all george offen has been in bed for some time suffering from a bad disc condition in his back it might be a long ses sion so a note from a few old friends would not go amiss joyce beare is in atlantic city this week one of a chosen few to attend a convention there match your dollar bills with the list of canadian onedollar bill serial numbers published daily in the tely anyone can win 10 25 50 100 200 or 500 ten new numbers published every day in the tely sixty hew numbers published every week in trie tely see todays tely for details order the tely now from your newsdealer the canter on vour street or phone empire 86011 the telegram daily plus weekend toronto 1 a model husband is one who is as nice to his wife in pri vate as he is in public railway time table changes effective sunday april 25th 1954 your bolter may he worth w 200 or 500wiga