the tribune stouffville ont thursday march is 19o4 st el in mj gr th bi ui pi 4 si re 11 h to re in 1 hi ii b fo 1 ef- at te ai v m tc m i oi la 3 vj i tt ij u t slated for service with rcaf maritime squadron i supplementing lancast er aircraft but not repla cing them entirely the rcaf will within a few months have neptune twinengine pistondriven aircraft in use by its mari time squadrons the nep tune will meet the need a- rlsing from the increasing importance of maritime recorinaisance and the de velopment of new air borne weapons the nep tune which is a medium- range aircraft is already in use by the us navy and the raf this weeks sunday school lesson till new commandment golden text a new com mandment i give unto you that ye love one another as i have loved you hat ye al so love one another john tll4 thk lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the public ministry is over and jesus has a few precious hours to spend with his be loved disciples before going forth to ills last sufferings and death a few needed lessons must be taught and he must prepare them for the tragic e- vents immediately ahead for despite his repeated state ments about his approaching txtra growth power with 0atmbal8ase 9b8eebi y32k bi3i h p hbf son sb efl hh n chick starter 3ft fulopep chick starter is a combination of the good old things along with the latest scientific developments oatmeal the base of good nutrition since our grand mothers time is still the backbone of fulopep but we have added extra growth power with vitamin bl2 and antibiotic supplement valuable trace mineral fortification plus sunshine and green grass vitamins to give you the- best chick starter possible come in and see us soon stiver bros phone 45 stouffville attention farmers for good cash products why not grow cucumbers we are now ready with our 1954 contracts at new high prices for information contact newmarket or phone 15 from chicks to cheques yes poultry pay fed the marmill way start them off with marmill 18 chick starter marmill 20 chick starter these feeds contain all the necessary proteins vitamins antibiotics trace minerals and are fortified with b12 combining every essential in gredient necessary for rapid sturdy growth it pays to feed the best so feed the marmill follow through way and make more profit we manufacture a complete line of poultry dairy and hog feeds fresh every day best by test for twentyfive years reesors marmill ltd markham phone 9600 tttv iii m m m m m m m m m j cre a for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers tor immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w i death and resurrection their mind- have not yet grasped the truth they must be forti fied against those three days when he would lie in the tomb and advised of the new relationship which the coming events would introduce when they would know him no lon ger in bodily presence but in the person of the holy spirit in addition a separation had to be made one member of the company did not belong there judas the traitor he must be dismissed and sent to accomplish his devilish work it is interesting to notice the new freedom in our lords ad dress as soon as judas leaves john 1331 the procedure is as follows 1 tlie washing of the discip les feet and the lessons from that action john 13117 2 the identification and dismissal of the traitor 131s- 30 3 prediction of peters de nial 133138 4 the upper room discourse chaps 1410 although there is a question as to whether it was all spoken in the upper room 1131 and 181 5 the high priestly prayer chap 17 this portion has been called the holy of holies and in his book under this title alex ander juaelaren has an exposi tion of these chapters which is well worth reading in our outline we entitled this section the light dispel ling the darkness verse by verse john 1312 know ye what 1 have done to you our lords action in washing the feet of the disciples had doubt less confused them all as much as it had done peter vs i 8 now it was time to explain and apply the lessons verse 13 ye call me mas ter and lord for so i am read the teacher and the lord hero is a claim to ut ter supremacy ind uniqueness the term lord cannot have anything less than the divine sense here verse 11 if i have washed your feet ye also ought to wash one anothers feet it would be no such con descension for them to wash one anothers feet as for the lord to wash theirs we are a- fraid to stoop lest we lose our little dignity but true dignity can afford to stoop verse 15 i have given you an example it was an example not an ordinance that the lord gave on that oc casion verse 16 the servant is not greater than his lord but how often the servant in flates his greatness to make it appear greater instead of see king to match our lords hu mility we covet the greatness verse 17 if ye know these things happy are ye if ye do them it is not the knowing but the doing that brings the blessing if faith without works is dead jas 221 knowledge without works is damning and paralyzing verse 31 a new com mandment as i have loved calling all sportsmen blue coal iv sportfolio with every saturday at approx- imatclv 1050 pm the blue coal spokt- kolio features a current sport each week hockey results and a visiting sport celebrity turn- in to your local tv station each week celt sr t059 central feed store ihonc 277 you that ye also love one an other here is the eleventh commandment the command ment with a standard attach ed as i have loved you xot until ye reach the stand ard hav we kept the com mandment verse z by this shall all men know that ye are my dis ciples xot only is love the great and new command ment but it is the greatest ap ologetic for the christian faith lacking this our sys tems of evidences will fall on deaf ears chap 1421 he that hath my commandments and keep- etii them he it is that loveth me i will manifest my self to him obedience is the final test of love and it is also the qualification for further knowledge of christ and for the special intimate love of the father verse 22 lord how is it that thou wilt manifest thy self unto us and not unto the world this judas is the thaddaeus of mark 318 like the others he expected a world manifestation of the messiah the private manifestation promised in verse 21 was a problem verse 23 if a man love me my leather will love him and we will make our abode with him an enlarge ment of verse 21 the father and the son come into resid ence in those who love the lord jesus blessed privilege verse 21 the word which ye hear is not mine but the fathers which sent me as ever jesus claims to speak from the father not indepen dently when we obey jesus we obey god the heart of the lesson we look on in admiration at the condescension and humil ity of our lord as he does the work of a household slave for his disciples girding him self with a towel and washing their feet let us remember that it was the stoop of love having loved his own he loved them unto the end 13 1 now when he said i have given you an example that ye should do as i have done to you he certainly was not thinking about the act apart from the motive that urged it to wash one anoth ers feet lacking love for one another would be sheer mock ery and a travesty of our lords holy example it was not just an example of humil ity nor even of humble serv ice alone but of love stooping to serve the beloved there is a chaplain in cook county hospital chicago who sets himself out to do for the inmates what nobody else will do nothing is too menial for litis man whose heart is filled with the love of christ not only does he wash these peo ples feet but he trims neglec ted toenails and suchlike ser vices does he render contin ually to newcomers to the hospital who have long been neglected and have long ne glected themselves such hum ble ministries done in love are a revelation and often are an entering wedge for a witness to christ the example becomes a com mandment the new com mandment in the light of that lovely demonstration of his love for them and in face of the still greater demonstra tion about to be enacted namely the cross our lord issued the new commandment of love with his own love as the standard v 34 not only so but he laid this down as the ultimate test of disciple- ship by which all men would have a right to judge them and lis the early disciples must have gone a long way in obeying this commandment for one of the common excla mations of the pagans regard ing them was behold how these christians love one ano ther christ wants to be loved not sentimentally but in real ity and the test of love for him whom we rightly call lord is obedience 1313 14 21 to one another our love- is to be manifested in lowly service to him in glad obed ience obedient love brings us into the inner circle of the love of god 1421 23 and is the key to the deeper more intimate knowledge of christ which paul coveted when he wrote that i may kno jhim phil 310 charged with car theft carl lennox of stouffville charged with theft of a car a wallet and driving while his license was suspended was re manded again until march 1h on bail of s1000 when he ap peared in magistrates court at newmarket last week john douglas lloyd rr 4 stouftyihe aged 19 pleaded guilty to a charge of having liquor in an illegal place and paid a fine of 1500 and costs or thirty days and was warn ed by the magistrate to keep away from liquor till you are twenty one constable cowie of vandorf testified that he had found the accused with g other youths at 1245 am on feb 13 on the south lake wil cox road they had four pints of ale in the car lloyd said they found the beer on the 7th con under a culvert tv set for 123 persons demand for power jumps there are more television sets than oil burners in the province and they are eating up as much power as 15 ont ario communities reporting to the legislat ures committee on commis sions hydro chairman saund ers said the 39g2s5 television sets uncovered by a province- wide survey last year provides a set for every 123 persons in ontario their demand for 118ss5 kilowatts is equal to the com bined peak load of aurora carrie bowmanville bramp ton bramford dundas gait grimsby hespeler lindsay long branch newmarket ni agara falls waterloo and whitby underlining his contentions that tlie standard of living in ontario has climbed steadily mr saunders said there is an electric washing machine for every 15s residents a radio for every 39 residents an el ectric range for every seven residents an oil burner for ev ery 14 residents and a refrig erator including gas and ker osene models for every 47 res idents while a radio uses about 100 watts imr saunders said the standard tv set demands 200 to 300 watts for operation business directory the ontario legislature was told liquor contains poison it would have been safer to say it contains water brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surglcai member of the allied private hospital association government licenced main street east stouffville what often passes for toler ance toward another person is the conterfeit coin of con descension highest market prices paid for dead or crippled stock speedy pickup telephone collect stouffville 7112 banner rendering toronto lv 02sj7 tf heiaibiaiafflfaiaifflsraraiamaisaiaiarajbib joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 aaar3eajaj5jhiamisif5jmaeitai5iisiiw hairdressing itlla obrien cuud waving and jacmineless permanents 2nd one ion itxiirldke at glasgow 17tf phone mil lo stouffville stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s912 marie jack hairdressing ijoyd avenue stouffville permanent waving machine machlneless cold wave hairstyling and shaping phone ltowl betty beauty salon victoria street maohineless machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone stouffville 287 r badgero auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph sto 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ph agin 52w3 markham po ph mark 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 67312 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 87j1 j a willoughby sons 300 bay street toronto 927 w bert silverthorn representative phone stotiitville 83j1 farms country estates town suburban properties funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 9swl ttitmtttttttttttfmt j w dixon funeral director private ambulance f markham kindness courtesy service telephone sj markham ontario dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 107w stouffville e s barker lds dds hono graduate of university o toronto office oter harolds grill phone 274w stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county drs f j button and r b mitchell stouftville phone 371w xray hours daily 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to ft pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment office over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am pearl r onley dc chiropractor and electro therapist main street stouffvuie phone 220 for appointment optometric e ar grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffville ofllce on the fol lowing mondays and tuesday mar 8th oth apr oth oth afternoons aral evenings only phones 80j2 ami 25j1 garnet v gray ro optometrist hours 030 um to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 40j2 for appointment insurance birkett son genernl insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companlef at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insurance phone 270w and 270wi stoufrville ont fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance for every purpose phone 362j stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery i machinery repairs j f m pugh the future belong to those who prepare for it be prepared by insuring with the mutual life of canada prompt a courteoti service phone 3flw2 stouffville general insurance insure today the coop way for information enquire at your local coop or icritc to john sytema newmarket ph 211j4