toiiffwtk qribnne vol 64 xo id the tribune stocffvilik ont march is 1954 close to three thousand at giant implement auction smii bidding brisk ds over 75 whitchurch properties under tax sale hammer vandorf hall was filled on monday afternoon for the trea surers sale of lands in arrears of taxes iii whitchurch town ship the sale was conducted in able manner by clerk lack crawford who sold steadily un- i til half past five receipts tot alled nearly s10000 there were originally 09 pro perties listed for sale but some half dozen were redeemed be fore the sale commenced and eleven failed to obtain a bid on monday the top price was paid for 11 acres of land on the 7th con just north of the ballantrae sideroad lot 25 which went up to 225000 the albert mapes estate adjacent to the 11acre piece went for 1300 a couple of musselmans lake lots sold for 19500 and 105 each and five acre parcels of land on cherry st off the 8th con realized between 100 and 500 small lots at wilcox lake sold for 35 to 50 with start ing tax bids about 12 on thursday afternoon of last week nearly 3000 buyers attended the first annual im plement auction held at the stoulfville sales pavilion the sale the first of its kind to be held in ontario was sponsored by eight authorized implement auction rings to speed up the dealers in the district about sales the entire auction was 150 pieces of new and recon- 1 completed before five oclock ditioned equipment were offer- j buyers from a radius of over ed for sale 100 miles were in atendance it was necessary to use two i implement prices were very good with a w6 tractor bring ing 1110 a seed drill 125 a garden tractor 1s0 oneway disk 275 and loaders at 200 the dealers hope to have a sale of harvest equipment early in june contest value of the school area system reeve alf letmasurier and deputyreeve w l clark con tested a statement made by keith richan chairman of the markvaughan tp public school area board that the area system provided the taxpayer more for his education dollar than the rural plan reeve lemasurier pointed out that the average cost per pupil per year for education in ontario was lower in the rurai section than in the area system deputyreeve a l clark questioned mr riiiiis state ment that the area board pro vided more for the education dollar as far as im concerned the rural one room school sets just as high a standard in edu cation as the modern buildings being constructed within the area staled the deputyreeve this modern education sy stem puts too much stress on unnecessary frills and not en ough stress on the 3 its con tinued mr clark our section is growing and it is only natural that educat ion costs will increase accord ingly replied mr richan has the school board ever approached the provincial gov ernment for additional grants for emergency expenditures in the fringe area where the as sessment is not adequate to cover these increased expendi tures questioned the reeve draw for new car and tv on friday stoulfville lions club will hold their annual st patricks dance in the local legion hall this friday evening march 19 big feature of the evening will be the draw for the new 1951 pontiac and a consolation prize of a television set only eight hundred tickets are be ing sold for the new car and there are still a few available the proceeds from this draw and dance provide a large part of the local lions funds fel ine year to carry on their ser vice work engagement mr and mrs alvin harper wish to announce the engage ment of their daughter doris edith to lawrence andrew mavnard son of mr and mrs charles mavnard of lnionville the marriage will take place on saturday marcji 27th births steckiev at the womens college hospital toronto to mr and mrs clyde steckley a son on monday march 15 1951 a brother for noel dog taxes ahead of sheep losses a report has just been issu ed by the department of agri culture live stock branch which shows that in ou two home counties of york and ontario dog taxes collected well ahead of roney paid out or live rc- illlnis in the case of york county the report from seven town ships revealed 235 flock own ers had filed 57 claims for sheep killed or damaged last year a total of 33s7s0 was paid out in compensation for sheep 36605 for catle and 1 1950 for poultry the total dog tax collected was 13s29 in the ease of ontario coun ty ten townships reporting 125 flock owners filed 90 claims for 202 sheep killed a total of 575081 was paid out in compensation and 12 for poultry dog tax collected a- mounted to 1100050 markham employees to get pensions at a special meeting of mar kham twp council on wed nesday of last week a pension plan was adopted which will cover all employees with the exception of those employed on an hourly basis the plan ob tained through the canadian government annuities branch is the same system that is used by the township of vau- ghan each employee will con tribute 5r of his salary and the township i will contribute an equal amount the munici pality will also raise s10v1 per year for ten years for back years of service implement- auction brings 15000 the large implement sale of constable magee two form er local men realized 15000 when conducted by sellers atkinson auctioneers at new market on tuesday a self- propelled combine lopped the sale at s1k0o a earmall m tractor sold for 910 mr ma gee is leaving on thursday for a trip to california after which he will enter the international firm mr constable will con tinue to conduct the business from the present establish ment on davis dr newmar ket school alterations expended from current funds mr keith richan chairman of the markhamvaughan pub- lie school area board appear ed before council on monday night to explain the means by which some 35003 had been raised for alteration purposes on the richvale school with out the municipal boards ap proval mr richan pointed cut that the amount was raised from current funds due to an increased assess ment and the ssrne mill rate were able to gain the nec- essarv amount to jover the al teration expenditure stated mr richan do you think it is wise to make capital expenditures out of current funds questioned reeve lemasurier you are taking 35000 from current funds and decreasing vaughan townships debenture debt continued the reeve were not nutting one mun icipality against another countered mr richan if such a school expenditure was necessary in markhanl twp we would do the same thing we must take the entire area into consideration said councillor lennie the stouffville cemetery the pall bearers were allan wide- man maurice eby mel emmer- sori don lehman bill sanders and norman fretz chairman resigns wilcox school mr alfred patchell announc ed this week that he was re signing as chairman of the lake wilcox school section whitchurch ss no 13 a pos ition which he has held since i the school was erected four years ago business reasons were given as the chairmans reason for relinquishing the trucks too heavy pay ilxk three gravel trucks charged by local provincial police with overloading were each fined 50 and costs when the drivers appeared in county court at newmarket on tuesday of this week mrs l williamson passes in toronto mrs leslie williamson the former marjory barkey of stouffville passed away rin a toronto hospital en wednes day morning of this week mrs williamson who was on- iv 51 suffered a brain hemor rhage several clays ago from which she never recovered mrs williamson is a daughter of isaac barkey of stouffville and a sister of miss flossie she is survived by her hus band leslie williamson and a daughter betty mrs cor mier of toronto contestants desiring to en ter the amateur show on fri day april 2nd sponsored by the stouffville branch of the i canadian legion are request ed to contact the legion for auditioning dates position 1 an election for a new trus tee will be held on april 6th alex boyd dies in his 85th year the death occurred on sun day of alexander boyd while he was being moved from his home in markham to hospital lie was in his 5th year and had been ill for several months deceased was born in ire land and over fifty years ago married nellie ma barkey who survives him mr boyd engaged in farming and as a drover during his active years and lived practically his entire lifetime in markham he was identified with the pentecost al church besides his wife deceased is survived by three sons hugh a unionville harry m and frank alberta and five dau ghters mrs frank timbers locust hill mrs w b pettit napanee mrs f langmuir and dorothy boyd toronto and mrs l johnston chicago there are two brothers hugh and dave of stouffville and two sisters mrs f hornshaw of whitevale and mrs s dart of toronto the funeral will be conduct ed this thursday afternoon by rev fred mccarthy with in terment in the first markham baptist cemetery pallbearers will be jack hornshaw willie boyd gordon boyd eldon boyd robert johnston and stanley timbers public skating there will b9 public skating at the stouffville arena this friday night one of the last skating nights this season owing to a late rush of ad vertising several late news budgets had to be ommitted major stands guard over cedar grove famsly approx 45000 assessment involved in local annexation whitchurch township coun cil meeting on saturday after noon received official notifica tion of the municipal board hearing on march 21th of the annexation of approximately 50 acres of the timbers farm at the corner of the 9th con to stouffville clerk jack craw ford stated that approximately 40000 assessment was involv ed in the annexation of this land half of which is present ly under subdivision clerk crawford and representatives from council will attend the hearing it was agreed the township some time ago a- greed not to oppose the annex ation as the land was adjacent to town and the portion under subdivision was receiving lo cal water service general business a communication was re ceived by council naming the 1951 oflicers for the upper hol land conservation authority to winch whitchurch is asked to contribute this year 24981 the oflicers are hon chair man ad evans chairman el ton armstrong vice chairman harold pringle sectreas wes ley brooks members r j ro gers and- lambert wilson payment was authorized to leh brillinger of 50 for one sheep kiiled and flock damage council after looking over a number of prices for clocks a- greed to take the offer of the canada clock co of 17500 for an is clock for the front of the municipal building after some discussion of the attendance of council members and township oflicers to var ious municipal conventions a resolution passed which wiu provide expense money for members of council and ofiic- ials when attending conven tion in the interest of the twp whitchurch not satisfied with fire agreement i a oommunitv prayer ser vice for the arena meetings will be held thursday nicht in the united missionary church at s oclock henry dyck stricken suddenly in 42nd year on saturday morning march 13th mr henry dyck farmer on the 10th concession of mar kham south of stouffville pas sed away suddenly in his 12nd year born in russia the late mr dyck came to canada at an early age and resided with his parents in saskatchewan in 193s he came to ontario the deceased lived in stouff ville for nine years and spent the past two years on his farm south of town he also handled a mail route for four years and was active at the time of his death mr dyck was a mem ber of the stouffville legion and served in the armed forces during world war ii prior to the war he was employed in construction work in the dis trict he had only recently dis posed of his farm and was pre paring for the auction sale which was held on wednesday besides his wife the former marjorie snyder the deceaed is survived by one daughter louise his mother mrs mar garet dyck of saskatoon five brothers isaac peter and ja cob in wesern canada cornel ius of claremont bill in klein- burg and two sisters annie mrs p sawatzkil and mar garet mrs j leowen both in saskatchewan funeral service was held on tuesdav afternoon at 2 pm at the l e oneill chapel stouff- ville conducted bv rev f g huson of the intted mission ary church with interment in mr and mrs lloyd mcin tosh operators of the cedar grove community store have three children beverley 12 teddy 9 linda 0 and a huge 200 pound st bernard dog age pi years although mr and mrs mcintosh have resided in cedar grove for only a few months this giant dog has gained the love and admira tion of all the children in the district and the respect of all strangers major as the dog is properly named serves two main purposes in the mcintosh home a playmate for the chil dren and a guard should un wanted strangeis venture into their house although the dog is noted for its quiet and peace- loving nature he makes an ex cellent watch dog major was purohaed by mr and mrs mcintosh when thev resided in cherrywood during the past year the pup has grown rapidly and al though the dog has reached his full height he will contin ue to put on weight although the animals appetite has tap ered off considerably he still is able to consume large quan tities of food during his gro wing stages major was able to drink four quarts of milk plus a quantity of raw eggs meat and food scraps he is fed one big meal esch day major is very intelligent and very sensitive one day beverley the eldest of the three children took the dog down to a nearby stream ma jor seemed to sense a danger in the water and although be verley tried several times to enter the stream the huge dog would gently grab her bathing suit in his mouth and pull her hack up on dry land it was some time before the dog could be persuaded into jetting the girl venture into the water beverley and teddy j both attend school and al though major would like to tag along he is not allowed to so- characteristic features of the st bernard are a huge head and large mouth his long smooth back ends with a swee ping tail his movements are silenced by giant bearlike paws his coat although light in color when very young is gradually turning to a darker red major is of thorough bred stock and is very valuab le although he has never been placed in competition an other member of the eleven- pup- family took prizes at the cne whitchurch township will withhold signing any fire a- reement with stouffville un til they have contacted mt al bert regarding service for the northeast section of the town ship the township at the last council meeting agreed to of fer the same standby time as previously 250 with a step up in the first two hour rate from 40 to 60 and 10 for each hour thereafter in a communication before whitchurch council on satur day stouffville council reques ted 300 standby time 60 for the first two hours and 24 for each hour thereafter this is the same agreement as the town has with markham twp while the township offer is the same as that municipality has with aurora council expressed dissatis faction at the increase and a- greed that the stouffville area might be cut to conform with the price by making arrange ments with mt albert to ser vice part of the township meet crossing owners council was in receipt of a communication on saturday from the board of transport commissioners which cited the recent fatal accident at the leary railway crossing and suggesting that a cut in the railway grade and the clearing of trees might improve the ap proach the board stated that they would be interested to hear both the views of the township and the railway with respect to their suggestions for improvement township solicitor jd lu cas recommended that the reeve and clerk meet with him before any action was taken and on the suggestion of coun cillor iegge it was further a- greed to meet with the owners of the property adjacent to the crossing to ascertain if an ami- 8 cable settlement cannot be ar ranged regarding the obstruc tions to the sight lines markham woman in jail when ability impaired unable to pay a 200 fine olive docherty of markham township was sent to jail for ten days when she appeared before magistrate hollinrake in county court this week the charge of ability impaired a- rose following an accident on yonge st last month