trie tribune stouftville ont thursday february 11 1934 a windy city interlude chicago ij a city of contrast beautiful drives and parks modem buildings and many centres of cultural activity are close neighbours to mysterious chinatown the mexican russian and japanese sections creating a metropolis of absorbing interest to the discerning traveller youll add pleasure to your trip by going the friendly way by bus atk your agtrd for mot detail of thk and many other measure planned vacations 37 90 round trip pare from toronto subject to change includes hotel room for 2 nights 2 in a roon snowbalps barber shop ph stouffville 270j2 seaway would make ocean ports of inland cities with the st lawrence seaway project approved by the united states sen ate by a vote of 51 to 53 and expected to be a sub ject of hot debate in the house of representatives this map lives some idea of its effect ocean liners could traverse the st law rence river and pass through the great lakes thus making seaports of the great cities along then- shores the legislation au thorizes the united states to join canada in file de velopment of the st law rence seaway congress would appropriate 105- 100000 for the project failure of congress to ap prove the seaway would almost certainly result in canada undertaking the project alone too young yet for ba although she is only six years old helen rous- elle of new york is seen trying for her ba in madison square garden new york as barbara ann scott canadian ska ting queen centre and jacqueline du bief look on skating since she was two years old helen is well on the way to becom ing another barbara ann who is now the star of an american ice review a french blade artist miss du bief joined the same show after winning the worlds skating title hockey fans save coioretl photos of your favorite hockey stars every saturday the weekend tely is publishing a full color photograph and a biography of one of the worlds greatest hockey players heres an opportunity for boys and girls to clip these exclusive color pictures for their scrapbooks start your collection this saturday every saturday in the telegram daily plus weekend i for iomc delivery of the telegram plcjte contjet the tct cjrrurulcimin on roui street write the telegram biy ind melindi its toronto 1 or lelcphene empire 86011 penalized for action in house emilien lafrance lib era mpp in quebec is un der a 15 day suspension from the quebec legisla ture after a vote was tak en he was asked to re tract his statement that premier duplessis was a coward and or refusal speaker alexander tache ordered the vote taken lafrance called the prem ier a coward when duples sis refused to allow discus sion of graft charges in connection with a power project nearly 5q0o fish through ice each weekend ontarios winter angling har vest is in full swing on lake simeoe according to officials of the ontario department of lands and forests anywhere from 3000 to 5000 people are fishing through the ice every weekend now the long stretch of subzero weather which left most of ontario shivering had little ef fect on the winter fishermen in their snug huts with min iature stoves glowing red hot they were too busy catching whitehsh herring and some lake trout to worry about the weather lake simeoe some 10 miles north of toronto and one of the provinces largest lakes amazes even fisheries experts with its constant production situated as it is within easy driving distance of more than a million people the lake tin der constant restocking and supervision by the depart ment seems to handle all the fishermen possihle and wel come more for years winter spearing was allowed then at the urg ing of department experts as well as fish and game organiz ations this practice was dis allowed the result is that fish ing is better than ever on lake simeoe more recently the use of sniggers or snaggers was prohibited these cruel weap ons resembled a coat hanger from the bottom wire of which were supended six to eight long hooks from the hook part of the hanger a smaller hook was hung this was usual ly baited the technique un sportsmanlike as it was was simple when a fish bit at the top hook the angler jerked the rig aloft frequently snag- ging the fish below but more frequently simply ripping its flesh now the possession of such implements is unlawful con servation officers of the de partment patrolling the lake on foot by car and snowmo bile and at times using air craft are alert to seize them and arrest the owners as a result the snagger has prac tically gone out of existence on lake simeoe also frowned upon is the use of more than one line while fishing through the ice regular fishermen on the lake are well satisfied with the one line permitted the financial benefit of the winter fishing season here cannot be estimated actually there is little industry in the area most of it is farming country but residents have found that the building and renting of small huts used by fishermen is a lucrative busin ess years ago its was easy to rent one of these huts com plete with stoves and fishing tackle for as little as 1 a day the price has since gone up to ss and 10 so far as the city fisherman is concerned its worth it the huts usually accommo date two or three persons are fairly windproof a necessity on the big lake and the small stoves some of them made from oil cans keep the occu pants quite comfortable and warm probably no one will ever know all the different types of fish there are in lake simeoe during the summer there are excellent bass pike and an oc casional maskinonge some claim there are rainbow trout in the lake and speckled trout in some of the contributing streams care of house plants dont be too disappointed if the house plant you got for christmas or the xew year does not lus as long as you had hoped most plants are grown to bloom through the holiday season but the modern home in winter time is not such as to encourage them very much among other things the temperature is gen erally too high and the hum idity too low there are some things you april when the ice goes out often brings as many as 10000 people to this area over the weekend and all of them get perch the spring lake trout fishing when the big fellows are up on top is extremely good whitefish and herrin are principal targets of the winter season despite the varied and in tense winter and summer fish ing however there seems lit tie likelihood of the lake being fished out for many years if ever experts agree under the constant polity of stocking plus excellent food conditions it is estimated that there are more fish in lake simeoe now than there were 25 years ago many toronto anglers bearing home their baskets of frozen whitefish and herring will a- gree with this can do to keep them bloonving longer give them ample sun light keep the air cool and moist never let the soil dry out keep them out of draughts and keep any insects under controi xight temperatures should be uo degrees or lower so it is worth moving a plant to the coolest room at night the ex ception to this is the poinsettia which likes warm nights nev er below 60 degrees and does not relish sudden changes of temperature a plant needs water when the soil has dried out so that it crumbles in the hand most plants are best watered by standing the pot for a few mi nutes in a shallow pan or sau cer containing an inch or two of water the pot should be removed when the surface of the soil appears moist the humidity in most hous es is far too low for most house plants particularly cyclam ens humidifiers or pans of water placed on radiators will help standing the pots on sau cers or trays of gravel which is kept moist is another way to provide humidity but the pot itself must not stand in water be careful to avoid leaving house plants in a draught and if you use cooking gas remem ber that all plants are most susceptible to any unburned gas that escapes into the air it will cause both flowers and leaves to drop off fc- aberdeen- angus the supreme beef breed get premium pricesafor baby beef with aberdeen- angus either pure bred or crossing- with angus bull means earlymaturing easyfeeding hornless calves with all the best beef features open and bred heifers and bred cows available now r c baker claremont ont ph clarentont 44w 233 anq waq qou look its ford vb for value i more beautiful than ever with that leadership look crestline victoria the crestline skyltncr heres the big style news of the year the exciting new transpurenttop car dramatic higlffashion leader in its field t iff hi lliii hp lliillilllsll a new v8 enoine by canadas most experienced v8 builder more power greater smoothness for safety and flexibility msa issues w j mm ggg3 m hh mm mmm in trendsetting beauty in smoothness and flexibility of performance in driving case and riding comfort any way you look at it ford- canadas worthmore car is worth still more in 54 fords leadership look with more stylcsclting beauty inside and out- is matched by the new responsiveness of the great new i20hp v8 engine that powers all custonilinc and crestline models fords bigcar comfort is enhanced by the newest and finest power features masterguide power steering power brakes and fordomatic drive- that make all your driving relaxed and effortless take a look at ford for 54 any way you look at it youll see why ford is worth more when you buy it worth more when you sell it i crrlti ttlhti uluiivl f wtiuvj it suwf i it m4t cmsb at ito alien your ford dealer invites you to testdrve 59 ford stouffville look for the st h murphy ltd ontario sign of value when you buy a used carsee your ford dealer