the tribune stouffvilie ont thursday february i 1954 cherrywood or sunuay morning mk li ga told the story of robert halites in the sunday school after sunday school the child ren remained for the church service a number of children were presented with their ro bert raikes diplomas by their teachers for faithful attend ance during the year 1953 those receiving their diplom as were walter milne doro thy and wayne hollinger da vid rennie john henry and roelofje kiers those receiv ing their 2nd year seal were david lome and margaret milne william and joan pet ty emma laughlin keith and karen wager carol and dian- ne shields and miss paulette riches a number attended the w- ms meeting in toronto on tuesday the wa will hold their re gular monthly meeting in the hall on wed feb 10th at 2 pm word for roll call christ ian fellowship mr and mrs ivan law of whitby spent a day with mr and mrs wm tweddle this past week mr watson morris of sask atchewan visited with mr and mrs walter hollinger for a few days the home and school are holding a euchre and dance in the schoolhouse on friday evening feb 12th lunch pro vided everybody welcome gormley altona the wi will meet at the home of mrs norman spang wednesday feb 10 at 2 pm motto we cannot have peace without goodwill friendship i is the only cement that willi hold the world together roll call what country i would like to visit and why reading a koreans impression of can ada customs in other lands mrs t assinck mrs harold lewis convener of education will have charge of the pro gram the hooked wool rug size 3g x 54 is being offered for sale at this meeting anyone interested bids will be accept ed visitors are always wel come mrs george cober had the misfortune to slip on the ice on her front steps and break her left wrist last tuesday mr peter brillinger celebra ted his 85th birthday last week miss mary wideman nurse- intraining at the wellesley hospital toronto spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs jos wideman mr bruce steckley is spend ing this week at ancaster 1enna mrs geo barrett and donna and mrs biddlecombe visited on friday with mrs robt miller of downsview mrs edna brubacher who returned to nigeria africa in december was presented with a coronation medal in honour of her services there mrs brubacher is serving there un der the united missionary so ciety mr and mrs howard baker are the song evangelists at grace chapel toronto for a few days mrs ida leary had supper on sunday with mrs b jones miss annie heise is visiting this week with friends in pen nsylvania mr and mrs frank harvey and joyce had supper on sat urday with mr and mrs jd ilisey of bethesda mr watson xorris of sask atchewan and mr walter hol linger and son of cherrywood had dinner on monday with mr and mrs walter hender son mr xorris and mr hol- iinger were schoolmates of mr henderson mrs allan doner commenc ed her teaching duties at the teacher training school at igbetti nigeria africa last monday mr doner is assist ing in building a new teacher training school there miss edna eade and girl friend of toronto visited mr and mrs em eade on satur day the girls came on skiis and also returned via skiis many a person who has some how acquired the reputation of being a wheel is little more than an idle pulley motor toboggan replaces skis and snow shoes 1 i eec mull sanaa asaaasna serve a hot breakfast quick cooking ogilvie oats bee hive or crowx brand corn syrup special 5 lb tin 75tf save up to 3c a loaf special sliced or unsliced fresh daily 24 oz loaf richmello bread m fraxkford cream style special 20 oz tin golden corn 2 for 25 grand valley fancy 20 oz tin tomato juice 2 for 2l j wm horsey 20 oz tin grapefruit juice 2 for 2h clarks in chili sauce 15 oz tin pork beans 2 for 31 tf aylmer choice 20 oz tin quartered beets 2 for m save on meats maple leaf pure pork 1 lb pkg skinless sausage m maple leaf mild flavor bv the piece pound 29 twits tr vegetables thinskixned and juicy florida grapefruit arizona firm crisp iceberg lettuce crown in spain mild spanish onions sweet full of juice florida oranges size 9 fur those unskilled in the use of snowshpes and skiis this motor tobog gan is made to order for exciting trips into winter wonderland owned by harry draper of lake jo seph ont the modern conveyance for snow trav el is powered by a small gasoline motor and trav els over hill and snow drift on tracks similar to tank ones on straight clear stretches the motor toboggan about to take oil above with mis dra per ai the controls can travel about 25 miles an hour pulling a sleigh or toboggan behind it many skiers in the area like to forsake the slopes to be towed across country victoria square it was reported last week that mr walter smith had sold his 20 acre farm please note it should be his 100 acre farm sorry to have made the mis take the regular monthly meet ing of the married couples club was held thursday even ing of last week at the home of mr and mrs earl empring- liam with twenty eight pres ent the election of officers for 1951 was held conducted bv rev huston they are pres mr and mrs allan orr vice president mr and mrs john buchanan sec treas mr and mrs ray wilson fol lowing the meeting games were played followed by re freshments served by the hos tess the couples club is spons oring a church service to be held sunday evening febru ary 11 at 730 pm it will be conducted by the christian fellowship group of the to ronto police force everyone welcome miss belle merritt is spend ing a few clays with her cous in miss mabel sanderson congratulations to mr and mrs rowe on the birth of a son on saturday at the toron to east general hospital mr and mrs rowe are newcomers to our community and reside in pw willows apartment the regular monthly meet ing of the s wl will be held on tuesday evening fob oth at s pm at the home of mrs allan orr the theme is home economics and education the programme will be in charge of the victoria square homemakers club mrs r glover will demonstrate ma king paper flowers hostes ses and entertaining commit tee will be mrs a orr mrs s defoe and mrs f mcroberts the institute has planned a bus tour for thursday febru ary 11th they will visit the campbell soup co and the hobby show the bus will leave victoria square at 1245 pm anyone wishing more in formation call mrs r glover the regular monthly meet ing of the wms will be held on wednesday afternoon feb 10th at 230 pm at the home mrs v westbrook all lad ies in the community are in vited to attend mr and mrs 15 muir and family spent saturday even ing with mr and mrs gordon mortson and family a speedy recovery is wished for mrs frank brumwell and mrs w orr who are ill in bed and to mr gordon mcwhirter who is in st michaels hospit al toronto it was very nice to see the primary class of boys from the sunday school with their teacher mr gordon mortson occupying the front seats in the church on sunday after noon gordon is to be congrat ulated for the fine work he is doing with the boys in get ting them to come to sunday school and church mr and mrs percy bennett and ray and freddie walker attended the open house held at ibm plant on satur day ray is an employee of this firm mr and mrs ray wilson and johnny of toronto had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs percy bennett and rav dr wj rumney vs who is attending toronto univers ity at the present time visited with mr and mrs dalton rum ney last week mr and mrs d rumney en tertained their family to sun day dinner in honour of jack rumneys birthday cedar grove all are invited to hear mr gus ambrose director of the great toronto youth for christ the melody men male quartet from tyfc johnny ambrose tenor soloist who has suns in great evangelis tic campaigns remember one night only in the christian memorial church at 730 pm this sunday i bsssecsasssg liymi wmi the death occurred in osh- swa general hospital on tuesday of floyd reesor son of the late abram reesor al- tona miller of some years ago the late floyd reesor work ed for the peddler firm in the motor city for many years he was in his 75th year sur viving are his wife the form er nancy harbron and two daughters the funeral will be this thursday afternoon to oshawa cemetery awarded dfc by governor general 10for49c large size 24 each large size 2 for 1 large size 200 doz 37 every man his own histor ian from manuscript to mu- loum was the topic under discussion in cedar grove schoolhouse on monday even ing in his interesting and en lightening talk john s moir of toronto stressed the hum- n interest in history and drew attention to the fact that is opposed to other sciences history suffers because it is too commonplace he spoke of manuscript history oral his tory and silent history and of tlie importance of yesterdays records in the progress of to days culture in speaking of the enemies of paper he gave the collect ors present some very practic- u al tips for the preservation of lloyd tu their precious old manuscripts and surprised some by telling of the harmful effects of such useful new inventions as cel lulose tape and present day- ink an old fashioned art gum or plain bread crumbs seem to be the most effective cleaning agents for old papers and starch or gauze the best servatives for use by the ateur historian at the conclusion of moirs informal address answered many questions lead in discussions on such pertinent subjects as the res toration of old sites and the formation of local museums it was an evening to further the interest of the ardent his torian and to whet the appetite of the novice saturday evening at cedar- ena saw a record crowd en joying perfect skating condi tions so far this has been a good year for skating we hope the weather man will continue to cooperate the community club meet ing the first this year was held tuesday evening at the home of mr and mrs george carr it was an evening for plans and discussions for the coming year rather than an evening of motions new id eas were aired and discussed and many improvements sug gested for the more efficient running of our usual commun ity events sony to reixrt that doris perry a former cedar grove resident fell last week and in jured her wrist for the next month doris will have to car ry a cast on her right arm gordon lunau new president of markham fair g lunau has been named president of the 1951 mark- ham fair board by the annual meeting held in markham last week the following slate of officers was elected 1st vice pres geo w henry todmor- den 2nd vice alex davidson agincourt sectreas rh crosby markham assist sec mrs rh crosby livestock director chas boynton direc tors for markham village j torrance ob ilisey e gra ham x schouten and rh brillinger associate directors dr ia brown m russell e appleton r furneaux and w conlin for markham town ship chas boynton g lu nau wl clark eldred king jd lanthier win timbers hw warriner associate h cosburn w gould w rees or e miles a gardhouse s watson b gardhouse c hoo per ken deacon d rumney g dimma for pickering twp w milne d tran associate e norton hg michell thos norton for searboro twp geo b little la kennedy alex davidson mc macklin associate am campbell jas clark e britton m hamill whitchurch twp and stouff- ville th paisley geo ro- danz associate ed logan mer ivan mclaugh- menwomen01dat 405060 get pep feel years younger full of vim dont blame exhausted wornout rundown leeitng on your ace thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with ostrex tonia tablets will do contain tonic hemic stimu lant often needed alter 40 bv bodies weak old because lacking iron a 7svearold doc tor writes 1 took it myself llesults fine introductory or setacquainted sire only 60c stop feeling old start to fee peppy and younger today at all druggists north york geo w pre- am- mr he and the financial report for the year just ended revealed that the last fair had an operating profit of 158133 the treas urer reported a balance on hand of 121 s with total as set over liabilities amounting to 94231781 fair dates for 1954 will be sept 30 oct 1 and 2 three field crop competitions will be held this year for oats fall wheat and ensilage corn there was a preliminary discussion on plans for the 1955 centennial celebration and anyone having any old prize lists or other documents pertaining to the fairs of over fifty years ago are asked to get in touch with john lunau rs ward or the secretary claremont television service repairs to nil makes of radios and tv we service anywhere guaranteed years of experience have your tv picture tube cleaned and your set adjusted call collect 3s4 ciaitkmovt 1av markham township notice the township of markham requires a building inspector duties to include necessary sep tic tank supervision and com mence march 1st 1954 appli cations in writing staling cm a i- ifications etc will be received at the address given below until february 1 2th next salary commensurate with the duties of the office 3s3 chas hoover clerk township of markham gormley rr2 ont a scientist says that dry rot costs lumbermen millions and spoils a lot of conversation too a brides impression of the wedding ceremony aisle altar hymn lemohville everyone is invited to at tend the evening service in lemon ville church on feb 7 at 730 pm rev o halsted of ringwod will conduct the service and mr howard mills of stouftville will be the solo ist the morning service will be held as usual at 945 elaine and phyllis oldham spent sunday with mrs h begg mi and mrs james rae vis ited on sunday with mrs wm beach we hope bobby flewell who has been out of school for three weeks will soon be feel ing well again the wa meeting will be held in the church this month has exclusive miracle tab and 34 other outstanding feafuresl the stouffville tribune stouffville phone 153j2 the person who fully exercises his right to say what he pleases indulges in an expensive luxury stock timekeeper for the road department applications for the above position will be received by the township engineer up until 12 noon monday february 3th please state qualifications and expected salary 382 township of markham ilr2 gormley out stouffville branch ungraded ecgs wanted w pay hhgctt mirkct prici for u4artf4 ecoi s mjnjgar for fhti j crji stitloi oj oouinioh stores limited mr and mrs harry brit ton proudly display the distinguished flying cross recently awarded to mr britton for the courage and devotion to duty he displayed during his ser vice as a flying officer in the second world war the grimsby ont man was among 3i officers and men and one woman mem ber of the armed services who were decorated for gallantry and outstanding service at ottawa by gov ernorgeneral vincent ma sey mens missionary m fellowship rally east district of united missionary churches at stouffville united missionary church on monday february 8th at 8 pm speaker mr s a rohrer businessman of elkhart indiana music the bethany male quartette kitchener w