the tribune stouffville out thursday february 4 1954 unionville news congratulations to mr and i feb 10th hostesses mrs a mrs leroy hirst east drive who celebrated their 13th wed ding anniversary on sunday a number of their relatives visited them and were entertained by mr and mrs hirst mr and mrs karl williams are enjoying a holiday in flor ida despite the heavy snow storm last wednesday night about fifty ladies of the village gather ed in the basement of st philips anglican church to honor miss myrel rumble pomanda road with a miscellaneous shower she was presented with a lovely silver tray by the members of the gleaners of st philips mrs porter of toronto atten ded the miscellaneous shower for miss myrel rumble miss n oingeilch of liadeu is visiting her sister and brother- inlaw mr ami mrs jonah ramcr for a few days mr and mrs e caseley were richmond visitors on tuesday afternoon mr and mrs talbert findley of thornhill and mrs otto virtue of tyrone visited with mrs l rainey on wednesday evening congratulations to mr and mrs charles maynard on the birth of a daughter melody jane at markham nursing home last week mr and mrs jack stansbury of toronto visited on monday night with mrs million mrs ogden lias sold her pro perty on main street to mr and mrs tunney of toronto mr charles minton has taken an apartment and will now be living in toronto charlie who was born and lived in uniouville all his life will be missed here there was a good attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the gleaners at the home of mrs c webb no 7 highway last week as this was the annual meeting the election of officers was conducted by mrs g g maynard the following officers were elected pres mrs wm bradley sec mrs t marshall treas mrs wm stewart sick visiting comm mrs c webb mrs a pypher mrs r weyman press pub licity mrs a k harrington trans miss hilda blundell the wa of central united church met in the church base ment on thursday afternoon january 2sth at 230 pm rev butt installed the officers for 1954 mrs w snowball read seventeen replies from boxes re ceived at christmas the society will cater to the mens club on dyke and mrs b cayman serv ed a lovely lunch the womens institute will meet in the basement of central united church on thursday february 4th at 23u pm mrs garnet francey of victoria square will be the guest speak er we are sorry to lose mr and mrs commandant and family who expect to move to markham soon mrs h powers has been on the sick list this week we hope she will soon be well again mrs christine woods of agin- court spent sunday with her friend nadiue skerratt miss kathleen walker of milliter visited on sunday with her brother and sisterinlaw mr and mrs james walker the mens club supper will be held on monday night feb 15th in central united church basement uniouville home and school association meeting on monday feb sth will have parent ed ucation as the theme mrs a toogood the convener and a group of parents plan to do a short play entitled parents problems mr tarr of stouivville called on friends in the village on monday congratulations to mr and mrs james weir who have a new grandson born to their daughter and husband nancy and william mccowan at the east general hospital on mon day feb 1st a number of the mothers of the village attended the boy scouts mother banquet at cherry hill farm on monday night little mark metcalfe was in jured when he fell from the back of a truck monday he had climbed up unnoticed toy the driver and fell to the pavement when the truck started we are glad to know his injuries were not too serious stiver brothers have moved into their new office on station street this week miss gertie wagg is enjoying a holiday at the home of her cousins mr and mrs wilson webster at oakwood a group of ladies from the unionville business and pro fessional womens club motored to stouffville on monday night where they were entertained to a supper by the stouffville group mr and mrs sutherland have returned after enjoying a month in florida birthday greetings to wandy i j willan who had a birthday on monday we are glad to hear nickey willan is home from the hos pital after having his tonsils re moved we are sorry to hear mrs ross bartlett is in the east general hospital where she underwent an operation we wish her a speedy recovery find deer farming just dont mix pickering farmers barred from dairy business a ajax from chicks to cheques yes poultry pay fed the marmill way start them off with marmill 18 chick starter marmill 20 chick starter these feeds contain all the necessary proteins vitamins antibiotics trace minerals and are fortified with b12 combining every essential in gredient necessary for rapid sturdy growth it pays to feed the best so feed the marmill follow through way and make more profit we manufacture a complete line of poultry dairy and hog feeds fresh every day best by test for twentyfive years reesors marmill ltd markham phone 9600 fifteen district fanners and citizens have threatened full- scale war over the ontario milk control boards refusal to permit local farmers to start a dairy in ajax with concrete plans for a eowiotabe dairy service that they say will cm costs of milk production members of the pickering transport coopera tive have twice been refused a producer distributor license by the board on the grounds that ajax is now being served by five outside laities before the board will consid er granting a new license proof of poor quality or inadequate service by the five dairies ser ving ajax must lie produced after the milk boards last refusal ian 5 the citizens association instructed its sec retary to send a resolution to the board pointing out the town of 5000 persons does not now possess the best possible dairy outlet and urging the board to grant the license for a consumer distributor dairy in ajax the resolution charges the boards refusal is preventing industrial development in the town depriving the municipal ity of additional taxes and free competition the farmers claim that since their trucking coop has cut transportation costs by one- third similar action in the dairy industry would consider ably reduce the cost of milk some point out the coopera tive dairy project would also solve the problem of surplus milk for local farmers coop president alan lish- man points out several advan tages of the plan we all live within a mile or two of ajax and could serve them well he argues anoth er advantage would be our ab ility to pipe steam from the chmc central heating plant we would not have to install our own steam plant henry westney secretary of the coop said the group may seek a producer consumer li cense enabling them to split profits with the consumer he said the cost of putting the dairy into operation would be about 10000 at present there is no dairy retail outlet in ajax the pop ulation is served by door-to- door delivery from outside dairies and across the counter in grocery stores citizens say the five dairies give a very high type of service and the citizens association is quick to point out that no criticism of the five dairies is implied the most severe snowstorm o tlte season failed to halt meet ing of farmers hunters and con servationists who gathered at dereham centre to protest the shooting of six deer in the area on jan 1st by ontario lands and forests officials and provin cial police the incident which so aroused the district south west of ingersoll was the sequel to a- complaint made in novem ber by farmer bert bell above that deer had trampled his grain and what could be done about it knowing that the ani mals were too numerous in that section inspector f r mead ows top of the lands and for ests district office at hespeler had hoped that an open season in oxford county would elimin ate damage by deer but evident ly in dereham township there had been few hunters there had been a complaint and de partment officials had acted upon it as they were entitled to under the game and fisheries act deer and agriculture dont mix he added a number of people who are otherwise truthful will look you straight in the eye and ell you emphatically that they enjoy working lots of time is saved by peo ple who take just a little long er and do a thing right mr and mrs property owner of markham township as we are completing the reassessment of markham township in 1954 it is necessary that we know the correct size of each parcel of land in the township would you mr and mrs property owner be good enough to assist the assessment department with that work as provided for in section 13 subsection 2 of the assessment act by filling out this form and mailing it to the assessment commissioner or hang it up in your kitchen so that it will be handy when the assessor calls at your home if your property is an irregular shape a sketch would be very helpful york county holsfein annual holstein bleeders from york county tilled the masonic hall at richmond hill on january 21st for the annual meeting of their county club president percy barker of woodbridge called the meeting io order at krjo am and complimented the breeders on their contin ued interest in the promotion of their breed in this connec tion a feature of the day was the presentation by fieldman gerald xelson of 13 eertific aies for superior and longtime production to members whose herd had made outstanding re cord- on rop tests the guest speaker was dr jc kennie of the animal hus bandry department oac guelph dr rennie spoke on tiie sire indexing programme now being carried on at the college under this scheme sires are being indexed for prepotency according to the rop records and the selec tive registration ratings for type of their daughters the sires rating is obtained by comparison to the average of the breed on all rop selec tive registration records av ailable this work is all done by machinery some of which f capable of sorting 400 in dex cards per minute holstein breeders believe this research to be the most progressive yet undertaken in the field of ani mal breeding and the project will eventually cover all dairy breeds i in the election of directors tile following were elected glen atkinson schomberg robt chapman weston rus sell boynton woodbridge al ex davidson agincourt wm edwards schomberg neil fa- ris newmarket sam gough milliken geo jackson jr downsview wilbert jennings king bruce kefler maple las reid kleinburg jerry walker king bruce watson woodbridge stanley b wat son markham at the direct ors meeting which followed they elected bruce watson of woodbridge as president and geo jackson jr downsview as vice president it is notewor thy that these young men but a few years ago were fellow members in the woodbridge boys calf club rh barker of woodbridge was reappoint ed sec treas now with test papers fukc o va product of iis anions genius it is the one permanent wave for home use with oil actually spun into the magic curling lotion mi that vou too can have that silkv natural looking wave 2- ltfr hoti curl i wmtmctii 125 iiii curl 1cruumeut 250 houstons the rexall drug store smaix properties feel frontline keel on side 1yct on ide feet t rear no of iiere farm lands total no of acres o of acres cleared land no of acres wood land no of acres niarli laud no of acres waste land no of acre- reforested land name o properly owner amrr- lot concession to j a fleming assessment commissioner box 57 unionville ont 44th annual plowmens meeting inspired toy the tremendous success of the international plowing match held near co- bourg last year members of the ontario plowmens assoc iation are preparing for the 1lth annual meeting to be held at the king edward hot el toronto february sth and 9th president hubert avery brockville and f lashleyl secretary manager of the as- sociation have supervised the preparation of a program that j promises to be of particular interest to all of the delegates robert 11 saunders chair man of the ontario hydro el ectric power commission will be the guest speaker at a lun cheon to ibe held february 9th xorman moore will be the guest speaker at the annual dinner february sth in addition to many papers of importance to all those in terested in plowing and plow ing matches ja carroll as sistant deputy minister of ag riculture for ontario and past president of the world gov erning board of the world championship plowing organ ization will address the con vention on success of the first world match a varied program lias been prepared for the entertainment of the large number of dele gate- expected to attend bl00m1ngt0n mr aw storry attended the funeral of his uncle mr j dennis of toronto on thurs day we regret to report that mrs e nesbitt is quite ill and wish her a speedy recovery master clarence degeer and brother of box grove and mar vin clark of ballantrae spent the weekend with their grand parents mr and mrs p brown mr and mrs w vaughan were in toronto on sunday to see their daughter mrs ross bartlett who is in east gener al hospital undergoing an op eration the quarterly temperance sunday was observed in sun day school with mrs c lem on the supt giving a reading and a quartet misses lillian and jean brown miss h lem on and mrs lemon gave a musical number mr e lemon pres of york county soil and crop improve ment association with mrs lemon and son johnathon at tended the sessions in toron to last week jersey club annual meeting ross chapman of queens- ville was reelected president of the york jersey club at their recent annual meeting held at the dept of agricul ture newmarket cecil mort- son also of queensville was declared vice president the meeting at which forty breed enthusiasts were pres ent centred much of its at tention on the formation of a centra ontario club the pur pose of the club being to or ganize jersey breeders on a larger area basis for breed promotion work mr alfred bagg the club salesman com plimented york county breed ers on winning the champion ship herd award at the 1953 cve with reference to sales he stressed the fact that amer ican buyers were available for cattle showing attractive type but not for mediocre quality other directors elected at the meeting for 1951 were xewton iburr gormley bert mcgrath markham las mor gan schomberg and art mc- keown richmond hill wm cockburn was again appointed secretary treasurer vandorf a spring fashion show will be presented by several new market merchants in vandorf community hall on tuesday evening feb hi at s30 pm there will also be program door prizes and refreshments local children and young peo ple will model the clothes the wl is sponsoring this evening and tickets may be purchased from any member congratulations to mr and mrs jack irwin on the arrival of their son a brother for bar bara and john mr and mrs stewart burri- ette were honoured recently by this community when they were presented with several gifts at a social evening held for them at the community hall mr and mrs burnette are now residing at victoria square mr and mrs gordon maek- ey were sunday supper guests of mr and mrs george sprox- ton mr and mrs roy motley were sunday supper guests of mr and mrs harry west canadian department store sales climbed 21 per cent in february compared with the same month of 1952 u cjifi 1847 rogers bros canadas finest silverplata prbsprino suvhpiate sue complete 57pe service for 8 regular 11725 save 2730 ballantrae mr frank cartwright is in newmarket hospital he had an operation last friday we hope he will make a rapid re covery and soon be home a gain mr and mrs ross harper of lemonville visted with mr and mrs george talbot last sunday mrs c stickwood entertain ed the sewing class last thurs day evening a few of the la dies have been sick with the flu and were unable to be present we hope they are ful ly recovered and able to at tend the next meeting a thought for folks working on their income tax suppos ing the government taxed you on what you think youre worth to the company i old man winter can soon expect a kink in the back the letter start then from all over die free world eome such comments as these from readers of tiie christian science monitor on international daily newspaper the monitor is must reach inp lor straigbtlhinking people returned to school after a lapse of 18 years i tcill ftct my degree from the college but my education comes from the monitor the monitor gives me ideas lor my work truly enjoy its com- pany you too will find die monitor informative wilh complete world news you will discover a con structive viewpoint in every news story use the coupon below for a spe cial introductory subscription 3 month for only s3 th tht dim srivixr mnllttf onr t y st b oft i m us a jl a rtt4 mr ml rumft f lw tk- rmi n tirnt mm r tiv i hfi i mtir a mahogany finished drawer chest larnish resistant lrv infl included wilh service complete service 8 knives 8 forks 8 teaspoons reg 8 teaspoons small 8 salad forts 8 soup spoons 2 tablespoons 1 butter knife 1 sugar spoon plus s serving piece 1 cold meat fork 1 pierced pastry server 1 pierced round strvtr i gravy ladle 1 round server convenient terms arranged waggs jewellery stocfkvijik ontario