the tribune stouflville onl thursday january 28 1954 this weeks sunday school lesson doing the works of god temperance golden text i am come that tlny might have iliv and that they might have it jiiore abundantly john 1010 the lesson as a whole approach to the iemn in the realm of fiction se quels are notoriously anticli- mactic a great novel which captures the popular imagin ation encourages the author to write a sequel telling the further adventures of his characters but usually the inspiration no reference to biblical inspiration which marked the first volume is wanting and by comparison the second is dull our lesson is a story with a sequel but here the sequel is even more important than the story indeed the story is told for the sake of the sequel this whole division of johns gospel 21 to 1250 traces the development of the opposition of the jewish leaders to jesus and mis ministry that is why we entitled it in last weeks approach to the lesson the light in conflict with the dark ness while then the story of the healing of the impotent man by the pool of bethesda has a value of its own its chief im portance lies in the fact that it was the occasion for the de fining of the controversy when jesus drove the mer chants and moneychangers verse by vere john 52 by the sheep market a pool called bethesda having five porches for market which is in it alics read gate with the margin and asv the por ches were pillared cloisters verse 3 a great multi tude of impotent folk waiting for the moving of the water this was a gathering place of ailing people all hop ing to be healed surely a lit tle picture of a needy world verse 1 for an angel went down a certain season in to the pool and troubled the water this verse with the last phrase of verse 3 is from the temple john 21221 i omitted by the asv and re- they could only gnash their jected by westcott and- many teeth and hope for revenge after all jesus had tradition on hu side on that occasion but when he not only healed on the sabbath day but en couraged the man healed to break the- sabbath by carrying a bundle that made him a doubledyed sabbath breaker and when his defense con sisted of a claim to e juality with god that was ground for a charge of blasphemy in the highest degree so the sequel is of vast eon- sequence because it brings calvary a long step nearer all this indicates that we must look beyond the stories of the bible to the part they play in- the big wonderful story of redemption that is what makes the bible stories so meaningful mnvfinmtvmmnvmvwmm cream for best results ship your cream to stouflville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186w ilxvhlfwvvv r scccssas other conservative textual critics whether part of the original or a later insertion it explains the presence of al these sick people verse 5 a certain man which had an infirmity thirty and eight years it doesnot say that he had been at the pool thirty eight years but that he had been ailing that time verse 6 wilt thou be made whole the lord is not unmindful of our longsuf ferings wilt thou does not meatt merely do you wish it is an appeal to the mans will verse sir 1 have no man while 1 am coming another steppeth down be fore mo how reminiscent of psalm 1124 the provision of grace is not like this just for the first arrival but it is for all who will come verse 8 rise take up thy bed and walk the chal lenged will was now put to exercise by three brief clear commands the bed was a pallet that could be rolled up and carried verse 9 the man took up his bed and walked the sabbath strength to obey came with the will to o- bey xo convalescence here verse 10 it is the sab bath day it is not unlawful for thee to carry thy bed that is it was not in keeping with the traditional interpre tation of the law compare mark 1110 why the differ ence verse ll he that made me whole said take up they bed in the light of what follows we can only think that the mans motive in mentioning the one who healed him was to shift the blame of sabbath breaking on someone else verse 12 what man is that which said take up thy bed probably the jewish leaders suspected who it was and subsequent events suggest that they arranged with the man to report to them if he identified the heal er verse 13 jesus had con veyed himself away it was a purposeful losing of himself in the crowd to avoid display verse 11 sin no more lest a worse thing come unto thee the suggestion here is that the mans ailment had been brought on by his own sin this warning then was both gracious and appropriate verse 1j the man told the jews that it was je sus here the mans true character appears willing to bring the condemnation of the jews upon his benefactor ei ther that or he was unspeak ably stupid in failing to see what the jews were after verse 1j the jews sought to slay him be cause he had done these things on the sabbath day they now had a definite charge against jesus and were set to invoke the ancient law which made sabbath breaking a cap ital crime num 153230 verse 17 my father wor- keth hitherto and i work as the work which jesus did was in cooperation with the father the jews would have to reckon with the father in finding fault with him verse 18 the jews sought the more to kill him because he said also that god was his father making himself e- qual with god the jews bel ter understood our lords claim than many of our day and jesus did not suggest that they were misinterpreting his claim although it meant his very life the heart of the lesson jesus who commissioned his disciples to be fishers of men mark 117 was him self the master of the craft here we see him at work first he went where the fish were there could be no better fishing ground than the pool of bethesda where the sick and the lame and the in firm were congregated too many of our church evangelis tic efforts are like building a pool in ones back yard and ex pecting fish to jump into it to be caught i know fishermen who are willing to travel hun dreds of miles to a particular lake because the fish are there we need to contact sin ners where they are second jesus went directly to the neediest man in all the cloisters of the pool a poor helpless fellow who had been ailing for thirty eight years farmer voice opposition to tractor licensing it took clerk and treasurer william g manning over an hour to read to the county council thursday afternoon the correspondenc and reports piled up since the december session the ontario forestry asso ciation in a long communica tion set forth its aims and ob jects in furthering the cause of conservation and asked for a grant towards the work the north and south ontar io wi asked for the usual grants from council the ontario agricultural council set forth its work on behalf of camillas basic train- behalf of canadas basic indus try farming and asked for a grant of 50k the proposal to license far mers tractors using the queens highways met with strong opposition in a letter from the south ontario feder ation of agriculture it was set forth that in the councils view tractors do not travel ten miles a year on the highways also that a farmer should le able to haul his produce to market in any vehicle he chooses it was suggested that the licensing of drivers might help but not tractors it was claimed also that the average farmer with a tractor would not use the highway six limes a year also that to license them might step up their use particularly by the younger set to travel to shows and what have vou business directory stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s9j2 dental marie jack hairdressing lloyd avenue stouffville permanent waving machine maehlneless cold wave hairstyling and shaping phone 176vl drive a 54 dodge there really a difference to change the figure the great physician was not afraid of a hard case there is no case be yond his practice are we ab solutely sure of the sufficiency of christ so that we confident ly invite the great sinners the abandoned sinners the hope less sinners to come to him by all means seek the child ren not yet hardened in sin and with a whole life to oiler but remember that jesus re ceives big sinners old sinners and makes them whole third see our lords meth od with this man he made a frontal attack on the citadel of the mans soul his will wilt thou be made whole he was not just asking wheth er the man had a desire to be well but whether he had the will to be well frequently a doctor is frustrated in his ef forts by the patients lack of will to recover in the spirit ual realm no man is saved contrary to his own will nor even passively without his will a man must will to be saved he must say i will to the saviour after the will become inert by years of frustration had been aroused to action our lord called upon the lame man to act in faith rise take up thy bed and walk all j three commands were impos sible apart from an insurge of new strength in this case je sus did not even take the man by the hand to encourage his effort it was purely an act of faith and the strength came to reward it with immediate ability to stand walk and car ry his bed will and faith that is the order whether it be an impo tent sinner or an ailing saint there must be first the will to be whole and the faith to go forth in his strength betty beauty salon victoria street machlneless machine cold wave hair styling shaping phone stouffville 287 r bailgero auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 20iw2 ph sto 3g3 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mllllken po ph agin 52w3 markham po ph mark 200 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 167h- stouffville e s barker lds dds bono graduate of university ol toronto office over harolds grill phone 274w stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien maiu phone 196 coroner for york county drs f j button and r b mitchell stouirville phone 371w xray hours daily 0 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm e venings 7 to 0 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment ollico over button ulk a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville g7312 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 87jl j a willoughby sons dr herbert b freel physician telephone 1g4 xray hours dally except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am pearl r onley dc chiropractor and electro therapist main street stouffville phono 220 for appointment optometric e a grubin ro optometrist eeiaiaiaiaisiabiaismbiamaibjaiaaiaais joy experience its blgcar luxury its 3- way smoother ride beauty salon 30m get noshift driving with hydrive oodgo otters the lowest priced and simplest noshift driving you can obtain you just shift into high and go heres a foature which will keep your car young for many year make it worth more at any tlmo add full power steering for effortless steering and parking all driving becomes easier and safer when you add full power steering now available on all dodge models at moderate coat youll find out that all lowerpriced cars are not just about the same when you drive a 1954 dodge feel how the steadier softer more level dodge ride takes you over any road in bigcar luxury how this finer smoother dodge hugs the highway and takes the curves in stride heres bigcar stability that makes long trips less tiring and if youve never driven a dodge before youll be amazed at the comfort of chairhigh seating which also allows you an unobstructed view of the road wonderfully safe allround vision and the eager response of the famous dependable dodge engine roadtest the 1954 dodge discover the difference for yourself 300 bay street toronto 927 w bert silverlhorn representative phono stouffvillo 88j1 farms country estates town suburban properties funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer- continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl tttmuulmtt permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs vcrna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 for yourself rw4rruw co u jtk dodge u1l tktfl juat p p faty phone 390 keyson motors limited stonnvill- stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy sehvice telephone 90 markham ontario plcton stouffville at stouffville ohice on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays tan 1 jth i2th fob 8tli otli afternoons and evenings only phones 80j2 anil 25jl garnet v gray ro optometrist hours 030 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 40j2 for appointment insurance birkett son ficneral insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 stouffville machine tool works telephono ss3 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repors j i ken laushway general insurance phone 270w ana 270w2 stouflville ont fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance for every purpose phono 362j f m pugh the future belongs tc those who prepare for it be prepared by insuring with the mutual life of canada prompt courteous scnloe phone 38w2 stouffville general insurance brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed mmii street east stouffville