the tribune sioufivilje oriu thursday xnvember 25 1953 the stouffville tribune established isss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations antfcorlifd a ceeoadelass nsaljj posiorsce dept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere s300 c h xojan editor jas thomas spoi assist a v nolan son publishers for parents- ouly why are we bcinjr bypassed now that our newly formed planning board is underway we may hope that some recommendations to council may be forthcoming on the subject of in dustries in town stouffville is continually being by passed and it may be that some tangible offer may have to be made to industry to start the ball rolling one of the chief reasons that industries continue to bypass our town in favour of others is that these other towns already have industries and there is a strong tendency on the part of others to locate there where it is evident to them that here is a potential labour force however we must have some starting point and it has been suggested to the writer time and again that unless this community gives some tangible evi dence of wanting an industry the wait may be a long one this newspaper has continually harped on the subject of bringing in industry and will continue to do so time is passing us by taxes are mounting and will continue to mount we are heading for a com munity of homes while neighboring communities reap the benefits of industrial assessment time may come if we are not alert to the fact when we may tax our selves out of any chance of enticing industry to our doors there are those who say we dont want industries here they are not inducive to a good type of resident this is very shortsighted and noncommunity building stouffville must grow and grow industrially as well as otherwise if the town is to prosper we cannot isolate ourselves or it will be to the detriment of those present residents wanted more water water just as water is becoming one of the most valuable assets of this province it is increasing in val ue through scarcity and the scarcity is developing both in terms of lower water tables and increasing ur ban and industrial demands dr eg pleva head of the geography department of the university of west ern ontario has been led to predict that within twen ty five years all southwestern ontario will be served by a system of water pipelines which will draw water from lake huron so says the globe and mail the recent rate of industrialization and the inade quacy of storage facilities for precipitation support his view if the piping of water from lake huron will be necessary to keep this rich portion of ontario alive in a quarter of a century the need for all possible con servation measures now is urgent natures own stor age mechanisms have been destroyed in the course of the provinces industrial development apparently it was realized too late that the new industry would re quire more water although the removal of forest cov er to feed new industry was steadily diminishing the supply stouffville is quite fortunate in having an ample water supply but as the town grows so the demand will grow and adequate steps should be taken at all times to protect this supply markham twp is contin ually faced with a water problem and will continue to be so as the city further expands into the rural area the tapping of georgian bay to draw water down into central ontarios interior also has been suggest ed on various occasions industrial growth is making inroads on water supply in that area also perhaps the time has come when definite planning for the short- cutting of water from the lake hurongeorgian bay reservoirs down to lake erie and lake ontario should be undertaken we are in serious trouble today be cause we did not plan soon enough and big enough for the provision of hydro electric power and highway transportation facilities we are engaged in vastly ex pensive construction programs to meet these deficien cies and not yet are we keeping up with the demand we will be in even worse plight a couple of decad es hence if we are caught with a shortage of water for civic and industrial purposes through most of south western and central ontario dr pleva has a sound reputation in economic geography his suggestion a- hoiit water should not be dismissed as an interesting notion a survey of water need and water supply in the foreseeable future based on dr plevas method of calculation could become a cheap insurance against nasty economic surprises in a few years such a sur vey embracing the north baywindsortrenton tri angle for instance would be justified as a sound plan ning project and its value would be greatest if com pleted well in advance of urgent need no two person- are dke and some foiks each feel- upcrior to she o- mav be onlv tlser minds who are silent speaking their jyour 1 jh dont make him feel odd by vaiuy cleaver you remember when one special attention is apt jon or daughter was to make the handicapped child notes and comments will you be a member of this small group what have you got to say about the town coun cil if you read the accounts of their meetings you doubtless also discuss their various actions with the members of your own family or with your neighbours are you one of those fellows who believes he could do a better job than any of them if you were to be elect ed or are you content to keep out of that sort of thing but still go on criticising on friday evening november 27th a small group of citizens will gather in the school building for mun icipal nominations most of these people are sincerely conscious of the need for good local government for good honest and intelligent men and women to run for the various offices on town council school board and public utilities commission will you be one of that small group on november 27th make sure that you are present if at all possib le and perhaps that small group will be a large throng that will completely fill the school room remember the kind of government you get is a reflection of yourself and your neighbors how eagerly you asked the dottor is he normal or he any defect perhaps while you were waiting for his arrival you watched a ut ile ivl on crutches or a boy in a wheel chair go down the street instantly a prayer a- rose from your heart oh god may my child not be han dicapped but in spite of your prayers end of your care perhajx- the little child who came into your home had some defect it may be that he was quite normal in every way except for one specific disability poor vision or hearing a clubfoot a crippled arm a cleft palate a hare lip the list of physical handicaps is a long one how much heartache this disability caused you as parents only o- ther fathers and no hers of handicapped children can know the consultant on psycholo gy to the national society for crippled children and adults dr edgar a doll has pointed out the importance of both the parents and the handicap ped child accepting the dofect or deficiency and concentrat ing on the rest of his personal ity which is not handicapped it is a great help to his inner poise if he can accept his own disability without bitterness and not constantly feel handi capped this specialist once wrote if his trouble has fallen on him through some childish ac cident or illness it is impera tive that neither parents nor the child should be blamed whats done is done and this burden is heavy enough for them to carry without the extra weight of disapproval as parents you likely have often wondered whether you are helping your child from day to day as much as you can it is often puzzling to know what to do you have a specially tender place in your heart for your little bird with a broken wing but is it wise to make exceptions for him in taking responsibility for fam ily chores guidance can be found in some of the case histories in an excellent recently publish ed book mastering your dis ability by ha littledale rinehart co inc in the chapter getting on with your folks these throw spe cial light on sensible family patterns for a family with a handicapepd child a young man says from his own experiece disabled per sons like to be and ought to be treated just as much like oth ers as possible they should nt be babied and seldom like it when they are an adoles cent girl wrote when i was first hurt everything was done for me as i got stronger i took great pride iyi being able to wipe the dishes for my mo ther now i take care of my room make the bed dust the floor and keep it picked up its my job and im proud of it the playtime of a disalbled child frequently worries par ents in this connection it is interesting to know that a youngster who had a spastic paralysis from birth paid this fine tribute to her parents if i was playing with my broth er or sister or any other chil dren the games were not chan ged for me i played when i could and when i could not i watched this was the same principle at home i was brought up to fit in and not to feel that i was the odd one no one likes to be the odd feel conspicuous he wants as far as possible to be on equal footings with the other child ren in the family and with his chums at school he requires the best of med ical care to make his bodv as oossibk as ne grows older it is his right to be educated to take his place as a useful citizen in the adult world but mat o all the han dicapped child needs the lov ing understanding of mother ami dad who will refrain from blaming themselves or him for his trouble and who will rear him in a happy home atmo sphere sold artificial ice cream appeals fine the first conviction under ontarios edible oils act was registered last week at osha- wa and a 10 fine was imposed on godfrey schilling 33 for celling a product resembling ice cream schilling who came from britain a year ago is owner of community food products ltd at whitby he maintained he was man ufacturing the artificial ice cream common in britain and the us before the edible oils act was passed last june ind had not been properly warned before being charged he told magistrate frank ebbs he would appeal the case to clear his name of the nonfat milk solids water col- conviction in case he decided j oring and flavoring to apply for canadian citizen- schilling said he had bought ship 50000 in equipment which is his product known as avon good only for the manufactur- lce is made from cocoanut oil ing of this product 50 bushel club winners announced itigid kuforwiiuiit of grade anil sale ait maker- use of new bass compulsory on no t grade consumer protected ontario housewives are go ing to reap the benefit of a new deal in potatoes this winter according to the crops branch of the ontario depart ment of agriculture while the crop was not as heavy as last year housewiv es will find that the quality of this important item in the fa milys diet has immeasurably improved from both the stand point of appearance and in the final test of cooking coit-jm- ers can be assured that this years crop will keep well so that they may now go ahead and secure their winter supply with confidence- regulations under the grade and sales act rigidly enforced toy the department make it compulsory that all no 1 potatoes 1e packaged in new ibags furthermore the bags must toe of standard size and properly tied under the regulations the housewife is granted complete protection for now she knows that if a pedlar calls at the door no 1 pouuoes can be identified by- new bags properly tied and la belled with the weight name and address of the grower no 2 potatoes must also be properly graded and tagged potato dealers report that the strict enforcement of the packaging and grading regu lations has resulted in greatly increased demand for the ont ario produce further useful information on the potato is contained in m attractive booklet entitled the old home town by stanley potatoes every day which is free for the asking it may is free for the asking it may be obtained free from agrieul tural representatives local in ronto whether you buy from your neighbourhood store from a public market on the farm or at the door of your home you spectors or by writing the on- can be sure of ontario high tario department of agrieul- quality potatoes when you ture parliament buildings to- buy by grade isabel lumley representing gordon stoutt ltd real estate john e lumley clu insurance counsellor we invite you to call on us at green river regarding any real estate or insurance problem phone markham 80w22 rhmurphyltd sales service phone 159 stonftville romiifedla catet tit aviafon you can have one too skilled aircraft technicians are the line backers in the expanding royal canadian air force team without their ok a plane isnt permitted to take off lac eric craig was a garage mechanic a couple of years ago todiy hes a fullytrained and skilled aeroengine technician hes an expert on all types of aircraft engines from singleengine plants to fourengine transports what does he think of the life joe ot ut thftaitomt cutd thtvuttotf joi hooj fit oaya pet a jo4 cvita a fritune ttotvactc cut h tac it paxec could 9 avc ottaticd co valuable a aviation faaihikq if you want an aviation career with opportunity for advancement adventure good pay and a pension after 20 years enrol today to train as a skilled aircraft technician see the career counsellor at the address in the coupon or mail the coupon today iac eric craio 25 of carp ontario doesnt get enough of planet in hit rcaf job at a stilled aero- engine technician in hit spare time he makes model aircraft he his wife and boby live in married quarters at rcaf station uplands near ottawa ucaf ueoruitixg unit 1207 liny street toronto ontario phone pr 0050 pr 0050 please mail to me without obligation details r enrolment requirements and openings available in the rcap name plnse prior street address city chrlsdte nu0 province education by gtiit end province agb royal canadian air force special notice men interested to alert young to young canadian- with the ambition and determination to succeed the rcaf offers a career in aviation second to none here 1 your opportunity to receive a valuable education in the field of aviation to wear the coveted wings of the rcaf to be appointed to a commission a a flying officer in flying training kntry ages 17 to 25 marital status must bo slnglo kdnration junior matriculation eqult alent or better medical mut be fit to rcaf aircrew standard enrol now and begin your training after christmas