two sections fourteen pages vol no 29 ritwit copies this week 3450 ifk tribune stouffwlle ont nov 2 13 former baker ave lady writes from greece anatolia college thessaloniki greece xov 10 953 to the editor the stouffvihe tribune dear mr editor having been four months in greece 1 should redeem my promise to my home town pa per to send some news first let me say how often my thoughts go back in affection ate remembrance of the many friends i made in my short stay among you and how hap py i am to know that my little house is in good hands it was a shock to learn of the death of my good neighbour mr hoover and my sympathy goes out to mrs hoover 1 had a delightful trip across the atlantic in june on the i- talian steamer the saturnia it was a great thrill to pass the azores islands cape str vincent portugal and par ticularly to anchor off mighty gibraltar on a moonlight night and watch the sun rise behind its massive grandeur we touched at barcelona spain saw xice and monte carlo from the ship called at genoa aricf sicily and so to na ples there i changed to a much smaller ship built to go through the corinth canal which greatly shortens the trip to piraeus it was the sunset hour when we finally sailed into piraeus with the beautiful city of athens behind it and all the mountains were that lovely shade of deep evening blue that one soon learns to love all over greece my first visit to the world famous a- cropolis however was by full moon at every full moon they open the acropolis for three nights and it is worth the ex tra fee charged to see it thus the parthenon with its ex quisite proportions oven in ruins has been called the only perfect building in the world nd indeed one cant imagine anything more graceful and serene another lovely trip 1 took quite soon wes to delphi on the slopes of mt parnassos where the famous oracle was located in ancient days the scenery is rugged and most gorgeous the ancient theatre and the stadium where na tional games were played are in amazingly good repair thanks to the tireless efforts of archaeologists while in southern greece 1 also visited corinth where the apostle paul lived for some time now nothing but crumbling ruins and had breakfast in corinth with some delicious corinth ian grapes we drove through miles and miles of olive orch ards that day xo one knows greece who knows only the mainland the islands are many as any map will show you and each has its- own fascinating characteris tics in august 1 spent some weeks on andros one of the larger islands famous for its ship owning families it was heavily bonibed during the war and much rubble still lies about but the hills are beau tiful with olive groves fig and iemon orchards with many tall dark cypresses interspersed mules and donkeys are the main means of travel and transport in tiio islands though we went by modern bus farm implements are most primitive and furniture and cooking utensils are made toy hand very few people do their own baking you see boys running through the street with baking dishes to the public ovens one soon learns to enjoy the greek cus tom of sitting in an outdoor cafe sipping lemonade or tur kish coffee and talking polit ics thesaloniki or salonica is the second city of greece but much les european than a- thens this whole northern province of macedonia was under turkish rule till 1912 in some of the remote villages turkish is still spoken there is an old turkish quarter in thessaloniki ataturk was i continued in second section leave farm after fortyseven years iwhitchurch council get full acclamation for 54 crowd of less than gain more equality five ratepayers in atj the deputyreeve 1 1 with evenly tend was returned to office at who is on thi endance the entire council of j council representative he township of whitchurch township planning board the touched briefly on the work of mr and mrs wm may were honored with a sur prise presentation by the fourth line community of uxbridge on friday night mr and mrs may recently took up residence in goodwood after 47 years on their 4th conces sion farm the community presented the couple with a beautiful picture mirror and a combination table and magazine rack both mr and mrs may are lifelong residents of the community mrs may was born only a short dis tance south of the home farm while mr may was born on the farm now ow ned by mr earl dowswell over 100 neighbors and friends were present at the gathering among the many wellwishers was mr jonah faulkner an old- time resident of glasgow mr and mrs may have three sons john reuben and bert and two daugh ters mrs dean percy of markham and miss olive may in toronto the presentation on be half of the community was made by mrs dan norton pictured above centre the presentation address was given by mrs dalton alderson santa claus parade this saturday one of biggest events of the season led by the newmarket cit izens band in full color regal ia santa claus will arrive in stouffvihe on saturday after noon of this week for his an nual visit the schedule with a record number of floats is scheduled to move off from the legion hall in the westend at 2 oclock fair weather has been pro mised for the big show and a throng of two thousand kid dies is expected to storm san ta claus at his headquarters in front of the fire hall ev ery girl and boy in town will receive a gift bag from old st nick and the merry gentle man is also expected lo visit the hospital and other nursing homes in town between two and three hun dred dollars in prize money is being offered for the best fioats in the parade in the va rious classes which are listed in this weeks issue the par ade will move through town to the eastend and return santas annual visit as in the past is being sponsored the stouffvihe- chamber commerce by of of s700 from wignall and shepherd real estate agents and the new owner will be h v smith local heating man while there was some feeling in council that the price was not enough the offer was ac cepted as council is preparing to move into their new build ing at buttonville included in the sale was the house and garage council er ected the garage at a cost of 3000 and will pay the depart ment of highways 1500 of the sale price the house which has served for several years as the council chambers was purchased for 1800 during the rooveship of james rennie federal aid asked on swillfeeder issue markham council quarters are sold the sale was completed on monday evening at the regu lar meeting of markham twp council of the municipal buil ding and garage in unionville council accepted the firm bid milk boitles pilfered in v markham village markham township police were flooded with numerous calls early this week concern ing the theft of milk money ta ken from empty bottles con stable bill shearn claimed that a number of residents had pla ced the money in the bottles saturday night in order to catch the early sunday morn ing delivery apparently some one arrived before the milk man and pocketed the loose change since the police were not informed of the thefts un til some time had elapsed they are finding it difficult to track down the thieves little stir in town over friday nights nomination a delegation of swillfeeders from markham township ap peared before council on mon day evening asking the coun cil to amend their recently pas sed bylaw forbidding the tran sporting of swill on the high way messrs roxboiough green cosburn and wesley were among those who appea led kseve timbers told the del egation that council would make no decision on the mat ter until the municipal board had handed down their decis ion on markhams new land use bylaw the board held a public hearing on this bylaw on thursday the bylaw con tains a clause which will for bid the operation of any new swillfeeders in the township the board reserved their de cision on the ibylaw after a lengthy discussion council agreed that a letter should be drafted and sent to the local member at ottawa as well as to the federal min isters at ottawa asking that no more government permits be granted to swillfeeders in markham township new stenographer council heard applications from three women and one man who applied for a steno grapher position in the town ship office but failed to reach any decision and the matter was temporarily shelved de puty reeve uemasurier quest ioned clerk chas hoover on the wisdom of only advertis ing for applicants in one local newspaper rather than the three and replied that he had been given no instructions from council ti special night for champ plowman local farmers will be inter ested to learn that a special night is being arranged fri day at brampton to honour jim ecclev who won the world championship plowing title this fall the affair is be- ng sponsored by the bramp- ton chamber of commerce and the peel countv plow mens association and a num ber from n locality are ex pected to attend there is little stir in town over the annual nomination meeting this friday evening nov 27th and an acclamation for the present council is forecast owing to increasing interest which has been shown over the annual nomin ation meeting in the past two or three years council has ar ranged to hold the meeting in the school where all can be accommodated reeve henry ogden will it- gain lx standing for re-elec- t and it is expected that his council members will seek re flection with him three pub- lie school tntstees must also be nominated as well as j police checking house breakins public utility commissioner intithhweves and two cemeterv commis sioners there are few burning is- thieves gained entry to the home of mrs alex brown or chard park blvd stouffvihe sometime during the early hours of tuesday morning ap- parent iy searching for money i the house was ransacked but a pocket watch was the only item of value taken by the robbers mrs brown called the local prov police when she i returned home on tuesday one night and discovered the break gained entry by breaking a small pane of glass in the front door we understand that the tarn sues at stake and the public ion the fred winn farm just as a whole seem generally sat- j north of town was also enter ed and two sets of were lifted car key isfied with the administration the change in the countv of york due to the formation of the metropolitan area may make for some increases in i mr and mrs fred marshall taxation next year and it is noformerlv of stouffvihe are doubt that the reeve will en- now making their year round large on this subject at fridavjhome at their summer dlace nights meeting maple beach near beavenon pop concert by skating clubs monday a wonderful skating club pop concert a fall skating extravaganza is being staged at the stouffvihe arena this coming monday night nov 30th in addition to a great host of local talent a number of canadian figure skating champions will be featured on the program including elaine richards and wallyand bet ty distelmeyer club profes sionals here the carnival is sanctioned by the canadian figure skat ing association and will in clude members of the combin ed oshawastoulfville club toi date stouffvihe has the largest number of members in the combined setup with oshawa and bowmanville undev which the local organization is operating this year featur ed in stouffvilles portion of the program will be a great manv of the younger skaters in a number tomorrows champions at practice and the fall fantasy dawn steckley and david lawery don jackson and jo anne robb will be among the featured artists stouffvilles 1s5354 skating club has seen the greatest turnout of skaters since the a- rcna opened four vears ago and a packed house is almost a certainty on monday night annual nomination meeting on friday afternoon reeve ivan mclaughlin will head the council for his fourth term with fred timbers deputy- reeve and ouncilors sid legge el mccarron and de- los graham council expressed regret that more electors had not turned out for the meet ing but the small attendance was evidence that no great is sues were at stake and that the ratepayers were well sat isfied with the administration of the present council reeve ivan mclaughlin in speaking to the electors dwelt considerably on county mat ters and the problems which were to be faced in the new and much reduced county set up on jan 1st a proposed new home for the aged con sidered by york county was now considered too expensive a job for the remaining county to undertake the severing of the metropolitan area he pointed out would also bring problems as to the upkeep of the present county roads and the caring for orphaned and underprivileged children reeve mclaughlin revealed that a vote was likely to be taken next year on whether or not the new county of york with only twelve municipalit ies should embrace the coun ty health unit as a whole there are presently three mu nicipalities which handle their own health problems whitch urch being one of these he also cited the fact that bill so which established the new county and toronto area made no provisions for the ad ded school burden which the loss of assessment would bring evew school in whit church was already filled with the exception of two 1400 children in all as to township affairs the reeve pointed out that whitchurch had a credit balance of approximately s4- 000 the largest in history deputy reeve fred timbers spoke briefly on his work as a member of the county agric ultural and reforestation committees he said that bet ter grants had been gained for the fall fairs and plowing mat ches through the work of the agricultural committee we will need good men in county council to handfe the problems in 1951 said mr timbers the deputyreeve reviewed the growth of the township and the growth of the staff and facilities required to carry on the business of the munici pality he also commended the issessor on the work he was doing mr timbers pointed out that the growth in assessment was not keeping pace with school costs and that the mu nicipality was due for achange in the system of assessment to tickets are 50c and are now on sale at the arena and from all the members of the skatin this board and stated that the initial work dealt chieflv with older subdivisions and an ef fort to bring these into line with existing regulations with as little trouble to owners as possible he said that while he felt a zoning bylaw for the township was premature at this time the planning board was taking certain steps in that direction which would make the job of future boards easier in that regard ps legge who was nomin ated for both deputy reeve and council stated that he would not cause an election though he had served on council for a considerable term mr legge spoke chiefly on matters per taining to township road work he pointed out that the bud get had been reduced by the highways department toy 7- 00o which curtailed certain work to date 12212 yards of gravel had been placed on the roads this year go tons of chloride duit layer and 3o500 gals of weed spraying was completed on 70 miles of town ship road at a cost of 153s mr legge revealed the town ship was faced in the near fu ture with the purchase of a new maintainer as the one machine being used had been in service fourteen years el mccarron councillor was concerned with the pos sible taxation increase by virtue of the new county set up york county was losing to toronto 85 of its assess ment taxes are going to foe high er he said but they need not be a lot higher if we have the best men we have there to hold the line against the new metropolitan area in answer to a critic from the floor concerning a prom ise to try and ibring industry into whitchurch mr mccar ron said that work was being done in this connection and many letters were on file from prospective firms mr mccarron also spoke on the work of repairing the gra vel jnii road which he said was the most dangerous road in the county of york he al so spoke of the drainage pro blem at wilcox lake and the long process which council had been forced to go through to alleviate the situation councillor delos graham commended the press on their good reports of the council meetings which he said gave the public a good picture of council work mr graham sta ted tliat this was his second acclamation and that he would favour an election any time reeve momurchie of vaugh- an twp who was present ad dressed the ratepayers briefly and cliff wallwork and geo richardson spoke on behalf of the community centre board christmas shopping hours announced the retail merchants committee of the local chamber of commerce lias announced increased shop ping hours in local stores for december commenc ing on wednesday dee 9th the stores will remain open each wednesday all day until christmas sto res will not be open on dee 2nd as announced earlier iu display adv in this issue commencing friday ev ening dec 18th the stores will be open each night un til 10 pm dec 19 21 22 23 and 24 ballanrroe lady injured car overturned in fog mrs margaret stickwood of ballantrae suffered an arm in jury on saturday night when the car in which she was a passenger rolled over in the ditch on the 8th concession of markham the heavy fog was blamed for the accident mr lome morgason was following the stickwood car when the accident occurred he brought the injured passenger to stouffvihe for medical atten tion constable bill shearn of markham twp police investi gated town planning board holds first meeting appoint- met for tommy burton with the rcaf in ouefoec and mrs burton spent the weekend in town with his parents mr and club the program will get tin- mrs orville burton and vis derway at 830 pm ited other relatives stouffvilles newly ed planning board their inaugural session on thursday evening of last week mr ag thompson was named chairman of the board and mr alflmole vice chair man mr gar brown local clerk is secretary of the board other members are henry ogden reg mckay and chas nolan first consideration will he given to having up to date maps prepared of the munici pality including all the new subdivisions which have been opened as well as an addition to the west of town which an nexation is expected to be com pleted shortly with whitchurch township a point of interest was re viewed foy the board in the case of the new high school which is just outside the cor poration because of this fact hydro service is being ibrought in by a new pole line all the way from the 9th concession of whitchurch and the high school board will suffer con siderably by the high rural hydro rates as compared to the lower town rate however it was not deemed possible to do anything concerning this problem at the present time crosswalks for more safety 1- wmsnt here is bill lennox stouffvihe public school caretaker getting a hand from stouffvihe provin cial police constable w hilliard as he paints the new crosswalk stripes on the main st pavement in front of the school build ing it is expected that council will- be asked bv the board to have a new block of walk placed im mediately opposite the school entrance so that the new lines will have proper entrance on the north side of the street stouffvihe public school board has been pressing for two years for more adequate safety for the hundreds of kiddies flocking in and out of the school and who have to crass the busy highway mr cec hendricks has been the leader in this work and it is through his effort that the orange cross walk was authorized by the highways dept as well as new warning sikos local police constables it is expected will be on du ty at the school in the mor nings and noon hours for a time at least to see that the new controls are ob served by motorists