the tribune stousville onu thursday november 1 1953 make these classified advs your home market plage miscellaneous transportation available to spadinaking dbtrlct- ar- rire in toronto s am leave 6 pm phone stouffville 56w2 real estate articles for sale sale register rooms to rent haw main st stouff ville mrs red- northern spy apples fori ph saw make money at home address ing envelopes for advertisers use typewriter or longhand good fall sparetlme earnings satisfaction guaranteed mall jl for instruction manual sterling po box x413 wich ita kansas usa custom bulldozing i am prepared to handle your bull dozing requirements reason able rates phone newmarket 686j12 264 become a bookkeeper stenog rapher or typist in your spare time lessons 50c for par ticulars write canadian cor respondence courses 1290 bay street toronto 272 brush and spray painting interior and exterior fast clean service special rates on barns and roofs your local painter a heaton phone stouff 26j2 11tf carpentry trim house repairs alterations kitchen cupboards recreation rooms what have you work guaran teed ph mark 74w21 9tf if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf bchells meat market ltd stouffvule ph 220 will pick up and deliver t7e do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf to rent housekeeping rooms suitable for business girls or will rent as an apart ment stouff 31j4 evenings farm wanted will pay op to 100000 per annum rent for suitable farm must have good buildings require 5year lease and would prefer option to buy ph toronto kl 6857 col lect 2s3 for all classes of real estate whether buying sell ing or trading its greenwood home of real estate listings cordially invited interpreta tion of value cheerfully given mortgage money constantly required in amounts from 250000 to 500000 on 1st registered mortgages featur ing excellent security ph now to jas h greenwood real es tate markham 212w 27tf two furnished rooms el ectric stove electric frig oil heated in business ladys home near aurora to ex change for light housework single girl or widow preferred apply box f stouffville tribune 272 holidays prefab homes building materials summer cot tages garages catalogue free on request contact your representative bob dyson 218 main street newmarket phone 7841 26tf sale all sprayed fruit jim thursday nov 19 auction oldham 61009 ringwood ph alfalfa hay claremont nerlich 2stf for sale potted plants various varieties sam seaver ph markham 13s markham road south washing machine for sale easy 5 yrs old in excellent condition ph 64122 sto for sale s acres of building gravel 300 bags potatoes turnips and oats mike koros- ko rr3 stouffville or ph 2108 mt albert for sale annex heater coal and wood also girls red winter coat size 14 new last year ph 121 stouffville bourne is manufactured in england by floor treatments ltd britains leading manu facturer of floor finishes bourne is exported to aus tralia new zealand turkey france denmark italy we would be pleased to show you various types of floors old and new that have been treated with bourne and lived on for periods of up to fifteen months floor treat ments canada king ont king 27rl2 272 n goldkjnd son purchasers of all kinds of poultry 626 427 manning ave toronto ph kingsdale 5260 or call booths ph 123 sto live stock piano tuning repairs s hoffman rormerly with gerhard- helntz- man phone fairs radio electric stonffvuie 866 22tf all orders promptly attended to hairdressing rita obrien cold waving and machineless permanents 2nd concession uxbridge at glasgow 17tf phone 60010 stouffville electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 38wl stouffville 12tf albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 30916 30tf mount albert 4120 cardinal colonial prefab homes cottages garages representative 17tf art steckley phone stouffville 00810 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mlddlemlss 16tf phone 367 stouffville chalk refrigeration v sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 165w 8tt 24 hour service anywhere special sale while they last 2 3 and 4 week old standard quality canadian approved chicks all popular heavy breeds 2 week old nonsexed 2395 pullets 2495 cock erels 2495 3 week old add five cents per chick 4 week old add 10 cents money maker quality add one cent extra profit add 2 cents spec ial mating add 3 cents assor ted breeds deduct one cent per chick also day old heavy breed pullets as low as 1595 per hundred nonsexed at 1645 rhode island red cockerels 895 tweddle chick hatcheries lim ited fergus ont 272 coming events the three new singersew- lng machine models are now in our shop the swing needle which needs no attachments the slant needle in black or beige and latest modern styling and the new reverse stitch portable all machines available in economy portable or cabinet call or write sing er sewing machine co 102 main stj newmarket ont ph1075 272 for sale pump jack oil bath also forced pump and hp motor geo baldwin irrl goodwood ph 33810 claremont for sale quelbec heater in good condition cheap for quick sale g c jones ph claremont 31309 for sale extension dining table 3 extra boards phone 77j2 stouffville for sale students winter overcoat brown good condi tion 1200 phone stouffville 67315 for sale heintzman piano in good condition ph 221 stouffville euchre thursday novem ber 19 815 pm in the stouff ville legion hall under aus pices of the ladies auxiliary of the canadian legion lunch and prizes everyone wel come transportation to and from hall leaving post office between 8 and s15 pm note change of date 272 for sale large size crib in good condition also boys 3piece coat set size 4 boys 2piece tweed suit size 4 both good ph 78w3 stouff ville dancing to the good neigh bour clubs new record player friday nov 20 830 at vivian school admission 35c you have a favorite record bring it along enjoy it with the crowd advance notice general meeting mon nov 30 s30 vivian school be sure to attend with your suggestions for sea sons entertainment the mothercraft advice room is always open the second and fourth tuesday of each month therefore the next clinic will be on nov 24th from 1230 to 430 pm in the united church basement ah mothers and ba bies welcome hid ken ogdens garage ballantrae air makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phone stouftvlllo 60024 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 honr service c stundex richmond hill ph tu 41245 38tf -signs- truck lettering silk screening for christmas 2s4 store and window displays call stouffville ks712 used car part for sale we have a variety of models and years priced reasonably brougham garage corner no 7 hgy brock rd ph pickering 333w3 8tf orofrs taken for custom bulldozing cellars rond gravel pita or any othr type of bnlmoxinfc lanrimape grading 48- art stecklet pbone htouffrlue 00818 ringwood christian church anniversary november 29th at 730 pm special speaker mr oliver raymer toronto music by the yfc male choir 282 gas range for sale essotane 4burner with oven in good condition mrs a e mitchell ph 81j4 markham see cy for the best buy in town international harvester refrigerators at give away prices cy bellman sons for sale threespeei port able phonograph 2500 ph stouffville 66214 on week days at 600 pm red golden delicious ap ples for sale also cider made fresh on order ph clifford winger stouffville 67009 50 bags canadian cement for sale jones milling and equip ment ph 263wl stouffville for sale girls ski jacket and cap coral color good as new price reasonable phone 337j1 markham the stouffville womens in stitute will hold us bazaar and afternoon tea also lucky dip for children saturday novem ber 28th from 3 to 6 pm in the united church basement monday november 23rd 815 pm the annual meeting of the york north progressive conser vative association provincial will be held at the legion hall yonge st aurora everybody welcome melville wa is holding an open meeting in the church on monday evening november 30 at s15 oclock mr glenn rat- cllff will show his pictures en titled a pageant of the medi terranean special music ad mission 25c and 10c everyone welcome musselmans lake bowling alley is now open every day ex cept sunday from noon until nildnpe watch for announce ment regarding official opening on saturday november 2sth when the brunswick ball co will put on a show of canadas champion bowlers the stouffville branch of the mothercraft society is having a rake sale on saturday novem ber 21st from 3 to 5 pm in the municipal hall markham oes will hold a mammoth euchre and lncky draw in the veterans hall markham wednesday evening november 25th euchre prizes and 10 draw prizes draw tickets 3 for 25c admission 3 i ticket medium size quebec heater for sale just used one season also ladys black winter coat size 36 in new condition ph 64921 stouffville for sale goodyear tire 670 x 16 first line refrigera tor unit good condition would make good milk cooler or home freezer two 17inch dodge car wheels with tires 3000 watt electric water heater new element furnace blower lumber 2x6 joists and other pieces nearly new- jacket heater power winch len keeping east main st filing repair shop also skates sharpened and all kinds of saws knives etc mens boots and shoes half- soled 23tf isaac smith phone evenings stouff 01810 rear of library sto j sale of farm stock and im 254 i plements cattle pigs poultry oliver combine 6 ft cut full line of farm implements hay and grain at lot 31 con 4 east gwiillmbury on catering rd to ravenshoe the proper ty of ken keating no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm percy mahoney clerk a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 21 auc tion sale of household furni ture radio studio couch cooking utensils dishes an tique articles glassware gar den equipment at lot 18 rear con 5 at brougham on no 7 highway the property of mrs c plaxton no reserve as giving up housekeeping terms cash sale at 130 pm a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 21 auc tion sale of surplus overstock consisting of used cars trucks farm implements and machinery tractors threshing machines 1 boat cruiser com plete with motor bulldozer electric motors appliances refrigerators number of ma chinery parts new galvanized piping and a number of trac tor tires truck tires car tires and other useful new articles property of john b white brougham ont on no 7 highway terms on small ar ticles cash terms can be arranged on any article over 30000 by paying approx imately cash sale at 1230 noon ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday nov 25 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements shorthorn cattle pigs horses allischalmers tractor geo white threshing machine 36 x 50 with grain thrower full line of imple ments hay grain roots at lots 26 27 con 2 scott twp first farm north of zephyr on west side the pro perty of george kester sale at 1 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday nov 25 auc tion sale of household furni ture etc allischalmers b tractor cockshutt rubber- tired wagon side rake etc property of scrase bros mrs hockley mr wideman and mr foster at prentices auc tion rooms franklin house markham village sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve ken clarke pren tice auctioneers friday nov 27 mortgage sale at part of lot 4 con 5 uxbridge township 12 room solid ibrick house 2 frame buildings 40 x 12 and 21 x 5 offered subject to reserve bid at 2 pm for further par ticulars and conditions of sale apply to walter d atkinson auctioneer stouffville or mc- cullough button solicitors for vendor stouffville ont saturday nov 2s farm stock implements hay and grain furniture at lot 32 con 1 whitby west of whit by m mile the property of chas fathergill terms cash sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 28 auc tion sale of herd of registered holstein cattle threshing ma chine ihc tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on highway 1 mile north of maple in twp of vaughan property of brydon lloyd sale at 1230 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers thursday nov 26 auc tion sale of holstelns fresh springers 125 pigs milk cooler hinman milker im plements etc also 1500 bales of mixed hay extra good 200 bus barley 600 busi of beaver oats the property of stewart burnett at lot 13 con 4 whitchurch mile south of vandorf farm lease expired terms cash sale at 1 pm sellers atkinson auctioneers and sale manag ers 263 saturday dec 5 auction sale of 75 acre farm good bank barn two good frame dwellings mh tractor farm implements etc on lot 34 con 4 pickering twp pro perty of john byrne sale at 1 pm terms for implements cash no reserve farm sold subject to reserve bid 10 on day of sale terms for bal ance made known ken clarke prentice auctioneers cars for sale 194s austin 2door sedan for sale with almost new engine best offer over 300 j e cober gormley 194 2 ford for sale good tires recently overhauled also a guelph cook stove used two winters ph markham 44m3 1951 hton international pick up motor overhauled new- brakes clutch tires cy bell man sous 1935 chevrolet sedan for sale good tires and paint job ph 60s14 stouffville british ontario motors for the best in reconditioned guaranteed used cars 52 monarch coach automatic radio 51 morris coach 51 morris sedan 50 mercury sedan radio over drive 50 meteor sedan overdrive 47 studebaker sedan overdrive 47 mercury sedan 41 chev sedan 40 dodge coach radio also many good buys in older cars new and used plows 3rd furrow conversion kits easy terms cash trade british ontario motors ferguson tractors dealer in new used cars you name it well get it leaskdale phonouxbridge 102ri5 wanted in memoriam slack in loving memory of a dear husband and father james slack who passed away nov 15 1950 three years have gone since that sad day when one we loved was called away god took him home it was his will within our hearts he llveth still a gentle voice said come and with farewells unspoken he gently entered home ever remembered by his wife and sons lou and henry gost1ck in loving memory of a dear husband t c gos- tick who passed awav nov 15 1940 in stouffville quietly sleeping where the trees their branches wave lies a dear husband i could not save he bade no one a last farewell he said goodbye to none his spirit fled before i knew that from me he had gone at night the stars look down on a grave not far from here and those who knew him all will know how much 1 lost thirteen years ago sadly missed by wife louie betz in loving memory of my dear husband joseph who passed away so suddenly two vears ago on nor 16th 1951 we mourn for him in silence no eyes can see us weep but many a silent tear is 6hed while others are asleep lovingly remembered by his wife annie and family betz in loving memory of daddy who was called away two years ago nov is 1951 time speeds on two years have passed since death its gloom its sha dows cast within our home where all seemed bright and took from us a shining light we miss that light and ever will his vacant place theres none to fill down hero we mourn but not in vain for up in ieaven we will meet again lovingly remembered by daughters kathleen and marian married couple would de sire farm employment wife would help with housework apply box b tribune wanted 1st mortgage 800 on small acreage and renova ted dwelling house by reliable party apply box k tribune wanted corner cupboard good size table deep drop leaves po box 961 or ph pa 745s6 aurora wanted to rent 4 room house or apartment two adults and one child apply to box z stouffville tribune high school girl wants to do housework on saturdays in stouffville please call 61521 stouffville highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph clare 55w3 36tf highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wreck ing also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffville auto wreckers stouffer street ph 66wl 26tf dead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf dead stock horses cattle hogs picked up for sanitary disposal with winch truck for prompt pickup phone collect ux 92rl4 or head office 16rll woodville call anytime ed pconl argyle ont 4852 wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 267j 13tf dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stouffville 74j2 tf banner rendering toronto ly 0237 implements coop corner ph stouffville 209 voters lists clerks notice of first posting up of voters list 1933 municipality of the township of markliiin county of york notice is hereby given that i have complied with section 9 of the voters lists act and that 1 have posted up at my office at luionville on the se venth dav of november 1053 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipal- ilv at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law the last dav for ap peal being the twenty first dav of november 1953 272 dated at unionville this se venth dav o november 1953 charles hoover clerk township of markham the stouffville santa clausl y c of the voters parade is just one week from j are suorecl to past offe- ths saturday on nov 2sth es in the municipality new used surge milking machines and vacuum pumps for sale also used longtube milkers from 10 to 36 each w r woolley surge sales service oak ridges ph king 65r5 2010 ihc corn sheller rtor sale v also one poultry picker har old hill gormley ph 61520 stouffville lmdlements priced to clear 8 cockshutt heavy duty disc new condition 5 giencoe chisel plow demon strator 3furrow ace bottom plow- rogers manure loader new mccormick super wd6 diesel with a henderson double action loader a real saving cy bellman sons stouffville phone 200 lost found lost blonde cocker spaniel about 3 years old answering name laddie disappeared south of stouffville reward alex f blythe 182 park rd s oshawa 272 investment opportunities we have a number of excellent opportunities for investment of drst mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect for further informa tion 27tf wignall shepherd real kstate brokers markham phone 239 auction sale surplus stock of care trucks tractors farm implements au tomobile tires implement tir es threshing machines com bines etc brougham ont on no 7 highway the property of john b white saturday nov 21 trucks chevrolet 1947 3 ton dump dodge 1947 3 ton dump reo 3 ton dump mercury 1952 3 tori dump ford 1947 3 ton stake ford 1947 pick up gmc 194s pickup chevrolet 1919 pickup cars austin 1917 sedan buiek 1939 and 1947 sedan chev 1936 and 1946 sedan chrysler 193s sedan dodge 1939 coach ford 1935 coach mercury 1916 and 1948 sedan oldsmobile 1933 sedan plymouth 1939 and 1910 sed ans and coach implements etc 1 cockshutt 30 tractor 1 cockshutt 30- tractor with frontloader 1 case vac tractor with hy draulic plough 1 oliver 70 tractor 1 case threshing machine on rubber practically new 22 cylinder 42 deck 1 rumley threshing machine on rubber 1 case combine 6 ft cut with engine 1 john deere forage harvest er hay and corn front 1 garden tractor 1 rototiller milwaukee new 1 hay loader spreader manure gi on rubber otaco spreader on steel cockshutt manure spreader on steel cockshutt manure spreader on rubber 1 cockshutt spreader no 4 on rubber 1 fertilizer spreader 1 cockshutt plow 3 furrow narrow bottom on rubber 1 cockshutt plow 3 furrow wide bottom on rubber 1 used 2 furrow plow 1 used cockshutt 3 furrow plow 1 set spring tooth harrow 3 sections 1 set spring tooth harrow 3 sections 1 stiff- tooth cultivator cock shutt 1 stiff tooth cultivator 1 no 5 side rake on rubber 1 no 4 side rake on steel 1 cockshutt ten foot tiller 1 massey harris 9 ft disc har row 1 international cultivator 16 tooth cultivator new 1 6 ft disc harrow 1 6 ft disc gi 1 new weed spray motor 2 cockshutt front end loaders 1 grass seed dist 1 hydraulic row crop cultivat or 1 electric welder 1 portable welder 2000 ft inch pipe galvanized 21 ft lengths new 2 cabin trailers several tractor and implement tires of all sizes new and used several passenger tires of all sizes new and used large quantity of numerous other articles appliances etc 1 heath electric refrigerator i kelvinaior electric refriger ator fairbanks morse 2500 watt lighting plant mccavy electric tove etinghouse electric stove wagner hp electric mo tor woods milking machine less motor 1 gasoline engine sale at4230 noon terms on mall articles cash terms on all articles over 300 can be arranged for by paying ap proximately 56 cash as this is one of the largest sales of its kind ever held in york coun ty it will start on time ken a clarke prentice auctioneers markham ont ph mark 3k milliken ont ph agin 52w3 lehman in loving memory of a dear husband and father ormsby lehman who passed away nov 24 1949 nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear fond memories linger every day remembrance keeps him near ever remembered by wlte and family wilker in loving memory of my dear husband mlltou who entered into rest nov 20 1949 in memory a dally thought in heart a silent sorrow sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife margaret maxwell in loving mem ory of our beloved husband and father william george maxwell who passed away nov 19th 1952 those whom we love go out of sight but never out of mind they are cherished in the hearts of those they leave behind loving and kind in all his ways upright and just to the end of his days sincere and true in heart and mind beautiful memories he left behind mrs w g maxwell and family help wanted urgently required girl for general housework in a completely equipped country home in stouffville district please call stouffville 14 8 help wanted one or two lively lads one evening a week apply at arena bowl ing cards of thanks we wish to extend our thanks to neighbours friends and rela tives for expressions of sympa thy and floral tributes also the gideon bibles given in memory of mr simeon hoover the family and sister martha mr and mrs fred smith wish to express their thanks and appreciation to the neighbors and to friends for their cards of sympathy and for their deeds of kindness during this time of bereavement we wish to thank the friends and neighbors of ballantrae for their floral tributes and words of kindness at this time also- our hanks and appreciation to the ballantrae wa and rev douglas davis the family of the late- mrs john windsor once again i would like to express my thanks to all the kind people who remembered me- while i was sick the flowers boxes of goodies candy baking cards visits prayers and good wishes were all very much appre ciated especially i would like to thank mr jordison rev her bert and the women who cared for my family both in my home and in theirs edna meyers our heartfelt thanks to rela tives friends and neighbors for prayers offered for cards let ters fruit flowers for vlslte from near and far for threshing chores and housework done and for caring for the childrea while we were in hospital and upon our return home doris johnston richard fleda foote we would like to take this opportunity to thank all those of the altona community for the nice gifts given to us at our shower on friday night also those who had any part in mak ing it so enjoyable mr and mrs roy law the family of the late reg inald clarke of greenwood wish to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to their many relatives friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in the loss of a dear hiisbandr father son and bro ther special thanks lo rev ii moore rev a c luffman dr tomllnson mr w lawoon mr closson mr robertson mr and mrs l dyer disney motors the pallbearers and flower bear ers and the donors of the heau- tlful floral tributes also to mc- kaehnie funeral home apples most of the better varieties no 1 and dometlc trades 4 h nnl f it koillt concession b marklmm twp 1 miles south of markham village 273 markham phone 2a0j