the tkbunt stousville onl thursday november 5 1953 the stouffville tribune established 1s8s tfember of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations aatlsortsed as jseondelas mail poatofeee dept ottawa rinted and issued even thursdav at stouffville ont in canada s250 elsewhere 300 i h nolan editor jas thomas sports assise a v nolan son publishers notes and comments what happened to the trash cans all spring there was discussion in the local chamber f commerce and council about the procuring of trash laskets to be set up on main st in stouffville while he season is now getting on for the use of such refuse eceptacles we wonder what happened to all the pro- osals the use of trash baskets was discussed recently in he exeter timesadvocate and the editor suggests that hey could be put to good use there in the summertime especially the number of onfectionery wrappers that litter the streets makes hem look very untidy in spite of the streetcleaners aily attempts to sweep them up these buckets placed at strategic spots on the tain drag should encourage people including children o keep the town tidy a slogan like keep exeter clean ainted on the cans would be a constant reminder the town of clinton was fortunate in that its kinsmen club donated several goodlooking cans for uch a purpose perhaps one of the exeter service org anizations might follow this example why not educate children on danger of liquor abuse four million people in the united states are either otential or confirmed alcoholics according to dr shel- on bacon director of the centre of alcohol studies at r university it seems probable that the proportion in canada ould be the same beeause of the generally similar con- itions in the two countries in his comment on the problem dr bacon chided chools and colleges for failure to educate youngsters bout the real clangers attached to drinking the same comment applies here where there is little caching on the subject it seems that some sort of course with literature as been provided but its use has been more or less itermittent and irregular apparently it is only optional and as the examina- on subjects are always and naturally the main consid- ratipn in getting the pupils through their prescribed durses it is pretty well neglected the department of education could remedy this ut the department probably could not be induced to tove unless it has the necessary prodding from the eople or school boards in the end it goes back to the people who should emand such a course for governments whether local hool boards or provincial departments will do what le people demand education on a matter which is so vital to individual nd national welfare as the use of liquor is something le young people should have oshawa times crown property should also pay with the tax rates at an oppressive level for pro- arty owners municipal leaderes are keeping the pres- tre on senior governments to shoulder more of this load is also with a view to removing an unfairness that the anadian federation of mayors and municipalities aclop- d in principle a proposal that it should ask the federal jvernment to end the exemption of crown property om taxation this was one of the planks in the progressive con- rvative platform in the august election it was a asonable stand to take why shouldnt the ottawa jvernment pay taxes on its holdings the same as other operty owners at present the federal government gives grants in 3u of municipal taxes only in the municipalities in which ominion lands and buildings exceed four per cent of le total assessment in cases where the ottawa govern- ent buys property from private owners the dominion lys the equivalent of municipal taxes for only a year two and nothing at all after five years this arrangement isnt satisfactory it should be rrected the federal government should not look for ee municipal services any more than private property vners boy describes an editor a reader sends in the following allegedly written a school boy in kansas entitled an editor i dont know how newspapers got into the world id i dont think god does for he aint got nothing to iv about these in the bible i think an editor is the issing link we read of and that he stayed in the isiness until after the flood came out and wrote the ling up and has been kept busy ever since if the editor makes a mistake folks say he ought be hung but if the doctor makes mistakes he buries icm and people dont say nothing because they cant ad latin when the editor makes one there is a big wsuit and swearing and a big fuss but if the doctor akes one there is a funeral with flowers and perfect lence a doctor can use a word a yard long without him anybody else knowing what it means but if the editor es one he has to spell it if the doctor goes to see lother mans wife he charges for the visit but if the litor goes he gets a charge of buckshot any college n make doctors to order but editors have to be born vlds ox wbtv lyvk- knt is fixed s10 costs l whitby man william arfolk 270 byron street s as fined 10 and costs when and guilty of careless driv- g the charge was laid by instable george viney of the hitby police department lowing an accident on dun- s street west whitby in ilch warfolks car swerved o the front a car driven ktta timms rr- 1 pick- ns mv timm- told the whit- kor parents only just like my daddy i i i want to grow up and be a man like my daddy- rufus jones once overheard his only rson do well say to a little oc his playmates when vere discussing what they wanted to be when they were big lowell never grew to manhood but died at the age of eleven his portrait hung above dr jones mantle in his study at hatford this father forty years after his boys death wrote about over hearing his little lad saying he wanted to be like him few things in life ever touched me as those words did or have given me a great er impulse to dedication what kind was 1 going to be if 1 was to be a pattern for my bov this is a sobering question for any man a father is the first hero in a little childs eyes what boastful words kindergarten children can say to their chums about their fa ther my daddy is the strongest man in our town he could beat your daddy up without e- ven trying weve got the fastest car in our block you should see my dad drive xot until most youngsters are approaching adolescence do they look at their parents with critical eyes then in the desire to prove to themselves and the world how mature independent they are they be gin to see all kinds of things about their fathers and moth ers which they would like to change mark twain once re marked when i was a boy of fourteen my father was so ig norant 1 could hardly stand to have the old man around but when 1 got to be twentyone i was astonished at how much the old man had learned in se ven years by xamy cleaver fathers color their child rens attitude to work a son or daughter quickly senses whether or not dad gets satis faction out of his job even with all the petty irritations which are found in every vo cation they also absorb much f his attitude of respect or ilsdain for hard manual toil masaryk that great leader in czechoslovakia followed a wise plan he once explained to a friend i take my boys every year to the blacksmiths shop where my father worked 1 place their hands on the anvil on which he hammered 1 then ask them to repeat after me their desire to be men like my father that is my greatest wish for my little sons a son or daughter gets their first pictures of wiiat marriage is like and what a home may be from the life in the family the greatest education for happy married life takes place when a boy and girl see moth er and dad working together as partners still in love with each other and with a zest for life it is not by chance that soeial workers have dis covered that frequently young men and women from broken homes have little stability in their own marriages one of the greatest gifts a father can give his son is to spare his leisure time with him in one of the outstand ing biographies a man called peter the story of peter marshall by catherine his wife published by mcgraw and hill there is a delightful chapter man with his lad die in it she quotes from one of her husbands lectures i shall not forget the in dictment i heard in our little iboys prayer one night thank you god he prayed that you let my daddy stay home this one evening events of bygone days by police court that she had been driving east into the town of whitby on the after noon of september lith when she met a car coming towards her near the pickering farms she stated that the car was swerving from side to side and when it reached her it swerved into the front of her vehicle causing damage of 270 when magistrate ebbs lear ned that the damages to the timms car had been settled he j levied the fine of 510 and costs from the files of the tribune m years ago messrs g and l browns- iberger announce a shooting match for thanksgiving day at stivers hotel ringwood about sixty head of turkeys and geese will be shot no g shot will be used and the dis tance for rifles will be 00 yds rev geo brown preached missionary sermons at sand- ford on sunday and the rev w stewart of that place con ducted the services here rev j unsworth resumed his dut ies in the congregational church mr david macdonald continued revival services in the presbyterian church with large audiences the wellknown horse own ed by jc smith esq of to ronto and kept at buttons hotel ringwood died on tuesday night jas g clarke and u vanzant worked to save him for seven hours but in vain the horse was valued at 10000 the next public meeting of the gospel temperance socie ty will be held in daleys hall on tuesday evening the en tire program will be given by mr hb reesor and his markham helpers assisted by imr xoah stouffer admission chargas 5 cents the low price of grain must prove a terrible restraint on the resources the tenant farmer the magnificent price of ss cents a bushel for barley was offered on wednesday last at stouffville and other grains proportionally low the storehouse at green river is completely filled a great ma ny loads being turned away on account of the difficulty in getting cars to move the grain one of our most respected citizens has moved to good wood where he has permanent employment in mr win todds carriage works xo couple in town were held in higher regard than mr and umrs bev eck and their loss will be felt not only by the band in which mr eck was a prominent player but by all who were acquainted with their good qualities messrs jortas boyers and j bartholomew along with a number of other gentlemen left on monday for the xorth to hunt deer the good people of good wood are about the only ones in this part of the country who were favoured with any thing like decent weather for their fall fair stouftville and ixbridge were well represent ed mr d forsyth was on hand with the new raymond sewing machine fleming with dominion organ and amdhg other exhibits was to be seen adorned with a red ticket was a suit of clothes made by our own tailor wm todd of goodwood had a line display of wagons buggies and cut ters ballantrae was the scene of considerable excitement on wednesday when a force of county constables and their deputies swooped down upon the fair village and arrested numerous suspects on charges of larceny and having stolen goods in their possession the last regular meeting of the parmers club was held in daleys hall on friday even ing the meeting was called to order by the president mr j jamieson who was introdu ced by mr rj daley other persons who took part in the proceedings were messrs s stouffer d memurchy jj brown fh sangster and o- thers the season on the baseball diamond is supposed to be ov er but the youthful enthus iasts will have a game tomor row to settle the question of supremacy between the villa gers and the west enders ar thur sanders will handle the hurling chores for the west end with will mccarty pro viding the opposition in the box for the villagers new dodge unveiled at keyson motors the newly designed more massive grill heads the long list of styling changes to be found in the 1954 dodge cars now c display its dodge -de- soto si wrooms across canad- a according to mr howard j rosebrugh general sales manager dodge desoto divi sion chrysler corporation of canada limited the beauti ful new styling mr rose- brtigh added makes the 1954 dodge an outstanding standard bearer of the many features of dependability for which dodge has always been known the new cars are available at key- son motors eastern stouff ville the redesigned grill is only one saetor giving the 1951 dodge a lower and more attrac tive appearance its sweeping lines are reflected in the glea ming new chrome trim which runs the entire length of the car curving down to touch the new chrome rear fender shields especially designed chrome wheel covers on the mayfair series adds another touch of sixirkle to the car this year mi- rosebrugh said dodge cars are available in 12 solid colours and is two tone combinations the widest selection at colors ever offered by dodge in the six cylinder line of dodge cars there is a complete range of three series the may- fair series available in a -1- door sedan a hard top and a convertible offers luxury ap pointments and trim the re gent series include a 1 door se dan a club coupe and a subur ban the suburban which can be used either as a sedan or with back seats folded as a u- tility car for carrying heavy loads the 1954 crusader ser ies provides the combination of fine features at a moderate price its fresh clean cut styl ing is available in three mod els a ldoor sedan a club coupe and a suburban dodge dependability is built into the rugged 10s hp en gine mr rosebrugh said the engine has a compression ra tio of 701 to 1 and gives peak performance on regular gaso line riding qualities have been lyeri top priority in the 1954 dodge cars splay mounted springs make for a steadier ride and better curve holding ability a special sway elimin ator bar helps keep the body on an even keel even on the sharpest curves providing reater comfort and safety ac cording to dodge engineers shock proof steering cushions made of liver rubber absonb road shocks before they can reach the steering wheel an other special feature this year is the dodge onflow shock absorbers which have been improved as a further aid to a smooth ride on thursday of last week blake the six year old son of mr john sanders fell from a horse chestnut tree and broke his collar bone along with o- ther injuries to his shoulder being young the doctor ex pects to have him sound as ev er in a few weeks decisions may affect thousands of drivers thousands of outario mot orists may be affected by two supreme court rulings by mr justice ga gale each decis ion in effect is a new law for the province on charges laid under the highway tratlic act mr justice gale ruling in each hearing on a stated case from a magistrate held that a charge on careless driving must disclose only one offence and that a person cannot be charged with failure to yield the right of way the careless driving case involved max weinburg of toronto acquitted by magis trate way mckeown on a charge under section 29 of the act with unlawfully driving without due care and at tention or without reasonab le consideration for other per sons using the highway magistrate mckeown agreed with defence counsel cl du- bin x weinbergs trial that such charges created two of fences but senior magistrate thomas elmore disagreed with that opinion mr dubin argued that the fundamental principle of criminal law was that the information must disclose one offence only the right of way case was submitted by magistrate jc dunlap of lambton county he had ruled that russel hag- gins had unlawfully failed to give the right of way to an other vehicle mr justice gale said magis trate dunlap was in error mr dubin argued that fail ure to yield the right of way may create a civil liability and result in the person behind held negligent but mr dub in added the act does not make it an offence punishable by a fine special low rail fares to the royal agricultural winter fair toronto noy 1321 fare and onehalf for the round trip good going november 12 to november 15 inclusive return leave toronto not later than midnicht noveniber22nd full information from any jzrnl canadian natfoatal pulp and paper forests are the best managed rorests in canada pulp and paper stands first in employment and total wag es paid new subdivision choice building lots there are a number of tine building lots now available on the new subdivision being de veloped on the southeast corner of 9th street and main street various sizes good drainage apply to 234 hbnrv ogden stouffville phone 254 oiirdtill le canadas are chiefly greens productive forests composed of ever- the greatest story on the world today this sixth and final volume of the churchill memoirs to bo published exclusively in this area by tho telegram is regarded as by far tho most important and most interesting of sir winstons works it unlocks the confidential files of history brings into focus the manoeuvres of world powers and their leaders steams open the envelopes containing the letters of roosevelt stalin and the author 30 daily instalments starting oct 24 the telegram daily plus weekend for home delivery of the telegram please contact the tetj carriersalesman on your street write the telegram bay anj mclinda sts toronto 1 or telephone empire 86011 as canadas trade has grown the chartered banks have built up and extended banking and commercia contacts around the world today quickly and directly your local bank manager can obtain market information arrange letters of credit transfei funds and provide all the other banking services that help to overcome obstacles of distance language and custom the banks serving your community