Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 29, 1953, p. 3

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tribune stousville ont 12hiisday october 23 1853 the stouffville tribune established lss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association j and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as eetoaddaiss mall postorfice depl ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 250 elsewhere 300 c h nolan editor jis thomas sports assist a v nolan son publishers notes and comments shouldnt leave school too soon it is true as the montreal gazette says that there never was a time when it was more important for stud ents to finish high school and there never was a time when they had more temptations not to do so jobs are to be had at wages that are attractive and the student who gives up school may not have long to wait for the satisfaction of having his own money in the pocket of a suit he has bought for himself recently several educators have been pointing with anxiety tothe large number of students who are being lured away from their desks for the future belongs more than ever to those who have the patience and stability to graduate and then set out before long many who have deserted the classroom too soon may find that their best chances in life have slipped away a committee was set up in canada recently to find out just what happens to those who finish high school and those who dont they examined the records of more than 26000 canadian students the findings were striking the high school graduates had a wider choice of jobs more than this they had not cut themselves off from the possibility of further training the students who dropped out tended to get the second best jobs and they could not go on in many cases to further training what is more many especial ly those who left in the earlier years of high school discovered that the jobs they did find were not only mediocre but uncertain many of them find themselves in time more or less jobless and as they grow older their problems will increase youth is well advised to prepare itself for the long haul the wise ones will stick to their studies and thus put first things first fur parent onl apple for you teacher by nancy cleaver basic hunting rules this week is the annual pheasant hunt unfortun ately experience has shown that casualties are not con fined to game birds and animals every autumn brings tragic accidents to hunters nearly always as the result of carelessness and improper handling of guns a few years ago the national safety council of the united states prepared a list of 10 basic rules which apply equally tc all types of hunting trips whether with shotguns or rifles they are worth repeating 1 treat every gun with the respect due a loaded gun this is the cardinal rule of gun safety 2 carry only empty guns taken down or with the action open into your auto camp or home 3 always be sure that the barrel and action are clear of obstructions 4 always carry your gun so that you can control the direction of the muzzle even if you stumble 5 be sure of your target before you pull the trigger 6 never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot 7 never leave your gun unattended unless you unload it first 8 never climb a tree or a fence with a loaded gun 9 never shoot at a flat hard surface or the surface of water 10 do not mix gunpowder and alcohol if these 10 rules are generally remembered and followed the toll of hunting tragedies can be greatly reduced in 1953 apple for you teacher ix year old tommys eyes are f hivns and he has an engag ing grin as he thrusts a big ired macintosh on her desk ishe looks at her small pupil tnd he remembers not so ve ry many years ago when she was in the first grade and a- dored the older woman who taught her as a little girl she was much too shy to present her teacher openly with a gift but how much she owed to this older womans kindness and patience it was then that he told her mother im go ing to be a teacher when 1 grow up during the years since the ai world war in canada there has been a great increase in the number of boys and girls attending elementary schools outstanding educa tionalists are alarmed at the shortage of qualified teachers to look after this ever growing school ijopulation each provincial department of education because educa tion is a provincial responsib ility tries to attract the right kind of people into the teach ing profession short courses some of them during the sum mer have been established in a few centres in an attempt to train extra recruits for this pro fesslon but the lack of trained tea chers is a serious threat to the education of many of our boys and girls as parents we are concerned not only with the schooling of our own young sters we should be interested in the education of all young canadians what can we do a- bout our need for good teach er material perhaps most important of all we can look at the individ ual teachers good points and concentrate on them instead of on his or her faults we can firmly suggest to our son or daughter when complaints are made that a teacher usually hns a very good reason for what he or she does teacher isnt perfect but neither is a scholar and the failings of a whole class can be pretty hard to take when we are talking with our friends we can say some thing about our childs teacher if at all possible it is rather mean to criticise and condemn a teacher behind his or her aack the light of public inter est shines without much mer cy on the lives of professional people and the perfection ex pected of teachers is nothing short of ridiculous in some ommunittes this is one of e reasons many young peo- e are not attracted to the leaching vocation look back on your childhood you likely had both good med ium and even xor teachers but werent the able ones in the majority what teacher do you rememier most vividly was it not someone who real ly liked children and passed on his or her enthusiasm for some subject to you we can remember one teach er who really loved reading po etry aloud she was able to make the poetry period one which everyone enjoyed we had the chance to read aloud too and hear the music of the words as well as see the pic tures painted in our imagina tions by the poets lines if ev er a teacher deserved an apple it was this one a survey in the united stales in which over a thous and scholars participated brought to light the traits in teachers which the pupils real ly appreciated the boys and girls wrote a letter on the teacher who has helped me most there were twelve characteristics which were mentioned over and over again in order of frequency they are as follows a cooperative de mocratic attitude kindliness and consideration for the in dividual patience wide inter ests pleasing personal appear- once and manners fairness and impartiality sense of hu mor good disposition and con sistent behavior interest in pupils problems quite an imposing list sure ly an inspiration to anyone in the teaching profession these american boys and girls are not so different from our can adian ones it would be inter esting to know what charac teristics in teachers our schol ars appreciate most why not ask your boy or girl if he ap preciates the teacher he has this term let the teacher konv she likes an apple from parents as well as from scholars events oe bygone days it tt united nations day october 24 marked the anniversary of a great chal- enge for people all over the world on that day eight ears ago the united nations was born the fears erisiohs and hatreds brought on by two world wars ould not be wiped out by the strokes of a pen but the willingness of nations to try to work together was in tself a major step long years of patient effort are equired to achieve peace and progress that is the hallenge to mankind guideposts along this road are provided by the united nations charter but men must be willing to ike the road they must travel as equals and admit each mans and each nations rights their sense of justice must overcome their selfconcern they must be willing to cooperate to help one another to improve their common standards of living and thus give all the opportunity for a better life although peace is more positive than simply the lbsence of war no economic or social progress can be nade so long as fighting goes on inhe eight years of ts existence the un has stopped the fighting in pales- ine and kashmir as well as in indonesia where nego tiations under the un brought about a final settlement rthen a dispute is deep enough to lead to war no quick tnd easy solution is possible negotiations are often ong and extensive but that is what the un is for its machinery is used and good will exists peaceful solutions can be found had the machinery of the un lot existed each conflict might have taken a very differ- mt and serious course the united nations is more than a focal point for he great problems of war and peace the un has re- ettled more than a million refugees and brought them nick to useful productive lives it has branded genocide he mass extermination of groups of people for any eason a crime against humanity and made it punishable is such it has proclaimed the right of every man to ife and to all the necessary means of fulfilling that life rid it has brought about an extraordinarily rapid ad- ance in the rights of women through the trusteeship ystem with the cooperation of the administering ower it promotes the welfare of 20000000 people in he trust territories its concern for the welfare of all onselfgoverning peoples constitutes a joint effort to pply justice to all the economic and social council and its commis- ions the united nations childrens fund the health ood and agriculture agencies the technical assistance rograni are all fighting disease starvation malnutri- ion ignorance the un deals with mans problems on all fronts t is organized to resist aggression to stop fighting and olve problems peacefully it seeks to establish just in the editors mail box editor the trijsfne stouffyllee ont dear sir yes indeed and heartily do i agree with that lead para graph in your notes and conunents with reference to the priceless publicity accru ing to stouflviile through the championship plowing of bcft timbers and the long line of championship plowmen of which thus district can boast agriculture the mightiest and most essential activity of the race is inclined to be un dervalued and taken for grant ed in these days of institution al publicity and streamlined competition for the consumers dollar in my opinion what one of the columnists terms the age old silence of the far mer is the weak link in the economic chain as between ru ral and urban workers there are of course solid reasons behind the slightly or ganized status of primary pro ducers among them 1 would be inclined to give priority to the way in which this vast ba sic industry is subdivided into jl 1000 individual plants and sprawled across the continent it is this widespread distribu tion which makes farm organ ization immeasurably more difficult than its counterpart in terms of organized labor one of the elements in all power is compression nevertheless i see certain signs indicating that the organized farmers are beginning to take a series of leaves from the marketing books of their urban cousins and to react constructively to the warning of one of the wise men the farmer is the only man in the world who spends all his time in production with out ever thinking where how or in what way he is going to sell his product though i seldom see a farm or a fanner these days i very much realize the relation ship between a prosperous ag riculture and busv factories disapproval of the public school area set up in uxtoridge township some three years a- go having no wish to advoc ate the continuance of a pub lic body if it has last the con fidence of the ratepayers and realizing that the dissolution of the area wotdd be a simple way to relieve five citizens of a job the wages of which is oft en more kicks than pence i believe that some pertinent facts should be brought to the attention of the ps support ers the proposed new school caused dismay to many 810- 0co is a staggering sum to the average farmer however when spread over the area 1m mills on the tax rate would take care of the debentures on a 20 year basis or about 2 mills for 10 years should the area be dissolved we lose goo per year forthwith in pro vincial grants which amount happens to be about 2 mills on the assessment in regard to the new school the need for it is beyond question if the pup ils in that section are to re ceive a fair chance moreover the accommodation in two ad jacent schools is at or near the saturation point therefore it would seem to be no more than plain common sense to build a unit large enough to take care of the district and drain off the probable surplus from the adjacent schools such a program would postpone the day when additional accommo dation would have to be pro vided in two of three schools and even allowing for some costs for transportation there- would be spine saving i would like to write more on this sub ject but hesitate to encroach further on your valuable space william hewlett from the files of tile tribune 31 year- agio stouitviile experienced the biggest robbery in its history en tuesday night when the standard bank wris visited by what appeared to be a gang of professional robbers who blew open the sate and made a getaway of something like 13- 000 mostly in cash all the tel egraph and telephone wires were cut in front of the iost office xoah hoover who re sides next door heard noises in the bank and upon investi gating was ordered to stay in the house or he would be shot mr ac burkholder the man ager was notified shortly after five oclock and he rushed to markham and notified toronto farmers are busy getting in their turnip crop which is one of the best ever gatered the severe frosts of the past week are said to have destroyed quite a quantity o potatoes in ixbridge twp a serious fire occurred in lxbridge early tuesday morn ing when the old plank house hotel property situated on the corner of main street was to tally destroyed on saturday night thieves entered the hen pen of sidney schmidt and carried off four of the fowl leaving behind on ly the heads these remains provided a suitable clue and the suspects were traced right uth lo their nome in the so part of town percy wideman ha sold his farm of 108 acres on the sth concession of pickering a mile south of claremont to mr ea- gleson of markham mr wide- man intends holding a sale this month and will move to markham the local curling club have gotten down to tmsiness in ear nest in the matter of securing a new curling rink wh todd has placed a piece of jatks at their disposal- at the rear of queens court and the club have commenced work there on the new structure will measure 170 x 30 with an ice surface of 150 x 30 what looked like another at tempted robbery took place on friday night last when an un successful effort to steal a truck load of groceries valued at about s500 from the garage next to the standard bank motorists have your cur winterized now good allowance given ou pur chase of new exide battery firestone tires texaco oils greases marfak lubrication service austin sales call in or phone service midtowx garage stouffville 170w 212 the truck was stored in the garage owned by xoah hoov er aiiw to succeed if you think is worth the trouble hitch your wagon on a star put your shoulder to the wheel keep an ear to the ground and watch the hand writing on the wall omurphyltd sales service phone 159 stouffville s os the pavements to the editor hear sir ealings among men as the only possible basis for peace a in j iid to ensure that peace through economic social and s ti f z uttural progress i count in the tribune of the strong delegation which voiced new subdivision choice building lots there are a number of line building lots now available on the new nubdivision being de veloped on the southeast corner of 9th street and main street various sizes good drainage apply to 224 henry ogden stouffrille pboat 254 yourgon doctor maybe your son doesnt want to be a doctor all sons cant be doctors if they were thered soon be too many doctors and not enough patients but thats not the point the point is that your children deserve the best possible start in life you can give them that will cost money the sure way is to start saving now no business of the piggy bank or the sugar bowl either its got to be a regular systematic operation by long odds the best way is the canada savings bond way they are safe convenient securities they can be turned into cash instantly without loss or discount they pay good interest nows the time to get going you can arrange it today with your investment dealer bank or through your companyi payroll savings plan canada savings bonds alwatj caihatu at 100 cents on the doua uk mteot at any tamjc now on sale

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