the tribune stouaviile onl thusdav otuoer 2 1933 make these classified advs your home market place miscellaneous real estate articles for sale wall papering only ph 6052s stouffville transportation available leaving stouffville 715 am to toronto through 4th oon and buuonville returning at 515 pm call stouff 63524 custom floor laying linoleum tile and sheet plas tic wall tile and arborite call for free estimates ph stouff 51305 george brown 252 floors sanded and finished with bourne seal or plas tic give lasting pleasure and durability without waxing bourne finishes carry the british good housekeeping seal floor treatments can ada king ontario king 2trl2 252 brush and spray palntlnr interior and exterior fast clean tervice special rates on barns and roofs your local painter a- beaton phone stouff 26j2 11tt carpentry trim house repairs alterations kitchen cupboards recreation rooms what have you work guaran teed ph mark 74w21 9tf large septic tanks instal led anywhere workmanship guaranteed ph murray bak er newmarket 651 5128 cf you wish your pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf bohklls meat market ltd stouffville ph 220 will pick up and deliver i sale register for sale new 6rooai clap- docblebarrelled 12 board bungalow choice of hardwood or tile floors 4- piece bath landscaped phone stouffville 25 lj l w j buckland for rent four rooms un furnished phone stouffville 49j4 general store for sale in village of good farming com munity js000 will handle for particulars apply to h harris zephyr ont shot gun for sale also 11 mauser rinv suitable for deer and 3 mink pens harvey swain ph 66704 stouffville v room board to let com fortable room and board ab stainer apply to mrs mae nighswander stouffville ph 32w3 resident real estate sales man for the village of stouff ville an excellent opportunity with a long established firm with agents throughout on tario real estate experience not necessary however ap plicant should have a complete past knowledge of farming and farm properties and a desirable house on the main street please apply by letter only to d h mclean david mclean limited realtors thornhill 253 for sale large building lot on subdivision near new high school cliff morgason ph 51w5 stouffville 242 landscaping back fill lawns levelled and terraced ph 66004 stouffville 243 ct3 do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf n goldkind son purchasers of all kinds of poultry 626 427 manning ave toronto ph kingsdale 5260 or call booths ph 123 sto piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard- heintz- man phone fairs radio electric stouffville 866 22tf all orders promptly attended to hairdressing rita obrien cold waving and machineless permanents 2nd concession uxbrldge at glasgow 17tf phone 60010 stouffville electrical wiring installation service irepairs leslie leonard ph 38wl stouffville 12tf albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 30916 30tf mount albert 4120 for sale new house five rooms- hardwood floors all modern conveniences reason able down payment accepted good location everett jones church st stouffville phone 29j2 10tf to rent self contained apartment by nov 5th three rooms and bath business couple preferred ph rich mond hill tu 41505 7room insul brick house in good condition threepiece bathroom builtin cupboards attached garage also hip roof building 20 x 30 on approximately 1 acres of land t mile on main road from stouffville possession terms arranged roy tindall stouffville ph 365w building lot for sale stouff ville eastend ph 3sw6 sto live stock for sale weeks old stouffville 175 pullets 16 c baker rr2 1crry hurry hurry there are still a few singer sewing machines on sale which have been used as demonstrators call or stop in at singer sewing centre 102 main st ph 1075 newmar ket 252 large size coleman circulat ing oil heater quantity of stove pipes included stove is in al condition finish like new tel stouff 63521 for sale propane gas range 4burner oven grill warming closet little used like new a f collins 76 north woodrow ave toron to 13 beaver gap bed lathe with bench and wood turning chi sels 1 face plate swing over gap 14 swing over bed 10 36 inches between centres almost new 5500 ph slw2 after 6 pm 252 for sale new coal range white enamel used only one month exceptional offer rea sonable thos bone ballan- trae for sale quebec heater medium size good r f hut- chings claremont for sale findlay oval cook stove good condition phone markham 266w21 for sale 2 pairs tube skates white boots size 2 practically new ph 52j2 sto mrs osterdahl coleman oil space heater for sale medium size ph 63706 stouffville for sale dining room suite buffet china cabinet table and chairs size bed springs and mattress also a small size dresser all good ph 60920 stonffville for sale 3030 rifle al condition rca victor car radio coleman oil heater medium size apply forsyths barber shop for sale cook stove with hot water front warming closet and water tank also a jacket heater in good condi tion ph 350v stouffville for sale s pigs eight weeks old isaac dyck phone 66909 stouffville cardinal r colonial prefab homes cottages or garages representative 17tf art 8teokley phone stouffville 60810 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water beaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h middlcmiss 16tf phone 367 stouffville chalk refrigeration sales or service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phono king losw 8tf 24 hour service anywhei registered suffolk rams ifor sale ph 67604 stouffville grant helmkay for sale about 100 pullets sussex fisher strain 6 mos old starting to lay mrs earl mcmullen claremont ph 3400s large findlay space heater for sale in good condition reasonably priced ph 89j4 stouffville norman spang for sale 2 oil burning units for cook stove com plete with 2gal tank and copper pipes reasonable ph stouffville 89j4 for sale reg yorkshire boars ready for service also some at 3 mos thick set reg suffolk ram lambs ap ply j a campbell rr3 new market phone aurora pa 74384 242 for sale tanvworth sows due in november and 9 york shire chunks mervyn sum- merfeldt phone newmarket 211j22 243 for sale 100 leghorn pul lets 6 mos old ph 63603 stouffville for sale 40 sussex pullets starting to lay ph 33413 claremont investment opportunities we have a number of excellent opportunities for investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect for further informa tion 27tf wignoll shepherd real estate brokfr8 markham phone 230 ken ogdens garage ballantrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phone stouffville 60024 washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand we are exclusive beatty dealers for new washing machines ironers dryers etc c h bell son phone stouffville 281w uixd car parts for sale we have a tariety of modeu and year priced reasonably brougham garage er no 7 hjrjr a brock rd ph pickering sssws team of work horses for sale s and 9 years also set of good double harness and is yearling hens laying earl keith ph stouff 82wl red poll bull for sale 9 mos old phone james rae stouffville 63812 large size oil space heater for sale good condition can be seen at jos groses main street ph 166 stouffville northern spy apples for sale all sprayed fruit jim oldham ringwood ph sto 61009 254 canning pears for sale ev erett barnes ph sto 66412 small size quebec heater for sale in good condition mrs d burnett ph 66412 stouff medium size quebec heater for sale with water front also a quantity of connecting pipe ph 9sj markham or stouffville 65510 potted mums tor sale for in door decoration sam seaver jr markham road south markham ph 138 auto radio for sale motor ola push button type price 40 ph 53j3 quebec space heater for sale large with brown and cream circulator smart look ing coal or wood like new w h cunningham ph 2621 mount albert sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 hour service c stunden richmond hill ph tu 4124b 38tf coop corner heres real bargain for some lucky fnmier a new black hawk mnnnre spreader for only 330 lumber for sale no 1 hem lock 2 x 4 2 x 6 g x 8 2 x 10 dressed 4 sides plywood and double siding ratcliff bros ph 64804 253 pepper squash tor sale 1 per hushel john dike phone stouffville 66215 for sale fess oil space heater medium size very good condition half of new price ph stouffville 59j2 evenings for sale table carrots spanish onions fall pears pumpkins also crosley radio churn butter bowl oil drum fuel pump new ph 61309 stouffville for sale apple cider made fresh on order 50c per gal in your own container cliff ord winger gormley phone 61509 stouffville pair mens hockey skates for sale size 9 practically new ph 63616 stouffville for sale piano with bench good condition 125 or best offer radio stromberg con sole fair working order should have overhaul 30 ph 134 stouffville v h at kinson ph stouffville 20 remember poppy stf nov 7th dav the stouffville wi are hol- idinjt a bazaar on saturday af- lernoon november 28th from is 3 to 6 oclock watch for furth- er announcements thursday oct 29 twi light 7 pm auction sale of the 2nd consignment of choice dairy cattle including spring ers fresh cows and good dairy heifers at the stouffville livestock pavilion on no 47 hgy we limit the number of entries if you are going to consign any cattle please let us know as soon as possible the last sale was a great suc cess there is going to be a still better grade of cattle this time terms cash sale at 7 pm at night sellers and atkinson auctioneers thursday oct 29 auc tion sale of household furni ture cooking utensils dishes full line of carpenter tools garden tools antique articles at lot 13 con 4 markham twp at buttonville the pro perty of alex young terms cash no reserve sale at 130 pm jim smith clerk a s- farmer auctioneer friday oct 30 auction sale by direction of the ad ministrator of household effects including chesterfield stove concertina radio dish es kitchen ware carpenter tools 1935 car etc also the property lots 25 26 known as 25 garden avenue lang- staff the property of wm rush thrills on property made known day of sale on chattels cash sale at 130 pm sellers atkinson auc tioneers friday oct 30 auction sale of farm stock imple ments 40 head of durham cattle horses pigs ihc tractor w6 standard with lights starter near new geo white threshing machine and full line of implements poul try hay and grain at lot 3 con 14 reach township on the townline yl mile east of victoria corners the property of garnet murray terms cash no reserve giving up f ming sale at 2 pm sharp mason acton and geo ed wards clerks alvin s far mer auctioneer saturday oct 31 auc tion sale of so breeding ewes yearlings 2 and 3 yr olds treated for internal parasites also sheep feeding racks rub ber tired wagon and farm im plements on the farm of j l smith south end of the vil lage of queensville no reserve as farm sold terms cash time 2 pm j f kavanagh auctioneer saturday oct 31 auction sale of dairy and feeder cattle calves pigs sheep etc at the stouffville sales pavilion on no 47 hgy also the special monthly miscellaneous sale of furniture etc including a lovely dining room suite stoves dishes trucks cars a quantity of good apples po tatoes vegetables poultry as well as ibrand new merchan dise to be sold by auction this is something new in this country come and see the latest we expect to see the largest crowd ever to attend the sale sale at 1 pm sellers and atkinson auctioneprs saturday oct 31 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements combine threshing machine 3 tractors hay grain furniture antiques etc on lot 19 con 4 north york twp west of yonge st 2 miles south of no 7 hgy 2 miles north of wilson ave property of p a snider terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 12 noon and will start sharp on time as this is a very large sale first sale ever held on the property been in the snider name for over 100 years ken and clarke prentice auction eers saturday oct 31 auction sale of household furniture chesterfield suite organ many antique articles dishes cook ing utensils the property of catherine gray lot 3 con 6 king twp at laskay terms cash no reserve sale at 100 pm ed kyle clerk a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 7 auction sale of farm stock and im plements cattle pigs poultry oliver combine 6 ft cut full line of farm implements hay and grain at lot 31 con 4 east gwlllimbury on catering rd to ravenshoe the proper ty of ken keating no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm percy mahoney clerk a s farmer auctioneer thursday nov 12 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements holstein cattle pigs poultry ford tractor buckrske at lots 5 6 rear con s whitchurch the pro perty of fred mortson no re serve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 prif lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday nov is auc tion sale of milk cows pigs tractor 1953 plow cultiva tor separator bemis trans planter with fert attachment only planted 40 acres land packer 400 bales hay 200 bales straw 6 acres of cob corn picked by time of sale quantity of mangolds turnips hardwood also a number of cedar posts the property of walter vague lot 3 con 2 uxbrldge i mile north of al- tona farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday nov 14 auc tion sale of household goods garden and carpenter tool toe panel truck garden cars for sale 1932 plymouth sedan for sale it runs make aa offer ph 142j evenings pontiac car for sale sedan black looks like new in good order small mileage mrs t hooper stouffville east end in memoriam warwick in loving metnory of my dear husband frank warwick who passed away three years ago november 1 he left sweet memories to blossom bearing fruit for the years to come in the lives of those who loved him still missed still loved and ever dear wife pearl car tire for sale 650 x 16 goodyear first line lea keep ing main st east stouffville british ontario motors annual used car sale prices slashed 1951 minor coach black heater 1950 mercury sedan green ra dio overdrive 1950 meteor sedan twotone overdrive 1950 minor coach green heater 1949 monarch coach green ra dio 1941 chev sedan blue heater 1940 dodge coach black radio all the above cars have heaters good tires have all been recon ditioned and carry our 30 day guarautee the following ears are all good buys 1939 chev coach a good clean car 295 v93s ford sedan tires body motor good 275 193s plymouth coach a good buy 295 1937 chev coach good condi tion 250 1934 chev sedan that runs good 125 1933 chrysler sedan tires body and motor good 95 1932 ford coach it runs 95 easy terms trade cash come in and talk it over make an offer british ontario motors leaskdale phone uxbridge 102rl5 wanted transportation wanted to arrive toronto queen and yonge vicinity s am leave city 530 pm ph 50j4 stouff ville wanted a good used play pen reasonable mis j alex ander ph 56w2 stouffville wanted chesterfield and chair also kitchen set w dams ph 1s9 stouffville transportation wanted from north markham to down town toronto 5 day week monday to friday from s45 am to 445 pm ph 3061 markham client is desirous of borrow ing 1000000 at 6 by first mortgage on lands and premises in pickering town ship valued at 2200000 will repay monthly or quarter ly please contact g r r frame barrister at pickering 299 after s pm 25tf forson in loving memory of a dear wife and mother margaret forson who passed away suddenly oct 2 1952 god called her home it was his will but in our hearts we love her still sadly missed by husband and family pollard in loving mem ory of a deaj- dad and graridpa hector a pollard who passed away nov 2nd 1931 also brother bert who was killed nov 1st 1946 one by one they so before us they are fading like the dew but we know theyre watching oer us they the good the fair the true lovingly remembered by on and family sylvester madge and grandson jack lost found lost hereford steer about 2 years old strayed from lot 3 con 5 usbridge anyone knowing its whereabouts call norris hardy clare 34003 lost small black brown dog answers to pete re ward ben talbot ph 65624 stouffville estray from lot s con s whitchurch a white roan heifer about 650 lbs gordon ratcliff ph 61006 stouff coming events there will be a halloween bake sale and tea at the veter ans hall on oct 31st sponsored by the ladies auxiliary branch 459 monster bingo and lucky draw for 1953 ford monteray convertible also three consola- tion prizes sponsored by the stouffville legion branch at the legion hall stouffville on wed nesday night nov 11th 233 a bazaar will be held by the brock rd home and school association on nov 6th 1953 at 7 pm aprons baking jewell ery china etc tea and teacup reading door prize and draws proceeds for playground equip ment 252 nov llth candidates for the markham township council and school board will be present at an open meeting in henderson ave school thornhill s pm for further information phone avenue 52300 or avenue 52171 24s the 120th anniversary of the bloomington christian church will be- held sunday nov 1st with services at 11 am and 730 pm the speaker will be rev wm tyler former christian church pastor there will be special music at both services by the inter church gospel orches tra toronto 12 pieces the church choir will sing at the morning service all are welcome pastor rev gibson brown 242 melville wa is spbrisoriilfil a tea and bazaar in the mel ville church on friday after noon november from 23 to 500 oclock lost 3 small white pigs and 1 small red pig lost off truck in stouffville ph 264 sto applications for caretaker stouffville district high school board is open to receive appli cations for the position of care taker for the new high school kindly state age qualifications and salary expected duties to commence in the new year address applications to mr e a bray box 25 stouffville homes farms wanted list with us for experience and service specializing in propert ies in stouffville area call s m sinclair real estate broker phone stouffville 133js house wanted to rent by stouffville business man and family ph 84w2 stouffville highest prices paid tor all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph clare 55w3 36tf highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wreck ing also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffville auto wreckers stouffer street ph 66wl 26tf dead stock dead and crlpped farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tt dead stock horses cattle hogs picked up for sanitary disposal with winch truck for prompt pickup phone collect ux 92rl4 or head office 16rll woodville call anytime ed pefconi argyle ont 4852 wanted to buy all kindb of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 267j 13tf dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stouffville 74j2 tf banner rendering toronto ly 6237 orders taken for custom bulldozing cellars ponds gravel pita or any other type of bulldozing landscape grading 48- art steckley tf phone stouffville 00810 tractor etc at 956 yonge st newtonbrook ont pro perty of l f bagg sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve property sold and proprietor moving to usa ken clarke prentice auc tioneers saturday nov 2s auc tion sale of herd of registered holstein cattle threshing ma chine ihc tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on highway 1 mile north of maple in twp of vaugban property of brydon lloyd sale at 1230 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers evans motors ltd authorized scarboro ford monarch dealers are liquidating following inven tories under instructions from the administrator of the late mr evans estate business has been sold and all items must be sold at once tractor implements 1 new last year model ford- son major tractor 1 double furrow 10 ford plow 1 discplow 226 blade 1 5 side mower 1 6 rear mower demonstrators 1953 mainline ford sedan 1953 mainline ford tudor 1953 customline ford tudor 1953 customline ford fordor all equipped with radios heat ers antifreeze and licensed from 2000 to 0000 miles a wide model selection of brand new ford monarch automobiles and ford trucks used cars trucks 3 1951 monarch sedans one automatic 4 1951 ford tudors and for do rs 5 1950 ford tudors and for- dors 1 1950 monarch sedan 2194 9 monarch sedan 4 1949 ford and meteor tu dors sedans coupes 3 194 7 fords also a number of late model ton pickups and panels a large inventory of general electric philco admiral and rca televisions radios ran ges refrigerators dryers va cuum cleaners and washers example of prices demonstrators as much as 75000 off list used cars 51 monarchs from 147500 51 fords from 117500 50 fords from 100000 49 fords from 77500 19 chev ford panels from 47500 prices on all merchandise have been drastically reduced and therefore trades will not be accepted liberal terms available open evenings except saturday evans motors limited the kindergarten nurserj school is sponsoring a tea ir connection with their hemic baking and apron sale to be held in the sunday sehoo room of the united church on saturday nov 7th from to 5 pm 25 claremont baptist church ba zaar will be held at 300 o clock in the afternoon on sat urday november 7th the us ual sale of quilts fancy work baking etc and afternooi tea the next regular meeting o the council of the townshii of markham will be held ii the council chambers union ville monday november 2nd at 130 in the afterhon chas hoover clerk the goodwood womens as sociation annual bazaar will b held in the goodwood unltei church on saturday afternoon oct 31st beginning at 230 there will be home baking sew ing knitting embroidery novel ties of all kinds and a fish pom for the children tea will b served all afternoon admlssioi to the bazaar is free and then will tbe a door prize everyoni welcome implements custom corn picking ele vator supplied if needed ph 61313 stouffville stanle- lewis 24- new used surge mllklni machines and vacuum pump for sale also used longtuh milkers from 10 to 35 each w r woolley surg sales service oak ridgeb ph king 65r25 20k help wanted woman wanted to do clean ing apply admlres grill ph stouffville 86j1 class a mechanics wanted must have tools please appl in person to mole motors lim ited stouffville ph 372 mothers helper wante- either full or part time re ferences required mrs join dowling phone claremont t 33112 24- stop 17 lioni kixostox road am iiill filing repair shop also skates sharpened andall kinds of saws knives etc mens boots and shoes half- oled 23tf isaac smith phone rvenbtk stouff ci810 rear of library court of revision township of uxbridge county of ontario public notice is hereby give that the court of revision the township of uxbrldge wl sit at the township hall good wood on the afternoon of mon day november 9th at tw oclock to hear and to adjudlcat upon all complaints mad against the assessment roll the said municipality upo which taxes will be levied in th year 1954 all persons intereste are required to govern them selves accordingly dated at goodwood this 29t day of october 1953 25- john ashenhurst clerk township of uxbrldge 69850 cash buys the worlds best black hawk corn picker when you deal witli jones milling equipment phone iwudvl 24- snowballs barber shop closing patron kindly take notice tha commencing on monday noi nd thlo barber shop will b closed for a period of ten day