the tribune stousville ont thursday october 15 1963 nuimimimitmtmfinnimmt cream for best results ship your cream to stouffvioe creamer- we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w wt s3 avvvimwiv this weeks sunday school lesson central feed store phone 277 stouffville we carry a complete line of marmill balanced feeds in mashes pellets crumbles blue coal blue coal order your winter supply now pine orchard october i 1953 miss beth johnston nurse in training at toronto west ern hosrital spent the week end witli her parents mr and mrs e johnston mr marshall bags was vis ited by his brother douglas on saturday the car and garage on the farm of mr george mason was completely destroyed by fire last monday night around 7 pm sparks ignited the barn roof and it was only the time ly arrival of newmarket fire brigade closely followed by the mt albert truck which pre vented- the buildings all being destroyed mr masons son graham drove the truck out of the garage when the blaze was first discovered the car was burning madly then a full barrel of gasoline sent flames in the sky for 100 ft mrs howard haines enter tained one night in honour of miriam boake a bride of last saturday mrs dowdella of toronto also mr and mrs j reesor of stouffville were recent supper guests with mr and mrs h mcclive congratulations to mr and mrs lome shropshire our newly weds the bride being the former miriam boake mr wilbert widdifield is spending a time with his sis ter here and is busy adding a sun porch to their new home mr and mrs walt johnston and earl of coldwater district attended the anniversary ser vice on sunday mrs rush- brook the former jean willis met many of her old friends at her childhood church mr and mrs w baker are entertaining mrs baker and two sisters from england with new improved high efficiency ways o new formula better protein more palatable more digestible more food value more eggs v pr bagl l mash krums pellets now red head is more ef ficient than everl it is the result of the latest scientific research tested under practical farming con ditions on the master feeds farm lower feeding costs per dozen eggs start feeding new high efficiency red head today and see for yourself how much less it costs to produce a dozen eggs master see your local master dealer today stiver bros new mex ix christ golden text let your light so nine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your fa ther which i in heaven matt 510 the lesson as a whole approach to the livon the bible is a strange book and full of surprises turn to some passages such as the first chapter of romans and you have a picture of man so black so dismal that you eith er rebel or feel ashamed that you belong to the human race but over against that there are passages which so lift man up so enoole him so glorify him that you stand a- ghast at the contrast xo- where in all literature do you find such contrasts moreover it is all true the one picture of man the sinner the other js man the redeemed sinner the bible expects nothing of a man it does not invite him to lift himself regarding him as helpless it offers him a salvation which is all grace apart from all effort of his own on the other hand it is simply astounding what is ex pected of redeemed men the high trust committee to us would stagger angels we have a high calling phil 311 a holy calling 2 tim 19 a hea venly calling heb 31 and we are not only required to fulfill that calling but to con duct ourselves in all things in a manner worthy of it yes something is expected of gods new creatures but even gods new creatures are not required to work out what is expected of them on their own resources having been saved by grace they are invited to draw on the unlim ited resources of grace to live as saved men and to accom plish their godgiven tasks in other words god stands rea dy to work in us what he ex pects of us our lesson stress es what god looks for from us his redeemed children let us catch the vision commit our selves to it and face it with the assurance 1 can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me phil 413 verso by verso matt 513 ye are the salt of the earth lost his savour good for nothing salt is for seasoning and pre serving but it can do neither if it loses its special quality we need the sweet savour of christ 2 cor 215 to fulfill our function in this tasteless perishing world verse 14 ye are the light of the world cannot be hid as a city in a command ing position is seen from long distances so we must dwell in the heights if our lives are to be beacon lights to men verse 15 neither do men light a candle and put it under a ibushel but on a candle stick under a bushel meas ure the lighted lamp would bo worse than useless not only would it fail to give light but it could cause stumbling and soon be smothered for want of oxygen verse 1g your light your good works your fa ther the light you did not produce but only received your good works are wrought in a strength not your own so the glory belongs not to you but tb the father of lights who worketh in vou las 117 phil 213 2 cor 517 in christ a new creature old things new gods method in salva tion is not improvement of the old but all things new cf rev 215 averse 18 and all things are of god who hath reconcil ed us to himself by jesus christ the ministry of rec- cmfokm and the golden west heres just the opportunity youve been waiting for a delightful 26day trip to sunny california with sightseeing all the way colorado springi cave of the winds grand canyon los angeles hollywood and a side trip south of the border to tia juana homeward bound you visit santa barbara and monterey enjoy a thrilling stop in san francisco and then return via reno salt lake city cheyenne and chicago ask your agnt for mora dto3i of ihn and many other puaturt manned voatioa 235 92 onciliation everything per taining to the new life has its source in god whatever is not of god has no place in the life of the new man the reconciled state is one in which the conflict between us ami god has ceased verse 19 god was in christ reconciling the world not imputing their tres passes the work of recon ciliation originates with god not the sinner it is specifical ly the work of christ and in volved that act of sinbearing which made possible the re moving of guilt from the sin ner apart from which there can be no reconciliation jas 214 what profit though a man say say and have not 1 think this skeleton of the verse will help to clear the meaning af ter all this is not a conflict be tween faith and works but an insistence of true faith which cannot hut issue in good works verse 15 if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food practical jam es brings the whole matter to a very practical test verse 10 be ye warmed and filled notwithstanding ye give them not what doth it profit pious speech however much pathos and feeling may be in the accents will never warm a shivering body or fill an empty stom ach verse 17 even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone life requires re lationship solitude is death living faith is always related to action verse is shew me thy faith without thy works and i will shew thee my faith by my works a fair challenge actually faith cannot be de monstrated apart from works so the man without works has nothing to show it was in the sphere of works that the faith of muller and hudson taylor and all others like them was manifest the heart of the lesson matt 51316 an old rom an proverb said nil sole et utilius nothing more useful than sun and salt now it is exactly these two most useful things that christ set us his people to be in this world the desparate attempts of men to discover or produce something sensational exciting thrilling are evidence that they find life drab and savorless we are called upon to introduce into this world the salt the season ing of christs kindness and goodness at the same time we shall be as a light in a dark place to guide mans feet into the way of life shakespeare says that all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death we must challenge that process our lives must be as beacons amid the gloom so that fools may become wise unto life e- ternal 2 cor 51719 now it is only as we have made a clean break with the old life that we can function as salt and light for god in this world only as we are in christ and therefore new creatures not just professors of religion when in very reality all things are become new and all things are of god we can display to the world what is meant by being reconciled to god and invite others into that blessed relationship into which all that is enmity to god is replaced by what is harmonious with his holiness jas 21418 the faith that brings us into this place of re conciliation is no idle thing it is faith which worketh by love gal 50 and right here is where we act as salt bringing the seasoning of lov ingkindness into lives that so need the refreshing a false pi ety may rub the salt into the wounds of mens needs but true faith will minister the sweet savor of christ in deeds of practical helpfulness when the doctrine of salvation by faith paralyzes the hands we have totally misunderstood the doctrine jesus said this is the work of god that ye believe john g29 it is e- qually true that believing is the beginning of work lemonville october 8 1953 mr and mrs s- rae spent sunday in meaford visiting with relatives mr and mrs w gray and family were in newmarket on saturday attending a wedding weekend visitors with mr and mrs henry johnson were mrs williamson and son fred of toronto mr and mrs caas ratcliff had as their guest last week rev dc harry of toronto mrs spence has as her guest this week mrs mcmasters several of our local young men are attending the inter national plowing match being held this week in cobourg since 1925 output of prod ucts of canadas paper using industries has jumped to 10 times in value the figure for 1950 latest available was s297- 000474 round trip fare from toronto subject to change includes hotel room for 20 nights 2 in a room snowballs barber shop ph stouffville 270j2 greenwood october s 1953 congratulations to mr and mrs floyd malcolm nee ma rie hicks who were married in the church last saturday af ternoon sorry to report that mr stanley byers has been under the doctors care with a sev ere attack of flu we are pleased to say that miss gertrude corbett is still gaining in strength after her eire of illness the brooks family were vis itors in the city last saturday the average canadian eats 35 candy tors each year keen razor blades at local stores eiaeiaisiaisiaibiaiajpjaiaiaisiaisiaiaiaisra joy beauty salon on a per capita basis canad ians consumed 2 15 pounds of honey durirk 1952 permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 aeibigjaiaiaiaaisiaraiaacmibisraiaibiaa wheel asteerias iaiinement service for all gars- w 6 garrett son stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant phone 125 office phones 370 lo stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs business directory stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s9j2 marie jack hairdressing lloyd avenue stouffvlue permanent waving machine machlneless cold wave hairstyling and shaping phone 170wl rennie transport phone 121 stouttville sand gravel loam screened stone any size dally service to toronto phone wa 9003 toronto brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffville auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201v2 ph sto 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays off no sale too big or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one muliken po ph agin 52w3 markham po ph mark 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 67312 real estate when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 87jl j a willoughby sons 800 bay street toronto 927 w bert silverthorn representative phone stouftvillo 83j1 farms country estates town suburban properties funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl dental neil c smith lds dixs graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 16tw stouffville e s barker lds dds hono- graduate ot university o toronto office over harolds griu phone 274w stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien h main phone 196 coroner for york county ttitmntmitfmtn j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario the hourly rate for con struction workers in canada lands at 1424 cent- an hour drs f j button and r b mitchell stouflville phone 371w xray hours daily 9 to 12 am and 130 to 300 pm evenings 7 to 9 pm sundays 11 to 12 am and by appointment offlco over button blk dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am pearl r onley dc chiropractor and electro therapist 2352 main street i stouffville phone 220 for appointment edwin j hunt dc and marian j lockiehunt dc doctors of chiropractic 10 millard street newmarket ontario telephone 1408 optometric e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffville ohlce on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdayg sept 14 15 oct 10 20 afternoons and evenings only phones 8flj2 and 25j1 garnet v gray ro optometrist hours 030 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment bruce eade residence opposite dr freels residence phono 84j3 for appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 ken laushway general insurance phone 270w and 270w2 stouffville 0nt fire automohile liability canadian farmers had a net income from farming onera- llorts in 12 of si 040000000 f g als0p insurance for every purpose phone 50ii2 f m pugh phone 8v2 slouffville general insurance the future belongs to those who prepare for it be prepared by insuring with the mutual lif of canada prompt conruion hcrrta