ije sioufftnlle ribi vol xc 23 the tribune stouffville oxt oct 15 1953 money and car stolen at murphy motors murphy motors was the scene of a breakin sometime during the early hours of wed nesday morning the thieves gained entry through a rear window and made oil with 47 in cash and a 1047 model car prov police constable milliard investigated the rob bery and a description of the stolen car has been forwarded to neighboring detachments the police have some definite clues and the investigation is continuing 56 entrants compete in n york plowing match here was a nice bag 15 lb bombs found in rear markham restaurant considerable concern was created in markham on thurs day when mr peter hajduek owner of the garage connected with the white lunch restau rant at the corner of no 7 highway and the sth conces sion discovered two 15 lb bombs on the ground at the i ear of his garage noting that the detonator caps were still intact mr hajduk quickly in formed one of the coowners in the restaurant mr vincent pauchuk who called police markham twp constable don dukes arrived on the scene and kept curious bystanders from touching the missiles un til the rcaf demolition squad inspected the bombs it was later discovered however that the projectiles were dum my aliforce practice bombs and were harmless the rcaf officers said that it was always best to call in someone exper ienced in handling such mis siles because if the bombs should happen to be loaded and were misused serious dam age would no doubt result the bombs are to foe used as novel ty electric light fixtures in the restaurant under sunny skies irt the finest weather conditions pos sible fifty six entrants com peted in the annua north york plowing match on wed- l williamson gormley queensville 9 tractors stubble open g brumwell gormley bob timbers stoutfville d dunk- eld claremont i degeer nesday afternoon on the farm j stoutfville george dixon birth rothsohild peter and helen rothschild nee hel- len burkholder are happy to announce the birth of their daughter mary on monday sept 14 1953 at the queen charlotte hospital london england a sister for david of sheldon walker concession 4 east gwillimbury this was a considerably larger number of participants than last year and the community hall at sharon was crowded to over flowing for the banquet which followed the match the shar on institute ladies served a sumptuous supper for the hun gry plowmen and their ladies mf coekburn local agricul tural representative led a sing song along with other enter tainment and the giving out of the prizes herb jarvis of agincourt was awarded the esso cham pionship for the best plowed land with horses a resident of york county and norm robsqii of maple the best plowed land with a tractor following is a complete list of the prize winners 1 horses in sod byrell wylie oakwood herb jarvis agincourt eu gene timbers claremont ralph smith mt albert nel son ramer markham 2 horses jointers paul timbers aurora ralph hold er manilla les fielding woodville j featherstone a- gincourt 3 horses stubble roy smith gormley anthony fea therstone imilliken duncan watson woodibridge mervin harper stouffville 5 mounted plow vm simpson ballantrae david ratcliff stouffville loraine alexander queensville 6 tractors in sod open hugh baird blackwater jos tran claremont n- rofoson maple ivan mclaughlin stoullville bill hawstrjiwser malton grant wells stouff ville bill taylor sharon 7 tractors in sod 18 years old and under john pugh stouffville carl tim bers stouffville don smith mt albert h williamson au rora 8 tractors in sod open floyd forsyth stouffville el dred king ringwood j ham ilton ravenshoe l smith brampton ted gough millik en b dixon brampton 10 tractors in stubble no vice ross smith gormley 11 tractors in stubble 15 years and under t meaghan beaverton g irwin milton l wilkinson malton b richard son gormley 12 utility 2 furrow bob timbers stoullville don dun- keld russ morrison norm robson jos tran b richard son 13 utility 3 furrow floyd forsyth les smith eldred king len wellman jim ham ilton special prizes for boys 10 years and under plowing with ford equipment went to bill richardson and jim hamilton the prize was donated by thos birrell of newmarket special best team and e- quipment byrnell wylie oak- wood harve schell stouff ville pl carr gormley chas teasdale aurora byrnell wy lie oakwood geo pegg shar on special best going team duncan vatson woodibridge lloyd carr gormley eugene timbers claremont oxbridge twp residents seek to dissolve public school area board the existence of the present uxbiidge township public school area board will likely depend on a vote of the peop le probably at the forthcom ing municipal election on dec 7th a delegatipp of some forty five ratepayers one of the lar gest ever to appear before council attended the regular meeting on tuesday evening to obtain information regard ing a changeover from the pre sent area board to the separ ate sectional trustee boards turner forsyth and les fea- sby acted as spokesmen for lie delegation council members agreed that they were not familiar with the proper procedure regard ing such matters and would have to investigate further in to the details clerk john ash- enhurst informed the ratepay ers that because action was not taken before july 1st of this year it would not be legal to make the change before 115 whose idea was it in the iirst place to get this area board questioned councillor clarence bunker the department of educa tion pressed it answered reeve catherwood the township of uxbridge was hulldozod into it declar ed councillor dowswell our section will return to the old method when we get the chance his comments receiv ed a hearty round of applause whitchurch township sent out a questionnaire to the rate payers and then turned the i- dea of an area board down pointed out clerk ashenhurst this is a democratic country and i believe the issue should be put to a vote of the people exclaimed councillor john tell when this ques tion was first introduced three years ago many believed it should have been put to a vote its not fair for sections who have new schools to be forced to bear costs of new schools in other sections said mr forsyth when this area board was formed the inspector asked us to give it a fair trial and if we are dissatisfied we ctfuld return to our separate trustee boards exclaimed mr bruce taylor clerk john ashenhurst poin ted out that the one induce ment for a school area board was the fact that an extra s30c dollars grant was received it was certainly never spent in our section stated mr forsyth for that extra 300 they spent 500 called out a rate payer from the rear of the as sembly mr feasby pointed out that the one aggravating feature of the board was the neglect in publishing a complete finan cial statement one that cjuld be read and understood we want the matter to lie put to a vote this year evcn if it wont come into effect until 1951 demanded mr feasby an expression of opinion was called on he matter and at voted unanimously in favor of a public vote clerk ashenhurst stated that the council would receive a better expression of opinio if the vote was taken on the day of the municipal elections it would also save the ex pense of a double election commented councillor dows well councillor john ball re quested that the clerk investi gate the legality of having the vote on dec 7th town council delays decision on rent control stouffville municipal coun cil shelved any decision to continue rent control until next spring when the matter was presented at the last regu lar council meeting council was dealing with the letter from provincial authorities pointing out that while the government was withdrawing from the rent control field next march the municipali ties might if they desired continue it councillor ratcliff expressed the view that if government believed it unnecessary for them to continue the control the local council would do well to keep clear also rent control to toe properly carried out k is believed would require considerable supervision and rather than become involved in control machinery it would toe advis able to let the law of supply and demand govern the situa tion it is estimated that possibly ten percent of stouffvilles re- whitchurch tp prepares 40000 debentures for new 2room vivian school here was as nice a bag of thanksgiving geese as one could hope for these six plump wild geese ran ging stripped from six to eight pounds were brought down by these two local duck hunters roy tindall and geoige alsop the pair were out in hopes of bringing home some ducks for the holi day no ducks appeared but these six geese were bagged as they came in to land on the water whitchurch township coun cil on saturday instructed clerk jack crawford to pre- ipare a 40000 debenture issue ito cover the cost of a new two room school to be con structed at vivian it was pointed out that only a few- years ago some consideration was given to closing the pres ent vivian school because there were less than a dozen pupils attending today due to the steady influx of new comers to the area the present school is crowded beyond cap acity and new accommodation must be provided during re cent discussions on school matters council has been re luctant to proceed with school debentures beyond dire neces sity in fear of overloading the township debenture debt bal ance however they were fac ed on saturday with no alter native than to proceed with the new school the new struc ture will be erected on the sth concession rather than on the sideroad where the pres ent school is located court of revision on the 19- 54 assessment roll has been scheduled for vandorf on oct 31st the court will be com posed of the following law rence hennessy earl toole cliff wailwork lome evans and edw logan local b p club active in community this week is being marked throughout canada as busin ess womens week by the bu siness and professional wom ens cluibs the business and professional womens club of stouffville was formed at a meeting held on january 25th 1950 the clubs first president was mrs ella malcolm who is now a charter member thir tytwo ladies formed the club in the beginning meetings are to be held at the homes of various members the first monday- of each month the club has been instrum ental in many appreciated ser vices they established two years ago a bursary for a gra duating student from stouff ville high school and were one of the chief sponsoring or ganizations in the establish ment of the town park rest rooms to which they contrib uted a considerable cash sum one of the special features was the fashion show conduc ted at the recent trade fair and which added greatly to this popular merchants show a cooking school has been sponsored on two occasions in conjunction with the frigid- aire co and mr raxlin local dealer the school has drawn capacity crowds each time the bjpw club is not a ser vice club but it never turns down an appeal for money where a real need is evident it supports and is willing to help any worthwhile underta king the stouffville club is young to date it has done much and will do more in the future for the good of stouffville and its residents and we join in salu ting the business and profes sional womens club of our town during this their celebra tion week jas hope appeared before council regarding the tile drain and culvert adjacent to his property on the 5th con council while acknowledging the claim of damage felt that a precedent would be establi shed if mr hope was compen sated and refused payment a fence viewers award in the case of vw pugsley north half of lot 24 west and john bosworth jr part of south half of lot 24 w in the 6th con was placed before council the award stipulates that mr pugsley is to main tain the west half of the line being about 100 rods from the 6th con line and mr bosworth is to maintain the east half of the line about 100 rods the fence is to be heavy gauge and the job is to be completed within forty days a cheque in the amount of 875 has been received by the township as government grant on the capital expendi ture of the community centre board and will be applied a- gainst a loan made by council to the board relief accounts for the month totalled 35410 and general accounts 131655 clerk crawford was instruc ted by council to have the township solicitor prepare the necessary bylaw for road im provements on fergus ave opp comb countryside for two armed robbers sidents live in rented- ties contour plowing champ proper- local auctioneer is bereaved the death occurred at wes ton on saturday october 10th of mary beatrice bennett wi dow of the late david atkin son and mother of walter at kinson auctioneer stouffville deceased has been in poor health for some time and was in her 69th year the late mrs atkinson was born in markham and the cou ple farmed at cedar grove re tiring to markham village ten years ago she was identified with the united church surviving are two sons wal ter of stouffville and david of winnipeg and one daughter annie mrs jas philips of brougham also a brother george markham and three sisters two brothers and one sister are predeceased there are four grandchildren the funeral on monday was conducted from the dixon fu neral chapel markham by rev douglas davis pallbear ers were ross parkinson br wilson carl ramer angus vahiere edgar pilkey and milton graham interment was made in elmwood cemetery public skating at the stouff ville arena will be friday night of this week you can still see that great new film reaching from hea ven at the stanley theatre this thursday night the great one cent sale is in full swing every day this week at houstons rexall drufr store six members of the vandorf detachment of the provincial police led by sgt art harris on and cpl norm cowie join ed constables of the east gwillimbury force in an effort to track down two armed rob bers in the mount albert dis trict on tuesday the men were spotted by arthur wagg operator of the mount albert planing mill around 4 am in the morning and he armed with a shot gun watched the thieves gain entrance to his mill at once the proprietor notified the east gwillimlbury police who arrived on the scene to surround the premls- however the robbeis real- es ized that wrong and something rushed out was the back door the police fired at the fleeing men but they fail ed to stop their car was pick ed up loaded with clothes and footwear which is believed to be stolen goods the vandorf provincial police were called to the area and a thorough search was started although tracks were plainly visible in the wet mud the thieves ap parently made good their es cape walkietalkie radios were used along with the pol ice radios to conduct the search but to no avail the po lice have the name and ad dress of the one wanted man which was left in the captured car at dusk the investigation was called off and will not be resumed unless some import ant lead turns up stouffville daughter is star hollywood dancer eldred king son of mr and mrs albert king ringwood and a promin ent junior farmer won the threefurrow globe mail contour plowing com petition at cobourg pat denise a granddaugh ter of the late mr and mrs peter meyers of stouffville is today one of the busiest most capable assistant dance direc tors in hollywood and has ev en turned down offers to be come a fullfledged director because she feels she needs more experience pat enise is a daughter of douglas meyers and the late mrs levi hoover of stouff ville miss denises father visit ed the town 10 years ago al though he is not possibly known here as well as his par ents mr and mrs peter mey ers many years ago the mey ers operated a shoe feed and grocery store on main st where the present grand grill is located the telephone ex change was also connected there known as the bell con necting company the store was purchased from wa clarke father of miss ab clarke church st son douglas father of the noted dancer served in the raf during world war i and has three children pat pete and shiela mr and mrs meyers live on lulu island near vancouver pete is in the oil business in regina and sis ter shiela is also a dancer in hollywood pat denise began her danc ing career in star roles at 15 when she became a member of the ballet russe company she successfully toured north america europe and austral ia in europe she discovered that the folks were real ballet fans and there was always a crowd of well wishers back stage after each performance following her tours she set tled in havana where she gave dancing lessons it was here that she became an ac complished speaker of the spanish language as well as an authority of cuban dances on returning to the usa she was immediately a hit on broadway and from there she moved on to a hollywood car eer she found work as a dancein and a dancing double when star performers met with accidents five years ago when star cyd charisse injur ed herself during mgms filming of on an island with you she took over the role wearing a black wig and the picture was completed with out the audiences being any the wiser she has been con nected with such other films as two tickets to broadway road to bali and every thing i have is yours evening classes stouffville district high school evening classes will commence next tuesday ev ening oct 20th at 8 oclock art woodwork sewing and basic english are the classes with eight sessions in each term competent instructors are in charge and fees are most reasonable this winter hobby school has proved most popular since its inauguration several years ago and every class is expected to be filled a- gain this term registration can be made by phoning the high school secretary at 373j or enrolling at the school