Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 1, 1953, p. 5

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the triune stouffville out thursday oct i 19 quality service out 0 line of feeds egg0 laying mash egg0 chick grower egg0 fattening feed pork0 pig starter pork0 hog grower pork0 hog finisher pork0 sow ration pork0 concentrate milk0 24 dairy ration stiver bros phone 64508 or 45wl i wedding hoopklt bockxk kiiihhsi m togtobtws0amicabo i friends finish house for family ok dead max james read 32 whose cher ished dream was to see his home completed did not live to see it but 22 of his friends and neighbours rallied together o- ver the weekend to finish the job mr read was ibuildirig the house last year when he was stricken by an incurable blood disease read his wifi- and three children patsy nine timmy six and david four were liv ing in the four room building which had no door two win dows and cardboard inside walls the oak ridges lions club discovered their plight and launched a campaign to buy ibuilding materials the drive netted 300 ma terials were purchased and a group of local men went to work l fifth line of uxbridge united church anniversary services at 11 am and 730 pm sunday oct 4th special music by the bell trio and brampton victorettes speaker rev wm thorneloe ba ooo doist doner grace pauline dorter daugh ter of mr and mrs samuel x doner was united in marriage to frederick william doust son of mr and mrs james c doust all of gormley on sep tember 16th in the united missionary church the church was decorated with baskets o white gladioli and fern for the occasion rev ce hun- king officiated given in marriage by her father the bride wore dusty rose lace over taffeta with hat and gloves to match and white mums her bridesmaids were misses ruth hunt and doro thy doust they wore powder blue taffeta with matching hats and gloves and yellow mums mr allan doner was best man and mrs allan don er played the wedding music howard and floyd doner of stouffville were ushers the wedding reception took place afterwards at the church the brides mother received wearing a plum wine dress with black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses and gladioli assisting was mrs e edwards of toronto a sister of the groom she wore a tur quoise suit with black acces sories and a corsage of picard- y gladioli leaving for a honeymoon at niagara falls the bride don ned a gray suit with wine and black accessories on their re turn the happy couple will live at gormley white yellow anu bronze munis decoiateu the altar in richmond hill presbyterian church for the marriage there of joan alverna bourne dau ghter of mr arul mrs ch bourne to george henry ellis hooper son a mr and mi ch hooper buttoaville rev jx hepburn performed the ceremony given away by her father the bride wore a gown of white english brocaded sa tin with wing collar long poiii- ted sleeves and the full skirt fell into a circular train her veil was of white tulie and she carried white mums and apri cot roses maid of honor lois bourne was in copper tan ir idescent taffeta while the bridesmaids ellen hooper and beverley dunnett wore sage green susan tilt junior bridesmaid was in apricot taf feta charles hooper was ring bearer the attendants had matching headdresses of os- rich tips and carried baskets varied mums best man was gordon brumwell and ushers were charles allen and wel lington bourne the brides nother received in brown taf- eta with gold accents and a orsage of bronze mums as- isted by the grooms mother caring a brown and gold en semble with similar corsage organization meeting is be ing held at the stouffville ar- ha this coming monday ev- ning for tile local skating pilib stouffville is combining hi year with oshawa and bowmanville the three clubs using ice here port perry and bowmanville mr and mrs wallace distelmeyer out standing instructors will be the teachers mr and mrs albert king spent sunday afternoon in ux bridge attending service at bethesda church where their granddaughter elizabeth mi chelle croxall was baptised and afterwards entertained at the home of lilr and mrs clarence croxall missionary thank offering service friday evening oct 2nd at 8 pm place stouffville united missionary church guest speaker miss annie yeo missionary from nigeria west africa the public is invited stouffvi lle christian mens fellowship commences 12th season with mr gus ambrose director of toronto youth for christ and tiny tommy ambrose soloist on monday october 5th at s pm in stouffville baptist church young men especially welcomed our local and personal happenings parents of public school children are aked to kep in mind the date of monday oct 5th when the home and school association will hold a meeting at i3 pm in the hnie economics room your paper sure gave me good results said mr ken madill of claremont i had o- ver fifteen calls in answer to an add selling pullets mrs rabins of cardiff wai- e who has been spending a six months holiday in stoufl- ville with her sister mrs pow ell returns home on the em press taf australia oct 2nd the sisters had not seen eah ether for 2 years stouifvilles provincial po lice officers were kept very busy during the nights of the trade fair as they directed hundreds oif cars around the arena on friday night it was necessary for them to carry out their duties in a heavy downpour of rain axxouxcem ext mr and mrs ap burnett orono and mr and mrs john cowling bowmanville will be pleased to receive their friends at the lions commun ity centre bowmanville on the evening of october 14th from 730 to 930 to celelbrate with them the fiftieth anniver sary of their double wedding friends in this district will be pleased to learn that rev oscar burkholder of breslau is slowly improving in health since his recent illness mr and mrs ralph reaman and mr and mrs warren rae spent the weekend in the mus- koka district visiting algon quin park they also attended locks baptist church near huntsville where mr david clark is pastor high school news after a great deal of fun in our campaigning week con sisting of posters and a par ade through town the follow ing were elected to offices of the student council presid ent june smith first viee president allen stoufter sec ond vice president barbara hastings secretary gloria hood treasurer ed mile ed itor garth brubacher press reporter joy oneill local minister receives ap pointment rev dr imokillicah min ister of st james presbyter ian church stouffville has ac cepted a teaching position at knox college toronto wher he will conduct classes in he brew he will carry on with his regular charges both in markham and stouffville familiar 65yearold residence stouffville and district was hit by one of the hetniest rainstorms of tire season on friday night but with the ex ception of several road wash outs the damage caused was not extensive one storm sew er in the westend became over taxed by the hood sending a six inch deep stream of water rushing across the main st several cars ibecame stalled on the road when their drivers hit the overflow at excessive speeds considerable road da mage was caused in uxbridge township when sections f the 4th gth and 7th were un dermined toy the torrent provincial weekly newspapers install new officers mr jack pickell of the par is star was named last week to succeed chas h nolan lo cal publisher as president of the ontario weekly newspap ers association first vice pre sident is clayton schaus ches ley and second vice president russ scheer of blenheim the directors are bill james bowmanville fj picking aurora bert smith port cre dit geo ellis goderich jerry craven ridgetown and berry wenger the association met in annual convention in ham ilton ifor a three day session during which your local pub lisher presided the ontario weeklies were entertained by the steel co of canada the province of ontario the wes- tinghouse co the canadian bankers association and oth er firms during the conven tion there were less than a half dozen houses north of stouffville united church when this house belong ing to fe rae was erect ed over sixtyfive years ago william mason was the builder and resided there for a time he owned the present keith farm ami on retirement built this com modious brick dwelling mrs margaret mason was the next occupant follow ing which the rae family moved in about thirty years ago the house is solid brick white with a large lawn and barn on the grounds and is occupi ed by fe rae and his two sisters miss nettie rae and mis c turner monday oct 12th will be thanksgiving day mr truman baxter receiv ed word on sunday of the sud den death of his nephew mel- vin baxter of manitoulin is land who was killed when his gun went off accidentally while he was duck hunting melvin was in his 16th year and his father tom baxter a brother of truman baxter died just two weeks ago sunday guests of mr and mrs lloyd hamm were mr and mrs garfield hamn and keith mr and mrs kenneth hamm mr and mrs cecil brittain ronnie and gwcimie of holland landing and mr and mrs douglas hamm bar ibara bobbie and mary ann of willowdale this family gath ering was held in honour of mrs g hamms birthday horticultural meeting the horticultural society have been fortunate in secur ing mr r corlett of leaside utshow pictures at our next meeting in the united church toasement on tuesday night oct d3 mr corlett is a mem ber of the toronto field nat uralists as well as past presi dent of the color photograph ic assn of canada and he will have pictures of interest to all ages the prize money from the show will be given out at this meeting and there will also be a small flower show further announcements next week local lady bereaved and hospitalized mrs leslie roy martin for merly of gormley and mother of keith and clyde steckley stouffville is in hospital from injuries she received last week in a car crash in which her husiband 19 manager of national sales for the shell oil company of canada was killed mrs martin 45 was be lieved to have been the driver of the light convertible which crashed into a safety island at oriole parkway and kilbarry rd about two oclock in the morning mrs martin has fractures of both legs and one hand and head injury an inquest has toeen ordered tuesday evening open nights in town have concluded for this year mr and mrs pw haley of dicksons hill and formerly oii stouffville have disposed of their new home recently built there near the herb wideman farm the couple will move to brighton where mr haley will manage the trent valley sand stone co which has its headquarters there the haleys will occupy an apart ment for the present but an ticipate building a new home in brighton their dicksons hill place has been purchased by major dingle for the first time in stouff- villes history women are be ing selected this year for jury duty the legislation came in to effect some time ago grant ing their selection but hither to local officials had not seen fit to make any change some pressure and publicity was gi ven last spring by the wi and the b p womens club in an effort to have women placed op the list as jurors and this year the change has ibeen made twentyone jurors will be selected later this fall using an alphabetical system the tribune now has an other new portable typewriter for rent a beautiful oil painting now adorns the baptistry of the stouffville united missionary church a gift to the congrega tion by mrs- fred alsop mrs alsop completed the work of art in about eighteen hours mr and mrs frank grundy brian garry and patricia all of toronto were guests on fri day night of miss violet hoo ver and mrs florence miller brian and garry grundy spent this summer at the farm of mi- jim harris stouffville rr dr and mrs b mcfarland and son david of hamilton spent sunday with miss violet hoover and mrs florence mil ler mrs mcfarland is the for mer betty goodyear who taught school in stouffyijle se veral years ago ii mrs ront bone returned home on wednesday from bos ton where she has been visit ing for several days with her ibrother and family she was accompanied on the trip by a ibrother and his wife mr and mrs clayton parker of toron to you dont fake chances when you use coop feeds check your requirements today t coop lay mash coop pig starter coop hog grower coop sow ration coop 24 dairy supplement coop calf meal stouffville coopm phone 269

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