the tribune stouffviue one thursday sept 17 13o3 quality service egg0 laying mash a proven laying mash prove it for yourself seed wheat and fertilizer fertilizer for pastures ceresan m and buntnomore seed treatment for seed fall wheat ps car of canadian cement just arrived stiver bros phone 64508 or 45wl wedding duncan bruck whitevale united church was decorated with pink and white fladioli on saturday september 5th for the mar riage of ethel agnes barbara daughter of mr and mrs ed win bruce altona road to georce harold duncan son of mr and mrs wm duncan green river rev john mc- laelilan and rev lackey per formed the ceremonv mrs s english and dorothy hood played the wedding music the ibride was given away by her father she wore a gown of white lace over satin with nylon net inserts in the skirt her fingertip veil was held by a juliet cap of lace and satin she carried a bou quet of white heather orchids mums and roses miss eunice bruce was maid of honor for her sister and wore moss green taffeta with nylon net overskirt and a headdress of matching net and flowers her bouquet was a sheaf of pink roses and glads and yellow carnations the bridesmaid was marion camp bell of montreal who was dres sed the same as the maid of honour junior bridesmaids were beverley singer of ma- theson and linda doyle they wore rust taffeta with nylon net overskirts and carried nosegays of yellow and pink roses and gladioli buds carol duncan niece of the groom was flower ill and was dres sed in yellow nflon net over yellow taffeta she carried a sheaf of pink glads donald duncan was best man while robert bruce twin brother of the bride and gor don duncan were ushers the reception was held in the brougham hall with the brides mother receiving wear ing a floor length gown of french blue crepe and lace with pink accessories the grooms mother wore navy blue lace over shot silk taffeta with navy accessories for travelling on the wed ding trip and points east and though the northern states the bride changed to a blue wool suit with navy accessor ies and a rosewood shortle coat on their return mr and mrs duncan will reside in green river miss a lehman rmt will resume music teaching next week at her studio on obrien ave stouftville ph 39j1 mr and mrs gordon ham lin arehapvy to announce the engagement of their daugh ter ruth yvonne to mr ken neth gordon postill son of mr and mrs thomas postill all of green river the mar riage will take place on oct 10th in the first baptist church whitevale at 3 oolock have you inquired at farrs radio electric abjut one of those big screen admiral tel evision scts you can have one in ume for the world series if ou hurry youll never regret miss beulah rutledge was in town last week visiting her parents on her nine day leave she returned on tuesday to chicago stouffville and murkoani dairies were deluged with calls durin the weekend from city folks came out this far to obtain milk during the strike in toronto a supply was always obtainable here as long as the visitors had their own bottles or were willing to pay the deposit rev herbert gray md and mis gray of knowlton que bec spent a few weeks among old friends in his former church melville peaches and bethesda stouffville was in darkness on saturdav night from 730 till about s15 while the mark- ham rural maintenance crew repaired a broken pole just opposite the hale home at dicksons hill the broken pole had snapped off just a ew feet from the top we are pleased this week to receive a renewal to the trib une from mrs margaret e browning oxdrift ontario im an old easterner says mrs browning from picker ing whitchurch and mark- ham and have lived out here for over 50 years the tribune is a very welcome paper every saturday i look forward to it for a wonderful lot of news of old relatives and friends dr aj spang and son jim from duluith minn were guests last weekend at the new home of mr and mrs bud spang on saturday even ing about 25 relatives gathered at the home dr aj spang was in canada looking up rel atives for his mother and fa ther which took him also to peterboro and hamilton his father matthew spang who is in very poor health is a broth er of harry markham twp and jo spang pickering twp and mrs cora forsyth mt albert pmp q nmammtiamn rprovfofip only school shoe in canada approved by lloyd percival sports college sizes 1 5vz price 695 lehmans shoes main street stouffvttile stouffville united missionary church rally day sun sept 20th 1000 am three great events take place 9 1 unveiling of beautiful oil painted picture in baptistry 2 mrs huson presents a special sceneofell entitled be true 3 children and young people will take part make plans now to attend this great annual rally time 1000 am date september 20th ps if vou have no way of transportation phone rev f g huson stouffville si j3 each bov and girl will receive a rally day souvenir mr geo lynn 100 west rowe ave toronto was rush ed to the toronto east gener al hospital on sunday night with head injuries suffered when his auto collided with another car driven by mr jas connaty of uxbridge the col lision took place on the 8th concession of markham south of dicksons hill both cars were badly damaged constab le bill shearn o the markham twp police investigated staggered classes stouffville public school board is presently advertising for another teacher to handle a second primarv room due to the great influx of new pupils the new addition will make 9 teachers on the staff mrs nor man baker is filling in for the board in the emergency stag gered class hours are toeing instituted for the beginners one group going at s30 in the morninsr until 1230 noon and the second 1215 to 445 im the board considered very ca- refullv before entering into the staggered hours system the extremely crowded condi tions which exist at the school made it impossible to handle the large hmary class in the one room and since there will be enty of accommodation another ear when the new school is completed the board did not wish to enter into any needless expense in attempt ing to fit up any more class rooms our local and personal happenings the only trouble with a sure thing is the uncertainty mr and mis ae heaton stouttvilie left this week on a trfp to the old country trav elling bv air miss mary davis daughter of mr and mrs kr davis stoutfviue underwent a ton- si operation at welleslev hos pital this week mrs wm kirk of mussel- mans lake and toronto is in the brienbush hospital suffer ing from a broken ankle mr and mrs harry brillin- ger returned to stouffville on sunday after a trip to western canada which took them aw ay for several weeks kr davis spent at week end in xew york and while there took in the cleveland yankee american league ball game stouffville had a bread fam ine on saturdav night with not a loaf to be had in town h- nine oclock what the cause of this sudden shortage was we are net sure as it was an unusual situation with no weekend holidays calling for any unusual demand stouttville fire brigade was called out on friday after noon when fire threatened the home of ge pearce local high school principal on park rd south grease suddenly flaring up on an electric stove was the cause of the outbreak however no serious damage resulted of stouffvilles 1953 tax roll amounting to 55000 more than 1s000 has already been paid according to tax collect or kr davis stouffville has no tax arrears for any prev ious years and the local col lector is on his way to making another enviable record this year warrant officer stephen loch of goodwood suffered head in juries on friday night when he collapsed on the stouffville main street before entering his parked auto he was at tended by dr fj button and removed to the brierfoush hos pital where he was released on saturday morning dance celebrates opening of road mayor joseph vale and nor man long immediate past chairman of the toronto and york county roads commis sion cut the ribbon at a cere mony saturday officially open ing newmarkets widened and repaved main street the twodav celebration in connection with the opening of the twomile stretch of road way ended last night with a mammoth street dance attend ed by more than 1500 couples loses right hand in delayed blast of dynamite albert comer 29 of brown hill- had his right hand blown off saturdav when a stick of dynamite he was hold ing exploded he is in york county hospital where his condition is reported as satis factory comer and a companion bruce sedore of baldwin were dynamiting rock on a farm near brown hill when one o the charges failed to go off comer picked up the charge to examine it and it exploded sedore tore up his shirt ap plied a torniquet and drove the injured man to town where he received emergency treatment from a trained nurse united missionary church stovffviixe rally day sept 20th lftoo am mr and mrs w mccowan and mr and mrs mel emmer- son attended the wedding on saturday afternoon of miss marie isabel jerman daugh ter of mr and mrs john a jerman to allan robt black which took place in st davids united church toronto the bride is a granddaughter of the late mrs as collins this is the home of mr and mrs cg mckenzie harold st westend stouff ville built a couple of years ago this smartly styled house with its large picture window to the south further added to the large group of fine new bung ilows in thus section of town mrs geo kirby montreal st eastend who has marked her 90th birthday is not en joying the best of health friends will regret to learn the annual harvest home service in ringwood church will be held sunday sept 20 at 730 pm the church will le decorated with flowers fruits and vegetables the stouffville male quartette will provide special music rev and mrs harry somers jessie walls of charlotte- town pei were in town for a short time recentlv calling on old friends they were ac companied by mr and mrs frank taylor of toronto mr and mrs thomas hoop er accompanied by mrs j crosier of toronto are at pre sent enjoying a motor trip through eastern ontario and the eastern united states mrs wg sanderson was hostess at a trousseau tea on saturday in honour of her daughter edna whose mar riage to mr norman fairies will take place on saturdav in stouffville united church an aunt of the groom to be miss mabel card of toronto assist ed in receiving presiding at the tea table in the afternoon were mrs robt snowball and mrs walter brillinger and in the evening mrs flovd fair ies and mrs walter atkinson those assisting were miss ma rion atkinson mrs robt has- sard miss jean sanderson mrs percy schell miss con nie lewis and mrs robt san derson over ninety friends and relatives called during the afternoon and evening late thos gould founder of famous bible class a lay preacher in the form er methodist and later united church thomas geo gould active for many years in the fur business died at his home in uxbridge wednesday son of a methodist minister he was born in paisley and moved with his family to ux bridge nearly 70 years ago in 190s he organized the busin essmens bible class he was a past president of the lay mens association of the tor onto conference of the united church in 1902 mr gould entered bu siness in toronto becoming manager of a fur company in 1913 he established his own firm of which his son is now head he leaves his wife the form er alma r home one daugh ter mrs mack johnson can- nington three sons russell h toronto t bruce uxbridge and dr grant a gould van couver and seven grandchild ren mr ljr daley of cajnrose alta was in stouffville this week visiting old friends mr daley is a son of the late rj daley one of stouffvilles most prominent early citizens he was born in a house which stood on the site of the pres ent spofford store and has since been moved across the creek opposite the smith wel ding works mr daleys last visit to stouffville was 17 years ago when his father was brought back to the home town for burial our western visitor left here as a young man and at one time operated 4000 acres of western prairie he told the tribune that he still operates ss5 acres al though he lives retired him self lr daley in his young er days was known about town as skip daley and some of the towns elder citiz ens ed pennock frank rae and jos mortens can recall when he played lacrosse soc cer and baseball mr daley is the eldest member of the fam ily and has four sisters ina and laura in edmonton cec elia in winnipeg and millie in toronto mrs truman baxter of stouffville is a cousin of the late mrs lr daley who passed away a ear ago the funeral was conduct ed on monday afternoon at st andrews cemeterv mark ham of the late mrs afbert coxswonh surviving are four sons and two daughters recent visitors with mr and mrs r fleury church st were rev and mrs rob inson of alexander manitoba who were en route home from a 3 months tour in europe o- ther visitors also last week were mr and mrs beaman of essex mr and mrs a heaton church st left by plane on tuesday for a 2 months visit with their people in england this will be mr heatons first visit home since 1917 and his first visit to mrs heatons peo pie as he and mrs heaton met and married in canada mrs heaton wil be visiting with her mother who is s7 and her father who is 92 they live in bupton derbyshire and will soon be celebrating their 70th wedding annivers ary mrs heaton also will be visiting with several broth ers and sister mr heatons people are living in kent engagements mr dalton anderson and mrs irene watson wish to an nounce their engagement the marriage is to take place quietly on september 19 1953 at one oclock at the baptist parsonage uxbridge ont mr ralph faulkner announ ces the engagement of his daughter jessie maud to bev erley earl taylor son of mr and mrs graydon taylor oshawa the marriage is to take place at her residence september 26th 1953 at 700 pm mr and mrs george carr of cedar grove wish to announce the engagement of their dau ghter lois irene to gord am brose lewis son of mr allen lewis of markham the mar riage is to take place on oct ober 10th at 230 oclock in zi- on united church cedar grove stouffville lions club open ed the fall term with their first meeting in the high school on monday evening newly elected president fred campbell presided and the meeting was given over to discussion of fall and winter welfare work the club also a- greed to handle the conces sions and bingo at uxbridge the last of tins month for the uxbridge legion mrs 011 tranmer bloom- ington mother of fo wm t trimmer has received an invi tation to be present at the un veiling of the air forces mem orial at runnvmede england on sat oct 17 1953 this me morial which her majesty the queen has graciously consent ed to unveil is being erected by the imperial war graves commission commemorating officers and men of the air forces of the commonwealth who laid down their lives in the 193945 war in operations from bases in the united kingdom and north west eu rope who have no definitely known grave railway time table changes effective sunday sept 27th 1953 full information from agents dr donald s davis and mrs davis are seen here following their recent mar riage in the stouffville l- nited church mrs davis is the former elizabeth jean freel daughter of dr and mrs hb free stouffville engineered for longer life faster more uniform spreading 70 bushel capacity sturdy acid resistant wood box construction allround sturdy construction incorporating new stronger teeth and sturdier tooth bars low height for easier loading tractor or horse drawn perfect balance for easy handling farm tested for 70 years available at your stouffville coop phone 269