tie trtbase sooaffviue ont thursday august 6 1953 forest progress biggest biyek pulp and paper forest man- alvi paper mills eontri- agesient methods are still far h from perfect but immense pro- gress has been made and will purchases ex- continue to be made in the fu- is and product n than any ture ihei oz ate demekjf salam tea coffee fwtmtfmmitttfmtifivtrtct this weeks sunday school lesson cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers for immediate rentals stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w wmwivhwvvvnvvvir central feed store phone 277 stouffville we carry a complete line of marmill balanced feeds in mashes pellets crumbles blue coal blue coal order your blue coal now at out- special summer prices the ihltlmivvs uak tfaiifra golden text li is neither io eat fleh nor io liink wiiit- nor any linns where by thy brother tuinbletli kom h 21 ti1k lkssox as a whole approach io ihf lesson of all the- figures which the apos ie paul uses to describe the christi n life those of the edier and the athlete stand ui prominently as if they ere his vorites there is no indication that he ever was a i iter and if we are to accept tradition about his physical condition tie could scarcely have been an athlete see 2 cor 1010 127 d yet he shoivs remarkable acquaintance with both sphere of activity and if he were indeed physically han dicapped it is the more remar kable that he should have shown so much interest in such strenuous pursuits it in dicates that he had the spirit of the soldier and the athlete ev en if he did not have the body nd he certainly carried all the daring and all the determina tion and all the disciplines both soldier and athlete into his own christian life and ser- j vice so that he has right to press upon others the rigors and the endurance of warfare and the games but this man so unsparing with himself and so bold in his exhortations was considerate of the weak he would impose ex tra disciplines upon himself and forgo legitimate enjoy ments and restrict his own li berties to help weaker chris tians he lived by the law of love and called on others also to make that the rule of life he looked on the weak brother no a- a liability but as part of his responsibility practices which his own enlightened copseience would allow for him self were gladly renounced if they made the path more diffi cult for another in our lesson then we see these two sides of the apostle one portion bph 61020 we have the christian engaged i ta warfaroin the other portion rom lkukili we see ie christian walking the path of peace not insisting or his w r right- but ordering his ivalk ivith a view to eang the pah for those who are weak 1 should like to suggest to the teacher and all others the reading of bunyans the pil- ims pr gres for splendid descriptions of the christians warfare especially the battle ivith apollyn for a somewhat mgsatirical but very discerning allegory describing the wiles o our enemy i recommend the screivtape letters by c lewis macmillan co new york 1 250 iise by verse eph i0 be strong in the lord and in the power of his might only in the lord is there strength adequate to the demands of the christian life see isaii h ixl verse 1l put on the whole armoui of god that ye may be able to stand against the wile- of the devil here we are in troduced to the thought of our warfare we have an advers ary killed in tatits and who will quickly take advantage of any vulnerable point compare 2 corinthians 211 verse 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities fre quently our conflict senns to be with men but they are mer ely the tools of the hierarchy of evil spirits arrayed against christ and his people under heir captain the devil verse 13 wherefore take unto you the whole armour of cod that ye may be able to withstand to stand the armor is provided but it is ours to appropriate it thus we shall withstand the shock of battle and each crisis of temp tation over be found standing girt about with truth the breastplate of righteous- re the word signifies take your stand in an act of high resolve xot my truthful- re but the truth of god john 146 girds me with strength not my righteousness but the righteousness of god n christ is without any chink that would expose the heart to the arrows of the accuser verse 13 and our feet shod with the prepssatioa of the gospel of peace modern warfare has demonstrated importance of footwear against rigors rigors of climate rough ness of terrain and snake bites the gospel of the peace of god oilers the best equip ment against all hazzards of changing conditions and as sures a steady walk verse 16 the shield of faith to quench all tile fiery darts of the wicked the great shield or doorshield 2 x feet is referred to offering protection to the whole body so iaith answers all the as- aults of the wicked one verse 17 the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit the word of god a rue experience of salvation is a great protection against the rationalism of unbelief and the word of god an effective lnswer to all the subtle sugges tions of temptation matt 44 7 10 verse is praying always in the spirit and watching is to be to the accompaniement rf prayer prayer itself is a trategie position which must be held at all costs or there will be defeat all along the line prayer that is energized by the holy spirit is true a mighty veapon of offense as well as de fense verse 10 and for me to make known the mystery of the gospel a preachers ap peal for prayer support he seeks their prayer both that he may have the word to utter and that he may have freedom in uttering it many a preacher in our place in full possession would preach better sermons oi our post i if his congregation so prayed verse 11 stand therefore for him illustrated pathfinder 2door sedan a general motors value jto otfir cftr iff ms climbl so jfost in jpumic favor no other car in the price range it brackets can compare willi pontine for all round value dependability and advanced features thais why ioiiliac has climbed to now peaks of popularity and public favor every one of the 2 beautiful models every one of the live great series is completely new in all styling detail- inside and out every one i a masterpiece of engineering and craftsmanship visit your pontine dealer now and learn of the extra comfort beauty safety anil per formance that are yours with pontine let him show yon why more and more people nre realizing that pontine is tops in every thing but price 11 beautiful models to choose from in tiv- xxml series for 1953 pathfinder pathfinder deluxe lmreiitian cliieftain and chieftain deluxe ntw finer powerglioe optional i tra cost oil laiireutiaii and pathfinder deluxe series offers new llalum aecelralion economy and new overall performance dramatic new dualstreak styling make- pontine even more distihclh e more iudh idtial in appearance than ever pontiacs new power steering optional at extra ivil on ihhiii equipped with power dide or hydra- malic iriniuiion i- available to eiiniiuaicas much as tv of lie work of leering spectacular 0ualran3e htoramatic perform ance optional at extra ei on chieftain series give you better control limn eer gives von the jiower you waul when you want it where you want itl economizer rear axle with automatic trail mission reduced engine revolutions in drive itatige for more go on less ia- pontiacs great scylimdes engine general motors louelprieed einlu and the most highly perfeeiel engine ill the industry pontiacs thrifty six with dramatically increased horsepower to deliver tliousandsof smooth economical miles stouffville mole motor sales ontario verse 20 an ambassador jit bonds that therein 1 may speak boldly to imprison a nations ambassador is an act of hostility and would end the ambassador peakirg for his country paul refuse- to be sil enced oy nds but regard- it as ah occasion for speaking freely the chain may be on his kvrist but not on his hps horn 1410 fodow after e thing- which make for- peace and edify another from the moke of war we turn to the call of peace the child of cod is i soldier but is called to avoid contention aiming to build not to demol ish to help not to hurt- verse 2 for meat destroy net the work of god espec ially must we see thai our in dulgences do not jeopardize the testimony of the gospel or cause others to stumble verse 21 whereby thy brother stumbleth or is of- tended or is made weak here is the law of love which must iimit our liberty of action in deed tins is the highest liber tyto place restraints upon ourselves for the sake of others the heart of the lesson accepting jesus christ as lord and saviour thrusts us immediately into active com bat for ranged against christ and his kingdom is the king dom of darkness with its mighty and cunning ruler sat an and his ranked followers of fallen angelic beings every child of god every work of cod is a target for these hosts of iniquity xotice how they are described principalities powers world ruler- of this darkness wicked spirits in the heavenlies some have suggest ed that satans hierarchy is patterned after that of heaven with which he is well familiar the christian is so often pi one to think that his conflict is with men and we act ac cording this is a great i mis take we wrestle not against iesh and blood men are but the tools of our spiritual foes and we must learn to fight on the spiritual plane many christians are being defeated because they are lighting on the human plane since our warfare is spirit ual we need spiritual equip ment and that is fullp provid ed the whole armour of god is at hand and is ours for the putting on an act of faith no thing will brace us for conflict like the truth of cod the ad versary can find no weak spot in the righteousness of god through which we may inflict a fatal wound when the peace of god rules in the heart the walk will be steady our feet will not slide and ir our feet are dedicated to carrying the gospel of peace we can trust god to keep them from the snares let our faith be big not like the little targe of the scottish highlander but like the great doorshield of the ro man legionary and because our minds need protection from all kinds of vagaries aud false philosophies let us guard our thoughts with salvations helmet for parrying the ene mys thrusts let us p ictice 1 with the yosd of god aftei the pattern o our lord on weapon we have which has ao counterskirt or equivalent in the roman soldiers outfit is prayer john bunyuh makes bold to call it the weapon sf ailprayer if the adversary can so distract us as to make us forget this weapon he will have us down in no time so we must watch thereunto principalities and powers mustering their unseen array principalities and powers wait for thy unguarded houi s watch and pray c elliott right here is whee we find that our warfare is not just in dividual we are part of a great army and we must tight as members of the hexst not just as isolated units so the weapon of allprayer is to foe wielded on behalf of all aims especially do minis ters need this air support from the members of the church as paul sought it from the philippians now it would be utter folly to support our comrades with our prayers and then turn a round and wound them with our conduct so our passage in remans 111921 tells us how we are to support each other with i ui conduct too in being wil ling to forgo indulgences which to us may seem legitimate but which would make a weaker brother lose confidence or fall into bondage such elfdenial will never hurt us both we and our brethren w benefit from it iokksts need ii a ii vi st ing the volume of wood in a mature forest does not in crease proper cutting per mits new growth and a perpet ual harvest canada is a large pulp ex porter wheel steer ins aliriement service for all cars w g garrett s0n 333 central ontarios foremost show sutton horse show fair afternoons and evenings thur fri sat aug 678 thursday aft childrens races womens exhibits flowers vegetables grain school work evening old tvme dance corilest fireworks itu sat afternoons arena exhibits two threeheat harness races each day steeple chases friday two on saturday 20 events for lumping horses and hunters sat aft cattle heavy light horses ponies hogs fri sat evening grandstand variety show midway games rides all 3 days admission auto children sat 25c 50c 25c thurs fri free itlyuttvn tttgsvtltvl on broadway at 54th street ideal accommodations for 500 guests private baths pressure showers and radio television tool alrc2ndliland cocktail louag and rmtouraot