the triouca stouffvihe oatthursday july 23 1953 this weeks sunday school lesson crow1xo ix christ goluva text sprakiug the truth in love lej may ur uj into him in all tiling- which l tlie head e- ven clirlt eph 415 t11k lessox as a whole approach to the lesmmi there used to be a noted preacher in edinburgh scot land by the name of macgreg or he was popularly known as wee macgregor if you had seen him in the pupit you would not have designated him so he had a massive head with shaggy hair and beard and heavy shoulders when he preached his resonant voice his fiery eloquence nd his lof ty thoughts proclaimed the in tellectual and spiritual giant if you had seen him out of the pulpit however you would have understood the nickname for the pulpit hid the short twisted legs upon which this master of ceremonies hobbled the story is told that at a ga thering of the general assem bly a speaker was expatiating on the value of physique in the ministry just as he was describing the magnificent physical specimen required in the sacred calling wee mac gregor walked on to the plat form after a moment of em barrassed silence the great concourse burst into laughter followed by a round of ap plause for the little giant the man who despite his twisted little legs had climbed to a place of honor in the scottish church i sometimes think the church is something like wee macgregor our head the lord jesus christ is all per fection in him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge col 23 if all the members were in propor tion to the head in holiness and wisdom and grace what a magnificent spectacle the church would make for all principalities and powers to behold but so many of the members are dwarfed twist ed and warped the result is a sort of spiritual monstrosity we must remember that while god sees the members in the head men see the head in the members is it any wonder they so often turn a- way there is one thing we can do as wee macgregor stood behind the pulpit when preaching we can learn to hide behind the cross cruci fied with christ until it is not we who are seen but christ living in us the day is coming when all the members will be perfected and the whole body will be in full accord iwith the glorious head then the angelic hosts will witness in the glorified church the manifold wisdom of god eph 310 what a miracle of grace that is pauls theme in the chapter of out- lesson verse by verse eph 41 the prisoner of the lord walk worthy of the vocation paul would not call himself the prisoner of rome his life was ordered from a higher throne than caesars walk refers to dai ly behavior which cannot be divorced from our lofty posit- ion in christ verse 2 lowliness meekness longsuftering forbearing these were the very qualities which were de spised by the great ones of pauls day but they are the marks of true greatness true godliness verse 3 endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace we are not exhorted to keep a unifor mity of performance in the bond of an allcommanding or ganization within the unity of the spirit there is room for much diversity with peace embracing all verse 4 one body one spirit one bope here are the first three of the seven great unities the one body is the church indwell by the ho ly spirit and moving toward that blessed bope which will witness the consummation of the divine purpose verse 5 pne lord one faith one baptism the one ird is christ the one faith is that confessed by peter matt 16lt with all that it implies concerning his redeeming work and all the controvers ies over baptism have not de stroyed this tesclnwny of the faith verse 6 one god and father of all who is above all and through all and in you all there is no you in the best authorities here is the eimax of the unities one god the father a title denot ing his benevolence he is both transcendent above all and immanent through all not a god afar off but a god nigh at hand erses 710 taese verses tell us of the activity of christ is ascended and made head over all things to the church 122 thev declare his tri umph over death and the grave we have a- victorious head- verse ii apostles prophets evangelists pastors and teachers here is a diversity of ministry ail are not endowed alike just as a house needs different kinds of workmen masons carpen ters plumbers electricians so gods house neds minis ters of various kinds erse 1 for the perfec ting of the saints for the work for the edifying o- mit the comma after saints and the meaning will be clear er the work of the ministers is to fit the saints to minister only as all the members are ministering members can the body be built up to full stature and power verse 13 in the unity at the faih unto a perfect man the fulness of christ once again it is not uniformi ty that makes for full develop ment in the body of christ but oneness of faith anil know ledge of christ the head is perfect the wliole body must be brought into accord with the head verse 11 no more ehil ren tossed to and fro and car ried about we must get be yond that immaturity of child hood marked by gullibility and come to maturity of dis cernment so as to avoid the errors being vended on all sides verse 15 but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him even christ some will sell the truth in the name of love and some will sell love in the name of truth both are equally wrong truth and love must be wed ded else we shall never ap proach the proportions of christ verse 1g from whom the whole body maketh in crease of the body the source of all supply for the body the church is christ the head but in the distribu ton of the supply all the members must cooperate if foreign matter accumulates anywhere in the supply line the whole body will suffer but if by love we serve one anoth er the whole will be develop ed unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of christ v 13- the heart of the lesson a place of privilege is a place of responsibility i have been present at quite a few commencements at wheaton college and i have always no ted that in conferring the sev eral degrees dr edman would say i confer upon you the degree of with all the rights and privileges and re sponsibilities pertaining there to it seemed to me that he always put extra emphasis on the words and responsibili ties in the epistle to the ephe- sians the apostle paul has much to say about our place of privilege in christ can we conceive of any higher the responsibilities are correspond ingly high if an institution of learning expects its graduates so to live as to do honour to their alma mater surely those who are in christ are expec ted to walk worthily of the high calling conduct that is worthy of the lord has four basic char acteristics lowliness meek ness longsuffering forbear ance v i how different from the qualities sought by the world i have heard com mencement addresses in high schools the substance of which could be expressed in the words keep your chin up selfassertion is the worlds pathway to honor but christs way of greatness is quite the opposite these four qualities are es pecially necessary because while we were saved as indiv iduals we are saved into a so ciety so closely bound that we are members one of another being members of christ this does not mean that individual ity is destroyed but rather that all the redeemed and heightened and enriched indi viduality of the several mem bers must minister to the de velopment and the perfecting of the whole body the church of jesus christ is not charac terized by a dead and monot onous uniformity but it is marked by a sevenfold unity vs 46 and all christians are under obligation to see that that unity finds adequate ex pression we must endeavour to keep the unity of the spir it in the bond of peace v 3 but the unity of the spirit cannot be divorced from the unity of the faith v 13 we cannot discuss here the sina qua non of fellowship but we may settle it on our minds that the unity of faith does not mean absolute agree ment on every point of doct rine it wiil however include a confession of christ a lord in the highest and fullest sene of that word lord where control apple drop at harvest time over the years the apple in dustry of canada ha suffered losses amounting to thousanas of dollars due to the dropping of apples just before and dur ing harvest these losses can be largely overcome oy the use of chemicals this is a reiat- but it should be incorporated ively new orchard practice into every orchard spray sche dule report ds blair and sh dissent is necessary let it not become dissention and when we must separate let us a- void schism in the bodv nelson division of horticul ture central experimental farm ottawa until seceatly the chemical sprays used to prevent harv est crop have for the most part contained naphthaleneac- etjc acid he sodium salt of na- phthaleneetic acid or napi- thaleneacetamide as the active ingredient xow two new che micals with equally long nam es have been introduced 2 1 ctrichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2 4 5tat and 2 1 5-trich- iorophenoxypropionie acid 2- i 5tpt which have amuch longer period of effectiveness than the naphtbaleneacetic ac id compound these newer chemicals have been tested ex tensively at he division of horticulture ottawa the ex perimental substation smith- i liberals on defensive gathers n york at a meeting in the xev rrarket progressive conser vative committee rooris tiny gathers said that the libcas rave been on the defensive since george drew pledged to cut the taxes by sooq000000 without interfering with the odage pensions or family al lowances the liberal cabinet s divided on the tax issue on the same night that mr st laurent said in ontario that taxes could not be cut mr i gardiner in saskatoon said they could be cut by s300000- 000 who is right j sold ontario recommended that 2 4 5ta and 2 4 5tp salada tea be applied at 20 ppm parts per million ten to fifteen days before the harvesting commen ces when using these harvest tiot to allow the fruit to re main on the tree beyond its normal picking date fruit that are permitted to become overmature on the tree have a sprays care should be taken 1 shorter storage life v- fathers its time for a change vote for c a tiny gathers in york north the liberals say they cant cut your taxes mow sss mmuf we will budget for governments legitimate needs we will stop budgeting for bloated surpluses which in three years took from the peoples pockets the staggering sum of 1618000000 more than the government needed we will end the shocking conditions in our defence department which the governments own investigator j col g s currie described as a general breakdown in the system of administration supervision and accounting accounting records in a chaotic con dition and of little use in determining the nature and extent of irregularities waste and inefficiency far more costly in loss than that covered by actual dishonesty we will without impairing the efficiency of our armed forces correct the appalling inefficiencies in the administration of the department of national defence we will provide the nation with an administration whose attitude towards the spending of public monies will be one of prudence and common sense a new government in itself will mean substantial savings to the taxpayer it will replace a government whose arrogant indifference to economy was best expressed by mr howes scornful remark whats a million or if they need a goldplated piano it is our duty to buy it vffls we will reduce or eliminate countless hidden indirect taxes which grossly inflate the cost of consumer goods add to the grievous cost of living increase the price of homes beyond the capacity of most of our people to pay discourage saving and initiative tve will reduce federal taxes by at least 500000000 a year without reducing any pensions family allowances or other social security payments 500000000 tax cut now