he siouffaiue ribwjie vol ix no jo the tribune stolffvlle ont july eighteen more new homes are slated for township of markham building permits rave beeni issued for eighteen mote new homes in markham tvp ac cording to the latest report of the twp building inspector buildings amounting to s215- 000 were granted permits last month 2 units in all includ ed is a new service station on no 7 highway just east of u- nionville for ca and ii a maynard for the first time markham twp is applying road oil to i the 10th con from highway no 7 to stouffville two and a half miles north from no 7 highway has been done oh the 9th con as well and in front of each farmers home for the balance of the distance to stouifville these roads are so heavily travelled that an ap plication of calcium lasts lit tle more than a couple of week- council is trying out the oil this year in an effort to lay a little more permanent roadway in the regular police report tabled at council on monday police recommended that stop signs be placed at the intersec tion of the hagermin sideroad and the 7th con due to the number of accidents which have occurred at this danger ous corner council agreed to have the signs erected subject to the approval of the dept of highways the police reported twenty accidents investigated cl sum monses issued and an addit ional 59 summonses delivered for other police forces resi dents of the 3rd con north of steeles ave are also asking fo- no dumping signs to he erected a calvert lot 17 con 1 was paid 25 for a calf killed by- dogs and 12 was authorized paid in fox bounjy planning hoard members re ceived payment for meetings in the amount of s9s7s0 fence viewers 15 and court of re vision members 3972 a grant of 25 was authorized for the unionville and thornhill libra ries the pupils of mrs floyd ratclilf have been successful in their recent midsummer pi ano examinations at the royal conservatory of music they are as follows gr betty sproxton ohon dianhe rat- dill isohel harding gr 5 gertrude baker hon dr fred warriner of win nipeg has been visiting his mother mrs samuel warrin er church st stouffville this way stouffville chamber of com merce gave the town another publicity boost this week when the chairman of the publicity committee negotia ted arrangements with the ontario motor league for ad ditional road signs to display the name stouffville to be pi ced at strategic intersection points in the district the first of these new signs is al ready in place at the ringwood corner police promotion after eight years on the on tario provincial police force during which he has been stat ioned at gogama garston and whitby constable norman co- wie of the vandorf detachment has been promoted to corpor al his promotion is the second in recent months corporal art harrison who is in charge of the detachment having been promoted to sergeant some time ago former altona resident dead on tuesday june 30lh mr arthur henry roper passed a- way suddenly in his g9th year mr roper lived in altona on the farm now known as the brome duck farm he was the only son of the late henry and nellie roper he married ma mie hoover who ptedeceased him some years ago he leaves to mourn his loss two sons donald of toronto and harry of mindemoya and five grand children also three sisters florence mrs jackman god- erich edith mrs marshman atha and bertha mrs dick enson alabama funeral service was held from the home of his son in mindemoya on friday after noon with interment in min demoya cemetery the veterans construction firm are presently engaged in a draining operation on the grounds of the stouffville pub lic school they are laying a large new tile bed to handle the sanitary accomodation of the school and eliminate drain ing to the creek on private pro perty beyond the grounds halifax junior bengal lancers in horse show two young girls theresa and vickie robertson made a hit when they rode dr 11 c browns horses live spirit and treasure ciiest in the re cent stouffville horse show the girls were members of the halifax junior bengal lancers musical ride and had never ridden jumpers until they came here two years ago heather ann mclean was top scoring rider with three firsts twice on bed own hunt er by goom and with dick days saddle mare double jew el winners were green hunter hack val dor donald vance maiden jumpers mischievous sam stanley childrens saddle pony and open saddle pony sil houette lady john ewarth open saddle horse sparkling jet margaret hammall saddle horse ridden by an amateur double jewel dick day pair of jumpers entry by dr ii c brown green working hunters upright j d heintz- man progressive jumping sta kes lieair w r ballard open hunters gay boy j elliot cottrelle amateur working hunters by goom heather ann mclean open jumpers in ternational test nol skip a- cross w r ballard open work ing hunters by goom heath er ann mclean green hunters star man l w ruby plea sure hack rovalaire dick day new arena heads named sever all creek drains if no sewers says dept of health gar lehman gar lehman has been named president of the stouffville arena co fol lowing the first meeting of the current years new 1k oweill board of directors mr lehman succeeds geo al lison who has held this po sition since the arena was erected l e oneill has taken the vice presiden cy of the- company and reg button has been made secretarytreasurer of the company the was each area air- local observer corps members visit new station last thursday evening the chief observers isited the new filler centre which was officially opened last week in barrie their host flying of ficer shepherd explained how tlie plotting board operates and how telephone calls are handled when they reach filter centre the first test exercise held hist sunday when observation post in the was requested to report craft flying over the district this coming weekend begin ning friday july 10th an ex tended exercise will be held when all aircraft flying over the area will be reported and plotted the filter centre is set up for the purpose of keeping track of aircraft that is not visible to radar the following chief observ ers are in charge of local obs ervation posts las k law rence myrtle frank bill ba ker port perry wh gould exbridge claude watson goodwood garfield brown stouifville ross vincent agin- court charles joliffe picker ing sid crowley oshawa mu nicipal airport jim fitz-pat- johnston brougham oj boe rick highland creek grant seagrave and jim rushton markham each observer post in the area would welcome two or three more official observers who would be called upon from time to time to give a little time on a voluntary basis to help in this vital air defence piorgam which is supervised by the royal canadian air force if you can spare an hour or two a week contact the chief observer in your district and offer your services each ofli cial observer in your district receives an identification card which is issued by the rca- 1- and both men and women are invited to register if there is no observation post in your district write or telephone the regional obser- vor clare keevil clarembm phone si three members of the local high school staff are busy marking departmental examin ation papers mr mercer is marking algebra mr davis zoology and mr pearce fr authors mr lc murphy now of oakville is also in to ronto marking upper school algebra papers the queen is crowned the stanley this week at valdore winner in the rlass for grwn hunter hjkfc trie- to nibble in on the handshake as mrs c xolan presents don vance with the stouffville tri bune silverware during the sioullvillir horse show a tour in rural england by rg simpkih rural kxglaxd tour on sunday afternoon vehic les from all parts of london and farther away brought loads of visitors to the area where the coronation parade had been they came to see the decorations and later in the evening the special lights which illuminate the route we endeavoured to get through this traffic jam which around the marble arch was something the like of which we had never seen let alone been part of doubledecker and sight seeing buses private cars and taxis motor cycles and bicyc les together with those on foot were jammed four a- breast for miles in all direct ions only a few feet at a time each direction progressed as gaps were made to allow the streams of pedestrians to cross either way our direction for getting on the road to the open spaces took us past the marble arch by the time we were clear of the jam the afternoon was a- bout spent however before darkness fell we had fields and farms on either side and were heading north on great north road af ter a week at sea and another week in london it really was good to smell the fresh count ry again haying in progress although this is only the second week in june hay ing is general in the counties we have been through we have seen very little of the old strongarm methods being us ed some forage harvesters are in use placing the green hay in pit silos using a tractor to pack it down bailing is predominant and usually the square bale as they are very careful in pack ing the stacks that little or no space is loft between the bales in most cases the square bales are stood in the fields in fours with their ends leaning toget her the weather during the past week has not been haying weather as we prefer it as the sun has not been too generous however the farmers seem to be optimistic and cut a large acreage ahead of the bailing the crop per acre judging by the number of bales on the held seems exceptionally heav- y most of the grasses are mixtures of a type of orchard grass legumes grain crops headed out harvest will be earlier here than we would normally ex pect in ontario as the spring crops are well advanced and mostly headed out however some later crops have not rea ched that stage yet and the genera occupation with farm ers who are not haying is hoe ing their sugar beet crops we have seen as many as six men in one field at this work there seems to be sufficient labor on most farm- one far mer we talked to had sixty ac res and kept two men of course he told us we used to have more when more work was done by hand although nearly every farm has tractors there are still hor- es used saw a village sold noticing signs advertising a village for sale also including several farms we made enquir ies a large manor estate was being spit up and sold off the farms which had been leased for vears to farmer tenants were to be put on the market the present tenant if he was sufficiently wellfixed could make the purchase or be out- hid by a new owner who might or might not desire to lease the property the estate is owned by the earl of litchfield an i has been an estate of three families continued on back age in a communication receiv ed from the ontario dept of health stoutfville municipal council was informed monday evening that unless they pro ceed with steps towards a sew- eiage system here all drains mining into creeks and car rying sanitary waste must be severed according to dr ber ry of the department there is no alternative the com munication went on to state that it was the departments understanding that a sewerage system would be established here in tlie not too distant fu ture and thus the matter of stream pollution had not been pressed the letter asked for a confirmation or other wise of the proposed sewer age system council discussed the mat ter at some length and the clerk was instructed to in form the department that such a system was under considera tion reeve ogden stated that while he felt a sewerage sys tem was needed the cost was o high and there were so ma ny citizens who were not in any immediate need of it that he doubted if a vote on the is sue would pass councillors daniels and burk both expres sed comments of the need but the matter will be left for 1951 arid the cost of a survey is not provided for in this years bud get town a planning area the ontario minister of planning and development iitis given approval to the es tablishment of stouftville as a planning area and council will now proceed to make the necessary appointments for the formation of the planning board it was believed that a board of four would be suffi cient for stouffville plus a sec- i etary and the reeve council considered a number of citi zens for this important board and several will be contacted and the new board confirmed tit the next council meeting gormleys oldest resident mrs john forester dies at 93 on tuesday june 23 gorm leys oldest resident mrs john forester passed away at the age of 93 she had been ill for some time the late mrs for ester was born at gormley on feb 2sth 1sg0 the daughter of the late christian and eva baker at an early age mrs forester moved to the stayner district later returning to the gormley home after nearly 30 years mr forester died in 1935 in may of this year mrs for ester fell and broke her hip an accident from which she never fully recovered when in good health the deceased was a regular attendant at the gorm ley united missionary church where she was a member she is survived by one daughter arvilla at home funral service was held at the united missionary church gormley and conducted by rev c e hunking the sermon was delivered by rev m bricker assisted by rev f g huson and inter ment was made in heise hill cemetery the pallbearers were frank harvey ernest hunt c doner ernest eade allan hoover and gordon cullen sunrise tour of local farms tlie directors of the york county soil and crop improve ment association decided at their last meeting to have a tour on monday july 13th to visit some of the farms where there are interesting crop or oil projects in view of the poor haying weather it has been decided to hold the tour in the morning to leave the afternoon free for haying if suitable to cover as much s possib le in a forrioon anyone inter ested is asked to be at leitch- croft farm on highway no 7 2 miles easi 0 yonge st or no 11 highway at 830 am sharp to see the plots of forage- crops including various grass es clovers and trefoil after an inspection of the farm pond and the hay drying equipment the group will proceed tc mh farms at milliken to see the oat variety plots contour cropping plan deep tillage and hay making machinery includ ing drier going to the stouffville dis trict they will see some fine farm ponds at charles rat- cliffs then on to eugene lem ons to see the strip cropping made easy oat and barley var iety plots and a fine field of wheat prepared last fall with out the plow and also improv ed pastures those who are able to stav prepare to sign hydro contract for floodlights stouifvilles new floodlights were under discussion several times during the regular meet ing of town council on monday night and mr lateham who is making this tremendous gift to the community was also present council agreed that the community centre board winch is government authoris ed and administers park busin- tss should be the authority to sign the hydro contract which will be necessary before the power can be turned on the council also agreed that mr lateham should be reimburs ed for the cost of the trans formers some 1500 when the expected government grant on tlie project is received it was stated that the annual service charge would be much smaller if the municipality provided these transformers than if the hydro provided them new street signs new street signs of the la test type are to be erected in town all main st intersections to be done this year the chamber of commerce has ad vocated to council through let ter and personal interview that new signs be erected and an order is being placed to pro ceed with this improvement police report the regular monthly police report from the local detach ment of the opp was re ceived and showed thirtyfive cases prosecuted 25 of these for violation of local bylaws there were 23 investigations and ssi collected in fines the officers travelled about thirty- live miles a day on patrol du ty about town more oil this vcai considerably more oil was applied to local streets this year than last a total of 15- 600 gallons was used at a cost of 3721 and in addition one ton of calcium was purchased at 43 a resolution was passed authorizing the street commit tee to engage les ogden to re pair and build approximately 500 ft of sidewalk considerable discussion a- rose over the repairing or closing of the extension of blake st which connects burkholder st in the new san ders subdivision councillor daniels was strongly in favour of gravelling the short stretch and keeping the road open it makes it much handier for anyone driving down blake st which is very narrow its bet ter in case of fire and for the snow plow and eliminates an other deadend street contend ed councillor daniels it was stated that several re sidents would like the street closed reeve ogden finally a greed that he would meet on the site with the road commit tee and a decision would be made at the next meeting reeve ogden also asked the street committee to make an effort to have the town main tenance man divert some of his time to cleaning ditches which are in very bad condi tion almost everywhere in town for the afternoon are asked to bring their own lunch which will be disposed of at cedar beach gardens musselmans lake before going en to make a tour by car of york countys 3500 acre forest and other calls planned for the afternoon dr k b mitchell who will be associated with dr john button in his practice here dr mit chell who is now located here is a native of sioux lookout where his father is also a member of the medical profession dr mitchell is a graduate of both the university of manitoba and the univer sity of toronto the two doctors will provide medi cal accommodation seven days a week at their office above the button blk h m tandy injured in crash mr h m tandy 72yearold retired advertising man was injured this week at the cor ner of no7 highway and the 5th concession of markham air tandy was attempting to cross the main thoroughfare when a car driven by margaret madill of locust hill collided with his newly purchased machine mr tandy suffered a broken rib while 8yearold richard jones a passenger in the madill auto was treated for minor cuts and bruises h tandy is wellknown in mark ham township council circles and is secretary of the mark ham township property own ers association 3rd accident at same corner two torontct persons were seriously injured amd two cars wrecked thursday night at accident corner a mile and a quarter south of unionville toronto fireman thomas ar nold 12 and his wife violet 35 eglington ave e are in fair condition in east gener al hospital with head and in ternal injuries david friend 19 of agincourt was the driv er of the other car friend and his passenger ed oldham 1 7 also of agincourt escaped with cuts and bruises the accident occurred at the intersection of the hagerman sideroad and the seventh con cession markham township several accidents have occur red there this year and mark ham police have recommended that stop signs be posted on the sideroad the impact hurled both cars about 100 feet friends car was almost wrapped around a tree eastend couple have been wed fifty years on tuesday of last week mr and mrs lud hoover wellknown and highly respec ted east end couple celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary at their home in stouft ville bouquets of flowers and a shower of congratulatory cards were received by mr and mrs hoover from their many friends neighbours and relatives the family present ed their parents with a beauti ful bouquet of fifty toses and the oes of which mrs hoov er is a member presented her with a bouquet of red carna tions mr and mrs hoover have been residents of stouff ville since their marriage in 1003 and are now wellrooted in their home town mr hoover was born at mongolia where he attended school before moving to stouff ville mrs hoover was born at glasgow and recalls clearly how she and her brother used to drive their pony and cart into town to school under the prineipalship of mr las hand the school at that time was situated south of the present structure and when the build ing became overcrowded one class was moved into a vacant store where bacons house is now situated mrs hoover claims that on the north side of main street to the tenth concession there are only two remaining persoas through the past fifty years miss mae urquhart and miss bessie dickson mr and mrs hoover have two children lloyd and ted both residents of stouff ville the tribune takes this op portunity along with their ma ny friends and neighbours to wish mr and mrs lud hoov er many more years of good health and happiness