the tribune stouffvihe one thursday june 25 1953 claremont and pickering twp district mr anil mr howard lan- jjelle were weekentl visitors with mr and mrs clare keev- il at their summer cottage in port perry mr and mrs jack badgeron- spent the weekend with mr and mrs norman wagji at lake simcoe mr hugh pugh and family of dublin were weekend guests with mr vu palme mr and mrs ilovd pascoe mr and mrs arskev and mr end mm ross redshaw spent sunday at port bolster mrs charle hards sister from midland was a weekend visitor here mr and mr henry john son visited at richmond hill last monday and tuesday with relatives it betas the occasion of a wedding anniversary mr tom davis has been quite ill with a very severe cold the wa will be held on brougham thursday afternoon of at mis 230 week cbmmea mrs r morgans group win e in charge of the program ev- ervone welcome mr and mrs cliff reynolds were guests of mr and mrs j peddie on sunday at their cot tage at kirkfield choice strawberries are ob tainable again at the same place henrj johnsons the wi was held last wed nesday afternoon at the home of mrs j norton with a good attendance the rollcall a hat made from something in the kitchen created much amuse ment mrs torrance mrs lip- pert and mrs mccullough were the winners there were aluminum hats cabbage car rots and various vegetable- and many other kinds of cre ations mrs gray accompanied by her mother mrs white of brougham had a very interest ing showing of various floral arrangement including table mantle suitable for various oc casions mrs v evans con tributed a vocal solo mr and mrs g pratt of mat- tawa visited for a couple of days recentlv with mrs john mccullough dr nf andmrs tomlinson were sunday visitors with rev j and mrs glover of kings ton recently mrs hickson mrs stearns and small daughter and miss p hickson of richmond hill were sunday callers of mr and mrs melvin johnson and mr and mrs r jackson and par ents the regular meeting of the baptist mission circle will be held at the home of mrs sch neider on tuesday afternoon june 30th mrs j wards group will be in charge of the pro gram the report from the wo mens convention recently held in kingston will be pre sented by the director mrs c costick all ladies cordially welcome mr and mrs alvin bushby of pickering and mr and mrs fred campbell of stouffville were recent visitors with mr and mrs j coates a dog show the first of its kind in this district was held at brooklin last thursday the ladies of the united church served meals to the many visi tors mrs shirkie again won with her cairn terriers male and female the former at i months of age scottish ter riers have won international championsbest of breed best of winners girl guides are the latest group to be organized in our thriving community 20 hav ing joined up last weekend in their new uniforms they pre sent a fine picture and their future life will surely be more useful and unstained by such training at the hands of cap able leaders a car load of members of claremont wms attended the oshawa presbvterial display of supplies for the current year from the various auxiliaries held in brooklin united sun day school room last wednes day afternoon there was a grand assortment of beautiful ly dressed dolls toys clothing supplies for conducting summer schools and some quilts mrs t norton gave a short open ing talk on this first occasion when members of the various branches were privileged to see the gifts the proceeds from the afternoon tea will he sent to the fred victor mis sion toronto mr and mrs matison eui- cott and bill also mr and mrs ray ellicott attended the wed ding of joan stephens and eric wigmore in st andrews church oshawa on saturday mr and mrs el crocker of toronto alo mr and mrs ger ald harbron and daughters ber- nce and iriajean of myrtle vi sited with mrs matthews on sunday mr and mrs david lennox and family of pickering cailed on their aunt mrs lemmon cue evening last week mr and mrs cl bobbins td mrs oscar wilson of ajax pent sunday with mrs alfred hamilton mr and mrs mh connor pent sunday with friends at ennikillen mr and mrs fw stephen son and mr jas corbett of to ronto called on mrs matthews and other friends on saturday iifternoon mrs jannette racher of whit by mrs iillie tremblay of hamilton and carol ratcliff of detroit visited with mr and mrs manson ellicott on sun- dav congratulations to mr john harvey on passing his seventh grade examination in music with honours at the toronto conservatory of music last week the june meeting of the friendly bible class was held at the home of rev and mrs lackey of claremont mrs frank carter was in charge of the worship service and pro gram president harold barclay conducted the business mrs g gray of green river was the guest speaker and spoke on the coronation which was very interesting to all mr and mrs iackey then served a ve ry dainty lunch an enjoyable evening was had by all miss helen hughes superinten dent of the pickering twp aj ax general hospital was guest speaker at the june meeting of brougham womens institute miss hughes topic was your hospital and she gave a brief outline of the development of hospitals and emphasized how a hospital is a community en terprise nonprofit making and dependent on the citizens ef forts to be of greatest value plans were shown of the hos pital and of the nurses resi dence and added to the interest of a very stimulating talk lun ch was served by the hostess es mrs h barclay mrs j mit chell mrs burton and miss e seebeck the special saturday after noon shoppers bus between brougham and oshawa will not be running on saturday after noon july 4th miss louise ritchie of to ronto assisted her parents mr and mrs bruce ritchie on sunday mr and mrs r rait and daughter judy of toronto spent sunday with mrs al fred hamilton mr kenny of toronto visit ed with mr and mrs al har vey and mrs harvey sr on sunday mr and mrs stolk and fam ily spent the weekend with friends near kitchener mrs da beer and mrs l w sheppard attended grand lodge assembly at the royal york toronto for three days last week mr h shea is visiting with his daughter mrs ingles of acton mr lt johnston is attend ing municipal clerktreasurer convention at muskoka beach inn the regular memorial service of brougham cemetery was held in the church on sunday afternoon following a short service at the grounds rev ii lackey was the speaker and mrs kerr was soloist mr and mrs wallace elli cott and daughter dianne of toronto also mr and mrs r ford and family of highland creek visited with mr and mrs wh ellicott on sunday pickering twp included in toronto planning pickering township was ad ded to the metropolitan plan ning area by the metropolitan executive committee yesterday this brings the proposed planning are3 to include toron to the 12 suburbs the town ships of pickering toronto torontogore markham and vaughan and all the incorpor ated towns and villages in those townships earlier the planning com mittee on the advice of chair- mar fred gardiner had ex- eluded bickering on ground- that there was still a great deal of undeveloped land in scar borough chairman gardiner explain ed to the executive committee that the ontario department of planning and development which must give final approv al of the planning area thinks pickering should be included because there is a certain a- mount of development under way there already before the plan goes to the department it must be ap proved by the metropolitan council assessment in county is up two millions popularity is something that depends on how you treat your friends and how often triplet holsteix calves at pickerinp a purebred holstein cow own ed bv aav oconnor sons of maplehurst farm picker ing has given birth to triplet calves one of these is a heifer and the other two are bulls this is a most unusual case since the birth of triplets is more rarer incattle than it i- with humans tvfn implements on hand new implements grain fertilizer drills mh miinure spreaders coby manure spreaders mh cream separators tractors wagons plows disc harrows harrows balers forage harvesters combine side rkea mowers grain hinders automatic lwiie loader used implements karmall a tractor masscyharrls 44 tractor silver king tractor j 01 super tractor goblo lle harrow international corn cultivator new favourite threshing machine stlfftoolli cultivator for a ford or ferguson case dump hake international mower v cut mh 2fnrrow xo tirt plow mh clipper combine henry ogden phone 254 mmww inu son stouffville ont m m w m i t amid strenuous objections from two townships within the county the ontario county council passed a bylaw to equalize the assessments of the municipalities within the county the bylaw makes a total equalized assessment of 14122601 in ontario county this is an increase of 2479- 3 from last years total in new assessment picked up dur ing the year alone added to this new assessment was an ad justment of s75000 levied a- gainst three municipalities by the special assessment com mittee of the council added to the reach township assess mentwas 10000 to scott twp was 50000 and to uxbridge twp was 15000 when the re port was presented at the county council meeting on mon day the representatives of these three municipalities voiced their disapproval and g mclean the county as sessor made his explanations the report was drafted into the equalization bylaw that passed green river sympathy is extended mrs postili in the loss of her brother mr g besse of barrie mr and mr dafne of toron to were sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs j nigh- swander mi-s- myrtle gostick has been holidaying at the home of her parents mr and mrs f gos tick mrs mcbettr of toronto pent saturday with the for syth family mrs v postili is visiting with friends and relatives at barrie mr and mrs t robinson of locust hill spent sunday with mr and mrs r hamilton mrs f turner attended the family reunion on saturday at the home of mr and mrs h turner of whitevale mrs m diaper mr f wil son and mrs t beaufort oi vvestoii were recent visitors to welland sorry to hear that wright bros had the misfortune to lose several cattle during the evcrc electrical and wind storm on sat last a number from here attend ed the rebekah church ser vice at the anglican church markham on sun last dont forget the annual mem orial day service for bruns wick hill cemetery to be held in the church here on sunday next at 230 pm speaker will be rev ai heal and special music will be by the choir of the two churches owing to the memorial ser vice on sunday next the usual evening service will be can celled for next week only misses hazel and grayee car ter spent the weekend under the parental roof mr and mrs l barrett of pickering were sunday visit ors with mr and mrs a col bert and family ftfifinannn i f vh th merry mi program as well glen major mr and mrs ed johnson and family attended the johnson- judges reunion at king city misses june and betty fiss toronto spent the weekend at their home congratulations to miss el eanor johnson on passing her exams at the toronto normal miss wilma hame and friend oshawa called on mr and mrs charles fiss one evening last week mr and mrs joe jones cal led on mr and mrs charles fiss one day last week mr george gibson spent the weekend at his cottage mrs t risebrotigh and bet- tv spent monday in toronto brougham the womens association of brougham church will hold their meeting on wednesday evening july 1st at the home of mrs cassie the program will be in charge of mrs l johnston a cordial invitation to all ladies new school sections created in pickering an indication of the contin uing growth of the township of pickering is given in a rec ord of the june meeting of the council at brougham council members adoptedtwo bylaws which will form two new school sections council- lorsors have taken steps to in vestigate zoning water and tel ephone and explore powers of appropriation of lands to be sold for industrial purposes bylaw 1959 which was du ly passed creates a new school section to be called school sec tion no 1 of the township of pickering from school area no 1 bylaw 1960 also estab lishes a new school section to replace township of pickering lands which formerly compris ed a part of scarboro school area no 2 at a special meet ing of the council later in the same week councillors heat- messrs ha newman ae calvert and joe edwards of the industrial development com mittee following their hearing the council agreed that arran gements must be made immed iately for zoning water toron to telephone signs and ex plore the powers of appropria tion of lands to be sold for in dustrial purposes the clerk will write to the bell tele phone asking when it would be possible to have the toronto telephone service in the indus trial area and get the proced ure of land appropriation from the township of scarboro to at the rural school music jeiout ration held iu the uni ted church tueday june 16th or g k feuwkk director of music for ontario public schools complimented the children their music teacher mrs colby mrs dobson at the piano and the teachers on the performance all schools iu the south section lxbridse township took part in the demonstration which consis ted of choruses by whole schools classes and groups a collection of nursery rhymes sung by the small children with actions and costumes to suit was very well done selections by a ilutaphoue band trained by mrs foskett and songs of faith by the inter- school hoys choir conducted- mrs colby were excellent the second part of the program was made up of a series of national and native songs of different parts of the british empire during the singing of these the various crosses were put to gether on a large tlannelgifiph to form the union jack for part of the scottish number mary tindall and elizabeth mun- dinger danced the highland fling and were called back for an encore a number of the em pire songs were done with spe cial lighting and costumes mak ing them very effective all the pupils together joined in the last two choruses one of which was canada written by dr fen- wick at the close of the pro gram gifts were presented to mrs colby and mrs dobsou bv the children two of the fifth line girls making the presenta tion speech mrs colby thanked the children and especially the teachers for the hard work and effort given by them to make the demonstration such a suc cess that the church overflowed to the grounds the singing of god save the queen ended the evenings entertainment mrs sam mekeown and lois will be at the bypu on friday evening with violin and accor- dian everybody welcome mr and mrs fred baldwin had tea with mr and mrs geo baldwin- sunday evening the youth for christ ball team is working hard and would be glad of a few more spectators to cheer them along next game at lemonville thursday evening reverend england spent sev eral days last week at the bap tist convention in hamilton on sunday he gave a report on the highlights of the meeting friends of mrs fred wood land will he sorry to hear that she fell in the garden and broke her arm she will visit her daughter at claremont while convalescing a number of goodwood resi dents attended the snowball- beach wedding last saturday schools in the south section of uxbridge township had a field day in the goodwood park last friday competitive games baseball races jumping etc were held during the day and the delighted yells of the child ren could be heard all through the village the trophy was pre sented to the garibaldi school there will be a social gather ing after the united church ser vice sunday evening june 28th to wish the reverend herbert and mrs herbert success as they leave for their newpost at den bigh ont mr and mrs charles watson spent the weekend in sarnia i where they attended the wed ding of gerald turner son of a former united church minister here mrs gordon blight assis ted dean in the store during their absence a number of people from tor onto are expected in goodwood for the strawberry festival on womens asociatiou will meet wednesday evening july 1st at the home of mrs storry historical society to hold picxic at kkmookllko temple the york pioneer and histor ical society will hold its an nual picnic in cooperation with the womens institutes of the county at sharon temple on saturday june 27 there will be a hort pro- gra mabout the temple itself and about the remodelling of the museum which has been taking place this spring the institutes will be presenting a been put into the rearranging of the museum a the temple the past few months members of the society and of the museum committee have given at least 100 hours of voluntary work en saturdays to improve the museum miss dorothy dren- er of the education division of the royal ontario museum has gtven leadership and 15 davs of work toward the improve ments the institute at sharon has helped with the work of clean ing the interior of the temple visitors will see a changed museum with well planned dis plays attractively presented and clear v labelled ic the signof a good time 2 shows nightly 7 9 pm saturday matinee 200 pm thurs fri june 25 25 action thrills with richard wldmark don taylor destination gobi in plus ill technicolor cartoon selected shorts saturday only june 27 rroderick crawford barbara hale ii in last of the comanches in technicolor plus selected short subject cartoon we believe we could pull a dandelion up if a chinese were nt holding on to the other end of it mon tues its terrific june 29 30 come back little sheba starring burt lancaster shirley booth adult entertainment plus short cartoon vved thurs july 1 2 music music music dan dailey june haver dennis day in the gill next door in technicolor its coming a queen is crowned the only full length technicolor film of the coronation july 38 frida saturday monday tuesday wednesday tmifwiimtitttttttitthfnttnm i i master pig starter pellets fur quick economical growth we recommend that you feed 100 lbs of pig starter per pig because pig starter gives you faster gains than other feeds all master pig feeds are tested at leitchcroft master feeds demonstration master h farm which will assure b you of excellent results for aii cusses ar routut rata uvt stock ma ttuiit imaiii a aocs immmmm immmm stiver bros stouffville phone 45 64501 feeders who keep records eventually buy master we offer 5 township of whitchurch instalment debentures prices 26000 due july 15 1970 28000 due julv 15 1971 29000 due julv 15 1972 26000 due julv 15 1973 10114 to yield 490 10119 to yield 490 10123 to yield 490 10197 7 to yield 490 descriptive circular available upon request your order may be entered at any of our offices you may telephone collect to our toronto office empire 68181 dominion securities corpn limited underwriters and distributors of investment securities since 1901 50 king street west toronto canada j aegggaaaaaaceg