the tribune stouflvijue on thursday jane 25 1k3 aoo i-rrnrirrirw- coronation i mother parkers tea guaranteed highest quality 1 lb only 80c reg 53c half lb mother parkers coffee bags ideal for cottage or camp just steep with boiling water 20 bag size 73c all kinds fresh fruit cr vegetables fireside marshmallows lb 39c country kist corn 14 oz tins 2 for 31c marvel pastrv flour 24 lb bag 140 fancy tomato juice 2 tins 23c ryekrisp pkg 35c new different ogilvies lemon lime cake mix 1 pkg 37c have you tried accent food flavoring brings the good taste out of any basic food without adding flavor 33c 1 shaker tin johnsons hard gloss 1 pt 65c generous size sample of jubilee wax free lge economy size bottle of nonsuch window cleaner 25c 2inl shoe white 15c extra strong spring clothes pins 3 doz pkg 23c aero paste wax 1 lb tin 43c snap hand cleaner 1 tin isc aero fly coils 3 for 10c langsfaff farm may revert to jail house toilet palmolive cashmere bouquet colgate soap 4 bars reg 9c 29c size ratcuff co town delivery phone 198 po threshing machine the easy way to put your straw in the mow and the grain in the granary is with a new 24 x 36 mildmay lion thresher with feeder grain thrower combined cutter and shredder on selfaligning ball bearings s300 payment and balance on easy terms complete price 1800 see ernest hunt gormley or lobsinger bros mildmay ph 10 bs4s9sass8s millions jam royal derby continued from page one gallery who also did not show in the winning sunny weather at course the first sunshine of over an hours duration greeted the derby day it was a lovely day and top coats were unnec essary which had been up to then very desirable the drive from london to epsom was once made by car riages mule carts and farm wagons then the slowmoving procession were badgered a- long the route by urchins who lined the sidewalks calling on all to throw out the musties meaning the copper pennies i was presumed to be unlucky to carry pennies to the tracks and hope to win today many go part way by underground railway where the 28th annual garden party at cedar grove 22 miles east of markham 2 miles south variety program featuring acrobatics the nicklings comedy on a trampoline comedy joe murphy impersonator and master of ceremonies songs the sophisticates music songs and glamour magic john giordmaine maltese master of magic dancing zena cheevers dance stvlings of 53 harmony french trio western music skating holler flyers thrills on wheels music bam quartette queens own rifles piano joe handley piano accompanist sat july 4th double deckel- buses meet the underground to convey passen gers to the course then there is the train to epsom station where taxis and walking complete the trip al so the bicycles which mingle with the motor traffic every where and sometimes make better time parking problem well managed the parking authorities aid ed by the police and roads pa trol have stickers which may be placed on windshields to vehicles directed via various routes so as to terminate at certain points where parking is arranged there are several roads lead ing to the course however when one looks across the downs and sees all the vehicles which have gathered it would be anticipated that the home going would be slow but this was not the case as police were stationed at intervals all the way to the city and where in tersections were crossed they prevented delays there were additional police available at the course as it had been anticipated that if the queens horse had won the e- normous crowds might have en deavored to push around the tracks when the horse and jock ey were being brought back as it was all was very order ly the winning jockey gord on richards who had only this week been made a sir was greeted by the queen and com plimented the crowd cheering lustily it was a grand day a won derful spectacle of scenery grandeur and royalty we wat ched the face of the queen as her horse was beaten she sat with her mouth partly open hoping to the last but beaten by four lengths xext week we start our tour of rural england the little car looks big here and is performing splendidly rgs the province plans to re turn two former jail farms to toronto within five years health minister mackinnon philips said last week tite properties with total ac reage of 99q acres are at lang staff and concord they were leased by the health depart ment 10 years ajio for use as mental hospitals dr philips announced pre liminary plans for one or more new mental hospitals with 1500 beds that would more than make up for the loss of lang- staff and concord site of new hospital has not yet been de- ided while nothing can be done in the immediate future ne said the dcpai tment of health is anxious to niako these two properties available to the city of toronto if pos sible in the next five years the province leased the properties for 1 ayear and paid the taxes between 2000 and s3000 a year in the case of the markham farm they housed mental defectives all males m he middle and older age groups inmate population at langstaff is about 120 con cord about so dr phillips indicated the ex act date these properties would be returned to the city would depend on the progress of work on new accommodations as soon as space for the 500 lang- staffconcord inmates is avail able they will be moved to the new building and langstaif ti0 acres and concord 300 acres will be available for to rontos use dr phillips and dr nc montgomery mental health di rector for the department are working on detailed plans for the new building including se lection of the site the new hospital will house the same type of inmates as those at langstaff and con cord dr phillips said its com pletion is expected to give the province all the accommoda tion it heeds for mental defec tives while modem treatment is expected to cut down on the number who become seriously ill mentally dr phillips point ed out that no such advances had been made for the mental ly defective these inmates have a low- natural intelligence that mak es it impossible for them to look after themselves some of them however may be con siderably improved by modern training methods the city set up langstaff and concord as jail farms shortly after world war i shortterm prisoners were sent there- men to langstaff women to concord instead of being kept in the don jail or sent to pro vincial reformatories since they became mental hospitals at a time when crime was at a low ebb in world war h all prisoners have gone ei ther to the don or to reforma tories in a report last decem ber following the boyd gang escape judge ian macdonell rapped overcrowding at the don and named this as one fac tor contributing to the escape poison ivy ruins holidays with vacation time- in full swing and the old swinimie hole a current attraction now is the time to guard against that destroyer of many a hap py holiday poison ivy or if you insist rhus toxicodendron under either name contact with the plant can cause much misery and seriously blemish what you hoped would be a carefree period of relaxation poison ivy might be called a contact poison you dont have to eat it to suffer from it you only need to touch it maybe after walking through a patch of poison ivy you will become infected by unlacing your shoes itching rash and mail water blisters are the symp toms a severe attack may put the victim in bed a mild at tack will cause considerable discomfort treatment should be under the direction of a physician if possible where this is not possible application of a potassium permanganate solution to the affected parts is recommended this solution consists of one 5 grain tablet of potassium permanganate in one quart of water poison ivy is found in a var iety of locations roadsides parks country lanes woods it frequently occurs along the edge- of fairways where vour golf ball rolls the partly wood ed banks of a favorite trout stream often supports a good growth of poison ivy and it is also found in the wile blackberry patch but dont avoid these summer haunts just avoid the poison ivy it is easily recognized it may be a vine or a low bushy shrub but whatever the growth habit it always bears three shiny droop ing leaflets pale white flow ers and small white berries complete the picture the fol lowing lines have more merit for their descriptive aecuracv than for their poetic value but they clo help to remember the danger signs berries red have no dread berries white poisonous sight leaves three quickly flee poison ivy can be eradicated by proper use of such weed killers as animate atlacide 2 4d or 2 1 5t applications may be made from june to september a pamphlet poison ivy published jointly by ontario department of agriculture and ontario department of health gives a complete description of the plant methods of treat ment of victims and eradica tion of the weed it is obtain able from either of the depart ments stanley stocffville ont 2 luv niti1 t v policy pm matinee stt unlay ti pm friday saturday june 26th 27th garycoopbr 1953 admission 50c s30 dst children cedar grove young peoples annual open air church service rev mr jenkinson speaker male chorus stouffville sunday july 5 1953 00 pm if- 1 v at county treasurer over 20 years wilberl gardhouse recently appointed metropolitan clerk of greater toronto has resign ed as treasurer of the county of york effective lulv 15th mr gardhouse has served as treas urer of the county for over 20 years he assumed his duties in the depression days when the countv of york owed the bank- nearly 20c0000 there was s700000 arrears owing to the county by local municipalities and in the minds of some of the members of council there was doubt whether the county would ever receive all of this money in addition there was a debenture debt of slfiooooo and the county had guaran teed local municipalities de bentures for secondary schools f over 2000000 however following the rec ommendation of their treasur er the local municipalities in arrears were placed on a mon thly payment basis and by ex ercising sound and persistent collection practices by the end of the first year there was not a dollar in arrears in addition sound budgetary practices were introduced and while the countv kept their services reasonably- uptodate thev were watchful of a sound mancial policy todav the bounty has a debenture debt f only 800000 which will ma- are serially the last payjneni falling due in fivevears with an average interest cost of pi in these twenty years the county of york during mr oardhouses treasurership has had twenty consecutive balan ced budgets a record excelled by no municipality in canada or the united states a nation al us financial magazine ran an article recently highlighting the record of the county of york under the heading can you top this many us and canadian municipalities put forward their record but there were none that could cental or excell it which is a matter of pride to many york county people we wish mr gardhouse ev ery success with his new du ties and we hope the continu ing county of york may se cure the services of a treasur er who has the necessary ex perience and know how to maintain this fine record in succeeding years taoip now with regoodrich tubeless tires joint flower show at unionville the joint flower show with markham unionville and stoufiville horticultural so cieties is to be held in the vet erans hall at unionville on thursday july 2 exhibits may be placed be tween 130 and firio an inter esting program with talent from three societies will com mence at s15 the following is the prize list to be used clip out and pin up lass 1 delphinium- spike 2 delphinium3 spikes i delphinium6 spikes 1 delphiniumbasket of 3 basket of mixed flowers under 21 0 basket op mixed flowers under 36 7 dining table arrangement under 10 s floral mantle arrangement 9 liviiigroom bouquet under is 10 modern floral arrangement 11 floral arrangement in an phtuis immter wv10 ruw chartes marquis warren ffrank davis mi andre detoth monday tuesday june 29th 30th marilyn monroe and a raging torrent of emotion that even naturecant control- l f0j00 20th century- fox presents marilyn joseph jean monroe -conen- peters tt cour mem dtah ffdm waari sm aunts mam mm kaihawat adult entertainment wednesday thursday july 1st 2nd with joseph caueha unnrntsaiinirpiiaiiwiai fuurf unusual container 12 an arrangement in honour of coronation 13 bouquet of any one var iety of flowers m plant foliage arrangement if an arrangement of roses bouquet of white flowers in a white container 17 bouquet for a sick room is shadow box arrangement vk diminutive bouquet not over s each way 20 miniature arrangement not over i each way 21 madonna lilyl stem 22 regale or creelman1 stem 23 lily any other variety stem 21 corsage 25 decorative vegetable ar rangement best delphinium of the show fno entry needed nmmttttttttttttmtfmtitfmmttvitvnimilkl rhmurphyltd sales serruf phone 159 stcufliillc evangelistic tent campaign june 21st to july 5th 6th concession of markham whitchurch markham 1 mile south townline of evangelist isaac s kanode roaring springs pa- thus man of god has ihe message of the hour so much needed in the world of today powerful preaching good gospel singing a welcome extended to all come ond enjoy this great campoign services each week nighf at 745 sunday night 7 pm sponsored by brethren in christ church gormley