towfffille rttwtie vo the tribune stouffville overseas writer tells of coronation ba degree kg dia soci vis in nd ne ffville t ne i my -i- illi kg simpkin iay there are milli in this cin of a ins where u stery london with of homes blow of ias been roivriw or pour auto bicycle and a lare number i sleep on the ankmem they food and blan- the police mov- no one know train f it list night were all set u thames end brought tent- kets however ed them tit where today i trafalg ir square buses cars taxis and pedes trians all strive to move in all directions there were so ma ny people there was little room for the famous pldgebns to feed by the ivav if vou wish a chap will take your picture feeding the pigeons he will supply a few grains while you kneel and shortly your picture will be ready for 2 and i they were doing a real business un til so many people came the pigeons could not find a place to light london police are marvel lous to watch as they handle traffic jams and street crowds this coronation will be the big gest police problem ever han dled and it is estimated 15000 police will work hi hours that day at the gate to the tower of london two guards in uniform of the house guards were en deavoring to pace back and for ward they could not because of the jam of humanity around them and everyone trying to take their pictures ijike statues they stood like statues until some kid pinched one ami he turned quickly and said heat it you all along the parade route stands or bleachers have been erected these are constructed of twoinch steel piping and clamps similar to scaffolding used on construction work there must be miles of this piping and millions of feet of planking today workmen are protect ing plate glass windows along the route with similar construc tion over which is placed a type of wallboard some green other red and some white it all works in with the decorat ing scheme the streets are beautifully decorated fleet street which is mostly newspapers and in surance offices is the most mag nificent from a high crown ruffled white streamers six in in diameter fall and loop in fives to each side these are a- bout 200 feet apart the full length of the street plus this there are the flags and most e- verv building has its own de corations although fleet street is not on the parade route a re markable number have walked to view it canada house canada house from where 1 will be watching the corona tion procession is completely enclosed in scaffolding on two sides the top gallery where the press are located will command a splendid view we will see the going and the returning we will spend the entire day meals and everything there however this is not free seats are and meals 2 while 1 spent a few minutes awaiting a seat which the high commissioner had authorizeo fter receipt of a cable from the ontario division cwxa manager werden leavens 1 liveard several replies to phone enquiries sorry there is not mother seat available mr moodys secretary said when 1 turned in the bleacher ordered from canada there will be a scramble for hat sear al 0 am instructions say be in the uiihling at li am it order to lie sure to get through the rowds the night of the coronation momies to be one night of fun new orleans with the mardi iras will be tame to this they ire promising among other hings a fireworks display the ike of which has never been cca before i wonder if this ike- in the canadian nation- 1 exhibition which is a top icteher for firework- all business in london clos- i down last friday night and ill not open until wednesday last not only closed but bar- leaded their windows the crowds have included li types of crooks and eonfi- ence men pickpokets and neves rnflnml yard i wandered into scotland irti on a walk this afternoon mi st talking to an officer ore he said they already had rei a hundred characters iock- c today he ad there three hundred delegates at wms convention onto east presbyu vvomans missi ma the united chun gates attending mrs jd murdoek to presided the moi sion was given over t united 300 dele- it daugh- gordon miss erla holder ter of mr and mrs holdeit stouffville receiv ed her ba degree in sec retarial science at the uni versity of western ontario convocation may 30 erla has taken a position as the secretary to the assistant manager of industrial re lations at the new ford plant at oakville new nurse toron- lirg ses- j reports i then discussion groups on 1 various phases of wms rk at luncheon hour the i and mrs frank muir were i presented with a gift of money from our local society and fi ic-id- from toronto the muir family will soon be leav ing for japan under the over seas missionary department jf the united church and this mall gift was simply a token of the good wishes and pray ers that will follow them to their new sphere of labour mrs john lowry was present ed with a life membership in the wms mrs john nigh presided in the afternoon and miss eva hoover representing the gar rett evening auxiliary con ducted a choral worship ser vice assisted by alls claude brillinger and mrs diaries nolan mrs howard clements and mrs peggie clarke were guest soloists rev dr wj gallagher sec retary of the world council of churches gave an outline of his recent visit to india al though he visited many towns i fi and was ably directed into the mil varifd life f kublic meeting next week for home and school assoc ins made ted parents organize a association g is being ce at the mrs win brubaehei appeared ie public ulav even miss mildred brillinger daughter of mr and mrs roy brillinger of gormley and a graduate of stoulv- ville high school has grad uated from toronto genei- al hospital oac grod murray miller former student of stouffville high school and a son of mr and mrs henri miller re ceived his degree of bache lor of science in agricul ture with first class hon ours from the ontario agri cultural college last week murray is at present on the farm planning staff of the soils dept in september he is leaving for purdue university indiana to study towards a masters degree in soil science varied life of this great coun try he did not pose as an auth ority on conditions there still certain observations are quite apparent to any visitor par ticularly the striking contrasts of the ancient and modern ex isting sided by side women carry waterpots on their head oxen tread out the grain prim itive and modern transporta tion as camels and oxen rick shaw and car crowd the nar row streets most striking is the violent contrasts of wealth and poverty beautiful build ings with shubbery and flow ers almost beyond the power of description xear by streets of indescribable filth and appall ing living conditions poverty and malnutrition are respons ible for a number of diseases that blast the lives of millions of poor ipeople so that the av erage length of life in that country is 27 years education and social ser vice agencies are doing good work but the situation goes deeper than their remedies india is the most religious of all countries in fact all relig ions are treated alike with the result that religion is the great handicap to their progress the cow is a sacred animal and as such is now an economic lia bility unproductive cows roam anywhere at their will and none may disturb them in their travels the caste system li till the shackle that holds mil lions of these people from co operating in schemes of better ment for their way of living what is the future for chris tian missions in india the answer should first make clear that christian missions have been most fruitful good seed has been sown and there is a splendid nucleus of chris tum workers ready to give good leadershipthe government of india prefers that religious matters be promoted from with in the country itself christian teachers doctors and technic ians will be very welcome hut the evangelistic preaching me thods to be initiated from with in this need not disturb us as a good foundation litis already been laid but it should stimu late us to provide the chris tian leadership in these other fields that cannot fail to be ve ry productive of good there an effor by actively intere in stouffville to home and school and an open meet planned to take p school on june lti mr- jaek skinnei sanders mrs john and mrs gardiner before the stouffa school board on m ing to outline the proposed or ganization and seek permis sion for the use of the school for the organization meeting principal cedrie watson stat ed that the staff would be an xious to cooperate with the group and chairman len wilkes of the school hoard told the ladies that they could count on the support of the board members because the school i- under the direction of the provincial department of education the lesponsibility of organizing new associations rests with the provincial federation of ome and school and official organizers will attend this meeting stouffville is one of the last of the towns in this district to organize being preceded by markham unionville aurora richmond hill and xewmari ket where there are foui roups groups which have j formed under the federation have invariably proven succes sful it is gratifying to see that parents here are finally tak ing this step forward over all ontario interest in education among parents seems to have reached an all- time high level a number ol explanations are apparent but from among these reasons the work of the home and school appear tustandin the home and school as name implies brings hot school together they are both vitally influential forces m the character building and educa tion of the child for this rea son it understandable that parents have become interest ed and they in turn through the medium of the home and school have found a channel by which they may expand their energies to the benefit of their children parents nd teachers are partners in the development of children sometimes they arc partners who eoonerate well sometimes indifferently or poor ly there is need for an organ ization which will make coop eration a reality i is to be hoped that all parents and interested adults will support this worth while association and that the organ ization meeting will be well attended june 17th as well as parents of child ren already enrolled in public school parents of children who will be ready to start to school in sept are invited to attend the organization meet ing of the home and school association on june 17th at s pm this meeting is to be held at the school and an offic ial organizer from the federa- ioh of home and school will be here to hold an election of officers and to install them who john ave local lady to greece dr marjorie trotter purchased she former spcnee home on baker some time ago will leave town on june loth for greece where she will head the girls section f anatolia college in thessal- ollki greece dr irotter who came to stouffville after holding the principalship of moulton col- lege toronto for the past 22 years will sail from xew vorki aboard the ss saturnia bound for xaples and thence she will ib travel from abbazzin to py- reus port of athens dr trot ter expects to be away in her paeting position for three years but anticipates returning to stouffville she told the trib une the college in which she will be acting principal of the girls section comprises 000 students the college is located on a fortyacre campus in full view of mount olypus thesselaniki is the city from which paul wrote some of his famous let ters as recalled in scripture dining the war the place was taken over by the germans dr trotter although she has travelled previously in europe has never been to greece pearson to speak police chief and sergeant quit after beer probe the pickering township po lice commission tuesday ac cepted the resignations of po lice chief lockhart trinnell and sgt fred white after the hearing of charges laid against them under the police act the two were suspended last markham township plumb- week after an enquiry into the i inspector les galbraith disposition of beer and liquor appeared before council mon- seized by township police in t evening and asked for a raids vote f confidence prior to ask for vote of confidence chief trinnell who has been head of the force since 1950 and sgt white president of the durham northumberland and ontario police association both admitted failing to report seizures of liquor to the lcbo and innocent of charges of fail ing to account for liquor seiz ed by pickering township po lice sgt white pleaded not guilty to a third charge of fail ing to notify the chief const able of shortages of liquor their resignations were ac mv galbraiths request the council had been discussing the latest move of the provin cial government in assuming the main responsibility for ad ministering plumbing bylaws in all municipalities govern ed by established health units the government is also paying 50 of the salary and expen ses of the health unit plumb ing inspectors and deputy- reeve iemasurier suggested that council might wish to consider having their local in ua miraia wen local in cepted by the threeman com- spector mr galbraith placed mission headed by judge i macrae as of june 1 opp insp joseph bartlett told the commissioners that police officers were unable to give him a satisfactory explan ation of what happened to 201 of 290 bottles of beer confisca ted after a raid in ajax he said sgt white was in charge of two raids clamp down on dumping had been more than 300 ambu lance calls speaking of scotland yard i heard the following conver sation on the street a photo grapher who takes pictures and passes ut a card saving where the picture may be obtained handed one to a chap ahead of me got mv picture ave vou the fellow enquired well scotland yard as too a real good tin profile as well want to get a profile of me too by this time the photographer could think of no good ans wers so dodged through the laughing crowd although pubs are open sun day afternoon i never saw any one who even slightly appear ed to have been drinking and glance in the door of any lowed they were doing a ir uh first sod turned for new high school first sod has been turned for the new stouffville district high school and work was well underway this week ion the new property at the north end of edward street two large work buildings are al ready up and some supplies of cement block and brick are on th site the entire property has been staked and the actual area of the building skimmed by bulldozer excavation for the boiler room and the found ation trenches will be complet ed this week by mechanical hovel the building is largely concrete and steel construction i the cement coming from tor onto in readymix trucks edward st which is sixty- six ft has had little use at lhei- i north end and will be improv jlt however that the ed and the travelled surface rcwnsible are no will be widened on the prop- erty the edward st extension will le sixtyix feet a new treet running west to the ih concession has also been provided for i uxbridge township has iss- ued a get tough policy with 1 persons who insist on the ille gal dumping of refuse through- cut various sections of the mun icipality a considerable amount of junk is located along the townline road north of i in coincide and other piles of te matter are plainly visi on tile 2nd concession the council are hot on the trail of the law-breaker- as they have salvaged licence marker- mag azines and other articles which they believe will lead to the identity of the persons respon sible we will have to prosecute if such situations are to be clean- eii up stated councillor dows- well all warnings have pro ved useless 1 feel sorry for the proper ty owners who have this junk scattered at their from door declared mr dowswell it i- rot only a disgrace to the town ship but it lowers the value of the individuals property the township of uxbridge has a regular dumping ground which i- open to anyone who cares to make use of it it is be- per- re-i- under the jurisdiction of the health unit mr galbraith stated that un der what he termed his un certain future he would like an expression of opinion on his work i have been accused of not doing my job and even of taking bribes he said mr galbraith has given us good service under difficult circumstances declared reeve timbers any public oflicial is bound to be subject to abuse com mented deputyreeve lemasur- ier council unanimously passed a vote of confidence as request ed by the plumbing inspector henry ridded born at locust hill on wednesday june 3rd mr henry f riddell a farm resident on the sth concession of whitchurch passed away fol lowing a brief illness of two weeks tile deceased was born at locust hill the son of mr and mrs james riddell and at an early age he moved to whit church township where he had resided for the past forty sev en years when in good health he attended the stouffville bap tist church the late mr rid dell is survived by his wife the former bertha saunders one sister mrs m clodd of to ronto and two brothers james and tom of box grove funeral service was held at the chapel of lb oxeill stouffville on friday june 5th conducted by rev fleischer with interment in stouffville cemetery the pall bearers were percy brown ben tal bot geo bartholomew gar field kellington walter ja cobs and delbert rogers hon lb pearson sec retary of slate for extern al affairs and president of the united nations assem bly who will speak in the aurora high school aud itorium on june 20th un der the auspices of the north york liberal assoc iation this will ue the oc casion for the north york liberal convention to nom inate a candidate for the next federal election lb pearson spent some of his boyhood days in aurora and was the son of a former methodist mini ster in aurora and klein- burg other speakers will be jaek smith mp north york and dg mcnish ipre sident of tlie toronto and yorks liberal association medical graduates william bill kellington son of mr and mrs garfield kel lington was one of two local students who graduated in medicine from queens uni- veisity on saturday mr and mrs kellington were in kings ton for the occasion miss jane logan daughter of dr and mrs ha logan whitchurch twp was also a queens graduate in medicine on saturday the 1953 medical class was unique in the fact that all students graduated without exception this is on- iy the second time this has hap pened in the past ten years bill kellington we under stand will intern at st josephs llospital in hamilton while miss logan will go to st fran ces hospital in pittsburg markham twp engage a fulltime engineer ir meeting at un- upported in stand by the twp ionville on monday markham township council t engaged mr j howard of boxl a1l deputyreeve le- mn in auiuu uv mo twp hdt solicitor jd lucas councilloi council i t public meeting council announced that a public meeting would be held presumably in unionville on friday june 20th to discuss the setting up of a ward sys tern for markham township make goodwood sidewalk survey dents of the ship stouffville public school mu sic festivalat stouffvihe unit ed church this fridav at 730 pm uxbridge township council members will meet on monday evening in goodwood to make a survey for the purpose of constructing sidewalks in the village councillors earl dow swell and clarence bunker felt that since no money had been spent in goodwood during the past year it was only fair that some improvements should he made a certain expenditure rihould be set aside for the village of goodwood every year point ed out councillor john ball the council felt that a por tion of sidewalk should he built where the members de cided it was miii needed coun cillor bunker suggested tlii they houd investigate the price of laying an asphalt walk such sidewalks had proved highly successful in other vil lages and towns i grove as fulllime engineer at a salary of l100 mr howard is presently working for scar- boro township and will com mence his duties in markham on july 15th in addition to the new engineer markham will retain margison and babcock of toronto as consulting en gineers at an annual salary of s500 dr d tanner ii maynard and a stagg appeared before council for the final approval of the new land use bylaw o- ver which council spent a re cent meeting with representa tives of the board to make cer tain changes and modifications the bylaw did not pass the second leading this monday night as council failed to reach manimous approval of the clause governing the sale of 50 ft lots councillor clark and reeve timber- held to the op inion that the clause should not be amended to allow the sale of such lots and they were masurier voiced the opinion that such a clause would work a hardship to ratepayers it was revealed that only about thirty lots within the munici pality would be affected and these mainly in doncaster sub division and unionville coun cillor hooper who was obliged to leave the meeting early was not in on the discussion of the bylaw no bylaw should be made retroactive our duty lies in legislating for the future de clared councillor lennie who called for any change in the clause to allow sale of the con tentious lots reeve timbers and council lor clark cited the fact that a change in the law might pre sent health problems in the fu ture when the new bylaw is fin ally passed it will effect the en tire townhip with the excep tion of the incorporated dis tricts surrounding olympic horsemen to compete here on july 1st mr larry mcguinnes mr in new york and at the royal tho- gayford mr walter pad- winter fair will be trying for dv col chas baker jr and a place on the teams for future mr robt ballard all men who olympic games represented canada at both tne olympics in helsinki fin land and leading internationa horse shows will be riding in the annual stouffvihc horse show to be held here on july these riders who anpeared their scores will be counted at this local event since the stouffville show has been se lected or international test no tha competition is ex pected to be very keen among these top rider-