Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 21, 1953, p. 1

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rtlmitt tribune stouffville ont m stouffville fire brigade helps with beautification campaign fire chief dei jennings and firemen will malloy and walt smith are caught here by the tribune cam- era washing down main si during the beautifies lion campaign which has been sponsored by the loc al chamber of commerce and horticultural society champion trumpet band for markhamunionville coronation day program hire new i teachers in uxbridge twp markham townships colos sal celebration in honour of 11 m queen elizabeth 11 to be held on the 2nd of june is now fully planned under the dir ection of unionville trustees the plans will include an im pressive ceremony to be con ducted by the clergymen of the various religious denomina tions a parade prizes fun games fireworks and a big bon- f i re the parade will leave the station grounds at 230 pm and will be led by western technical school boys trum pet band these boys do a very fine precision drill and last year won the ontario champ ionship for trumpet bands par ade will proceed to crosby memorial centre by way of pavilion and main sis and the route will lie gaily decorated the religious ceremony at the crosby grounds will be followed by various activities a track meet with money prizes a free bingo an amateur show lor the young fry with some very special souvenirs baseball game with richmond hill and unionville on newly renovated diamond folk dancing by cher ry hill farm group aemonstr- ation by toronto gashoppers all to be climaxed with brilliant fireworks and enormous bon fire in charge of boy scouts and a singsong led by the vet erans the unionville business professional womens club the ladies auxiliary the womans institute and several other organizations are to be in charge of the refreshment booth a number of the partici pants in the parade are taking their floats to markham where- festivities take place in the morning any person or organ- ization who can enter a float should contact mr alfred hill concerning arrangement for parade there will be silver dollars for the best decorated tricycle bicycle and doll car riage entries to be judged by a representative of the press livestock judging competition may 30 on saturday may 30th york county farm boys will be giv en the opportunity to judge several classes of livestock in the junior farmers annual judging competition eight classes of stock will be judged including three dairy classes two beef two swine and one sheep class reasons are given on four classes age limits for the competi tion have been lowered this year the junior section will include all contestants in the lh club ages 12 to 21 by nov 1st the senior section is for those from 21 to not over 27 by nov 1st all farm boys are cordially invited to take part n this judging competition and to join in the banquet held in tile evening at the king george hotel newmarket registra tion for the competition will be at the department of agri culture newmarket at s30 am the girls of the hoinetnaking clubs will also hold their a- chievement day in the town hall newmarket on may 30th and will join with the boys for the banquet and presentation of trophies tickets for the ban quet may be purchased at the competition two of the three vacancies in the uxbridge township pub lic school area have been fil led it was learned at the regu lar meeting of the board on thursday night miss eleanor beer will replace miss jessie gregg at garabaldi school miss gtegg has taken a position on the oshawa staff mr wilf morley of claremont will take the position at webb school re placing mr lange there are 21 pupils in attendance at gar ibaldi and 30 at webb the va cancy at pine grove has as yet not been filled our best industry in markham is farming says councillor hooper why break up this town ship weve got the best indus try there is right here now our farms declared council lor hooper when the- proposal was made at the regular meet ing of markham twp council that the municipality should join the toronto industrial commission at a cast of 500 deputy reeve lemasurier brought tne matter before council and stated that he had had an interesting interview with the head of the toronto commission he said that mark ham should take a long range view of the situation and try and provide certain facilities such is water if you dont get industry to help carry the school tax load the farms will be the first to suffer the deputyreeve re nted to councillor hooper councillor hooper contended that the picture was not always as rosy as the industrialist eould paint on paper and that any bic industry which came in would of necesitv bring more houses and require more jerviccs he auo contended that such a move a joining the industrial commrson should come a- a recommendation annual meeting municipal assoc the york county municipal association met at nobleton on may 13th for their annual meeting and election of officers there was considerable discus sion as to whether the southern municipalites would continue to belong to the association or drop outdue of being taken in to the metropolitan area it was finally agreed that they would continue one more year as members of the association officers elected were as fol lows president lawrence donaven etobicoke vice pres cliff trippsearboro sec tres eric finnis swansea direct ors harold rose king archie fleming markham ken war sireraft elobicoke robt south worth york twp ed parish east york cliff mark scarboro richard baxter new toronto supper was served by the xobleton w a in the united church basement mennonite circles report receipts of over 17483 from the planning board there are two sides to this question and if recession comes its the industrial towns which get hit first said coun cillor lennie members of markham school board appeared before council regarding the necessity for a wider road and pedestrian walk to the new high school on the outskirts of the town it was agreed that the clerk should j contact the dept of highways and request them to meet with the board the village reprel sohtatiyes and the township on the site the question arose concerning the bridge on the sideroad near the school the structure was believed ade quate for vehicle traffic but would not allow pedestrians to cross in safety at the same time a bylaw prohibiting heav traffic on john st in thorn- hill was given three readings and passed despite a motion bv councillor hooper to scrap it we agreed with the village trustees that we would pass the bylaw- and they could take it from there said reeve timb ers loss heavy in thornhiii breakin while mr and mrs w dean of thornhiii were enjoying the holiday weekend at their cot tage thieves and safecrackers broke into their home and into mr deans adjoining office and got away with 53500 in cash a cheque for 370 and a per sian lamb fur coat at 1000 the safecracker entered the home through a rear door and broke open the large heavy safe with a bar a smaller safe on the inside was also broken and even the heavy bolts which secured the larger safe to the floor were wrenched off a hired man discovered the loss when he visited the office c ii monday chief clarence wideman of the markham po lice force is investigating births elford mr and mrs harry elford uxbridge rr 1 are happy to announce the birth of their son on monday mav is 1053 at the brierbush hospital stoulfville a bro ther for gordon and keith tayix1r mr and mrs ern est taylor stouffville rr 1 are happy to announce the birth of their son on tues day may 10 1953 at the brierbush hospital stouff ville a brother for david coburn mr and mrs rd coburn are happy to an nounce the birth of a son on saturday mav 10 1053 at the brierbuh hospital stou ffville a brother for patricia ann smalley albert and jo anne smallev are happy to announce the birth of their son blair allan pounds va ounces at the brierbush hospital on sundav mav 17th to tell a good quires long arms fish story re- an increase of more than 2700 overcast year in receipts and donations was reported last week at the 36th annual meeting of the sewing circles of the ontario conference men nonite and amish churches at steinman am church near baden secretary miss louida bau- man of kitchener said there are h senior circles in ontario and glen allan is the latest group to be formed the 30 circles reporting showed a membership of 000 with re ceipts and donations of 171s3 tile meeting was attended by a number of local mennonite ladies from the wideman church including mrs jacob shank who is a member of the ontario executive the morning session featured reports of the circles activities preceded by a devotional per iod in charge of mrs lenard brown agincourt ont two missionary nurses were the featured speakers miss una grossman of the argentine chaco region and miss marjory shantz puerto rico miss cressman described her work among the chaco indians and said missionaries face the difficult problem of communi cating with the natives since tney speak only toba most of the missionaries speak span ish and they must use an in terpreter to talk to the indi ans she said the indians are ivery poor and live in crude shelters barely fit to be chick en houses tuberculosis is rampant cotton is the main work of the people with other missionaries she has been teaching them to knit and make their own garments clerical and evangelical work is stressed among the people iit puerto rico miss shantz said as an example of her work she told of delivering 75 babies in 11 months without a doctor in attendance she said there is seldom any infect ion however since the people seem to be immune to their own filth treasurer mrs arlin snider kitchener reported receipts of 2si5 as of march 31 1053 a- mong the larger receipts was 527 from the annual meeting offering 207 from the general expense fund and 081 the support of mrs r buckwalter disbursements totalled 2032 and among the larger amounts given was 2060 to the omar io mennonite mission board dishes and cutlery for rock way mennonite school were valued at 135 and 107 was donated to flood relief miss bauman said more than 12000 garments arid pieces of bedding and linens were sent for relief work and mis sion work the bulk oing to germany uruguay paraguay and one shipment to korea there were more than 717 christmas bundles donated miss florence shantz sec retary of junior and intermed iate work reported 161 junior circle members and 237 inter mediate members junior circle receipts totalled 322 inter mediate 1528 she aid nine junior and 12 intermediate cir cles reported on their activ ities three circles did not re port miss luella shantz secretary of literature said there was an increase in the number of pray er guides dispatched and prom inent in the reading materia were missionary books over 531 of these and other relig ious books were read miss fern knechtel operat or of the cutting room at the mennonite centra committci rooms reported 30 garment had been cut for sewing cor- t dt hi owns ana lownsnips to lose highway fines a communication was re ceived by markham township council on monday evening torn magistrate hollinrake willowdale court which in formed the township that the municipality will no longer re ceive fines collected for traffic violations on either the provin cial or county roads by mark ham oflicers the news came a- quite a shock to council and deputyreeve lemasurier stat ed that the municipality would stand to lose 0000 by the move the letter from the magis trate stated that only fines fiom convictions on township roads would be paid into the township treasury other municipalities named which would be receiving sim ilar notification were vaughan township richmond hill markham and stouffville it means that our police will be just out working for the provincial government commented councillor lennie what action is to be taken to offset this loss declared deputyreeve lemasurier the magistrate has been ques tioning so many convictions lately and even asked our pol ice to remeasure a strip of roadway near bultonville said councillor clark theyre breaking the law arent they said councillor lennie the government authority to collect all the fines on the provincial highway and simil arly for the county to take whatever fines were derived on their roads regardless of what police laid the charges has always been in the books but has apparently never been enforced councillor lennie suggested that council send a resolution to the mayors reeves con vention which is being held this week but council felt it was too late for such a move however a resolution was drafted and will be forwarded to hollis beckett local provin cial member of parliament pro testing the withdrawal of the municipalitys share in fines it was pointed out by dep utyreeve lemasurier that the local municipalitys access to tax revenues is exceedingly small at the best and this fur ther curtailment would furth er strain the local picture kxgagkmkst mr and mrs david mcken- zie rr 2 oshawa wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter edith marion to walter ray hill son of mr and mrs loss hill of clare mont the marriage will take place on june 6th 1053 at 3 pm in columbus united church represents weeklies at coronation r g simpkin pictured above will represent the stouffville tribune and other member papers of the ontario division of the canadian weekly news papers association in great britain during the coronation he will air mail firsthand reports of particular interest to read ers of the ontario papers during his tour sailing from montreal on may 18 he will take delivery of a car on arrival in england it will be his second trip overseas having served in war 1 mr simpkin has been a reporter for one of ontarios largest weeklies for 25 years and is partic- ularlv well versed io speak on the rural scene the first of his articles will ap pear shortly jacob meyer 80 recalls early life in town on friday of this week mr jacob meyer a resident of church st in stouffville w celebrate his soth birthday born on the sixth concession of markham in the year 1s73 the son of the late edward meyer and magdelina wide- man he moved at an early age to the ninth concession of pickering and resided on the present fretz farm he anil his wife the former rosanna byer celebrated their golden wedding anniversary some sev en years ago mrs meyer pas sed away six years ago there is one son allan on the oth of pickering and four grand children mr meyer received his pub lic school training at altona and later was appointed a trus tee at the atha public school he moved to stouffville twen tythree years ago and purchas ed the truman home on church street which has since been converted into an apartment house mr meyer recalls much of the early life here in the early 1000s where the present post- office now stands a thriving grist mill business once oper ated the mill was replaced by an ice and roller skating arena which was later wiped out by fire from the site of the pres ent post office west to obrien avenue numerous sheds were used by drivers to shelter their horses tie posts were lo cated at regular intervals al ong the gravelled main st mr meyer recalls the two grocery stores operated by mr fred spofford and mr sam warrin- er those were the days when although a man worked for fifty cents a day he could pur chase eggs at 10c a dozen but ter at 12c a pound and 31 pounds of sugar for 100 the grand trunk railway operated a woodburning engine through stouffville and was refuelled from a huge pile of cordwood which covered a five acre lot near the station wood could be purchased for 500 a cord going back a few years mr meyer can recall the fall fair which was held where a port ion of the new lloyd avenue subdivision is located mr meyer still enjoys very good health and during the summer months he spends much of his spare time at his sons farm near altona he is a regular attendant at the un ited missionary church in town a building which he suburban farm auction sale the farm stock and imple ments were disposed of last week by public auction on the rami of scraee bros don mills rd and finch ave the farm was recently sold for a sub- uban development for 150000 highest price paid for cows was 300 and a 20yearold threshing machine brought s00 total of the auction which handled bv ken and clarke prentice was 10000 church crowded for yp convention stouffville united missionary church was crowded on mon day for all sessions of the ontario young peoples con ference being held there mr eldon bell from stayner pre sided at the three services del egates and visitors were pres ent from owen sound port elgin stayner kitchener tor onto breslau hespeler vine- land and the local district special numbers in song were given by a ladies quartette from wasaga beach a duet from new dundee and a male quartette from owen sound the speakers for the day were rev and mrs willis hunking returned missionar ies from africa mrs hunking followed the theme hands to the plough and mr hunking hands to the plough of pray er and hands to the plough of witness the address of welcome was given by roy brown president of the stouff ville united missionary young people the 1054 convention will be held at stayner with the new president being edwin prosser monday next is the may flower show and meeting of the horticultural society in the united church basement helped erect in 1003 he serv ed as a trustee in the former mennonite church for twenty years mr meyer has always had very keen eyesight and for this reason he coached his son in many ploughing match competitions he also handled the team on the cabbage plant er for brillinger bros a numb er of years ago the tribune takes this op portunity of wishing mr mey er many more years of good health and prosperity whitchurch community centre to be officially opened coronation day verer of the cutting room com- mittee mrs elmer brubaeher said the turnover of articles brs increased 2h times over bat of last year whitchurch township com munity centre board in con junction with township wo mens institutes community clubs and public school trus tees isplanning the official op ening of the township park at vandorf on tuesday june 2nd coronation day commencing at 10am a program of tree planting will be carried out by the school children at the new park a number of trees have been do nated and additional donations of three or four foot well root ed evergreens will be appre ciated the township school trus tees acting as a sub emmittee have arranged that each school in the township should hold a field day at which a uniform program of races would be run off the winners of these e- vents will compete for the grand prizes at 12 noon and the school winning the highest number of poinis will be a- warded a beautiful corona tion shield the womens institute will lie in charge of a well stocked refreshment booth on the grounds and there will also be a fish pond with suitable priz es for good fishermen at 3pm the new nark will be officially opened col lash- ley will represent the ontario dept of agriculture former reeve li evans will act as master of ceremonies reeve ivan mclaughlin and members of council will be present and local clergy will be represent ed bv rev norman rowan rev mx and rev ecwlod- dle mr earl toole former war den of york county and a former reeve of this township will raise the flag and formally open the park at 1- pm a program of open races and baseball will be run ofl the womens institutes and community clubs are planning a fine open air concert for 830 pm each group contributing a number on the programme at this time a draw will be made for the holder of the luck- y ticket making him or her the owner of a television set or electric stove or a refrig erator all of equal value the proceeds of this draw are to assist in the development of the park for those who wish to dance ifter the concert provision has been made at the com munity hall at a nominal charge work on the grounds is pro gressing satisfactorily the old croked creek bed has been straightened excavation of the pond has been completed and forms for the newdam have been erected the board is appreciative of several generous cash dona tions received also of a fine flag pole and flag and the gift of a beautiful shield and tro phies for the essay contest on the subject what canada means to me this is a whitchurch town ship project and it is hoped all who can will be present on june 2 to oajoy the day together and see what is being undertaken

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