Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 30, 1953, p. 10

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday apr 30 1933 salada tea jsu3 this weeks sunday school lesson building thk chikch at ephesus gulden text for other fouu elation can no man lay than thai k laid which i jesus christ i cor 1 11 goodwood thursday april 23 mrs ah rugh of toronto is spending a few days with her brother and sisterinlaw mr and mrs d mcdonald mr and mrs a cornwall of leamington visited with his parents mr and mrs w p cornwall over the weekend mr and mrs lou murray of aliiton spent sunday with mr and mrs cornwall austerity is a condition in which a considerable number of oldtimers were raised right in the middle of waterloo garden tractors famous for quality and economy the world over complete line of garden tools all manufactured by waterloo in their own factory in waterloo ont sold and serviced by c h bell son phone 2slw stouffville central feed store phone 277 stouffville marmill chick starter growing mash in crumbles or pellet form order your agrico and aa quality fertilizer pooooooooooooooooo landscape service trees shrubs evergreens roses for sale don lewis phone 22jl stouffville ivtvvwv jj33s3he m sesiijcjksjictfcsijss itn- s5k5cti3 farmers attention canada packers limited is now contracting for cucumbers for the 1953 season good prices this year and special arrangements for delivery for your contract or for more information about this profitable cashcrop phone write or see newmarket w adams phone 15 rmtnivtttittttvttrttttttt htywwivii- mv1 zgcsbssboasn as are you looking for someone who knows how and can do a beautiful paperhanging job we employ two such men call wm knapp 472w aurora we can furnish paper and help you plan your decorating approach to the ltsyou ephesus holds the spotlight in pauls third missionary journey both on the outward trip and on the return al though he did no actually touch the city on the home journey he met the elders of the church at miletus not to be confused with mileta the island now known as malta and much space is riven to the apostles farewell message tu these men ephesus was one of the chief cities in the roman pro vince of asia facing out to the aegean sea we remem ber that on his second journey the apostle was forbidden of the holy ghost to preach the word in asia acts 100 it seems to have been some com pensation that the first con vert in europe was a woman from that very regionlydia of thyatira tv 14 who doubt less carried the testimony to that city of purple which was her home that prohibition which so disturbed tne soui of the a- postle was no indication that clod was leaving asia out of his plan it was a matter of the grand strategy of the gospel god knew when the time was ripe to attack this great center of commerce with all its magnificence and all its darkness 3o far as we know paul spent more contin uous time in ephesus than in any other place in the course of his missionary journeys despite the deficiency that he found in ephesus because of the defective preaching of apollos 182420 a strong church was built there to whom paul later wrote one of the most sublime arid most profound of all his epistles and in which we can trace the spiritual advance of the ephes- ians nevertheless this church which began so well was at tacked by the termite of self- love and years later the mess age of the risen lord through the apostle john to this very church was thou hast left thy first love i will re move thy candlestick out of his place except thou repent nothing so destroys a testi mony as selfsufliciency that and the love of chrict are mutually antagonistic over many another ephesus one might write how are the mighty fallen verse by verse acts 19 s and he went into the synagogue disput ing and persuading once again his ministry was to the jew first and he went where they would be found notice again the disputing and persuading the same words used in last weeks les son 184 gr note too the theme of his witness the king dom of god verse 9 but when divers spake evil of that way he separated the disciples in the school of one tyrannus quite a repetition of what had occurred in corinth this time however he apparently rented a teaching center which would attract men of studious mind notice the use of the word way which should be capitalized as a formal de signation of christianity verse 10 two years all they which dwelt in asia both jews and greeks the time notice belongs to the regular teaching program mentioned in verse 9 there was however a great out reach covering the entire asian province the seven churches of revelation 1 to 3 besides that in colosse and others owned their origin to this vigorous campaign chap 2017 and from miletus he called the elders lie is now on the return journey and calls a meeting of the ephesian elders at miletus a little to the south of ephesus verse is ye know after what manner 1 have been with you pauls con duct was open to inspection happy is the man who can challenge the scrutiny of all verse 19 serving the lord with all humility and with many tears and tempta tions see what marked the service slave service accord ing to the greek of paul humility tears trials the ministry was not a highly respected profession which gives one standing to this man it was a bond service lukes record says nothing about the lying in wait of the jews in ephesus nor about pauls lighting with beasts at ephesus 1 cor 1332 his time there must have been far more hectic and strenuous than the record indicates verse 20 1 kept back noth ing have taught you pub licly and from house to house there was no com promising or pussyfooting with paul the public teaching doubtless refers to the daily lectures 199 but here also is pastoral work visiting and ratechizing in addition see chapter 2034 when did he sleep verse 21 testifying repentance toward god and faith toward our lord jesus christ the note of repent ance which markd the min istry of john the baptist i matt 32 and of our lord 4 17 and of the day of pent ecost acts 23s till rings clear in the preaching of piul the great exponent of justification bv faith encour- jaged no shallow oelievism verse 22 go bound in the spirit unto jerusalem this can onlv mean that a sense of necessity of com mand had gripped him he had no freedom to turn in any other direction the bonds of god were upon him verse 23 the holy ghost witnesseth that bonds and afflictions abide me we are told o such witnessing later in his journey 214 10 11 but apparerntlv this whole journey was marked by such forewarning either in his own soul or bv the prophetic ministry of others verse 24 neither count 1 my life dear unto myself so that 1 might finish my course to testify the gospel of the grace of god paul regarded himself expendable for the gospels sake his life was a course which- would be fully run when he had finished the testimony which god had given him there was nothing else to live for verse 25 ye shall see my lace no more this statement is one of the problems of the new testament was paul speaking prophetically or was he drawing a conclusion from the prophecies of bonds and afflictions 1 it is hard to know verse 20 1 am pure from the blood of all men eew of us would dare to make such a claim would god it might be true of us verse 27 l have not shun ned to declare unto you all the counsel of god compare with verse 20 the two give us the negative and positive aspects of a complete ministry the heart of the lesson ministerial farewells are sad affairs at best if the minister is well loved and respected there are many sad hearts if the people are happy at the departure it is a still sadder condition paul was one minister who could say in all good consc ience 1 have done my best so sure was he that he had done his best that he confident ly affirmed lam pure from the blood of all men and chal lenged the elders with the truth of the statement by what means had paul thus fully discharged his duty and freed himself of all respon sibility two other state ments give the answer 1 kept back nothing that was profitable and i have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of god noth ing profitable withheld all the counsel of god declared here we have the complete minis try negatively and positively stated it is a big claim and one which few ministers can make if for no other reason than that few of us know all the counsel of god and few of us are able to judge of all that is profitable yet that is the standard of new testament ministry hut the manner in which paul conducted his ministry was an equal factor in his right to make such a claim he wrought as a bondslave with all the humilitv of a bondslave not with all the pride of the worlds most lcnouned preacher no calling is so honorable as that of the gospel yet no calling demands such humility for effective operation there are strange contradictions in the kingdom or god if pride must be absent in order to secure an effective ministry so must covetous- ness look at verse 33 paul did not ask for a salary con- tract in writing as one of my students was advised to do be fore accepting a pastorate i am glad to say he took higher ground covetousness is as fatal as pride to a spiritual ministry not onlv pastor but all christian workers must avoid these as thev would the plague the complete ministry will have two accompaniments tears and trials v 19 the religious showman may know little of these but churches will not be built and regions will not be evangelized 1910 without them we cannot know the fellowship of christ without the fellowship of his sufferings ami we cannot share in his redemptive labors without sharing his cross by such a road we reach the place where we can say 1 am pure from the blood of all men i wonder how manv of us will arrive railway centennial day a aurora a special tribute is to be paid not only to aurora re sidents but to all those who during long years have con tributed to the growth of the whole area served by the rail way when aurora holds rail way centennial day on may 16 mayor crawford rose and councillor victor jones chair man of the special committee in charge of the event have announced that particular pro vision will be made for all those who have resided in aurora or in king and whit church lvvnships for sixty years while details are still being worked out it is likely that special places will be found for them on the plat form when the replica of the original train which ran from aurora to toronto on may 10 1853 pulls into the station just a century later arrangements are being made by which all children of the area will be ensured of the best possible opportunity to see the train and the latest move is designed to pay spe cial recognition to the old- timers who have done so much in the building up of the area aurora civic offic ials say it has been announced that crew of the special train who will all be veterans of canad ian national railway service will be dressed in the uni forms of a century ago also on the train which will in ef fect be a travelling museum will be six girls dressed in the costumes of 1s53 the six tyyear residents says mayor rose may dress in the cloth ing of earlier days if they would like to those who have lived in aurora or king or whit church townships for sixty years or their relatives on their behalf are asked to send names and address to coun cillor victor jones aurora or to town clerk george wilkin son at the municipal office aurora in order that invita tions may be sent business directory stouffville monument works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone s9j2 marie jack hairdress1ng lloyd avenue stouffville permanent waving machine maehineless cold wave halrstyllug and shaping phone ltowl dental neil c smith lds oaks graduate of university of toronto office over canadian hank of commerce telephone lotw stouffville rennie transport phone 121 stouffville sand grave loam screened sone any size daily service to toronto phone va 0008 toronto brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed main street east stouffville auctioneers sellers atkinson ph agin 201w2 ph sto 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing in farm stock furni ture and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which really pays otf no sale too big or too small e s barker lds hds honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds grill phone 274w stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york county dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 37 lw xray hours daily 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over ittitton mk york holsteixs to alberta john bailey of bailey bros clover bar alta has recent ly purchased in york county ontario eighteen head of texal bred holstein his home herd now consists of over 100 head of texal bred cows since he had previously bought three bulls of this bloodline from george c jackson downsview ont most of the cattle just pur chased were from bulls in the maple district cattle breeding association artificial breeding unit and all of them were in calf to bulls from this unit contributing to the shipment were watson bros king fraser gee gormley thos stobbart weston lewis nicol gormley glenn atkin son schomberg jackson bros downsview r james darlington maple and whit- taker bros downsview the cattle wore brought by josiah d darlington sales agent for the york county holstein breeders club mr darlington reports that there is a brisk demand for cattle and that prices are stiffening with the better cattle bringing good returns ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one mllliken po ph agin 5 2w3 markham po ph mark 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbiidge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 67312 dr herbert b freel physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sundav 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am optometric e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays march 30 31 april 27 28 afternoons and evenings only phones 80j2 and 25jl j p mcdonald licensed auctioneer farm sales livestock household furniture etc 437 midland ave toronto 13 telephone toronto am 17492 real estate garnet v gray ro optometrist hours 030 am to 500 pm every tuesday evening by appointment lloyd graham residence opposite dr freels residence pli 84w3 for appointment insurance sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired irwin degeer dalton rd sutton phone 231r 47tf drink held cause of most crime jail exoiimcer in sentencing a former york county policeman to 18 month- in reformatory for i leaking into a york mills supermarket judge iovering last week said that drink was the cause of nearly all crime and i would like to see voting men keep away from it keith knowles 31 broke down and cried while testi mony was being given bv two police officers dets bert trot ter and dave mullen were ure they had heard knowles tell of breaking into the super market their evidence corro berated testimony given mon day by dei maurice richard- nil caret h chappelle 22 a for mer york county police finger print trainee had been sent enced mondav to is months nd stanlev bird 23 an air craft plant worker had leen given ix months after plead ing guiltv to the same offeive m st clair sons painting decorating gyptex for ceilings plywood rubber finish in any color all materials supplied for your job we have the men and equipment to do any job larje or small all work guaranteed book ahead for exterior painting ph port perry i3rll or 17w when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone s7jl funeral directors birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259v2 h o klinck phone 4 4v3 stouffville l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl xyimiiiinnn stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station eiectric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 00 fire auto burglary sickness accident fidelity bonds strength service unexcelled f g alsop insurance for every purpose phone 50 w2 insure today the coop way inuuiic at your local coop 10hn sytema rr3 newmarket ont phone 21 lj i bug markham ontario ee33330ec sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 34 hour service c stcxdev richmond hill ill tu f m plume 3hvv2 general pugh stouirvllle insurance 4-124- 3stf tlie protection of ones depen dents should he the llrst business of life hence life insurance representing the muliial life of canada prompt courteous service stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your rcqulremenlj of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin plant ihonr 123 office phone 370 120

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