the tribune stouffville oat thursday marti 26 1s53 central feed store phone 277 stouffville mormill dairy poultry tr hog feeds blue coal kleenflo fuel oil order your ajjrico and aa quality fertilizer cedar grove of an irishman could be had for the asking in albert booths greenhouse on the 17th of march the suashlne of a beautiful spring day shone on row upon row of the greenest lettuce this side of ireland itself and during a chin wag with albert you could pluck a radish or a sprig of parsley if you felt so inclined neatly tucked between the rows of salad were thousand- of seed lings thriving beautifully and getting themselves all ready for the garden i was sure there must he some secret to growing such healthy and vigorous plants and 1 asked albert what it was you got to talk em into it was the reply which coupled with the twinkle in his eve sound irish in itself another harbinger of spring comes up on the 27th of march when the community club is thursday march 19 iu spr dance f w time squares hoberts and live a treat to gladden the heart j watz m rov auwn o toronto a man with a repe- toire of over kk calls will be on hand as an instructor to help the novices figure out what is going on some of our local talented musicians will also be there to assist mr clifton it should be a real olde tyme happy tyme this is your invitation so keep the 27th open for a shindig the young peoples are hard at work rehearsing their play for the drama festival which is right around the cor ner the plays this year will all be in the religious category cedar grove has chosen the great choice which is a story of the third great war and begin their competition with markham on the 2sth of mar on april the isth the finalists will compete in markham no matter where they come from there was only one local winner in the second to last euchre in the present series y held last monday night the jl j rest came from far and wide and were elizabeth hollinger eeersiaeiaraiaeeaiais3ssiseibiaf2f3 beauty salon w permanent waving individual styling razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 beiaiaibissiajsaeisiaiaisiabiajaaaaa rouge hill mrs goddard milliken mrs ross jarvis orillia alvin klinck stouff ville gordon dlmnia and mur ray brandon box grove two weeks from last monday will see the end of the series the final winners and the grand prize incidentally if there is any doubt in your mind that spring is here to stay drop in at the school some afternoon the evidence is everywhere branches of trees beautifully bedecked with eggshell blos soms and manycoloured birds stand out in bright array and there is a great variety of lawn decorations painted and spiked all ready to dress up the school yard the children have made all these things of course and there is every thing from a proud and pomp ous white rooster to a little pink pig mrs l c scott with group one in charge opened her home for the march meeting of the vvms the president mrs a g little was in the victoria square thursday march 19 saps arunning some of the farmers tapped their maple trees on saturday the wms held an enjoy sole meeting wednesday after noon of last week at the home of mrs westbrook with twentythree ladies present the studv book was taken bv mrs r boynton mrs r glover and mrs westbrook following the meeting dainty refreshments were served by the hostess miss dorothy hooper of buttonville spent sunday with miss marion nichols mr and mrs m large and margaret of toronto spent sunday with mr ami mrs v westbrook mr r e sanderson and miss mabel sanderson had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs allan chadwick and karen mrs collins and miss aurey collins of toronto spent sun- dav with mr and mrs p w willows mr and mrs roy thomp son of weston mr and mrs norman braeev of toronto pent saturday with mr and airs harry burton and family come around the world with gordon and jeanne prec ious a thrilling travelogue with superb colour pictures friday march 27 s15 pm ir victoria square united church sponsored by the married couples group tic kets may be procured from the members of the group this weeks sunday school lesson il mnttimvttfmfvtfi cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w mwmwwtt t11 chair and the meeting opened with a hymn mrs maitland ryan was in charge of the worship period mrs clark lead the scripture and mrs r scott gave a reading on peace the ladies enjoyed a very nice duet sung by mrs allan reesor and mrs charlie whittaker the study book was taken by mrs lloyd tay lor assisted by mrs allan reesor mrs jake burkholder mrs ryan mrs harrington and mrs frank reesor the meeting closed with a hymn and benediction following which the group served lunch the wms is sponsoring a paper drive which goes into effect immediately and lasts for two weeks papers maga zines and old books without covers will be accepted but they must be tied in separate bundles just take them to the church and leave them in the shed the wms will do the rest there were three birthdays in the village this week gor don dimma celebrated his 75th with a hangup family surprise party with most of the family present and telegraphs or phone calls from those who could not attend albert booth celebrated his on saturday night and wait til you see the bright new plaid shirt gary dare entertained his friends at a party last week and start ed his new year with flying colours tom and mary rowland and their children had tea last sun day with mrs scott and the whittakers miss nellie lapp is home from the hospital and feeling ever so much better that is j good news indeed j mrs carson armstrong hit the jackpot last saturday night she won the markham- inionville lions draw and had her choice of a trip to florida or a bond she took the bond and why not who would want to leave for flor ida when all the robins are arriving in cedar grove jesus is crucified they were utterly insincere golden tei ioiiiiiii-ud- j for when he did a greater j elh his ioe toward u in thai while ne were yet in iiers christ died for u rom 3 s jrrrtrtrirrrrtr see the pacesetter in biodern retrig era tors i coronado refrigerators years ahead in dynamic design theyre coronados finest 0 coronadomatic defrosting 7way adjustable shelves builtin handy dorracks zonemaster cold control handy door butter compartment fiveyear warranty 7 cu ft cu fl 10 cu ft ii cu ft 24700 up to 43500 see oir display of these wonderful new refrigerators net better but the best stouffers hardware stouffville 1- ontario approach lo the leou many have written about the chasteness and moderation of the language of the scrip tures xo where is this quality more apparent than in the gtory of the death of christ compared with the techniques of modern journalism or med ieval preaching the biblical records of this event are pros aic and colorless yet they stand among the greatest writ ings o all time and their simple restrained statements have reached to the depths of unnumbered souls the method of the holy spirit is not to bring us to christ by harrow ing our feelings with highly emotional description- the picture which john tauler gives us of the scourging of jesus is in striking contrast to the modesty of scripture here is a sample then they bound him so mercilessly to the pillar that as we read his flesh hid altogether the cords by which lie was bound such was the tenderness and delicacy of his nature more over we find it written that he was so cruelly bound that the blood burst forth from his fingernails and this they did lest he should slip out of their hands for they held him to be a malefactor and an impostor after this these cruel wild beasts like- savage lions inhumanly tore christs fair and holy body for they so scourged it and ploughed it up with wounds and mangled il with rods and all the other terrible scourges they could think of in their envious hearts that he became wholly unlike himself his body be ing all covered with his blood and with gaping wounds it is better to follow the example of the holy spirit in declaring the message of the cross and we can trust him to produce saving results where otherwise there might be only a passing hysteria of pity we shall not forget of course that our lord did suffer in the flesh and we shall do well to arm ourselves with the same mind 1 pet 11 martyr history will not have finis written to it till the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ rev 1115 verse by verse matt 2732 a man of gyrene simon by name compelled to bear his cross cyrene was a district in north africa where many jews had settled this act of the roman soldiers was a vivid reminder that the jews were a subject people although the chief priests had browbeaten the roman governor to their will verse 33 a place of a skull of the widely varying explanations that which sug gests that the name was de rived from the contour of the hill seems most reasonable and is supported by some aspects of the site proposed by general gordon and called gordons calvary verse 31 they gave him vinegar mingled with gall he would not drink a pungent wine given narcotic quality by the addition of gall or myrrh it was the one humanitarian touch in this barbarous form of execution the wine being supplied we are told by ladies of jerusa lem oui lord faced the ordeal with faculties unimpaired by the narcotic cup verse 35 parted his gar ments casting lots for a fuller account see john 19 23 24 the four soldiers detailed to the task seem to have had this right verse 3g and sitting down they watched him there surely a picture of the callousness which can possess the human heart in face of exquisite suffering eternal issues were being fought out while men gaped like idiots verse 37 this is jesus the king of the jews this was affixed to the up right beam by command of pilate not so much in mock ery of jesus as in retaliation for his moral defeat see john hi 1922 perhaps it even sug gested a superstitious regard for jesus verse 38 two thieves crucified with him so he was numbered with the transgressors isa 5312 verse 39 and they that passed by reviled him wagg ing their heads calvary was on the beaten track so many wayfarers joined the crowd who had come especially for the sight and added their insults wagging the head was asi expression of contempt verse 10 thou that de- stroyest the temple come down from the cross for the reference to the temple see john 2 1s21 and matthew 2001 his claim to be the son of god was the ground on which the jewish court con demned him although they ecured his sentence from the roman power on another core luke 232 verse 41 likewise also the chief priests with the scribes and elders their hatred and malice robbed them of their dignity and they stooped to the despicable revenge of mockerv in the face of uch sufferine vere 42 let him now j come down from the cross jind we will believe him j thing actually rose from the dead they sought every means to supress the truth chap 2s 1115 verse 43 he trusted in god let him deliver him now this quotation from psalm 22 s could scarcely have been studied on the lips of these scoffers rather in their jeer- ing they all unconsciously full filled that prophetic scripture verse 4 j the thieves also cast the same in his teeth that men in the midst of their own suffering would so turn on a fellow sufferer shows the depths of human depravity for the remarkable repentance of one of them see luke 233913 verse 54 truly this was tne son of god the absence of the definite article in the greek has led some to think that the centurion regarded jesus as a son of god in the roman pagan sense the cir cumstances however seem to demand that the phrase be taken as referring to the essential nature of our lord- son of god a similar usage is found in hebrews 12 the heart of the lesson regarded as an act of man the crucifixion of christ is the crime without equal it is as if all the sinfulness of the human race were concentrat ed in one supreme deed of shame true our lord miti gated the blame with a plea of ignorance luke 2331 but even the ignorance was crim inal and culpable in face of the spiritual privileges of the jewish leaders one just has to read the account of the death of christ to sense in spite of all the chasteness of scriptural narrative the very hate of hell in the sadistic cruelty and unfeeling mock- ery of those who pressed in upon the holy sufferer let us not try to justify ourselves by saying that we should have had no part in the deed had we lived back there the very men who sponsored the whole dastardly crime were saying that very thing about the crimes of their fathers in murdering the prophets matt 2s 2932 let us painfully but truthfully confess that we are members of a race capable of murdering the son of god and accept our share of the responsibility every time we disobey god we demonstrate our partner ship with those who slew him but why such submission again and again jesus had walked through the midst of his enemies and they were powerless to touch him when he challenged his arresters in the garden they fell on their faces before him john is 46 he claimed here it is thb new 2 plow cockshutt the most versatile 2piow tractor on the market today all new am proven complete with mounted equipment m m c c r s m utt 1 your authorized cockshutt dealer special intrcductoiy offer 1 only cockshutt 20 rc tkactok with or without hydraulic equipment the most powerful and most economical twoplow tractor on the market today we offer this great little tractor to you at a tremendous saving price in order to set it introduced in this district come in todav as tomorrow mav be too late c h bell son phone 281 w stouffville of angels waited only a word from him to appear and rout his foes matt 2ti53 the third day after his crucifixion he made good his own predic tions and rose from the dead in face of all this it is clear that he could have foiled his enemies and he could have come down from the cross instead he yielded to their hands he submitted to all their cruelty he remained on the cross he accepted all the reviling without answer why such submission because this was more than the act of men it pleased the lord to bruise him isa 53 10 he was submitting not to men but to the will of the father here is peters statement to the jews him being delivered by the deter minate counsel and foreknow ledge of god ye have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain acts 223 it was the work of god what was the epitome of human sin was gods answer to human sin what was the ultimate demonstration of njans rebellion against god was the supreme act of gods love for man what rendered that more than twelve legions our race worthy of death and destruction beyond hope of recovery was gods method of obtaining life and redemption for our lost race for in be coming the vicitim of human sin he became the bearer of our sin to put it away in the sacrifice of himself but on this subject one would prefer to write a book rather than a paragraph it will fill our conversation through endless ages there are fewer cases where silence is golden than there are where silence is guilt stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cni station electric and acetylene welding farm machixrisy machinery repairs is a childs happy smile worth a dollar to yon have you ever stopped to realize just how fortunate most families are to have happy carefree children without the tarnish or blemish of being in constant pain of having unsightly deformities or crippled limbs to most of us these blessings are accepted without too much thought without realizing that there are among us many who need a helping hand to guide their way back to a more healthy active life theyre depending on you buy easter seals remember your donation will help some crippled child back to a healthy active life please be generous you have received a pink envelope from the stouff ville lions club be sure to mail it in with your contribution space contributed in the service of the community by john la bail limited jczcu6k l oufwtbs since ism j