the tribune sionffvihe or thursday march 1953 make these classified advs your home market place lost and found found cold necklace on church street near mcnabb apartment block owner may have same by proving owner ship and paying for this adr j meyer miscellaneous room board available mrs ratcllffe main st ph 6sj1 have volr chimney fire place or furnace expertly leaned we use modern va cuum equipment no fuss muss or dut harry j dza- vala ph 60313 sto 4317 hay cr grain articles for sale sweet clover and girls bicycle for sale condition price 20 apply 6 for sale timothy ted fnot mixed cleaned with govt seed clean ing machine ph markham 74wll john quinlan stoutf- vllle rr1 orchard park blvd stouffville good plv 6 ph 133j2 mixed hay for sale good quality wire tied bales h kennedy phone uxbridge islrjj 439 for sale it tons of hay alfalfa and timothy mixed baled ph claremont 37ts 18 ax evening for your spare time just 3 easy free trial sales amazing patented automatic refrig erator defrosters can pay you that hundreds of hot pros pects commission rush name address for guaranteed profit offer dfrostomatic co dept 37 newmarket out 43 radios any make or model repaired fast service pickup and deliver call mel stouff- vllle 60713 30tf hairdressing rita obrien coldwaving hair styling 2nd concession uxbridge at glasgow 418 phone 010 1 stouffville carpenter work all kinds of carpenter work new build ings repairs or alterations eavestroughing and cement work les ogden stouffville ph 65s27 17tf if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and pro cessed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf sohells meat market ltd stouffville ph 220 will pick up and deliver we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard- heintz- man phono farrs radio electric stouffvillo300 22tt all orders promptly attended to about loads of good mixed hay for sale 5000 ph 4120 mt alhert 152 for sale quantity of clin ton seed oats treated seed clifford winger cormley 462 seed corn funks g hy brids order now some variet ies still available clifford l winger itione stouffville 61509 462 stack of mixed hay for sale l g rowe ph stouffville 64603 46tf for sale 6 cubic foot norge refrigerator in perfect condition automatic defroster included j k agnew phone 195j new and used surge milkers also used long tube milkers from 1000 to 3500 bob woolley surge sales and ser vice oak ridges ph king 65r25 46s findlay oval stove for sale in good condition may be seen any time at lot 4 rear concession 3 uxbrldge clifford watson ph 33s03 claremont sale register hybrid gladioli bulbs for sale outstanding quality mixed colors 3 per hundred also carrots 1 per hamper quantity turnips fred hisey almira unionville rr1 463 feed cabbage for sale also a building is x 12 ft and fence posts and fence rails ph 66907 stouffville walter vague 4 62 seed barley for sale mont calm variety also some red clover seed c pipher phone 62313 stouffville for sale oats j b 66004 quantitv of seed johnson ph sto for sale clinton seed oats cleaned in a government supervised cleaning mill j liarrv ph stouffville 261 for sale certified katahdin seed potatoes good quality reasonable price eldon foll- iott ph 13rl4 king 432 coffield washing machine for sale ross mackay phone 65212 stouffville good upright mahogany do minion piano and bench for sale medium size in good condition ph stouff 56114 band saw for sale nearlv new ph 4sj2 stouffville findlay circulator heater for sale wood or coal walnut por celain finish also bedstead springs articles in good con dition laura forsyth main street real estate for sale tage ph 2 lots 66 ft 40jl stouff rron- 4 62 house for sale storey and a half available april 1st ap ply 6 orchard park blvd ph stouffville 133j2 for sale 6room metal clad house in the village of markham 6500 modern conveniences remodelled and redecorated inside recently apply leslie robertshaw church st markham 452 let55 grain grinder for sale capable of grinding corn also one set of team harness victor foote ph 62101 sto singer sewing machines floor demonstrators drastic ally reduced to clear singer sewing machine co 102 main st newmarket phone 1075 filing and repair shop 1 mil prepared to sharpen anil repair nil types of saws also lawn mowers and scissors this shop is located at the rear of the stouffville library isaac smith stounvllle ph evenings 01810 464 iouse for sale on new mod ern area close to business sec tion storey and a half white clapboard with garage hard- j wood and tile three bedrooms hot water laundry tubs sumpi pump in cellar 60 ft lot ad- 1 joining available j sanders ph 33w4 stouffville 462 produce potatoes for sale grant morley ph stouffville 65112 452 dinette suite for sale natur al finish table buffet and 1 chairs excellent condition ph ssjl stouffville lloyd ha mm electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 38wl stouffville 12tf one acre of land suitable for 2 building lots containing a row of spruce trees and row of cedar trees 300 ft long suitable for removing in new gormley will sell reasonable s n doner gormlev phone stouffville 67115 albert lageer wood choice hnrtlwood immediate delivery claremont 30316 30tf mount albert 4120 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h middleiniss 16tf phone 367 stouffville ken ogden s garage ballantrae all makes of 22tf tractors cars repaired phono stoultvlllo 00024 chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm a household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 2flr- stf 21 hour service anywhere washing machines all makes repaired and serviced good supply of new used machines always on hand we are exclusive beatty dealers for new washing machines ironers dryers etc c h bell cr son phone stouffville 281 w breeder hatchery canadian approved chicks for 1 011 fast feathering barred rocks for layer- v capons production larce sc white leghorns for layers a- fryers choice selected columbians for layers capons broilers extra quality leshorp x rock for layer a broilers cotnmhian x red 3s12 michells poultry farm cwrmont out ih marl i06 sell to farmers profitable business part or full time no invest ment can be yours now take orders for americas largest selling nationally advertised liquid fertilizer make 50 and up per week write nachurs plant food com pany london canada dining room suite for sale oak consisting of 7 chairs extension table complete with four leaves also a walnut or gan case w m palmer ph 9wl claremont mh potato planter for sale geo francis ph 66902 stouffville something new differ- krext see the new inter national hanester forage harvester and the new mf 10 run fertilizer drill on low- tires at cy bellman sons stoullville wanted township of markham tenders for tractor sealed tenders marked as to contents will he received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon on saturday april 4 1953 to supply one diesel tractor approximately 35 to 40 iip complete with hydraulic loader and levelling blade the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted e a buchanan 462 road superintendent chas hoover township clerk unionville ont tenders sealed tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned until march 31 1953 for one allis- chalmers crawler tractor with vi yard hough front end loader see roy ward claremont 17wl township of pickering lloyd johnston clerk brougham 162 tenders ro iiii 1 well it school vltoxa tenders win he accepted until april 1st 1953 for a drilled well at ss 17 pickering ap plicants to state price specifica tions and guarantee if any 162 david nighswander secretary stouffville kr3 ont dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stourtiillr 74 js ii a x n e r r e x d e r i x g toronto lv b27 we are nab to pick op animal onder 2 0 lb tf wanted boys bicycle small or medium in good condition ph stouffville 61107 wanted 1 round wooden curtain poles at least 36 long contact chas atkinson stouffville wanted passengers to tor onto via don mills rd arriv ing bay college s pm leave 5 or 530 contact mrs m holden stouffville highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph clare 5w3 36tf wanted a also full lino implements stouffville team of horses of horsedrawn phone 62007 wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouffville 62s04 31tf wanted veteran sirable newmarket about 30 acres for bush and creek de- no house vicinity gormley union ville bethesda or stouffville box p co stouffville tribune highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wreck ing also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffville auto wreckers stouffer street ph 6fj6 26tf ead stock dead and crippled farm animals re moved promptly for sanitary disposal telephone collect to stouffville 255 or toronto km 33636 gordon young ltd tf the swing is to xcw formula 20 chick starter shurgain it docs it lcttcr and faster at no extra cost ask the shur- gain feeder near yon 14 at 1 sllurf lr ight aix weaxers uccks with pig rooster nine pip litter average above weight at shnrgaln farm it can do a well for yon hair onr mt denied now dicksons hill mills ptkw wjsnl 452 thursday mar 19 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements dual purpose short horn cattle yorkshire hogs team percberon mares match ed 3500 lbs new favorite threshing machine with clover combination and elevator com plete case tractor model c 011 new rubber 93x24x6 ply hay straw uralu poultry and household furniture at lot 35 eon 4 markham at gormley the estate of the late william smith no reserve farm sold terms eash sale at 1 pm james smith clerk a s farmer auctioneer friday mar 20 auction sale of 45 head of hostein cattle fresh cows and spring ers oliver tractor no 70 on steel goodison threshing ma chine with grain thrower complete full line of farm im plements hay and grain at lots 21 22 con 3 north gwillimbury twp 1 miles north of keswick the proper ty of mrs hattie hare and sons no reserve farm sold sale at 1230 sharp a s farmer auctioneer monday mar 20 auction sale of farm stock implements and household furniture in cluding frlgidaire and wash ing machine nearly new oil range new the property of roy taylor lot is con 3 scott twp 2 miles south of zephyr sale at 1 pm terms eash iteg johnson auction eer rlackwater ted howleit clerk saturday mar 21 auction sale of reg and high grade holsteins 1951 ford tractor and ford implements fertil izer drill mcdeer s ft hinder nearly new quantity baled straw grain etc at lot 13 con 3 scarboro 1 v- miles east of mavlern on lansing cutoff highway the property of the late john habasinski terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm john brooks clerk sellers atkinson auc tioneers and sale managers saturday mar 21 auction sale of registered fully ac credited holstein cattle farm stock near new implements john deere model b tractor hay grain furniture etc on lot 24 concession 2 vaughan twp the property of edwin stephenson stile at 1230 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday mar 21 auction sale of holstein guernsey cattle john deere tractor model b john deere com bine new and full line of pow er implements near new baled hay and straw- grain and household furniture at lot 3 con 6 pickering at kin- sale on no 7 hgy the pro petty of morley sleeman no reserve farm sold sale at 12 sharp m mowbray clerk a s farmer auctioneer tuesday mar 21 impor tant auction sale of 24 head of registered fully accredited blood tested vaccinated hol stein cattle farm stock mod ern farm implements power machinery hay grain etc corner of don mills rd and lawrence ave north york twp entrance off lawrence ave properly belonging to r h muirhead sale at 12 noon very large sale terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers tuesday mar 24 auction sale of entire farm stock llol- sleln cows and heifers de- laval milker and cooler dairy equipment horses tractor implements hay grain poul try coal range furniture household furnishings the property of w e magce hill top farm lot ss concession 1 whitchurch on yonge st two miles north of aurora terms cash sale starts at 1 pm sharp edward reddlck clerk f n smith auctioneer telephone 1 s 7 j newmarket tuesday mar 24 house hold furniture dining room suite rangette electric stove findlay cook stove dishes glassware bedding linens rugs and cooking utensils on main st stouffville across from international motors the property of harry sawyer terms cash lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auction eer wednesday mar 25 auc tion sale of farm stock im- plements cattle horses hogs hay grain and furniture at lot 7 con 3 whitchurch 2 miles north of gormley the properly of harvey taun no reserve giving up fanning terms cash leslie harper clerk a s fanner auction eer thursday mar 26 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments 30 head of holstein cattle including fresh cows springers and heifers 50 hogs ihc tractor w4 on rubber in firit class condition dom inion threshing machine with grain thrower full line of farm equipment hay grain at lot 22 rear con 9 picker ing on townline between ux brldge pickering the pro perty of roy tindall terms cash no reserve farm sold lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer friday mar 27 auction sale of farm stock and im plement ayrshire cattle horses hogs poultry farm- all a tractor and tractor equipment hay and grain at lot 13 con 3 scott twp 3 mlv- outh of zephyr the property of ken armtronr for sale quantity of red over seed govt standard no 1 alo some timothy seed alex gray ih markham 23sw3 live stock 2 bob calves for sale ros mackay ph 65212 stouff pigs for sale w appleby ph s weeks old clare 31407 good sale in memoriam ham in loving memory of my dear husband albert ham t bert 4 who passed away on march lith 1942 sweet are the memories silently kept of one 1 loved and can never forget lovingly remembered by bis wife edith team of horses for ph stouffville 67s03 three quiet work horses for sale j barry phone stouffville 261 labrador retriever regis tered puppies champion blood lines one female two males tl 42474 budgies excellent talking strain beautiful colors voting hens 4 males 10 mrs s ii allen ph unionville s9j 433 holstein cow for sale fresh tb tested vaccinated also good team percberon mares j h llouck ph 60509 sto baby chicks 4110 day old or started feb or later delivery white leghorns new hampshires or sussex x hamp cross pullets or mixe4 chicks bred and hatched on our own farm bloodtested for both types of pulloruin wilsons poultry farm millikeii agincourt 851 w2 bray chicks rising prices on egg markets ask for steady- egg production this hatchery has dayolds in a variety of breeds and crosses prompt shipment limited quantity started ask us for prices agent fred wise richmond hill klintk in loving memory of olive 11a kliuck who passed away march 13 1952 i cannot say and 1 will not say that she is dead she is just away think of her faring on as dear in the love of there as the love of here ever remembered by husband children and grandchildren morgason in loving mem ory of a dearly beloved wife and mother violet morgason who departed this life mar 11 1943 also our darling daughter and sister grace who departed april 12 1947 till we meet again dear loved ones upon the heavenly shore where partings are forgotten and sorrow is no more so sadly missed and lovingly remembered by leslie morgason and family for sale cows springin ph claremont two holstein lome slute 30503 for sale hereford bull of serviceable age ph joe mc- mullen stouffville 67s05 6 holstein cows for sale fresh also 6 holstein and 2 guernsey cows due this week stewart burnett vandorf ph aurora slrl2 no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm ii pearson clerk a s far mer auctioneer saturday mar 2s exten sive auction sale of grade hol stein cattle fat hogs pigs threshing machine tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc on lot 31 con d scarboro on law rence ave v mile west of kennedy rd property of d t martin sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold ken clarke pren tice auctioneers tuesday mar 31 auction sale of farm stock cattle im plements tractor power mow er pickup baler side rake drill oneway disc milking machine binder cutting box hammer mill spreader etc on lot 24 con 1 pickering east of dunharton on no 2 highway property of win w dough terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clerk sellers atkinson auction eers tuesday mar 31 auction sale of holstein cows and heifers horse tractor and im plements al lot 24 con 9 pickering on the pickering- uxbridge townline the pro perty belonging to george bottomley sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold ralph faulkner elerk a s farmer auction eer saturday april 4 impor tant extensive auction sale of dairy cattle holstein heifers registered yorkshire swine registered suffolk sheep ford tractor farm stock imple ments hay grain etc on lot 20 con 4 markham town ship on highway 1 mile south of victoria square property of h f collard sale at 100 pm sharp terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday april 4 auction sale ayrshire herd tractor threshing machine hay grain and furniture at lot 22 con 5 vaughan twp property of forest oliver terms cash no reserve farm sold sale at 12 noon teston wa will serve lunch ed kyle clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday april s ex tensive auction sale of 35 head of holstein cattle farm stock tractor tractor implements threshing machine cutting box pickup baler ower bind er stain hay pigs furniture etc tin- property of john w jarvis lot 20 con i scar boro 14 mile west of mark ham head no reserve as the farm is rented terms cash sale at 1230 sellers at kinson auctioneers mckeown in loving memory of stanley mckeown who passed away march 19 1951 yea though 1 walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me ills beloved memory is always in our hearts mother father sisters and brother iointon in loving memory of a dear husband and father harry pointon who passed away march 11 1946 j some sweet day well meet again beyond the toil and strife and clasp each others hand in heaven that happy life lovingly remembered by his wife children and grandchildren farm machinery complete line of oliver farm equipment iron age equipment consisting of potato planters plant planters potato diggers sprayers and dusters used farm machinery ihc fartuall if tractor ihc farmall if tractor fis standard oliver tractor to standard oliver tractor corksliuu hay loader d pickering sons victoria square ih stool 0101 434 coming events frigidaire cooking school thursday april 16 s pm in stouffville veterans hall spon sored by stouffville business professional womens club grand priz frigidaire refrig erator tickets now available at 30c 163 the ladies of the ballautrae wa invite you to a pie social slid croquinole party on friday night march 20th at x oclock in the basement of the church ladies please bring a pie monster dance and draw for a new pontine car will be spon sored by the stouffville lions club in the legion hall stouff ville on friday march 20th don gilkes orchestra featuring the voice of helen baines draw at 12 midnite tickets 1 per person ramsay in loving memory of a dear friend mrs winni- fred ranisay who passed awav march 21st 1952 her charming ways and smiling face are a pleasure to recall she had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all lovingly remembered by her neighbor and friend mrs gertrude devitt watson in loving memory of dear papa george watson geordie who passed awav march 22nd 1943 he has not gone from those he loved nor has he travelled far just entered gods most lovely room and left the door ajar lovingly remembered by his children bessie edna and george watson baker in cherished mem ory of my mother mrs daniel baker ballantrae ont who left its march is 1926 in memory of my mother who left so long ago but i know she will be watching for the loved ones here below lovingly remembered always by her daughter muriel the was of fifth line si- loam and goodwood will hold a pot luck supper wednesday march 25th at 7 pm in the goodwood united church a program will follow the supper and a collection will be taken for funds for the parsonage board everyone welcome the good neighbour commun ity club is holding a st pat ricks day dance vivian school friday mar 20 admin istration 35c lucky draw spot dances canteen service available the mothercraft advice room is always open the second and fourth tuesday of each month therefore the next clinic will be on mar 21th from 1230 to 430 pm in the united church basement all mothers and ba bies welcome hid ioof euchre friday mar 20th stlo pm first second prizes admission 50c prizes for high score end of april proceeds go to cp t fund help wanted single man for farm work steady employment highest wages modern equipment ph toronto em 67979 mckeown in loving memory of stanley l mckeown who passed away march 19 1951 oh the precious love of jesus how it cheered you on your way how it lightened every heavy burden and brightened all your weary days it cheers me in my sorrow all my fears away shines out in the dark- wanted girl as general help in modern farm home all conveniences immigrant or canadian ph stouffville 6600s wanted experienced all- round baker pit 136 brook- lin how driving how it ness making sunshine all my way ever remembered by jean rae nature still has the best air- cooling system and in march its something to blow about klinck in memory of mrs r f kllnck who passed awav in march 1952 we who loved you sadly miss you as it dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are ever near fondly remembered by son ellis daughterinlaw luella and grandchildren mechanic wanted li censed for chrysler plymouth dealership lop wages good working conditions apply to hackney motor sales 139 king st west oshawa dial 53557 wanted cook housekeeper permanently or for three months modern house with all conveniences immediately near transportation own room and bath evenings off other help comes in one day- weekly heavy laundry sent out three adults good wages apply to 27 rivervlew drive toronto giving phone number and address so interview can be arranged cards of thanks our many thanks to our kind neighbors friends and relatives for expressions of sympathy and for help during our recent be reavement and to the hcise hill church group for so kindly pro viding refreshments for the day of the funeral of our dear mother mrs sarah sleckley the family our many thanks to all our friends and neighbors in the altona community for help and offers of help in various ways also the telephone operators and stouffville fire brigade for quick response at the time of the lire we ate indeed grateful wm and mrs reesdr we wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends relatives neighbors goodwood school and second school and teachers baptist church united church and loba for their kindness letters cards gifts and inquiries during allans stay in the hos pital and since returning home everything is very much appre ciated tom mina and allan macheney cars for sale for a safe buy see british oxtario motors reconditioned guaranteed cars 52 morris oxford sedan 50 morris minor coach 49 morris minor coach 19 vanguard sedan trucks 52 international panel 51 morris oxford panel 50 ford pickup 1ton 31 dodge 1 2ton stake tractors 51 waterloo tractor 48 ford tractor 2 16 ford ferguson tractor imi lements springtooth harrow 6000 plow cultivator etc etc name your own terms british ontario motors your meteor mercury lincoln dealer 4 52 ferguson tractors lease dale phone uxbrldge l12rl words cannot adequately express our appreciation of everyones kindness and thoughtfiilness in our bereavement the numerous cards and letters the beautiful flowers and the sympathy ex pressed in so many ways meant very much to all of u- the family of the late auibroc stover we wish to acknowledge with incere thanks the card- fruit and flowers and many kind en quiries during faibr5 lilac o m macklllop and r marian wish to express o friends in stouffville and vicinity for their expressions of sympathy to them in iher re cent berervment mrs datisthl thank-