the tribune stouffvjhe out thursday march 19 1953 ffotti ate decibud salada tea coffee cedar grove the second session of the folk school sot underway last wednesday night at cher ry hill farm with even more members of cedar grove par taking than last term for those of vou who are a little nazv about what goes on at the school or are not sure of what is available it might be a cood idea to go up one night as a guest and find out you may find it quite surprising at the last meeting in the sehoolhouse at one of our soc ial evenings alfred bunker was the guest speaker some who would like to have heard him were unable to attend you may like to know that next monday evening he is to peak at the meeting of the unionville horticultural soci- etv in the anglican church at unionville anyone who miss ed him in cedar grove or who would care to hear him again is most cordially invited to at tend the meeting on monday the arch littles made the news this week with a really j wonderful party last thurs- jday evening which included j euchre square dancing and of course a delicious supper ger trude shoudy put the veteran euchre players to shame by taking the first prize her first attempt at the game she shar ed the honors with frank sew ell who s in top form and looking very well again last week we drew attent ion to the coming carnival at unionville the tickets are now on sale at hillmans and at the unionville arena if you are planning on attending the skating carnival you would be wise to get tickets early and insure a good seat from all reports this promis es to be a gala carnival miss christine kennedy is in charge and the stouivville skater- will be guests on the programme find tractors cause of most accidents on farms 0ax lists safety hints esses goasgggagsggxssaxgsssaaabegc stovers are setting hot cross buns take some home this week the stouffville bakery personnel of the oac engin- eering department never tire of telling farmers about safety no when hundreds of ser ious accident- occur every year and live- are lost simply be cause safety precautions are not followed modern farm machinery while a laborsaving boon to farmers causes about half the fatal farm accidents aid j x turnbuli agricultural lield- man the farm tractor is to blame for the largest number because it is used the most kviu chores dangerous dangerous even doing the chores can ik- dangerous if you arent a good housekeeper and fail to keep stabsways and ladders in afe condition with electri city available it is foolish to tramp around in the dark if you do install lights have a professional job done that will puss inspection if there are childern around alawys be sure hay and straw- chutes are guarded anil tools em of the way young and old can fall on slippery walks and paths and it doesnt hurt to a sand pile handy here are some do and donts tor machinery and truck safty your safety steps 1 keep the tractor in safe condition at all times 2 drive carefully along steep slopes and banks 3 alawys keep power take off shield and other safety shiels in place 1 he careful 1 when crarik- mgany motor a keep the car and truck j in safe condition c be courteous driving is a privilege not a right t alawys assumes that the- worst is going to happen and be ready for it s use proper lights and markers ontraelors and mach ines 9 teach other drivers by your good examples 10 dont drive at unsafe speeds 11 dont disbey road signs- are all for a good reason if your arent abolutely you can make it dont n you are or intoxieat- tnev 12 ure pass 13 dont driv drowsy nervous ed 11 dont drive tractors on busy highways unless absol- neeessary 15 dont permit extra riders at any tiime 16 dont travel at unsafe speeds it dont dismount from tractor before stopping power takeoff 18 dont hiteh to any part of the tractor except the draw bar 19 dont wear loose cloth ing watch loose clothing farmers may help thier wives out by repairing accid ent traps in the home such as medicnie cabinets easily reach by children as well as as gasline and matches it is best to keep young children in play pens or enclosed yards until they realize what the cream for best results ship your cream to stouftville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamerv cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone ls6w w w w u f w mww m iahjmm mitk mmmm a3 mm j3 tsstt the defehders important auction sale registered accredited blood tested holstein cattle john deere tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc at lot 24 con 2 vaughan township 1 v miles west of richmond hill vz mile north the property of h edwin stephenson saturday march 21 for full information apply righf away fo no 13 personnel depot waliis home rideau chpilotte sis ottawa ont no 5 personnel depot artillery park bagot street kingston ont canadian army recruiting station 90 richmond st w toronto ont no 7 personnel depot wolseley barracks oxford eliiabeth sts london ont army recruiting centre 230 main street west north boy ont army recruiting centre james st armoury 200 jces st n hamilton ont ggest jobs in the army and to the royal canadian corps has the huge job of erything the army requires ver 220000 different items as the canadian army grows the job of ordnance grows right now more men are needed men who can qualify as storemen clerks tailors shoemakers and can vas workers the army will train men in any one of the many different trades and skills required by ordnance once trained the young man who serves in this corps will find truly outstanding opportunities for promotions with general conditions of service pay and pension plans at an alltime high there are wonderful prospects for young men in ordnance learn a trade and build an unusual and important career for yourself in the royal canadian ordnance corps vou arc eligible if you are 17 to 10 years of age tradesmen to 5 physically fit 60 and able co meet army test requirements tv i applicants should bring birth certificate or other proof of age when reporting for interview 1 v jointie canadian army active force fmi registered holsteitl cattle 1 svlvia rag apple nig no 905004 vaccinated born au gust 21 1950 fresh her heif er calf by side 2 rhonda hug apple burke 1011106 born nov i 1952 3 treylon pearl baron 803- 845 vacc born july 11 1919 fresh her heifer calf by side i vaughan ridge peggy bar on hope born jan 10 1953 5 kairliolm jean pontiae 443- 055 born nov 2g 1939 fresh her heifer calf by side 6 vaughan ridge jane pont iae hope 1030868 born bee 28 1952 7 jean ormsby prescott dut chland g6866s born oct 16 1915 bred feb 7 1953 8 vaughan ridge brenda ln- ka ormsby 1021092 born july 21 1952 9 rag apple posch princess ann 721820 vacc born nov 20 1916 bred oct 22 1952 lovaughan ridge posch nora 1016905 vacc born may s 1052 ii supreme maggie 601130 vacc born march 16 1911 supposed to calf april 28 12 vaughan ridge supreme nellie 092797 vacc born february 20 1952 blxina texal ormsby 756591 vacc born aug 28 1917 bred jan 8 1953 1 icarola rag apple 779050 vacc born sept 20 1917 bred feb 11 1953 lovaughan ridge rag apple eleanor 956996 vacc born june 30 1951 bred oct 17 1952 16 vaughan ridge texal ten- sen tiny 8690s6 vacc born bee 2 j 1919 bred bee 5 1952 17 rag apple patsy reecho 829801 vacc born march 17 1919 bred jan s 1953 kvrubbles bekol posch sco- 037 vacc born nov 1 1919 bred sept 12 1952 lovaughan ridge fond hope beckv 1019515 vacc born march 30 1952 20vaughan ridge roxanna sovereign 923622 vacc born doc 27 1030 bred nov 10 1052 21grade holstein cow yrs old bred feb 21 1053 22grade holstein heifer calf born sept 20 1952 all above mentioned cattle are fully accredited and blood tested and vaccinated mostly all arc large sized cattle bred by toronto district cattle breeder- association i m plenums john deere model p tractor oit rubber complete with starter light- and power lakeoil this tractor i- in perfect condition 3furrow metormick deerhig ace bottom tractor plow near rmw mh tractor stilt tooth culti vator dual power lift s ft near new iietirv bissel disc harrow tandem s ft good set 3seet spring tooth har rows mecotmuk reeling fertilizer grain brill 15 disc iractm hitch danger means although bulls and horse are becoming scarce that does- not mean they are not danger ousif you have them around here ate a few more safety point 1 build a safe bull pen 2 cheek harness stanchions etc for signs of wear 3 treat animals with kind ness but with firmness 1 alawys keep yourselfin the clear when working with animals 5 dont trust the safe bull 6 dont permit inexperienc ed persons to handle far man- mals 7 dont leave a team of bores unattended 8 dont wrap either reins or a rope around the wrists while animals driving leading pullets 1995 ior 1 wrxnh canadian per 100 uimsovkl llvivllkhy canadian accrkd1ted wiitc for complete 1ilee 11st skyline farms ltd kettleby ont or phono aurora 12j stouivviue v2s auction sale holstein cattle 23 registered 20 grades fully accredited blood tested and vaccinated farm implements 2 mh tractors milking machine etc the propertv of b h muirhead rri todmorden agincourt zone 2305 don mills rd lawrence ave entrance off lawrence ave north york twp tuesday march 24 kej and grade cattle mh manure spreader tractor trailer type 2 wheels new on rubber case binder 10 ft power take off real good set 4seet drag harrows mh corn cultivator two row case rubber tired wagon flat rack 2 gas barrels rubber tired wagon rack set sloop sleighs with rack set team harness whiffletrees neckyokes forks shovels and other articles grain and hay approx 200 bus oats feed approx 100 bus clinton oats for seed power cleaned approx 12 ton baled straw quantity baled timothy hay quantity baled sweet clover hay good dairy equipment surge milking machine 2 sin gle units complete with pip ing and outlets near new good condition hp electric motor 10 to 12 can electric milk cooler complete with cabin et and 94 hp motor and gyr- ator number of milk pails strain ers etc roll of fence wire and barb wire number of anchor and wood en fence posts 1100 ft of snow fence kg steel fence posts milk cart electropail heater complete with cable quantity of hardwood and softwood planking pea and hay seed wind sow er complete with guards used on any tractor mower furniture coldspot electric refrigerator s cuft new general electric range new apartment size complete with approx 25 ft cable general electric washing ma chine new mcclary kitchen range black and cream enamel coal or wood with water reservoir and high back steel top new kitchen suite complete with table buffet 4 chairs new dinette suite complete with table buffet 4 chairs new magazine rack and table rca table model radio elec bedroom suite new complete with bed springs and spring inauress dresser and chest of drawers birch finish bedroom suite good complete with bed springs spring mattress and dresser solid walnut dining room table utility table small cabinet puil out couch wiili mattress 5 scatter rugs blind made chesterfield chair 2 congoleum rugs almost now wicker fern stand complete set of china dishes for eight people wall mirror ah above mentioned furniture is exceptionally good con dition and near new number of dishes glassware cooking utensils linen- bed herd mary supreme antony dec 1919 vacc 7156 fresh sept terraview posch kan a twin may 1 1917 vacc 80278r3 bred feb 20 elsie manowar antony sep 3 1950 vacc 7i191qg fresh feb 5 boris brenda dekol march 11 1919 vacc 74327qg fresh nov 28 oi lo champion teake feb 27 1950 vacc 51052s5 bred sept 19 ol 10 fobes posch dutchland jupy 9 1919 vacc 51910s5 due march 6 to renibro tex al sovereign aga pluto oriole july 29 1919 7s091n1 bred sept 1g aga segis rag apple julv 25 1946 30183t3 bred oct 15 aga oriole greta april 15 10 78057x1 bred oct 22 maple hedge wayne 3rd feb 12 1951 vacc g7227q6 maple hedge elizabeth 2nd march 10 51 vacc 0722sq6 bred dec 2 maple hedge lona ra nov 23 1951 vacc 33g75v6 daisy willow slope korndvkc sept 15 1951 vacc 33502vg bred feb 6 peggy creator lucky lad ju ly 2 1951 vacc 335s0vg bred feb 11 maple hedge janet twin oct 11 1950 vacc 07221q0 bred nov 10 catherine segis sovereign waiutse july 1 1052 vacc 629g5qg rita creator dekol browtop nov 28 1052 6296i7g margaret oriole sovereign wallace julv 20 1952 vacc 62960zg linda canary crusader aug o 1952 vacc g2967z6 sharon texal trixie nov 23 1952 6296826 jean dutchland korndyke comet march s 1952 vacc 335ssv6 gloria manowar texal sov ereign feb 7 1953 july 1917 vacc 75252r5 due march 15 march 1919 vacc 90i01r bred jan 3 vacc vacc vacc ace ding dulits blanket- etc sale at 1230 pm harp term cah i goulding clerk cattle sale at 330 pm no reserve as farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers june 19 18 vacc oct 5 julv loio vacc oct 13 nov 10 io jan 30 mar 1910 august dec loio nov 20 aug 1050 jan 26 dec 1031 march 30 lm 1951 i dec 2 jan 1051 dec 15 dec 1950 dec 17 june 1951 feb 6 nov 1951 feb v julv 193 sept 1931 feb 25 sens 1051 vh oct 1951 vacc apr 1932 vacc used jxcepi 7i315q6 i85g2r1 s3 1 1 1 to i0103r5 7 155 bred bred bred bred bred vacc 7ipi7qi bred 3507v6 71oq 7h92qg 71i01q6 355vr 33595vg due bred bred bred bred bred vacc 1 k5s7vg ire breeding vacc 3350i vo bred i50iv6 novo ssovfi for the above number six herd sire ilawkherst rra marksman bert oct 19 51 sire hoeland rag apple marksman dam ilawkherst bertha empress good phii 3y 305 2x 13775 551 102lv 300 plus 2x 1201 i 177 397 list of breeding available or recpiest implements mh tractor 11 new 1951 mll tractor 102 senior mll 6ft clipper combine mh pickup for clipper 195 case 28ft may and grain el evalor 1952 tractor snow plow hvdraulji lift tractor snow plow hydraulii lift with buckets ford army truck new engnit with stock rack and snow plow mll double disc harrow mh 1 tooth cultivator cockshuu manure spreader wheels oliver manure spreader wheels on rubber mll 3furrow plow mll springtooth harrow 2 lsection drag harrows 2 rubbertire wagons wit racks mh rubberlire wagon r ler bearings 2wheei trailer coekshutt sidedelivery rak new 1951 mll 12fl dump rake mh no 8 hay loader shj bottom 1950 case hammer mill with pn ing 1950 mll grain drill 13 spouts fe tilizer and seed mccd 6fl mower coekshutt 7ft power mowei delaval milking machine units 2 moffait elec pail heaters ii 1c milk cooler i cans i hc 7ft grain binder mh 509 1way disc new mh 8ft grain binder mh corn binder mll com scuirier 2 row 100 feet hay steel rack wit carriage fork and rack 3section land roller scuffler 1050 garden drj mh 20disc grain and fert izer drill power lift doublemould plow turnip seed drill steel posts pesthole digg i rolls snow fence 1 roll 10strand fence 5 roll- fsed barb wire platform scales wagon ge power emery stone vi milk cart i cans milk cart 1 can steel feed hopper chute 12 water bowls and far float set stewart electric clipper 3 gem electric fencer- net 3 electric fencers uen 2 electric motors 60eycli forced water pump 1 water troughs 2 pig or calf crates good circular saw with man teel frame 1919 while wooden gates irons also wire gates mcclary range coal moffatt electric range few pieces of furniture cyclone seeder large dog house pump la 2 tractor belts small paint spray i tractor tire 5x2g gpjy li new sale at 1200 noon terms cash jas smith clerk sharp cattle sale at 230 pm no reserve as farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers