the tribune stotufvilie oat thursday march 5 1953 claremont and pickering twp district with a s 3 ttead from vaj 0 commumi e- aithin th pj c i vl iv m rs uc ko p nt of dom bo r a dress d erma dur r- the m evea an nowk dge 0 everj ea vo rk speaking diree ly to th a udien ce during the nc n i le an m- versary oi th 2 th of he oshaiva te ai was obsfi r v- ed with each ire- ie of ne period speslcin if iv in turn of her particular role aftei bei ng presented with a co sage of flow- ers a huge bir th ay cake was cut and served to all pr sent dun ng the afternoon m aileei hi z halifax poke g o mgly the budget estimates for twp of pickering up 100000 brougham mr hid mrs mvrtle 1 speaker of ontario house addressed commencement according to estimates placed before pickering council on mon day afternoon the township bud get for 1053 is headed for an in crease of a little over 100000 estimates for township purposes show little change with county and secondary schools making up the milk truck driver injured in mishap work being carried on among new canadians upon arrival from european countries by the united church and the other denomina tion representatives and of the happiness of emigrants on arrival to canada their future home some small gift is presented to the children which please- them so much she spoke of one boy whose great desire was to own a ball which unfortunately was not at hand when he arrived with the exception of the press secretary who has moved to western can ada all officers of the past year were returned to office for 1953 the sum of 18630 had been remitted to the treasurer being 1650 above the allocation for the past year of oshawa presbytery an invitation was extended from centre st oshawa to the presby- terial for next year and accepted congratulations to miss marian norton and mr joe legg who have won special distinction in their high school year at picker ing mr and mrs al robinson have returned home after a short vacation in florida mr and mrs 1 norton enter tained members of the family with a birthday party in honor of their eldest son lawrence on sat- urday evening feb 28th as mrs s taylor was stepping out of her door lat week the strong wind blew it with great force squeezing and injuring part of her foot severely causing great pain which kept her confined throughout the week and necessi tating her mothers administra tions miss marian taylor has also been confined to the home during the week with tonsilitis mr g mcconnell has been enjoying a short vacation visiting among old friends in western canada last saturday the remain ing members of a regiment of the first world war gathered for their annual banquet a pleasure mr mcconnell had been unable to enjoy for various reasons through out the previous years mr and mrs w richardson of wexford visited with mr and mrs 1 empringham and grandchildren last friday mr and mrs lackey and son of fraserville wore sunday guests with rev and mrs 11 lackey and children mr and mrs joe ward and children of oshawa were visitors with his parents mr and mrs w ward and mr and mrs v evans and family mr and mrs f binstead and mr and mrs quantz and young son motored to peterboro on sun day where they visited with mr chas binstead and family mrs frank carson her young daughter barbara and mrs w evans have been bed patients for a week recently with the flu on friday evening march 0th the recreational committee is holding a junior hop for teen agers at the community hall beginning at 730 pm refresh ments will lie served increa e county purposes will require an additional 2283 uk and the oper ation of pickering high school will cost an additional 2419440 police for the front of the town- ship will increase approximately 10000 the total estimated budget for 1053 is sl91300s0 an estimated increase of 101s0525 over the 1052 figure these figures are less the grants id be received from the provincial government which in the ease of roads is fifty percent and for secondary education 65 ontario countys levy against pickering has been steadily in creasing and the introduction this year of a debenture for the new county home for the aged added considerable pickerings share of the new high school debenture is 81035011 it was also revealed that ajax which is within the pickering high school area has asked for a second high school and the local board has okayed a proposal for a half million dollar school the cost of transporting students from ajax to the present new high school is a substantia figure an ivrai mr mai ligaments his knee evening recently while home on the hill east o ciareaiom in the fog and ice he was obliged to stop his milk truck to make adjustment- when a ear drove up from behind and struck him an xray was taken or sunday when the extent of his injuries was dis covered greenwood mcphail were pegg home last mr and mrs visitors at the e saturday the smith family of toronto were callers on mr and mrs fred byers last sunday afternoon mr and mrs geo griffin were also visitors glen major mr and mrs joe jones and lela visited wednesday afternoon with mrs win hopkins and family of ashburn mr and mrs albert lee and family of islington spent the week end with mr and mrs j a hing ston some from here attended the commencement at the pickering high school on friday evening miss eleanor johnson is teach ing at siloarii this week mr and mrs george picketi spent wednesday evening with mr and mrs jim jones mr and mrs joe jones visited thursday with mr and mrs charles fiss miss lillian risebrough of lx- bridge spent the weekend at her home wedding lels are ringing to the south of us mr and mrs ed johnson and family visited monday with mr and mrs joe jones mr everet leitch and miss hilda hopkins of ashburn called on mr and mrs charles fiss on saturday evening mr charles fiss spent monday in toronto appeals to council when discharged fey road superintendent james griffin operator of the pickering township gravel crush er for four years appeared before township council on monday to appeal for a reason why lie had been discharged griffin attempted to sharply question road supt roy ward who had discharged him but council barred any argu ing and heard each mans story privately griffin charged that the road boss had fired him for persona grievance but was interrupted by reeve geo todd road supt ward told council that the discharged man was unsatisfactory on the job the stories of the two men sharp ly conflicted councillor michel attempted to have the matter tabled but coun cillors newman and lawson block ed this move and in the vote which followed deputyreeve bal sdon voted not to hear the matter this is ticklish business com mented reeve todd councillor newman proceeded to be the chief questioner of mr griffin and mr ward with the exception of councillor newman who did not commit himself the council expressed the view that the road supt should lie support ed in his action deputy reeve balsdon stated that he didnt think the council should enter the picture since the the wa will meet on thurs- d iv afternoon marc h 12 the p ace of meeting will e announc- e 1 thi s sunday the men of the e ongregation are holding their annual oyster supper on march 17th more par ticulars next week mr james tucker and miss betty waddell were visitors with mrs wilson and les last sunday afternoon rev henry moore of strathcona man wtts the minister on the greenwood circuit last sunday the same evening a meeting was held and an invitation has been extended to him to be our minister commencing the first sunday in july congratulations to joey pegg winner of so many trophies at the pickering high school last friday evening the farm forum met on mon day night at the home of mr and mrs 1 mclean the regular meeting of the i evening auxiliary of the wms was held at the home of the president mrs c clossou on wednesday evening feb 25th the worship service on the theme the sacrament of the lords supper and the program the church of christ in angola was presented by mrs c e pegg she was assisted by mrs f hayward and mrs wm pegg the business session followed ft was decided to have a shower of toys at the march meeting to be sent to mis sionaries at port of halifax for immigration work the meeting will lie held at the home of mrs f webb a bis man sets that way by cloinj things he doesnt want to do at tli times lie doesnt want to do them a boarding house is a place where hot water comes out of the cold tap and cold water comes out of the hot lap and nobody coiner out of the bathroom road stqit of men in did the hiring and firinv the road department aaaaavvva used cars 1951 pontiac 2011 coach deluxe radio heater undercoating good condition si 72500 1951 ponriac 2269 sedan heater undercoat ed special wheel clean 161500 1950 pontiac 2569 sedan heater undercoated new motor clean 159500 1949 chevrolet 1069 sedan deluxe heater undercoated radio clean 132500 1948 pontiac 2219 sedan heater good tires 1 19500 1948 plymouth sedan heater radio 109500 1946 nash sedan heater good condition 91500 spray painting we are now in position to look after your spray paint ing needs on cars trucks and tractors we are fortunate in having fred collingwood in our employ to look after our paint shop fred collingwood conies to us with 25 years experience at one of the largest toronto car dealers come in and see fred about that paint job chas cooper of i e or friday last week with t taunt mrs matthews i mr ambrose hastings eon hope to see him around again in the near future- mr and mrs w c wiilson accompanied by mr and mrs francis wiilson visited with mr and mrs m b burk at stoutfvihe on sunday evening congratulations to mr and mr- harold hubbord on the birth of a on neil david in the oshawa hospital on february 28 visitors at the home of mr and mr- w h ellicott on suhdav were mr and mr- wallace elli cott and diana and mr gamble of toronto and mr and mrs man- son ellicott and bill who all met to help celebrate mrs kllieotts birthday mr and mrs s pugh and family of whitevale visited with mr and mrs l t johnston on sunday mr and mrs dean mairs return ed home on wednesday evening after a pleasant motor trip to florida mr ind mrs ceo knox and i carol of eniiiskilleh visited his j parents mr and mrs wm knox j on sunday i the euchre sponsored by the j wl was held as usual on tuesday evening the following were prize j winners ladies mrs ii barclay mrs e baker mrs gardiner genu- mr p hardy mr r pilkey mr e beare the series prize went to mr e williams who had the largest count for the month the regular meeting of the wms was hold on thursday afternoon at the home of mrs geo duncan with the president mrs h barclay presiding a hymn was sung followed by the scripture readings given by mrs wm dun can and mrs wm ellicott the report of the wms presbyterial rally held in oshawa on tuesday of last week was given by mrs lack mitchell the program was in charge of mrs johnston sr and her group whose subject was african trails as taken by the study book alter the singing of a hymn the meeting was closed with the benediction by mrs johnston sr lunch was served by the hos tesses mrs geo duncan mrs b ritchie mrs w rayles and mrs lloyd johnston march 12th is the date for the next meeting of tile home and school association all parents of children in the community whether of preschool or school age are urged to come along for the evening the ladies are asked to bring along some refreshments the meeting will be held in the school at s pm the regular meeting of the women- institute will be held on tuesday march 10 in the town ship hall the program is in charge of the historical research convener mrs geo gray and the roll call is bring or name a pick ering product the hostesses are mrs m ellicott mrs ray elli cott mrs harlock mrs hetu and mrs bayles blue cross dues may bo paid at this meeting an enjoyable social evening was held in the township hall on wed nesday of last week when a num ber of friends and neighbors met to spend a pleasant evening with mr and mrs m harlock ere they leave for their new home a sing song and vocal numbers bv mr robt miller and mr david nor ton and musical selections by bill ellicott started the evening off mr w c wiilson as master of ceremonies called mr and mrs harlock to the platform and read the following address dear friends we your neighbours and the residents of this community have gathered here tonight to express to you the regrets which your leaving us has caused and to wish you happiness ami success in the locality to which you are go ing during your sojourn in brougham and through the bus iness in which you were engaged you met many people and made a multitude of friends in our town hip and neighboring localities who trusted your good judgment and selling ability the genial manners and hospitality of your home coupled with an honest effort on your part u make a satis factory deal for your patrons was much appreciated your will ingness to help in the different organizations of the village and the kind neighborly acts will long be remembered by your associates here we ak you to accept these gifts as a slight token of our appreciation for your efforts while in our midst and trust you may be spared to enjoy them many hours together in your new- home for many years to come signed this 25th lay of february 1953 or behalf of the committee kenneth pascoe rob a miller ross krox w c wiljson mr and mrs harlock were presented with a trihght lamp tw matching boudoir lamps an end table and 3 mantle clock mr and mrs har- high sch i addui n rwentysevengrade 2 umerts and their social studies teacher mr w parish paid a weekend i to ottawa on february 20 and 21 while in the capital they visited a session of the parliament and were guests in tire parliament buildings for lunch with the hon- urable m starr the local mp the premier honourable louis st laurent visited with the stu dents during the luncheon as did al the party leaders the trip con cluded with a visit around the city of ottawa and its environ- the rev m c davies speaker of the ontario legislature address ed pickering district high school s first graduating class on february 27 the following students of gradt- 13 were presented with diplomas and awards cnampon trophy donated by boyes drug co carolyn smith winner of the al round girl trophy donated by the highland dairy senior girl track and field champion ship donated by boyes drugs french prize tirade 12 donated by the catholic womens league science prize donated by the ajax rotary club the wilfred hunt prize 2500 for the girl with the highest academic standing in grade 12 in addition to thee high school graduation diplomas intermediate high- school diplo mas and the awards for scholar ship sports and activities were presented beverly ialby yalediciorian winner of second carter scholar ship for ontario county value s00 physics and chemistry prize 500 donated by pickering district high school teaching staff high est proficiency student prize don ated by the ontario chapter of the eastern star a w mitchell prize for the highest academic stand ing value 2500 donated by 1 s balsdon marvin jones winner of the biology prize donated by the teaching staff of the pickering district high school value 500 sonya ronald honour gradu ation diploma barbara knips winner of the dowty equipment co prize in english value 2500 the french prize donated by the teaching stall of pickering district high school value 500 maine lishman winner of the latin prize donated by the teaching staff of pickering dis trict high school 500 winner of the history prize donated by the teaching staff of the pickering district high school value nol canadian bank of prize for top ranking member of the dairy calf club av p xeale prize for top showman on calf club achievement day value 500 the ontario agricultural college short course scholarship shared with david pegg donated to them jointly by township federation of agricul ture value 1500 keith carson honour gradu ation diploma catherine falby honour grad uation diploma jim bray honour graduation diploma alan ward honour gradua tion diploma joe pegg winner of the all round boy trophy donated by the dunbarton kiwanis club winner of the 2500 prize for the boy with the highest academic standing in grade 12 donated by oxford paper products music prize value 500 presented by brougham womens institute speaker of the house in the student parliament intermediate boy track and field cyril morley is pickering reeve nine for council mr cyril morley was acclaimed reeve of the newly incorporated village of pickering at a nomina tion meeting held on thursday night mr morley was formerly the secretary of the trustee board which carried on the business of the police village during the past forty years it appears however that there will be considerable contention for the four council seats with nine candidates in the field they are as follows j c parkey j s balsdon gordon bray jack bryant john ashton douglas johns grant messir harry purvis and irving white the election date has been set for march 9th with voting hours from 10 am to s pm of the nine candidates in the running mr j s balsdon and mr grant messir held office on the trustee board there are some 3g0 eligible voters in the village cherrywood the regular monthlv meeting lock in a few well chosen words thanked all for the gifts a dainty lunch followed and the remainder of the evening was spent dancing if value 500 cherrv wood wa will be held in commerce t hall on wednesdav march ii at 230 word for roll call is work mr and mis wilmot gates and mr william morrish were in trenton a few days this past week mr gates and mr morrish were plaving in a badminton the pickering j tournament sympathy of the community is extended to mr and mrs t evesingham in the death of her father a special invitation is extended to the parents and to all the com munity to attend sunday school on march 15 at 10 am when a number of boys and girls will receive their diplomas for attend ing sunday school at least 75 of the sundays in 1952 mr g attrell of fairport will speak to the sun day school a number of the ladies attended the annual wa meeting in kew reach united church on feb 27 in toronto the home and school are having a euchre and dance in the school on friday evening march 13th at s30 everybody welcome ladies please provide revised two can live as cheap ab one can live and pay taxes v coop dairy feeds co-op- 16 dairy ration 24 dairy supplement 32 dqiry concentrate 20 calf starter grower vitamin d reinforced for winter feeding claremont coop phone 38 collect claremont ont