the tribune stoutfviile out thursday february- 26 1953 m put sprin flmi in your clothes cma finer dot cleaning our gentle dry cleaning meth ods restore all the rich color and patterns that make your ties look just right beautifully reshaped too no surface shine try this reasonably- priced service today for the rest of your wardrobe too stouffville cleaners phone stouffville 343 a scientist says mans energy is worth a penny an hour watch it take a sudden drop when spring arri brierbush hospital day and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed mau street east stouffville public speaking contest announced by legion a province wide public speaking competition for elementary and secondary school pupils with branch zone and district elimina tion contests was announced last week by the education and citizenship committee of the ontario command of the canadian legion this competition replaces the essay contest on empire sub jects which has been sponsored by this committee for the past few years the final competition for the provincial championship awards in which the district win ners will compete will be held at the ontario provincial conven tion of the legion in sudbury on august 2nd the district winners will each receive a free trip to the sudbury convention to take part in the final event a list of subjects stressing the importance of the empire and the significance of the coronation of queen elizabeth 11 ha- leen drawn up by the committee and the contestants must choose their subjects from this list there are two separate competitions one for elementary school children and one for secondary school children subjects for the elementary school pupils are the corona tion our town our school section and our queen secondary school pupils may choose from the following sub jects the significance of corona tion day canadian common wealth citizenship canadas xew frontiers conservation of natural resources canadas dollars the rest in the world canadas place in the empire the commonwealth the em pire what the coronation means to me branches all over ontario have been asked to organize their local contests in cooperation with the educational authorities the local branch contest winners will then take part in the zone contests and the winners of these will in turn go on to the district competitions winners in which will be eligible for the final competition in sud bury this weeks sunday school lesson jesus condemns false leadership golden text whomever hall exalt himself halt be ahaed and he that shall humbh- him self hall he exalted matt 2 12 approach to the lesson our lords hatred of hypocrisy is positively terrifying it is diffi cult to realize that the speaker of the burning withering words ddresed to the pharisees in this this cannot refer to the flesh ana j blood relationship no man may usurp the place of god thel marie jack hamdressing heavenly father in our lives nor claim his title verse 10 neither be ye called masters for one is your master even christ the word for mas business directory chapter of our lesson is the same ter here signifies leader if we make christ our leader others will follow us and so follow him 1 cor 111 verse 11 rut he that is great est among you shall lie your ser- vant servant here is not a hired peroii flo evienueu tne stauotifi kmi crint inn nn invitation to the weary and heavylwim or a bond e vam but one laden to come to him and rest i matt 112830 or the same of jl s1 monument works stouffville orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor telephone 89j2 central feed store phone 277 stouffville mormill dairy poultry and hog feeds blue coal kleenflo fuel oil order your agrtco and aa quality fertilizer umm cream for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamerv cold storage lockers and fast freezing facilities stouffville creamery co to have our truck call phone 186v pabaagg excavating grading all kinds of bulldozing done cellars creeks fence rows dams a rri gormley r sanders ph stouffville 67307 iraririrmnrtxtrriitiriir whom it was said he shall not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the street chap 121 at the same time without the passion of holy wrath manifest in this fiery denunciation of hypocrisy and cant all the tenderness and gentleness would have been only weakness they are simply different expressions of the same strong righteous divine character if we have never known righteous anger firing our blood all our pretended love is mere sentimentality another thing we should bear in mind as we come to this chapter our lord had a right to deal with the beam in the eyes of the phari sees for there was no mote in his eye generally we try to deal with the mote in our brothers eye under the handicap of a beam in our own matt i35 here was no prejudiced view of things but the inerrant judgment of him who knew all men and needed not that any should testify of man for he knew what was in man john 221 23 this chapter should banish for ever the sissified impression of christ that is too often conveyed in religious art none was more loving more kind more com passionate but none could be more stern more unbending more withering in his fearless judg ment as for us we had better be slow to use such denunciatory language we might be wrong it is better to leave judgment in the hands of him who cannot err at least let us never engage in such denuncia tion unless the sob of verse 37 is in our heart and let us make sure that we ourselves do not come under the lash of his whip verse by verse matt 23 1 to the multitude and to his disciples jesus addressed the crowd in verses 2 to 7 and addressed his disciples in verses s to 12 see a similar situa tion in chapter 13 verse 2 the scribes and the pharisees sit in moses seat the word seat cathedral is used in an oilicial sense as roman cath olics speak of the chair of peter however unworthy the occupants of the office christ recognized the office verse 3 whatsoever they bid you do but do not ye after their works the command to obedience could apply only insofar as the scribes represented moses in whose seat they saftbut their example was contrary to their pre cepts and christ warned against copying them verse 1 for they bind heavy burdens but will not move them with one of their fin gers they did not accept for themselves the obligations which they imposed on the people but acted as if the teacher were exempt from his own precepts verse 5 to be seen of men phylacteries borders of their garments they were punc tilious regarding the external formalities of religion those things which would call attention to their piety jesus warns against this religious parade in matthew 0 118 verse g the uppermost rooms at feasts and the chief seats in the synagogues the pharisees and scribes always coveted the places of preference at social or religious functions by rooms is meant places see luke 14 ml verse 7 greetings rabbi rabbi always the thirst for recognition and to be thought important rabbi is one of the official titles for a teacher verse 8 but be not ye called rabbi all ye are brethren christs followers must not be covetous of titles titles are not generally used in the family circle the words even christ should be omitted from this verse thev belong to verse 10 for master in this verse read teacher verse 9 and call no man your father for one is your father god greatness is measured by ser vice rendered to others in a glad free spirit verse 12 exalt abased humble exalted this is one of the chief laws of the king dom of god always the way up is down see phihppians 2511 verse 37 o jerusalem jerusa lem this seems to have been a lamentation which jesus repeat ed on more than one occasion per haps often as his rejection be came more and more apparent see the different setting in luke 13 3135 we want to feel the pathos of it verse 3s behold your house is left unto you desolate the best authorities omit desolate as the glory of the lord departed from the temple and jerusalem in the days of kzekiel resulting in their desolation at the hands of nebu chadnezzar so christs abandon ment of the temple and jerusalem- resulted in their desolation at the hands of the romans verse 39 blessed is he that cometh in the name of the lord a quotation from psalm 11s2g prophetic of the glory of the reject ed messiah who will come again to his people in power the use of this acclamation by the multi tudes chap 219 did not repre sent the attitude of the nation but he will yet be nationally so acclaimed by israel lloyd aventk stoaffriuv permanent waving machine maehlneless cold wt halretyling and shaping phone 178wl rennies transport phone 121 stouffville sand gravel loam screened stone any size dally service to toronto phone wa 9003 toronto ftokm laniii of sunshine a flying side trip to hovono where you spend two nights ond one day sightseeing is a feature of this attractive tour in florida you visit st augustine silver springs tampa and st petersburg in miami you enjoy a tour of miami and miami beach then the scenic south bay cruise and a trip to key west and therel sightseeing all the way when you go by bus atk your agent for mi dttaiu of this ond many olhr pleaturt planntd vocolhm tp2 m8p round trip fare from toronto svbtcf ro change includes hotel room for 13 nights 2 in a room the hear of the lesson after completely routing the various groups of jews who tried to corner him with their ques tions jesus addressed himself to four different audiences first he spoke to the multitude chap 23 27 then to his disciples vs s- 12 then to the scribles and phari sees vs 1333 then to the city of jerusalem represented by the leaders present vs 3139 addressing the crowds the lord bade them respect the office of their religious teachers but warn ed them against the hypocrisy of those who filled it their hypo crisy was manifest in two ways their failure to practice what they preached and their inordinate thirst for public recognition utterly unrighteous in their con duct they covered their wicked ness with a great show of piety and required the people to address them with titles of honor the lord jesus will not have those who go forth to teach in ilis name fall into the same snare so he turns to his disciples and warns them against carnal ambi tion and worldly display they are not to covet the rabbinical titles they are not to elevate any man to a place of supremacy as if he were the father of the saints and they are to lead by serving surely these instructions apply to all the lords people not only- to the apostolic band we are broth ers and brothers treat one another on the basis of family equality an older brother may bear paternal responsibilities toward the youii- er children if the father is remov ed by death but our father is not dead we do not need a father in heaven and another in rome or on the banks of the hudson father divine even our great leader christ exercised his leader ship by serving and he will lead best who serves most the longest section of this chap ter is addressed to the scribes and pharisees and is the most fiery and most sustained indictment of men that ever fell from the sacred lips we tremble as we listen to these words from the meek and lowly jesus there is nothing vindictive in them they only express the wrath of the divine holiness and the divine love against sham and hypocrisy and spiritual tyranny some have lightly affirmed that jesus never despaired of any man that is not true he is here speaking to men of whom he despaired men whom he was giving up giving up to their apostasy and their reprobacy and their hypocrisy here is no call to repentance no offer of mercy no plea to come to him his last word to these men is how can ye escape the damna- i lion of hell he turns to the city represent ed by these men he prophesies how she is going to bring to the full her iniquity not only by slay- ing hinif he does not mention that but by maltreating his mes- i sengers the prophets of the new i testament then he pronounces the doom in words so fell of sor row that we can scarce read them without the lump in the throat and the tear in the eve but if there was no hope for that partic ular group of pharisees upon whom he passed judgment there is hope for jerusalem she will vet acclaim her king blessed is he that cometh in the name of the urd auctioneers sellers atkinson ill agin 201w2 ph stouit 363 licensed auctioneers and sale managers over 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere specializ ing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and advertised rills prepared and posted at no exira cost our rates are most reasonable for this complete service which reallv pavs off no sale too bis or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements household furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one milliken po ph agineourt 52w3 markham po ph markham 206 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 107 stouffville e s barker lds dds honor graduate of unwerslty of toronto omr over harolds grill phone 274w stouffville medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office corner of obrien main phone 196 coroner for york countv dr f j button stouffville ontario telephone 371 xray hours daily 9 to 1 2 am tuesday thursday saturday evenings 79 pm and by appointment office over button blk a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone stouffville 67312 j p mcdonald licensed auctioneer farm sales livestock household furniture etc 437 midland ave toronto 18 telephone scar one 7413 real estate consult j a willoughby sons for complete real estate service head office toronto 156 yonge st ad 0605 city and country homes farm and small acreages industrial business properties is your local representative phone 83jl stouffville harvey moyer dr freel herbert b physician telephone 164 xray hours daily except sunday 9 to 12 am tuesday thursday saturday 7 to 9 pm a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville kindly note thai my ollicc will he closed from jan 17th to mar 1st optometrist when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 8711 funeral directors l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 98wl e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville office closed until april repairs sent to picton will be taken care of garnet v gray ro optometrist office hours 030 am to 500 pm evening by nppointment every tuesday 5121 residence of lloyd graham opposite dr freels residence phone 84w3 for appointment insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies reasonable rates prompt service phones 259wl and 259w2 h 0 klinck phone 41w3 stouffville fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds experience strength and service unexcelled tv snowbalps barber shop phone 270j spray painting flat roofing insulation phone aurora 70rl5 w yake j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtesy service telephone 90 markham ontario f g alsop insurance for every purpose phone b0w2 taxi service insure today the coop way inquire at your local coop john sytema ult3 xewninikel out phone 21 ij4 ang stouffville machine tool works telephone ms rear of cnk station electric and acetylene welding kkm machinkio machinery repairs f m pugh phone itswii stouffville general insurance the protection of ones dependent should be the first business of life hence life insurance representing the mutual life of canada prompt k courteous service i stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirement of crushed gravel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin pi in phone li- oflire phono 371 iiml im