the tribune stouffville on thursday february 5 1953 the defence- expenditures com- asittee is now sitting and due to the widespread publicity given the currie report is the centre of much interest here and throughout the country the committee is representative of all parties and has a broad and sweeping reference to look into all defence expenditures with prior ity given to detailed examination of the currie report a similar committee functioned last session and spent many days in detailed examination of all items of expenditure in the defence pro gram there is no item of public expenditure which is not open to the closest scrutiny and this in vestigation includes the awarding of contracts prices paid quality of goods delivered and the disposition and use of all materials the set ting up of this committee with its broad terms of reference should be reassuring to the people of cana da who are troubled by statements made in the currie report vour government and members of all parties here are united in the determination to leave no stone unturned in the effort to make sure as possible that the very best value is obtained for the expendi ture of our defence dollars when irregularities were dis covered at the ietawawa military camp last summer the rcmp were notified and those found guilty of dishonesty were tried and sentenced in the courts and some are now serving jail sentences in an effort to avoid a recurrence of the irregularities the minister of defence appointed mr currie a reputable montreal accountant to make a survey of the service to find any weaknesses in the system and recommend improvements it was this report worded in somewhat unusual form which has been the subject of so much public discussion i do not wish in any way to minimize the importance of the currie report and i hope to deal with it from an objective standpoint entirely free from political bias i will deal in future letters with evidence as it is presented at the hearing and 1 can assure you that my attitude to the whole matter is that the allimportant factor is to search into every nook and cor ner of the whole structure of de fence expenditures this with the aim of eliminating waste or ineffi ciency and making very sure the i best possible system is adopted to guarantee tgainst dishonesty and extravagance estimates the finance minister tabled the yearly estimates this week which provide for expenditures for the coining year of almost 4vi billion dollars defence again accounts for approximately half of this amount although it shows a slight reduc tion from last vear our defence expenditure will total s20007o0c0 in the coming year and while this is a staggering amount it is insur ance we will gladly pay if it suc ceeds in the aim of maintaining peace and sparing the people of canada anil the world the horrors of another war in the constructive field of world betterment provision is made for a contribution by canada next year of another 25 million to the columbo plan an organized world effort to help unfortunate people- in other lands social security canadas social security program in the coming year will cost aboui s7j0 million a considerable in crease over last year old age security payments to those over 70 which is paid with out a means test will cost s3 1 1900- 000 up about 12 million from this year the number of persons re ceiving this pension increased by 7100 over the past three months and at years end stood at 675125 in december 6100 persons received the pension for the first time these figures give some idea of the tremendous extent of social secur ity payments in canada and their importance in our economy statistics show that old age se curity payments in markham township last year totalled s2s1- 700 family allowance payments in the same township in 1952 a- mounted to 28sg0o add the other municipalities of north york and all other counties across canada from the atlantic to the pacific and it is not surprising it adds up to the figures in the estimates old age pensions paid to those 70 and over without a means test will cost about 311900000 up from 332000000 in current year federal contributions on pen sions paid to those between 65 and 70 with a means test are expected to increase to 22000000 from 20000000 family allowances are estima ted at 318900000 up from 322- ocoooo in current year pensions to the blind are expec ted to increase to 3100000 from 3000000 and federal health grants to 30000oco from 27500000 conservation enabling legislation will be -ftolafefir- teut even the bowmen ho toppled armorplated knights at agincourt would have been impressed by the range of a modern aluminum bow ued at a recent britkh ar chery championship it shot the winning arrow a distance of j53 yards made of a special alloy the bow had a tensile strength of thirtytwo tons while sturdy aluminum is play ing an essential part in canadian defence production for the free world were afraid the new alu minum bow is a little late for defence use in our atomic age aluminum company of canada ltd alcan passed this session to provide foi federal contributions and partici pation to water conservation and flood control projects the legisla tion will be based on federal- provincialmunicipal cooperation in such undertakings with the re sponsibility for initiating such plans resting with the municipal ities kuial mail contracts a bill is likely to be introduced this session to provide a new sys tem of awarding rural mail con tracts to replace the present ten der system which has been under fire for a long time there are more than 5500 rural mail routes in canada which cost annual more than 9 million a specified price for each route is likely to be the plan adopted dznadeeb ct waliaua mm county council supports invitation to match if the 1956 international plow ing match is held in ontario county it will be on a farm or farms very close to brooklin agricultural representative lynn fair of uxbridge told county ontario council recenty he and oscar downey speaking for the plowmens association sought the sympathetic support of council in the bid for the big do to go there this matter will be settled early next month at the same time mr fair told council that it is hoped a grant of 1000 will be forthcoming from that body of course no actual financial commitment could be made until 1956 wl i you must have milk tt you and the family arc to stay healthy thats why it is a sensible idea to icep a supply of milk powtlcr in the kitchen always you can use it in mast recipes just as it comes from the container or you viu make it up into fluid milk if your quart runs out at an inconvenient time milk powder is an excellent and inexpensive source of protein and minerals the food values von cant do without dairy foods service bureau 409 huron street toronto ontario former markham man charged with currie report theft montreal jan 23 frederick hensler wanted on a charge of theft of an advance copy of the currie report gave himself up late today to quebec provincial police the small 36yearold printing shop employee walked into police headquarters with alexandre chevalier prominent montreal lawyer at 310 pm hensler was placed under arrest escorted across the street to the montreal courthouse and appear ed immediately before judge rene theberge the criminal court judge who had issued the arrest warrant fixed bail at 500 but the question of preliminary hearing was set aside for decision monday hensler was a former resident of markham and has also been charged with desertion of his family because it was too late for bail arrangements to be made immed iately hensler remained in police custody his lawyer said he will be freed tomorrow when bail formalities are completed henslers surrender come a few hours after hilaire beauregard deputy director of the provincial force said police had been unable to locate the printer in places where he was known the printing shop employee was at work in the notre dame st plant of national lithographing and printing inc until yesterday he had remained at work dur ing the parliamentary fuss over the fact an advance copy of the currie report found its way into the hands of m j coldwell ccf party leader hensler is accused of stealing this copy of the report from the plant mr chevalier made a formal application for a preliminary hear- i ing which opens the door for a jury trial for his client john ahern special crown prosecutor assigned to the case said hensler also known by the names of loveday and vray was a member of the ccf party howskinnygirls get lovely curves gain 5 t 10 lbs new pep thousands who never could raid weight before dow have shapely attractive ncuren no more bony htnbt usiy hollows they thank ostrcx it mite flesh on bodies skinny because blood lacks iron 1ch you up too improves appetite dlccstlon bo food nourishes you better dont tear getting i fat- stop when you caln figure you wish- introductory or rci acquainted riie only gofe try ostrex tonlo tablets tor new pounds lovely curves new pest today at all dtusglsta aaaaabsbca sgqabscgcignaaxgaxsgssgabasgaaaaao excavating grading all kinds of bulldozing done cellars creeks fence rows dams a r sanders rr1 gormley ph stouffville 67307 twivhinfhanmmw a better bread now enriched with b vitamins and iron youve always enjoyed delicious your brand bread youll enjoy eating it more than ever nowl for its enriched with iron and the three important b vitamins thiamine niacin and riboflavin you see science has found a way to add back into white flour wholewheat nutrients lost in the milling and the result is still delicious tempting white bread but bread thats better for you see that your family gets plenty of your brand enriched white bread order some today 10 0 for this m pa unse one p wen you p f when r inr pr ik good t r schneiders t ftstef sure the stouffville bakery ask your schneider dealer for the new crispy flake shortening chneider m