the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 2 1953 make these classified advs your market place cards of thanks in memoriam i wish to thank the aitona wo- j walker lost and found real estate missing would the party who borrowed the electric drill from agnews hardware kind- return it immediately as it is urgently needed hay and grain kok sale it feet of ensilage in 12 ft silo l j harper newmar ket ph 317w4 mixed hay for sale good qual ity also timothy hay wire tied tales h kennedy ph uxbridge 151 r22 36s two apartments for rent 5 rooms low price aiply box t i stoaflville tribune articles for sale also woods electric grain grinder for sale 3 hp motor new r b brown cormley rrl ph 80r5 aurora sale register quantity of e can deliver ph j johnson corn for sale 1004 stouffville 392 100 acres aurora district level land light clay loam soil 75 acres workable 25 bush and pasture 6 room frame house hydro oil space heater good bank barn lit ter carrier implement shed and garage good drilled well 2 sixroom semibungalows hot air furnace all conveniences good size lot for garden ualtvey mover phone 83j1 stouffville j a wllloughby real estate for sale one set of box double bed springs mrs ernest smith 10th st stouffville i kelvinator 75 refrigerator for sale 60 cycle also a rangette with automatic oven control f tatton ph 6402s stouffville miscellaneous radios any make or model repaired fast service pickup and deliver call mel stouff 60713 30ti carpenter work all kinds of carpenter work new buildings repairs or alterations eavetrough- ing and cement work les ogden stouffville ph 65827 17tf if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and processed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call 12tf schells meat market ltd btoultvillc phone 220 will pick up and deliver for sale 1room insulbrick bungalow 4piece bath builtin cupboards oil heated hot water divided cellar residential district immediate possession ph 49j4 stouffville real estate wanted farms and houses wanted list with us for prompt reliable service backed by years of experience in all types of pro perty contact r h crosby for main st s markham ph 199 david mclean limited real tors 30tf for sale large size quebec heater and round dining room extension table both good as new also 2 battery radios and aladdin lamp all in good condition apply percy hardy 2 miles north of claremont on 5th con potatoes for sale a quantity of katahdin sebago varieties b burnell claremont ph 33407 for sale 6 garage doors win dow sash continental double bed small table new scuffler mans bike elec fence posts cedar val ley ranch cedar valley ont mens institute for getting me the use of a wheelchair not being able to walk it is a great comfort to me herb stoutenburg we wish to extend sincere thaaks saturday jan 31 special i and appreciation to friends relatives monthlv auction sale of furniture i aud neighbors for the kindness and and miscellaneous articles as well sympathy and beautiful floral offer- ings received during our recent be reavement especially ir loving memory a k charl we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf electrical wiring installation service repairs leslie leonard ph 3swl stouffville 12tf ken ogdens garage ballaxtrae all makes of 37tf tractors cars repaired phone stouflvllle 00024 insulbrick house for sale har old st stouffville 2c24 4 rooms 3piece bath on lot 100xll7 small fruits good garden oil floor furnace electric automatic water heater well insulated new garage laundry tubs for further information contact w ii kinney ph 51wl real estate client is desirous of borrowing 650000 at 7 by first mortgage on improved farm property in pickering township valued at 2500000 no bonus please con tact g k r frame barrister at pickering 299 after s 3stf piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhardhelntztnan phone fairs radio electric stouffville 306 22tf all orders promptly attended to albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 30316 mount albert 4120 30tf chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phone king 20r5 8tf 21 hour servico anywhere investment opportunities we have a number of excellent op portunities for investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 5000 call collect for further information 27tf wignall and shepherd real estate brokers mnrklinm phone 230 sale a number of hard wood tops gordon ratcliff phone 61006 for sale reef by the quarter grenfell wilson claremont rr2 for sale large solid golden oak sideboard good pit stouff ville 73j3 for sale 2 snow tires wheels and rims complete dave ratcliff ph 64s14 stouffville save fuel 10 days delivery on clear white pine storm windows and combina tion doors custom made to suit your home primer coat of paint hardware supplied and expertly installed 383 russ forfar phone 158 j stouffville wanted wanted one youth bed must he in good clean condition phone stouffville 65502 mrs r hobnail wanted stouffville or claremont small house with a few acres of land reply giving particulars and price to box r co stouffville tribune 393 live stock registered holstein cow for sale fresh second calf ph 6100s sto dogs pups for sale several breeds available phone claremont 62 after s pm 1 1 pigs for sale 3 weeks old stew art rae ph 63s15 stouffville registered shorthorn cow for sale due february 19th ph 67604 stouffville wanted yearling hens must be in good shape highest prices paid h thomas milliken rrl ph 221w2 agincourt wanted good quality turnips suitable for waxing art steckley ph 60s16 stouffville highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph claremont 55w3 36tf wanted up to 100 weaning pigs delivered to claremont ph claremont 20 394 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges etc installed radios ranges toasters irons and other appliances repaired k h mlddlenilss 16if phone 367 stouffville washing machines ah makes repaired and serviced good supply of new and used machines always on hand we are exclusive beatty dealers for new washing ma chines ironers dryers etc c h bell son phone stouffville 281w help wanted organist wanted for claremont united church apply to clerk of session w r evans ph 79jl claremont dead stock crippled stock speedily removed telephone collect stoiiltvillo 74j2 ii a x x e r it e x d k r i x g toronto ly 0237 we are unable to pick up animals under 200 lbs 25tf dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary disposal 52tf telephone collect j toronto east rural ypi stouffville 255 party february 12th refr toronto km 33131 i provided admission 40c gordon young ltd crt v0n m for sale fresh holstein cow calf by side also delaval magnet ic milking machine ph 67606 stouffville geo dowswell wanted one barrel stove small size for burning logs ph stouff ville 61427 chick time again grove chicks are bred for high livability rapid growth high egg production large egg size we have a breed for every need large white leghorns sussex x r i reds white rocks rhode island reds early chicks make the most profit why send away for chicks when you can buy them as good as the best right at home and save money besides incubators running order now 373 phone hatchery stouff 67701 address markham rr2 wanted to buy all kinds of live poultry best cash prices paid call mr m nash stouff g2s04 31tf highest prices paid for old cars and trucks for wrecking also scrap iron auto rads and batteries stouffville auto wreckers stouff- er street ph 66j6 26tf cars for sale for sale 1949 chevrolet de- luxe sedan in good shape 1175 phone stouffville 60s12 mr s d white stripping 1941 pontiac engine in al condition parts will fit models up to 1950 other good parts will fit chev gm custom radio walter urillinger gormley ph 67103 for sale 1934 chev in good condition 17500 or best- offer burrows garage brougham cars trucks reconditioned tractors guaranteed coming events 50 ford 1ton pickup 1095 51 morris ton panel 1095 50 morris minor coach s95 19 morris minor coach 650 3s ford panel 100 51 waterloo tractor plow 695 is mh tractor with loader and plow 1050 45 ford tractor 995 46 ford ferguson 695 44 ford ferguson 595 wallis tractor 295 garden tractor implements 100 easy terms cash trade rltltish ontario motors lcuskiliile ph uvbridge losrlt 392 the ladles of christ church ang lican wa are holding a valentine tea and rake sale feb 14th in the parish hall notice to creditors in the matter of the estate jof i1axna anna i kitching i late of the village of stouffville in of york widow de- radiators and heater cores repaired cleaned fast service pickup deliver call mel venn stouffville 60713 attention general tic good neighbour club january 31st 1953 at vivian school at s pm membership cards now available everyone welcome come and help plan future activities no admission notice the betty beauty salon will bo coed from feb 9th to feb 24lh teacher conducted missionary inclusive skating i the county ihnients place notice is hereby given pursuant 392 to the trustee act that all persons j having any claim against the estate meeting of of the above named hannn anna community j it kltchlng who died on or about the 17th day of december ad 1952 at the said village of stouffville arc hereby required to send post pre paid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executor of the said estate full particulars of their said claims duly verified on or before the 10th day of february ad 1953 after which said date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets in united the said estate among the parties in tn souffuii umtegj entitled thereto having regard only ihool la her- the clalms ot which he phai1 nen take advantage of his ooure 392 h dated january 2mh 193 plan- charles hoover executor i unfonville ont church sunday the goodwood loba i j ring another euchre for friday jan 3hh at s15 pm in the township mccollousn button ihall admission 35c lunch and solicitor for executor prize ssonffvtlle oat as the usual weekly livestock sale ai the new stouffville sales arena on no 47 highway sale at 1 pm sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday jan 31 important auction sale of 22 head of hol stein cattle fresh cows heifers and milkers farm equipment in cluding rubber tired wagon har ness gasoline engine large quan tity of household furniture etc property of ernest beelby on lot 30 con 6 pickering twp 1 mile north of no 7 highway at green river sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve owner quit- ing milk musiness ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday feb 4 extensive auction sale of 45 reg holstelns fully accredited since 193s per- cheron horses full line nearly new tractor equipment including 2 tractors threshing machine hammer mill spreader side rake hay loader binder poultry furni ture 2000 bus mixed grain hay ensilage etc the property of e a somerville and son at lots 14- 15 con 10 markham 1 miles north of no 7 highway note these are extra good tractor im plements also this is a high testing herd roy ormiston will be on pedigrees locust hill wa will have a refreshment booth on the grounds lloyd turner and r e faulkner clerks terms cash no reserve farm sold owner is moving away implement sale to start at 11 oclock cattle sale t 230 pm aud held under cover sellers atkinson auctioneers sale managers wednesday feb 4 auction sale of modern household furni ture near new television home freezer factory model singer sew ing machine electric appliances glassware dishes utensils garden tractor tools etc property of mrs p lamb at part of lot 2 con 6 markham twp mile west off kennedy road on victor ia avenue at milliken sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve pro perty sold and proprietor moving to australia ken clarke pren tice auctioneers thursday february 5 auc tion sale of 40 head of hereford and shorthorn cuttle holstein heifers and young stock horses pigs mh no 30 tractor nearly new dion threshing machine 22- 3s with shredder like new line of tractor equipment grain and household furniture the property of gerald g gregg will be sold at lot 2 con 13 reach 1 mile south of victoria corners sale at 12 sharp terms cash no reserve farm sold lunch by wa a s farmer auctioneer gormley fred johnston clerk 382 wednesday feb 11 auction sale of 14 lots of standing timber mostly hard maple in l acre lots more or less at lot 16 con 1 uxbridge at gravel hill the pro perty of russell stony purchaser has until april 15 1954 to clear the lots brush to he piled in a workmanlike manner terms cash sale at 2 pm geo todd clerk sellers atkinson auc tioneers thursday feb 12 important auction sale of modern stable and barn fixtures and equipment all near new consisting of beatty steel cow stalls complete with cross chain ties halters etc water bowls cow pens calf pens bull pens horse stalls electric milking machine milk cooler lit ter carrier complete feed carriers electric oat roller horse fork complete new manure spreader cow show blankets etc on lot 19 con 2 north york township e 1 mile north of lansing cutoff on bayview ave property of c j fox sale at 2 pm terms cash no reserve proprietor quitting ken clarke prentice auction eers wednesday feb is auction sale of farm stock and implements holstein jersey cattle horses threshing machine mh tractor model 30 2 years old good con dition full line of tractor imple ments hay and grain at lot s con 7 whitchurch at lemonville the property of miss gertrude nieghorn no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 pm lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday feb 25 auction sale of 30 head of shorthorn cat tle farm stock and implements farmall a tractor in firsts class condition mii combine motor- driven new in 1952 grain and hay furniture at lot is con 1 scott twp mile east and 1 y miles north of mount albert the property of douglas moorhead no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 pm h pear son clerk a s farmer auction eer thanking the rev h b hardy and rev john mclachlau for their consoling words adam spears aud family a dear brother ficderije late of victoria square ontario who passed away january 2stb 1952 always remembered sister and brotherinlaw elizabeth and william jones toronto ontario widemau words alone cannot express our thanks to all our friends relatives and neighbors for their messages of sympathy acts of kindness aud beautiful flowers received during the loss of a beloved morher and sister especially thanking the alberta re- bekah lodge rev mr thomas and air barley for their consoling words daughter joyce sisters and brothers emmerson in loving memory of a dear husband and father arthur g emmersou who passed away february 2 1952 thy will be done seems hard to ay when one we loved has passed away some day perhaps well understand when we meel asain in that better land sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife and family 1 wish to thank my relatives neighbors and friends for their gifts of flowers fruit and candy birthday and gelwell cards also for their visits and many kind enquiries dur- ing my illness mrs wm swain to my many friends and neighbors stouffville and district for your kindness enquiries many wonderful cards flowers prayers and help dur ing my recent illness my deepest thanks words alone are inadequate to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you all ben raxliu 1 would like to thank my friends and relatives for their kindness in sending me nice cards fruit and flowers and their calls i would es pecially thank the baptist church for their lovely basket of fruit while 1 have been shut in with an injured shoulder thanks to all very much gertrude eckardt assinck bros machine welding shop the place for nil kinds of truck farm machinery repairs 3 6s lawn mowers sharpened phone 184 markham after hours 30 w4 stouffville tranmer ever remembering fo wm t tranmer ba and the six other members of the crew who gave their lives over berlin jan 30th 1944 whereer they be by foreign shos or neath the ocean waves should times fingers gently brush the folds of dust apart theyll find a maple leaf engraved upon each gallant heart mother dad brothers and sister gwen symes in loving memory of a dear wife and mother melinda jane studholme who passed away january 30 1943 peaceful be thy rest dear mother it is sweet to breathe thy name in life we loved you dearly in death we do the same ever remembered by husband and family 392 births ikhman mr and mrs donald lehman stoiiftvile are happy to announce the birth of their daughter on monday jan 2fi 1053 at the brierbush hospital stouitville breeder hatchery canadian approved chicks for il5 fast feathering barred rocks for layers capons production large sc white leg horns for layers fryers choice selected columbians for layers capons broilers extra quality leghorn x rock for layers broilers columbian x red 3612 michells poultry farm larnont ont ph murk utte auction sale executors sale 100 acres approv of valuable farm ljumls in the township of markham county of york the undersigned has received in structions from the executors hereinafter named to sell by pub lic auction on the premises here inafter described on wednesday feb 11 1933 at 2 pm the following lands belonging to the estate of the late samuel h b ramer cement for sale phone sloullville 01105 or pickering 2ssji2 364 namely the west half and acres of the east and the westerly east half of the the westerly ten half of lot nor 15 forty acres of the auction sale furniture television deep freezer tractor tools appliances dishes etc property belonging to mrs p lamb part lot a cox i markham 4 mile west off kennedy ltd on victory avenue at milliken ont wednesday feb 4 frigidaire 9 cu ft model 11m90 home deep food freezer newly purchased in perfect condition still under manufacturers war ranty westinghouse tv set complete with viewing stand near new good viking combination electric cabinet model radio and record player complete with records in very good condition ge panada mantel model radio new singer factory model 4 hp electric sewing machine in 1st class work- order easy electric vacuum cleaner com plete with extra attachments cyl inder type electric sandwich grill and toaster electric whistling kettle 2 electric floor lamps electric crystal table lamp colored shade 2piece modern chesterfield suite wine color hertlock upholstered rocker 6piece blonde dinette suites- north half of the west half of lot j no 14 both in the seventh conces sion of the said township of mark- ham collarette cocktail cahineft bar on the said premises there is said isevcrnl cocktail serving crystals to be erected a oneandalialfstory i bucket brick house containing ten rooms 5piece modern chrom stainless with good cellar a good frame barn j breakfast suite cyma cabinet 50 x 70 feel on stone foundation a pig pen is x 60 feet a driving shed 34 x 36 feet a onecar garage and good cement silo the said farm is well watered by two good wells and a neverfailing creek the said farm lands are within onehalf mile of the village of markham and hydro is already available on the said lands terms ten percent 10 of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale the purchaser has the option of leaving 70 of the said purchase money on a first mortgage on the said lands bearing interest at 5 per annum payable half yearly for a term of five years with half yearly payments on principal on each interest date of 25000 with the privilege of increasing the said half yearly payments without notice or bonus and the balance of said pur chase money within thirty days after the date of sale when a proper deed of the said lands will be delivered by the vendors to the said purchaser the said farm is being offered sub ject to a reserve bid and also sub ject to a lease expiring nov 19 1953 purchaser can have posses sion immediately of the house for further terms and conditions of sale apply to the undersigned executors or their solicitors or to the auction eers exeeulors russell grove mnrklinm rr2 lloyd widemax stoullvlllc rr3 mrculloigh v- button solicitors for executors sloullville ontario kex v- clarke prentice and oiiecr square top coffee talilj wal sewing cabinet combination writing iflesk storage knee hole desk oak library table 2 upright ash tray strands hass ock vanity dresser desk lamp occasional chair end table medicivie cabinet modern bed with springs airalyiring mattress 5 steel storage 1mvkk single bed sagless spring mattress electric seal fur coal size 16 very good condition shows no wear 9x12 congoleum rug good 6x9 congoleum rug good 1 or 5 kitchen chairs kitchen step stool no ornaments trinkets odd brass- ware dishes glassware utensils cutlery sealers other kitchen and household effects royal scott oil space heater med good cheer parlor stove ladys bicycle simplicity garden tractor with plow cultivator disc attachments new in june 1952 lawn mower elect roholme washing machine good bench saw with 4 hp motor 40 gal steel fuel drum with lap shovels forks garden and odd tools stepladders other useful articles most of the large electric items are near new and the rest of motors new at time of conversion to 60 cycle terms cash xo reserve sale al 130 pm property sold ami proprietor moving l auslriilii ias smith clerk kex v- clarke prentice auci loneers implements on hand xew implements mh manure spreaders coby manure spreaders mh cream separators milking machines tractors wagons plows disc harrow cultivator harrows balers forage laret-r- combines used implements itnikill a tractor manure iunlcr for farmall a masseyharris iv tractor international 1020 international manure spreader mh manure spreader munmyllniii cullivntoi- cockslmlt hay lxuler oble disc harrow corloliuft mower dump hake ll tires henry ogden phone 254 son stouffville ont t