the tribune stouilville ont thursday august 15 152 the stouffville tribune established 1s88 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as secondclass mail postoffice dept ottawa printed and issued every thursdav at stouffville ontario ik canada 250 in the usa 300 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments markham farmers should he alarmed markham township farmers particularly that group east of the third concession should be alarmed lest they find themselves without any representation in future township councils this newspaper and others in the area advocated at least four years ago that steps should be taken to institute a ward system in markham in order to protect the proper municipal representation for both rural and urban sections of the township the subject has been broached several times in council but to date no definite action has been taken the trend dining this year has been serious so far as the farmer interests are concerned and it could be that it will require the full resources of the rural population of the township to elect rural candidates at the next election there is an undercurrent of unrest among the urban sec tion of the township which bodes no good for the rural population ratepayers who have been taken in by fasttalking subdivision salesmen are continually appearing before council beefing about high taxes which they say these firms assured them they would not have to pay because of the ignorance of a great many of these sub division residents concerning the workings of municipal matters they prove very difficult to reason with instead of the property sellers who picked up the easy money with fairy tales of continued low taxes getting the head ache it is the township council which is subjected to the continued verbal batterings from the residents these urban dwellers are reluctant to admit that they may have been taken in but rather feel resentment against the council and will make a strong attempt to elect all their own candidates whom they feel can alleviate their tax burden they are continually harping on the theme that they get nothing for their taxes which though an absurd statement nevertheless continues to stir the popu lace which hearing it often enough begins to believe it no one denies the heavy taxes many of these sub division residents are carrying but it is brought about by the inflated times and the demands of these same residents for more and more services and no totally urban council which could be elected could change this situation although next election may see a decided attempt to do just that all canadians should not have to pay for television in a few weeks canadas first two television stations at toronto and montreal will be on the air this has again raised the question of who is going to pay the cost of the new television service which will be available only over a limited part of canada the new stations have an effective radius of only from 50 to 100 miles beyond that area the service will be of no use to anyone so that it is quite proper to assert that the cost of it should not be assessed against all canadians so far the experimental work and the installation of television stations have been financed by government loans to the canadian broadcasting corporation it does not seem likely however that the cbc will ever be able to repay these loans running into several millions of dollars unless a very high license is assessed against owners of television receiving sets thus it is likely that these losses will eventually be changed into a subsidy paid by all the taxpayers of canada it is only natural that those who now pay radio license fees should object to any part of the funds they provide being used to finance the tv operations there is no logical reason why they should subsidize a new form of entertainment being made available to a rela tively limited section of the population television is going to be a costly venture for canada but those who can afford to spend the sizeable sum nec essary to own a tv set should be willing to pay for their amusement certainly they should not expect that all the other citizens of canada should pay by taxation for something which is reserved only for those within 50 or 100 miles of a tv station very definitely with no likeli- hood of the people in the west having television for a good many years the people outside the reception areas are not going to be enthusiastic about their taxes being used to provide free television to a restricted group of citizens oshawa times municipal situation could bring stiffer controls in the light of recent events one can foresee an over haul in the controls of the province over the municipal ities the situation as it exists in markham township is only another instance which could lead to more govern ment control there are three other things particularly in mind one was the squabble in toronto township over the taxation situation which saw some taxes going up as much as 300 per cent and subsequent appeals to the depart ment of municipal affairs to hold an investigation a second was a request by the city of london that the ontario municipal board should have approval over board of education estimates the third was intimation that the municipal boarcl would finally be presenting its report on the toronto am algamation in september all three have one thing in common they emphasize the increasing amount of regulation which the province is gaining over the municipalities this has been the trend of the times for some years now hut the way it has accelerated recently and the ex tent of the demand on the province to tell the junior gov ernments what they should do and how is amazing as has been mentioned here before the amount of work going through the municipal board is tremendous and the department of municipal affairs is almost as busy the municipal board for instance- has to spend time approving hundreds of items for such things as si 000 in sidewalk improvements or new sewers and department officials spend a great deal of time on matters of such little consequence they were originally an emergency matter it was necessary at the time that every small expenditure de controlled and strict supervision maintained but the need for this surely has passed i aside from the fact that it doesnt do the municipal ities any good not to be able to stand on their own feet so far as possible the endless detail over minor matters ties down both the municipal board and the department for parents only by sancy cleaver 1ik1s for com pa xv i was an only boy growing up on rather a lonely farm an out standing canadian said recently but i wa never lonely because 1 got such satisfaction out of birds my dad used to laugh and say that i had the birds for company when strangers aked what i did in my leisure time i am so thank ful my parents gave me bird books and encouraged me in this interest before long we allbecame enthus iasts there is nothing like a vita hobby to bind a family together and so im sj i ing my love of birds with my youngsters today mothers and fathers who wsnt to encourage their childs interest in the feathered folk should be on the lookout for practical sug gestions for this activity there are a number of hints which bird watchers pass on suggestions on techniques for not alarming the birds are important so is happy living outofdoors even if one must use an insect repellant choose light adequate not too conspicuous clothes take special care to wear comfortable socks and shoes the best time of all to look for birds is in the early morning although they can be found any time of the day i ate afternoon provides another good bird obser vation opportunity field glasses preferably those which have six power lenses are a great help they are best carried on a strap around the neck so as to leave the hands free the sun should be at the back of the bird hiker because it is difficult to see clearly a small object such as a bird against a bright background of sky water or field the bird hiker soon discovers that he must walk slowly and quietly or he will frighten the birds he need not talk in whis pers a quiet low tone is best a knapsack for a note book pencil the old home town and a bird guide and a small com pass is a good idea keep a record of your bird finds as you go along back irto your knapsack a choco late bar or fruit or a little snack to eat during the rest before start ing home give yourself plenty of time for the eturn journey so that your pleasure in walking will not be marred by hurry bird tracks on the damp earth or sand attract a hiker- attention blaster of paris casts tan easily bej made of these place a small card board collar around a foot print mix up the blaster of paris powder with water to form a thin paste pour into mould and leave to harden the reverse impression can be made by greasing the hard east with vaseline and dipping it into a second container with the soft blaster of baris paste in it a good bird guide is a necessary tool for studying birds look over the books on birds in the public- library among them you will find some of the following books roger tory petersons a field guide to birds is a small illustrat ed book which can easily be car ried on a hike the less expensive birds by 7im and gabrielson in the golden nature guide series is another good choice especially for a public school age child p a taverners birds of canada and jack miner and the birds are two splendid additions to the book shelf of a bird enthusiast the fine thing about bird hikes is that they combine a childs natural love of the world out-of- doors with his enjoyment of activity and his eager pursuit of i scientific facts living things and children have an affinity the nor- mal child is just naturally interest ed in the quick motions the colors the shape and the songs of birds birds are marvellous company for mankind at any age copyright t by stanley yslss j2 lookee unclh aunts in fou pants wwims bible questions and answers question what was gods pur pose in creating the earth any way i answer isaiah 15 is vain he formed it to be inhabited s firsday god laid let is the term used by god for the inspired writings 2 timothy 315 that from a child thou has known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salva tion through faith which is in christ jesus q 1 have heard that the days of creation were each sco million it is made clear in he created it not in j vc ng a it is possible to hear many 1 things that are not true on the light genesis 13 did there be he have days of yore from the files of the tribune 2 years ago the alsike crop is proving an excellent yield going seven bushels to the acre on some farms about here five is considered an average yield frank baker received a nasty wound on the ankle a few days ago while setting up a new reaper on the farm of john yake several people from town are assisting in the picking of black currents at the geo collard farm new gormley there are some 1300 current bushes and the crop is said to be a good one work on the 10000 addition to the town school building commenc ed on monday sandy jones and a gang of men are doing the excavation work while the cement contract has been let to mr walter gould of uxbridge the time is now ripe for stouff ville council to take prompt action with passing a bylaw commanding all automobiles to come to a stop when entering main street from church and mill streets and obrien avenue accidents have occurred at these narrow points and many other narrowly averted local baseball fans were treat ed to a fine exhibition game on the local park ground on wednesday afternoon of last week the stouff ville nine defeated the fast bay- view team 60 the feature of the contest was the superb pitching of earl cook earl had 17 strike outs to his credit lloyd turner has sold his hand some clyde mare which he pur chased a couple of years ago from graham bros to thos kidd of victoria square it has been decided to place a sign on the corner of main street and the 10th concession directing motorists entering main mans best friend in question someone has been enquiring for a remedy for yapping dogs some one else has suggested that cutt ing off a dogs tail is a sure cure for this bothersome affliction but care has to be taken that the cut is made in the right place and this depends somewhat on the breed and size of the dog the same authority suggests that from one and one half to three inches behind the ears would be a very good average but why be in doubt there are plenty of yappers in most towns especially stouffville to experiment on anyway a yapping dog is absolutely no good for what a dog is supposed to be good for be cause he does not know himself when he really has something to bark at and his owner never knows when he is really barking at something a yapping dog is like the fabled boy who was always calling wolf and when a wolf did come nobody paid any attention the question is then how can one teach a dog but the answer is simple like any other kind of instruction the teacher must know more than the pupil word genesis the first book in the bible j a genesis means the begin ning and so in this book of genesis we find the record of the beginning j ihroughso0006f0 years of dark- of the world and all things there- 1 to wait 500 million years for it to come on the third day vegetation was created how could it live in the very first words are these in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth q will you please tell me what preparation one should have before baptism a it should be preceded by faith repentance confession and reformation of life matthew 3 2 0 7 mark 1616 luke 3714 q what does the word bible mean a it comes from a word which means book the holy scriptures ness remember the evening and the morning were the third day genesis 113 the same as every other day of creation and heres another thought adam lived 930 years genesis 55 he was created on the sixth day of creation lived over the seventh- i day sabbath which followed and longafter therefore the week of creation was not composed of days millions of years long canada has 23 plants engaged in making mats carpets and rugs from the south to keep to the right of the flower bed angle parking will shortly be enforced in stouffville a slight frost was reported early monday morning particularly on low lying lands but it was not sufficient to injure the buckwheat which gives promise of an excel lent crop turnips and potatoes were shipped from goodwood station last week in car load lots for the city market botatoes realized the farmers 105 per bag down to 90e turnips brought the growers 28c per bushel from nine acres sown messrs harry and walter brillinger threshed s00 bushels of oats last week 20 years ago in a mixed bowling tournament held at markham on mondaj night stouffville was well represented and their representatives were well rewarded winning first prize this honor goes to luella holden fred marshall mrs g saunders and geo saunders skip mr and mrs f l button will return this week from a ten day tour of the maritimes they are accompanied by their son reg despite the frequent rains this season harvesting operations are going on at a good pace and many farmers will be well cleaned up when exhibition opens next week peter nighswander of altona leads the way for completing this seasonv harvesting and threshing at a record early date the price of new potatoes fell rapidly on the toronto market last week over a period of a few days from a dollar a bag they slumped to 53c muttoneating dogs are again ravaging the sheep in whitchurch township and have made no less than three slaughters on the fold belonging to the noted sheepman james brodie a fouryearold mare owned by mr j a clark of stouffville suffered a heart attack at the com pletion of the races at the sutton horse show last week and died shortly after the animal was a streeti very valuable one having carried mm you do off prizes at the cne last year whether you can or not there are lots of healthful outdoor activities at ontarios vacation resorls youll enjoy the fun with your fellow guests and heres a tip add enjoy ment to your holiday travel by bus ask your local agent about highway tours to alt parts of the usa round trip fares colungwood 740 barrie 535 orillia 695 subject to change tickets and information at stouffville motors phono 170w gray coach lines motorists pojitpam ontario department of highways geo h doucett minister