the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 10 1952 groves general store closing hours of groes general store at ringwood effective july 2nd mon thurs fri 700 pm tuesday 1000 pm saturday 1100 pm wednesday 100 pm roy grove victoria square the rain we hud last sunday and thursday was worth a million dollars the gardens lawns and crops will benefit a great deal from it most of the farmers have finish ed haying rev a c huston and george collard returned home saturday after spending the past week at the hoys camp at lake simcoe george had the honor of winning the sr red cross swimming badge congratulations mr and mrs e rainey have returned home after spending the past week with friends at illinois usa mrs c annis and miss evelyn annis of dunbarton spent last wednesday afternoon with mrs jennie brumwell mr albert jacques of calgary alberta is spending a few weeks with mr and mrs cecil nichols and family miss margaret canning had tea sunday evening with mr and mrs s boynton and family congratulations and best wishes are extended to mr and mrs v westbrook who on saturday july 12 will be celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary holy communion was observed at the church service on sunday afternoon a very enjoyable sunday school and community picnic was held last wednesday afternoon and evening at woodland park when about one hundred and twentyfive were in attendance swimming was enjoyed in the afternoon by the children and some of the adults following a bountiful supper races were conducted by miss vera nichols mr harvey collard and births tayixir mr and mrs allan tavlor goodwood are happy to announce the birth of their daughter nancy grace on thursdav july 3 1902 at the brierbush hospital stouffville a sister for dianne and janice mr gordon mortson baseball was also enjoyed while some of the young people were in swimming in the evening two of the more playful of the onlookers put on an act of their own and ended up by falling into the water much to their embarrassment and to the amusement of the picnickers next sunday july 13 at 230 pm the young people of the vic toria square circuit will have charge of the church service the bake sale which was to have been held on july 12 has been post poned to july 19th the family of mrs mary e anderson formerly of stouffville and now residing in whitby held a reunion on sunday july 0th at the home of mr and mrs bruce anderson also present were mr and mrs harry paulson and fam ily of pottstown penn mr and mrs oscar anderson and family of hillsdale sergt and mrs ken neth anderson and family of greenwood ns mr and mrs ross anderson wexford ac2 allan anderson of trenton and miss barbara linton of toronto mrs harry paulson and dierdre and grant of pottstown penn are spending a week with mr and mrs bruce anderson and family one may say yes in one word but it usually takes 100 or more to sav no dickson hill gloria and pauline scott of tor- are holidaying with their urdparerts mr and mrs albert iias j alton mr and mrs n bunker and family attended the burnhainball reunion held in elgin park ux- bridge on saturday june 2sth j the teacher pupils and some of j the parents enjoyed a picnic at greenwood park at the close of the term the young peoples held their annual picnic at greenwood park 1 on tuesday evening mr and mri david crosier and family attended the crosier re union held at memorial park stouffville on saturday mr and mrs william waimes and son david and mrs russel crosier of london also mrs carl vogt and sons john and robert of stratford were guests over the weekend with mr and mrs david crosier mr and mrs fred lewis and family and mrs stan slack and daughters of goodwood also mrs norm dickinson and girls are holidaying this week at lake simcoe lome dickinson had supper sunday evening with mi and mrs merv bunker the altona softball team coach ed by mervyn bunker played claremont monday night the score ended in a tie 10 all with the game being called on account of darkness watch for notice of future games altona union ss has been in vited to join the stouffville um church for their annual picnic this friday in the memorial park those wishing transportation meet at the store at 3 pm friends will be sorry to learn that mrs bert lewis is confined to bed under doctors care mr and mrs eric wallace of toronto called at the home of his parents on sunday evening mrs elson of uxbridge spent sunday at the home of her son ehvood elson mrs mabel baker of toronto is visiting with her sister mrs o m madill for a few days on july 1st weekend mr and mrs gerald pointon and family and marjorie madill and friend of toronto were home to attend the burnhamball reunion in ux bridge mr and mrs harold lewis and patsy are holidaying at willow beach on lake simcoe this week ron byers and alma pilkey were at stayner camp for the weekend ringwood sincere sympathy is extended to our pastors wife mrs gibson brown in the death of her mother mrs s gadsworthy of lachute quebec- mr and mrs john lawrenson have moved into an apartment in the home of his parents mr and mrs ed lawrenson mr and mrs tom cracknel and daughters sharon and eileen were holidaying over the weekend with relatives near windsor sympathy is extended to mr sam mckuen in the passing of his brother mr will mckuen in tor onto the funeral took place on monday with interment in pine hills cemetery mr and mrs jas kennedy spent several days last week with their son and daughterinlaw mr and mrs harry kennedv near elgin mills iowa on the arrival of their new in fordwich baby mr and mrs garnet francy i mr larry- winger of queensville accompanied bv dr and mra is holidaying with mr and mrs skelly of buttbnviile are on a allan doner motor trip to nova scotia and will j mr and mrs f bennett and enov a boat trip further to boston family visited over last weekend isa before returning home bloomington mr and mrs e baker spent the week at tweed mr and mrs g barnes of mer- rickville are visiting at his fathers mr e barnes mr barnes is work ing with the staff in toronto cor recting examination papers mrs leinon paisley is spending a time with her daughter and son- inlaw mr and mrs m barnes mr and mrs ken tranmer and sons were toronto visitors over i sunday mrs john tarr of toronto is spending the summer with mr and mrs cliff lemon and they attend ed the mitchellward family re union at greenwood park on sat urday misses jean brown and dorothy ttagg were at stayner camp over sunday rev and mrs morton of stouff ville attended service here sunday morning and were guests with mr and mrs w a fockler for dinner mrs d burnett spent last week in toronto mr and mrs w tranmer and family of jacksons pt were sun day visitors with his parents here the sympathy of the commun ity is extended to rev and mrs g w brown in the death of her mother mrs goldsworthy on thursday night at her home near montreal cherrywood outstanding value kings standard special peaches halves 229 exceptional saving dole fancy special sliced pineapple w serve one hot dish a day campbells special tomato soup 115 crisp crunchy daisy sweet special mixed pickles 32 biscuit feature assorted creams barkers marlboro creams 33 hellmans blue ribbon cloverleaf red sockeye mayonnaise 32 salmon 47c hereford corned beef spirit or cider heinz n- 50c vinegar 4 mazola for cooking lynn valley std corn oil i6 42c golden corn 2 29c atm news friends in this community extend sincere sympathy to mrs david trail in the passing of her brother mr herbert laurie in london mr and mrs lloyd turnbull and family of toronto spent a weekend recently with her mother mrs l hoover congratulations to mrs gren dra per who celebrated a birthday on tuesday miss gillespie and mr gillespie spent the weekend with their brotherinlaw and sister mr and mrs powell little ruth ann carrubliers is at tending the bible school at the christian church stouffville mr and mrs ken walters spent the weekend with her mother mrs l hoover mr and mrs harold wright mongolia visited on sun day afternoon at the hoover home mr and mrs jack spang sr are spending a few weeks visiting rela tives in the united states clarks fancy 20 o tomato juice tin gold arrow iuro 16 oz jar 16c peanut butter 32c dominion dry to or bottles ginger ale 2 for 33c f pins deposit yvore iceland cello bim water ice rs 13 ox 39c lit cf i i ij alibi s ontario sweet ilhirk bing cherries lb 25c 6 qt bskt 139 ontario grown new bunch carrots 2 for 19c california new crwp i 100 sunkist grapefruit 4 for 29c ontario grown new potatoes attractively priced carolina jubilee freetone peaches ripe sweet lb 23c vine ripened sweet jumbo lzo 45 cantaloupe each 23c arriving fresh da1iv ontnrlo grown cabbage cauliflower licet kalili given onion tomatoes bcnns ias celery raspberries etc yii ikttlyt tlwrkjjr mjr umcra080 iggs wanttoi utr4i jly 10th lit 1 12b w p jli mjrif orictl lor uri3 sagi s nngr for dominion stoass lmtrcj fal lj snd station o john deere dealer to announce new heavyduty tractors two new heavyduty john deere 2 antl 3plow tractors successors to models a and b will be an nounced saturday july 19 by fred byer stouffville according to fred byer these new tractors feature a host of engineering advancements and major improvements which make them the greatest values ever off ered by john deere he states that one of the new models will be on display saturday july 19 and he extends a cordial invitation to everyone to stop by and see the new tractor there will be a registration for a door prize mr and mrs murray slack and family mr and mrs j c tindall and family also mr frank cole man were guests with mr and mrs reuben tindall on saturday evening mr and mrs leonard hollinger and family visited at ravenshoe on sunday mr and mrs wes petty had dinner on sunday evening with mr and mrs t morley of rouge hills mr and mrs leonard gates had dinner on sunday with mr and mrs wm tweddle a goodly number attended the tindall family reunion at wood land park on saturday air and mrs walter hollinger visited with mr and mrs j thompson of mount albert on sunday congratulations to the pupils of cherrywood public school who all passed into the next gradeand to the entrance class who all passed with honours the teachers miss campbell and mr campbell of ajax deserve a great deal of praise mrs w wager has her niece from wilkinson visiting with her mr and mrs wm judd visited with mr and mrs geo todd on monday mr and mrs lubaeh and family visited at inglewood on sunday miss annie brander visited with mr and mrs a j taylor for a few days gormley mrs george biden and her daughter of regina sask are visiting for several weeks with mrs bidens niece mrs george leary our sympathy is extended to mr and mrs c james of stouff ville in the sudden passing of mr james father last saturday mr and mrs c doner have just returned from a vacation at winona lake indiana congratulations to mr and mrs orval heise of dallas centre when your birds 6 to 7 weeks old are switcfc jjj growij mash s now available in pallet form i come in and get your free copy of the fulopcp feeding and management plan tells how you can save money by feeding more grain and lea masb you grow bigger healthier birds and save on feed costs wuabh ied vith addition mineral 5511 mowing mash ah stiver bros stouffville ontario kvvtutvvluvvvvvwntu stanley theatre stouffville ont 1 shows nitely 730 pm saturdays at 700 pr matinee saturdays at 200 pm friday saturday july 11th 12th lfoure invited o cabot- lon chaney buddy baer a universal international picture j short subjects cartoon wednesday thursday i q an mgm picture july 16th 17th irv mimwnmwtwimwmimti that you should not pick the trillium our provincial floral emblem since its three leaves are near the top of the stem they usually get picked with the blossom and as the leaves feed the root the whole plant dies of starvation protect the trillium it 1 part of your outdoor enjoyment carlings the carling breweries limited tujerloq toronto windsor ttii