Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 10, 1952, p. 3

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the tribune stouffville onl thursday july 10 1952 the st0uffv1lle tribune established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as secondclass mail postoffice dept ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ontario in canada 250 in the usa 300 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments second successful horse show stouffvilles second annual horse show has come and gone and again was favoured with success in turnout spectacle and weather appreciation must go to dr neil smith bill clark and the hardworking committee who so successfully put this event over for a second year under the sponsorship of the local legion headed this year by william mallow other memoers of the committee were dr s s ball and mrs alex herbinson between two and three hundred more people attended this years show than last and the entry list too was greater it is not beyond the imagination of many that this affair may some day develop into a fullfledged annual fair as is held in so many other neighboring communities stouftville memorial park has much undeveloped land south of the old rink site and- the possibility is there those disappearing thermometers it is within the memory of most of us when practically every business establishment on main st had a thermo meter of one kind or another hanging outside its entrance those days seem to be past as far as stouffville is concerned and now when the temperature rises or falls at an alarm ing rate it is necessary to conduct quite a search for one of these outdoor thermometers to find out the days reading never was the dearth of thermometers more noticeable than during the recent heat wave there was only one busi ness place on main st which provided passersby with the correct temperature for the most part these outdoor thermometers were used for advertising purposes and judging by present day conditions in stouffville the opportunity is ripe for a new drive on this form of outdoor advertising be sure car in good shape the summer driving season is coming up if it is not already at hand generally speaking it means a difference in motor driving practices through the winter driving of motor vehicles has been largely on a business basis and much of the traffic has been exclusive to the city streets where the intersections the stop and go lights and conditions generally create the necessity for moderate speed and constant care the call of the summer is for the long road trips largely for pleasure and as the open roads constitute also an invitation to speed there comes a new and additional need for vigilance and care this is not by any means con fined to actual driving it includes what is probably equally as important the condition of the car it is also to be remembered that often on these long trips the driver may be far from a service station it follows that the car should be in first class condition in all respects as regards brakes the motor oil supplies and tires this is the season above all others when owners and drivers should have the expert attention of the service garages in order that they may have maximum protection for use of both city and rural roads beware of poison ivy with the summer holiday season nearly here and people frequenting bathing beaches it is well to heed the annual warning to beware of poison ivy only recently a local lady is believed to have received a bad attack from brushing against a bush on mill st here in town the local weed inspector has since been sent to eradicate the menace in order that everyone should be able to avoid contact with the weed all should be able to recognize it poison ivy is most commonly found growing in fence rows roadsides around bathing beaches and playgrounds and in locations where cultivation is next to impossible in such locations one finds several forms of poison ivy one type creeps along the ground another grows iv2 to 2 feet high and a third is the climber which is found grow ing over fences and trees all types are easily recognized by their leaves which grow in groups of three at the top of the stem these leaves are usually shiny or waxy on the top surface small greenishyellow flowers develop in the ayils of the leaves and these are followed by pale gray seeds which stay on the plant over the winter in the fall the leaves turn a brilliant orange or scarlet poison ivy is easily destroyed where cultivation is possible but it is seldom found in such places but even in the more difficult locations it can be grubbed out with a heavy hoe or other digging implement weed killers 24d and 245t will give good control but several applications will be necessary to completely eradicate the weed for large areas the recommended dosage is 2 pounds of acid per acre however for small patches 2o ounces of 245t in 10 gallons of water will give effective control after treatment the area should be watched for new growth if new plants start up further applications can be given and the poison ivy will eventual ly be eradicated past exerience has shown control of poison ivy can only be brought about by persistent treatment and all effort put forth to control and eradicate this menace is certainly well worth while people are consumers recently a printers union asked the ottawa govern ment not to let any immigrant printers into canada unless the union said so if the members of the printers union were native indians or eskimos there might be more logic in this idea but most canadians are either immigrants or descendants of immigrants who are canadians to argue against letting in more of their own kind the indians lost the continent and indeed the hemi sphere because they were poor and few canada is not very rich even yet and canadians are so few that a well- organized invasion and preemption is not beyond the bounds of possibility canadas immigration policy is unwisely restricted be cause this broad country needs people more people of all classes occupations and skills with willingness to- work while one hears of unemployment in some industries the fact is there still is need for workers housebuilding is ower this year than last but a carpenter to fix a fence or veranda is hard to come by are they all living on the unemployment insurance that was increased the other day printed word for parents only by nancy cleaver ixvisiblk akmoik a parent should not substitute or j the desire for praise from mother build self confidence or dad for the childs own judg- nvhv cant vou get on the ballj tha action has been team bill when j was vour age praiseworthy whether or not any- 1 was pitching for our schools one else thinks so encouragement first team everv game i always welcome and praise if marion im sorrv vou tried to sincere and deserved should give your hair a home permanent be given to a boy or girl but a it is quite neat braided and youve j only made your head look queer it is sincere and deserved be given to a boy or gir should not be trained to think that his goal is the eommen- your older brother wavalwavsjdation of hu parents kea achieve- near the top of his class john lent brings iu- own reward why are you always trailing along near the ouom if you would only work hard like he did you might get some where with your studies the three parents who made these remarks would be very much annoyed if anyone accused them of destroying their childs selfconfidence they certainly dont want to do that but they have been so eager for their child to play on a team or look attrac tive or excell at school that they have forgotten their responsibility for building their childs self- confidence selfesteem is important for the happiness and success of any child as well as any grownup we is the wise parent wno thus it from the childs earliest years provides him with simple tasks he can do and easy problems he can solve as his knowledge and skill grow he should be confronted with jobs and situations which demand more of him at the same time the child should not be test ed with something which is so beyond has powers that repeated failure will only bring discourage ment a boy or girl needs an immed iate goal parents forget their own public school days when they expect their child to save for a college education at this stage a youngster is more apt to set aside a small amount for a definite pur all need that inner glow of self pomme saving for a bicycle he 1 1 can ride m a few months time assurance which accompanies it m who measure their manner springs conviction of his quiet poise of from a person own worth this essential character trait is easily hurt or even destroyed bills dad was damaging his boys selfconfidence by making an unflattering comparison with his own boyhood prowess marions mother was harming her child by criticizing marions efforts at hair- dressing and of all things suggest ing her adolescent daughter look ed queer johns parent re proached the poor boy for his school standing by reminding him of his older brothers brilliant record what surer ways can be found than these of pulling a child clown instead of building him up there are other thoughtless techniques f dissolving a childs self assurance such as too much protection as well as too much direction a home atmosphere which is constantly tense and wor ried does not send wellpoised children out into the world a child should not be allowed to withdraw from a situation which he should face or leave a task unfinished which should be done if a parent shuts his eyes the child will not face a similar situa tion or complete the same kind of task with selfreliance the next time he meets them the greatest stimulus to the growth of confid ence is the personal satisfaction which follows an obstacle met and successfully overcome childrens height know how they vary in their growth all children are different in their inner develop ment too a mother can help her child who lacks selfconfidence by showing him that she loves him and accepts him as he is he may be very poor at reading but look how smart he is in arithmetic he may be quite dumb at throwing a ball but he certainly can roller- skat better than any other child in the block he may benefit from extra help in places where he is weak but his parents will not nag at him or make unfavourable comparisons selfconfidence is a sort of invis ible armour which a child wears which repels the darts of an unfriendly or a hostile world dryden said truly they can con quer who believe they can have you given your child this self- protection which he needs now and which stands him in good stead in his adventures tomorrow as an adult copyright atha news thursday july 3 mr and mrs jack williams and daughter of stouffville and mrs edith marshman of claremont visited friends and relatives at goderich over the weekend another thing healthy about breathing through the nose is that it helps you to keep your mouth shut days of yore from the file of the tribune 20 years asto mr f l button has our thanks for the very tangible evidence that his fish stories are genuine con cerning his splendid luck in the wilds of haliburton for several days this week the party of fishermen included the local dis penser of the law also his father mr john button and messrs e a button sam armstrong and reg and johnnie button the party spent several days on the lakes and encountered considerable rough weather but this didnt deter them bringing home a good catch of speckled beauties with which they remembered many of their friends in a handsome way despite the fact that rain marred the almira bowling tournament held on the stouffville green no less than twenty rinks enjoyed the keen competition for the various prizes the winners of first prize and thereby recipients of valuable auto rugs each were composed of messrs a c burkholder ben doien a lehman and dennis baker winners of second wool sweaters were w r sanders dr xeil smith reg button and milt storey the most severe hail storm to pass over stouftville for years visited the immediate locality on saturday afternoon in spots the ground was fairly white with hail as large as beans and gardens re ceived a severe drubbing the hail was accompanied by thunder and lightning and considering the fierceness of the storm and the closeness of the electrical flashes the town and it- ihnabitants came off hu ky in there b via no serious damage done the new stouffville post office officially opened on monday even ing by the reception of the even ing mail and its distribution from the new building a mother pig belonging to mr alfred pugh gave birth to a litter of eighteen last week although all the young ones are not alive it nevertheless establishes a record a fishing party composed of messrs frank stiver del holden harvey baker and hugh boyd re turned on saturday from a few days fishing in the lakes of hali burton a woman at- ringwood hates men so much that she will not even have a mail box in front of her home a grub or some other form of insect is destroying the cabbage crop this season some local grow ers reporting the loss of thousands of plants so far the local garden ers have not found anything that will adequately cope with the trouble although different solutions have been tried out the local strawberry crop is on in full force and it is likely to be good for a couple of weeks in the store last week local berries fine quality retailed 28c per quart box but the prices are easier this week 10year farm machine value set at 2 billion the machine took canadas farms by storm in the last 10 years with an expansion in numbers of trucks combines and tractors boosting the lol value of machin ery- and equipment on farms to an alitime high of almost 2000000- 000 this wa more than triple the 600000000 worth of farm machin ery shown in the kh1 census and more than 17 times greater than the 108000000 worth at the turn of- the century the bureau of sta tistics reported yesterday prices have increased during that time but the bureau report ing on the 1951 farmmachinery census noted that the farmer is turning more and more away from old dobbin to plow his fields and market his harvest the farmers use of tractors in the last decade jumped 150 per cent to almost 400000 from 100000 use of trucks climbed 153 per cent to 100000 from 77500 graincom bine use particularly out west jumped 370 per cent to 90500 from 19000 electrification also showed a spectacular advance with the number of electric motors on farms climbing 23s per cent to lixigsl from 5s192 saskatchewan led all other pro vinces in the trend towards mech anization value of machinery and equipment on its farms climbed 3gs per cent to 525000000 from 112700000 ontario rode into second place with m527s000 a 290pereent advance from 150359000 altona thursday july 3 mr and mrs alex hughes of toronto called at the pallister home on tuesday and had tea there provincial and municipal net expenditures in 1950 in canada exceeded 1 500000000 canadians in the first quarter of 1952 are chewing less gum than a year ago theyre not eating so much candy either canada is one of the few coun tries in the world which has stan dard gauge railroads across the country x the new lightweight mineral aggregate architects plasterers contractors and house owners who have tested micafil all say it is easier to handle because weighs only 8 lbs per cubic foot lasts longer does noi absorb moisture dries without warping or buckling does not crack dissolve disintegrate or rot affords greater protection against subzero cold or intense heat against fire hazards favours low insurance rates replaces sand in modern gypsum plastering construction see your bisco dealer or contractor today manufacturers of asphalt shingles sidings blends and solid colours roll roofings asphalt and tarred sheathings felts builtup roofing materials bisco wallboards triplex green board burley board burley tile plastic cements waterproof paints roof coatings fleece line rock wool insulation micafil aggregates for plaster concrete and insulation see your bisco dealer now j tjtsp roofings 527 bishop asphalt papers ltd plants at portneuf station pp toronto and london ont warehouses and branches quebec p montreal po toronto ont stouffville coop association 10 years ago the markham fair board is completing a cement floor in the mammoth main building which is used as a skating and hockey arena in the winter season with the new floor it is intended to utilize the place as a dance hall during the summer time and thus expand the means of making money from the building we have had so much cold weather and very cool nights that one scarcely realizes that the heat of the summer is right on only a few nights ago frast nipped a pota to patch near baliantrae and several other nights it has been perilously near the freezing mark jim barry is making good pro gress toward recovery after being confined in the brierbush hospital for ten clays suffering from a bad ly bruised body and partial paralysis when tramped on and otherwise injured by a team of horses clerk charles hoover of mark- ham township reported at the last meeting of council that unpaid taxes in july totalled 32843 fire starting from the coal oil stove broke out in the home of mr harry klinck the other morning and came within an ace of burst ing into a serious blaze hodgins west end grocery has installed a modern meat counter with cooling facilities making a combination display case electric refrigerator and a bottom cup board for storage of soft drinks unless rain comes soon the tur nip crop will be a washout for most growers acres of the roots have never come up at all and at best a very short crop is possible the members of the park com mission are giving added thought to the construction of a swimming pool at memorial park ti gteoittoaix i round trip fares its just what the doctor orders to rest your nerves and to give you new pep huntsville 1010 and vigour after a strenu ous year on the job make bala 92ft your vacation completely meaf0 865 restful leave your cares behind and travel by bus sub to chan tickets and information at ask your local agent about highway tours to all parts of the usa stouffville motors phone 170w gray coach lines

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