the tribune stourlville oat thursday june 5 1952 ballantrae united church anniversary services sunday june 8th 11 am the service will be in charge of the rev h oodall a missionary from china special music will be provided by the haker hill octette 730 pm the service will be in charge of our minister hev f muir with special music by the stouffville christian church choir come and bring your friends gormley thursday may 29 a number from gormley attend ed the love feast at stayner over the weekend mr and mrs george barrett and mr and mrs gordon culiens visit ed sunday with mr and mrs cecil culiens and family of fordwieh misses myrtle and ruth steck- ley spent a couple of days with their parents mr and mrs henry steckley miss myrtle sider of stouffville client a couple of days visiting friends in gormley recently misses ruth and joan spence mr f osborne and don hicks of toronto spent the 21th with mr and mrs e hunt and ruth mr and mrs albert allen visit ed wednesday with mr and mrs roy brillinger and family mr and mrs allen doner and mr and mrs murray bennett spent the holiday weekend in mon treal mrs john bund visited relatives at malvern and starboro jet on friday afternoon mr clifford winger of vaughan had sunday dinner with mr walter brillinger grass fires no help to farmer in addition to forest tires grass tires are again causing unneces sary damage this spring accord ing to lands and forests reports in the port arthur district a home was destroyed by a grass fire lighted in a high wind a hospital was threatect in the sud bury district there also two boy- tangled with both tire rang ers and truant officers they had started a grass tire in the hope that lighting it would provide an excuse for absence from school ln southern ontario dense smoke from a grass tire so obscured a highway that two ears crashed headon the farmer responsible started grass burning regardless of a strong wind blowing toward the road several persons were injur ed badly grass fires are not only danger ous to both lives and property but farmers and others who light them cheat themselves spring burning reduces grass and crop yields stimulates weed growth increases water runoff and wind and water erosion destroys also the nests homes and food of count less wild birds and animals in northern ontario grass brush or slash must not be burned without a permit it is discouraged where possible incidentally an experiment in grass burning described in audu bons book conservation and nature activities revealed that a reduced yield of from 52 to 71 3- under the previous years hay crop was experienced water run- on increased from five to thirty times and soil erosion speeded up from four to eleven times an average of 50 pounds of nitrogen to the acre is contained in the top three to four inches of humus burning not only pulverizes the humus making it susceptible to blowolf but the heat generated by the fire turns the nitrogen to gas marks birthday one of the oldest residents of lxbridge w j gould celebrated his sjth birthday on may 27 a native of the town he still walks like a man of younger years and display- a keen interest in local and world affairs colkkttioxs good f w reynolds lxbridge tax collector reports that 03 per cent of the total levy of taxes for h52 was paid on may 15 and that 25 per cent of the total arrears out standing on dec 31 1951 was also paid york pioneers annual picnic the york pioneer and historical society is holding its annual picnic at sharon temple on the afternoon of saturday june 14th at 2 p m an interesting program has been prepared by a committee of the society and representatives of the womens institutes of the county mr james e kavanaugh a native of sharon who became one of the vicepresidents of the metropolitan life insurance com pany is looking forward to com ing from his home in bronxville ny he remembers being present at some of the feasts held in the meetinghouse and would very much like to meet others whc attended these feasts the occasion will provide a wonderful oppor tunity for a visit to the temple and for meeting old friends the society is very anxious to have present as many as possible of those who remember the feasts and services and took part in them or any of their descendants who would like to come to the picnic another solution to the flood problems would be to detour the rivers around the cities take sill j 8lui hvhti chevrol more people buy chevrolet than any other car take a discovery drive and youll know why youll discover the smooth effortless performance of centrepoise power and the brilliant response of chevrolets valveinhead engine youll discover the strength the comfort the spaciousness and the beauty of chevrolets body by fisher theres extra quality in every detail and appointment youll discover the extra steering ease of centre point steering the extra stopping power of chevrolets jumbodrum brakes and if youre driving a chevrolet with powerglide youll marvel at the effortless oilsmooth performance of this completely automatic transmission yes your discovery drive will reveal all these wonderful fea turesand many more it will prove beyond doubt that only chevrolet offers you so many bigcar extras while selling at the lowest price in its field visit your chevrolet dealer today pourrltj optional jl extrs cott on o ljtt modtlt more people buy a general motors value than any other car chasi cooper claremont ont hepburn shows 50 experts how to raise swixe easily mitchell k hepburn former premier of ontario last weekend was host to 50 ontario agricul tural representatives who viewed i new ideas on silage storage and swine raising on his south yar mouth farm mr hepburn showed his pit- silage method of preserving green clover and grass which he pre dicted will replace the upright silo an soacre rye field which has been pastured since april 15 will k heavily fertilized and seeded to rape by airplane for late pasturef some 250 hogs now are being fitted for market on a ration of grass whole oats and corn on the cob mr hepburn said only two man- hours every day are required to look after the swine stanley theatre stouffville phone 348 two shows nitely 730 pm saturday nites 700 pm fri sat june 6 7 i btti johksdkeogar buckmah clnecolor j mai hytr hatpin iqtki uiih theyre sowing their wild oats leo g0rcey oiuhhi v b0weryb0ys v a monogram nclum robinson groziano fighr mon tues june 9 10 the royal command performance picture of the year vait unconouered wilderne ipeu0indiko in iti beauryi yet every itep into iii junoic wai thhiateneo by iudpen death clecfcot tmi j jllrwi ban oioamiiatioh pciitim anthony iti it haooid waminbtl dinah shibidah also so youre gonna have an operation wed thur june 1112 e earth uisirmtotriii michael rennie patricia neal also comedy cartoon