the tribune stouffvile on thursday june 5 lf52 brooklin spring fair saturday june 7th finest spring show of heavy light horses beef dairy cattle ontariodurham co jersey cattle club parish show horse racing lyons corner house scene of vets reunion -sports- culilhumpian parade horseshoe pitching softball nail driving contest lacrosse in the evening see the womens childrens exhibits in the arena admission to grounds adults 50c children 15e leslie hall president vm g manning i sectreas s ify george abell of stouffville the two big wheels of londons great white way are piccadilly circus and leicester square and joining them like the reach pole of a farm wagon is the two hun dred yd stretch of coventry street each evening these places and the maze of little streets that radiate in all directions from them are the magnet that draws those people seeking relaxation in the worlds biggest city the scene at t pm on friday may 9 was just the same as any other spring evening outside the cinemas where robert taylor in quo vadis gary cooper in hisih noon and a dozen others where a temporary escape from lifes routine can be bought long lines were patiently waiting the same lines were outside most of the thirty or more theatres where the fare varies schnozzle durante to shakespeare with every kind of musical show drama and comedy in between the bushers street entertainer- who perform for these nightly queries were in great shape and seemed to be collecting a tap- amount of loose change from their good humored audience the purple coated and red braid ed doormen outside the clubs and restaurants such as giros oddeninos the queens and the troeadosa to mention about one in fifty were kept busy opening the doors of each taxi rolls royee or bentley as it purred up to deposit its dinner jacketed and evening gowned occupants for the evenings supper and entertain ment the sidewalk- were a slowly moving mass of the usual rest less aimless crowd of people from whom could e heard the accents and dialects of a britain and a half dozen nationalities the uni forms of the forces of every country of the north atlantic treaty organization were in evid ence and the gay colours of that group of londoners who were such a help to overseas service men in the last war and affection ately known as the piccadilly commandos seemed to be every where rut at lyons huge corner house glorified restaurant bar dance floor on the north side of coventry street the groups of men that were taking the lifts i believe you colonials call them elevators to the immense fourth floor banqueting hall were some how different to the usual groups that thronged the districts restau rants practically without excep- ion they fell into two age groups early thirties or late fifties by 715 there were a thousand in the main room clustered in small groups around the various bars and talking like mad constant shouts of charley or jack or just plain you old son of a gun were heard as familiar faces were sighted and another little group formed these men were all can adians veterans of the two great wars for this occasion was the annual banquet and get together of the cvck can veterans of the united kingdom who are affiliated with the british empire service league nobody except ova records in london knows just how many can vets are domiciled in britain but the number is in the neighbor hood of twenty thousand and the groups that night were a fair cross section they came from factories fields stores and offices and i must say that on the whole they seemed a prosperous and contented crowd 1 happened to meet a few friends from the 1 11s war who run retail businesses and public houses etc on just entering the hall they kept introducing so many of their friends that i lost all track of who was who and was pleased to hear the red coated master of ceremonies bawl through the loud speakers to please find our name cards at table and be seated when 1 finally did find my proper place i was surprised to find that of the twelve men at the table six were old friends of mine who had thoughtfully acquired a good supply of assorted materials with which to respond to each toast in turn with a toast to the queen proposed by the president of the organization the evenings busi ness began and as first course arrived the orchestra struck into alouette and other music of canada before long the food was com pletely devoured chairs pushed back cigarettes lit and all eves bf goodrich iruck ibs ii l vvf r0m shock s boost gum stpmt vour jvgmns1 mion ln0t0 thrtt 1reivd miow rectfs a general motors value take the wheel to get the feel of this amazing pontiac theres only one way to fully appreciate a 52 pontiac thats to get behind the wheel and put it through its paces for yourself youll thrill to its smooth effortless driving ease beautiful color har monics and distinctive modern styling and whether you drive a chieftain or flectleader youll find that the power of the highcompression pontiac engines has been steppedup to give wonderful new performance without sacrificing any of pontiacs reputation for economy and durability youll also find a choice of silk- sinooth synchromesh transmission dependable powcrglide automatic transmission in the flectleader deluxe scries or the spectacular new fdualrange hydramatic drive in chieftains so for the driving pleasure of your life come in soon and get behind the wheel of a pontiac pourgtide it optional on hrtui4rr imuto llwi at rxtra coil 1 dual it an 41 hydramalir it optional at rim coil on tho chxjtaxn sri dollar for dollar and feature for feature you wm beat mole motor sales r h murphy ltd ford monarch sales service stouffville ontario turned towards the head table the thirty men seated at this table presented an imposing array of what used to be known as the high priced help but is now respectfully termed top brass high ranking can military men such as major general smith and air commander costello were among men like j b thorn european manager of the cnr and the agent generals of alberta and british columbia but the man who was the focus of all eyes was one wellknown to canadians for this was field marshal alexanders first public engagement since leaving canada where lie was governor general for so long he spoke quietly but forcibly and paid tribute to the canadian and empire divisions which he had had the honour to command in so many theatres during the last war naturally he dwelt on the subject of how well he and his family had come to know and admire the country and people during the past six years but it was for the canadian legion that his praise was most outspoken i only hope that the text of his remarks is published where it can be seen by all of you for he said among other things that the can legion was advanc ing the causes not only of the veterans but of the country as a whole as much as if not more than any service mans organiza tion he had come in contact with in any country to the toast of canada follow ed by the singing of oh canada which really raised the roof the evening was over for another year goodbyes were said and trains caught for the journey hack to our separate bits of england the only rest we get nowadays is waiting for stop lights to change asaegcegaakgbagoaesccaaa w m knapp painting and wall papering also drapes made phone 472w aurora stouffville machine tool works telephone vi rear of cnr statio electric and acetylene welding fabm machinery stouffville ontario machinery repairs