the tribune stouffville onu thursday april 24 1952 salada tea bags gormley local students in toronto bible college graduation local anee boy was in we wish to commend wood for his faithfulness delivering the paper mr ronald klliott visited at his home in sutton on easter sunday mr and mrs g cober and mr and mrs v reaman of headford motored to lancaster penn for five days over the easter weekend mr and mrs anthony nigh had supper saturday evening with mr jjas stevens and mrs e jones we wish a speedy recovery to i the harold doner family who have been ill with the measles the friends of mrs jos cober j all wish her a speedy return to ood health mr and mrs e gooding ron- j nie and carol have been holiday- i ing with mr and mrs a doner we extend the sympathy of this community to mrs e stecklev mr and mrs r stecklev of tor onto and mr and mrs j clubine of lansing in their time of bereavement mr and mrs art reid of ott awa miss margaret pelling and john and bruce cobb of toronto called on gormley friends last saturday there was a fine attendance sunday evening in the united missionary church when mrs f g husori presented the easter story on the sceneofelt now is the time for all good when todays oldtimer was a henry was enter- folks to start doing a little work youngster there were three mir- and genevfewfast thursday so theyll really be missed while i acle drugs vis calomel castor evening on the occasion of her on this summers vacation oil and camphor i birthday thursday april 17 congratulations to little bar- bara noble who celebrated her t birthday on sunday april 13th the toronto daily star provided ian evening entertainment for ail 0n thursdav may 1st lltti the of greater star carriers in the gormley i varsity arena toronto will be people the jsioutfviile and markham district- tie gne of the graduation exer- j residential belt immediately- to the on monday evening of this week 0 toronto bible college north offers housing to out-of- in the lnited church hall mark- 1 eighty young people will receive town students to the south the ham mr elwood pattenden 0uryjp am certificates among i factories and business offices give paper boy was in attend- j l w be mr robert clubine i near at hand employment for stu- e j of stouffville and miss edna eade dents r 111 1 of gormley this vears graduation exer- fourth article on assessment and municipal taxation torontos great sprawling put wm oh your rear wheels now i- w stouffville g garrett son stouffville motors stouffville ontario ontario year cles mark an outstanding event in the life of the college and in canadian religious life dr john mcnicol principal emeritus of tlie college will complete his fiftieth year as a teacher of the college dr mcnicol joined the faculty in 1902 and was appoint ed to the principalship four years later during the forty years ten ure of that office the sound deve lopment of the course of training gained increasing good will among the churches the course which lias been built around the english bible provides expository study of the whole bible book by book in 1940 dr mcnicol was accord ed the office of principalemeritus while dr j b rhodes succeeded in the office of principal the training program of the past fifty year continues in unbroken succession to the graduation of this year the location of the college is strategic situated near the heart equiring parttime positions many denominational and inter denominational mission boards have their headquarters in tor onto even while in training the student may acquaint himself with their officials and require ments for service in varsity arena on may first eighty young peopde will receive diploma- and certificates marking the conclusion of three years of study in day or evening classes many will go on to join the grad uates who serve as missionaries in 53 countries and as ministers in 2sg churches in canada and the united states today the world needs the bible and its message once again the varsity arena will witness the inspiring sight of thousands of spectators gathered from far and near to hear the 200voice student choir and to hear student repre sentatives give personal testimony to their faith to equip such young people for christian service toronto bible college stands ready it comes at an appropriate time when the birds are returning to canada to nest the flowers tart to bloom and all nature bursts forth iri its natural beauty ted what is known as national it is strictly an educational week wild life week and this year it when nothing is allowed to be was marked during the week just sold in its connection or commer- concluded the week is marked to cialized in any way no financial observe the birthday of the famed appeals are allowed to be made canadian naturalist jack miner during the week wild life week ended by special act of parliament in 1m7 the federal government erea for the driving thrill of lour m mm the great new 1952 dualrange hydramalic drive orpowerglide automatic transmission plus powerful highcompression engines luxurious interiors and color ensemble theres really no way to tell you how it feels to drive a great new pontiac fleetleailer or chieftain you simply must put yourself in the drivers seat anil find out for yourself at the wheel of a flectlcader deluxe with power- glide youll enjoy the smooth effortless driving ease of this wonderful oilsmooth oilcooled automatic trans mission or in a chieftain with the new dualrange miydramatic drive a flick of your finger selects either of two performance ranges when you combine features like these with pontiacs distinctive beauty steppedup horsepower its new interiorexterior color harmonies and its worldwide reputation for economy and durability you can see why dollar for dollar you cant beat a pontiac youre invited to come in and drive it dualrante hylramute drive optional at extra ooaf en ckietain series peumdide optional en rleetteojer deluxe stajrlt at extra cl the vow kil you want highcompression engine xyhex you ivt rr nete dualrange hydramalic or potcerolide automatic transmission nheite you wtvt it stru economy axle mole motor sales million j section 33 of the assessment act defines the rules of valuation to be used by all assessors whether it be in our largest cities or our smallest villages or townships this section provides that land which includes any buildings erected on such land is to be as sessed at its actual value that is not o0 or 75- of value as is some times assumed but 100 of value thus section also states that when assessing land without buildings erected thereon consideration is to be given to the following fac tors location present use nor mal rental value normal sale value and any oilier circumstance affec ting the value then when assessing land with buildings erected thereon consid eration is to be given to the pres ent use location cost of replace- ment normal rental value normal sale value and any other circum stance affecting the value the amount to be placed for assessment purposes on the buildings is to be the amount by which thev increase the value of the land assessment example an example of this reasoning might lie of two brothers who erected identically similar houses in the city of braiuloni in wit one brother purchased a 100000 lot in a good residential section while the other purchased a 100 lot in a poor section the replace ment cost of either of the houses at 1010 values was 6000 in the good residential area the assessor was justified in placing the total replacement cost of the house 000000 for assessment pur poses as the house oy reason of its location rental value and sales value increased the value of the land by that amount however while the house on the poor lot cost just as much to erect its poor location lower rental and sales values lessened its actual appre ciation of the land so the assessor was quite justified in placing onlv 350000 on the building for assess ment purposes the same situation would devel op where two similar value houses were erected one in a city and one in a village a good brick house would cost as much to erect in the town of bala as in the city of toronto but due to its location lower rental and sales value the property would not be as valuable- to overcome this assessors use various methods to bring the as sessment value more in line witli its actual value some of these methods are by allowing depre ciation or location obsolescence or by using rental capitalization etc while objections may be found to any of these methods still if the system is applied fairly over the whole municipality there will be some degree of equity not only between properties of the same type or class but also between different types of properly the fact that a building is old does not necessarily mean a loss in value residences kept in a fair state of repair and in areas which have not gone down are worth in most cases many times their orig inal cost of erection more large old homes lose value because of their oversize and their present use as single residences when their better use would be apartments than on account of their age alone ise normal value year present day replacement costs and sales values are possibly very poor guides today in establishing assessment values for this reason the majority of assessors take the year 1010 as the normal value year when calculating their assessment values this ensures that even if real estate values decline in the future that property is not asses sed at over 100 of value in some municipalities sales values have appreciated as much as i00 over 1910 values while building costs generally have risen about 2i0 it will be readily seen from these figures that a person assessed on 1010 values has not much complaint unless he is in equitably assessed with his neigh bours or other property in the assessing area the provisions of section of the act detailed at the beginning of this article governs the method of making the assessment for all types and classes of property in all parts of ontario with the ex ception of railway telephone and telegraph properties etc and buildings used in connection with the production or storage of min erals mining buildings- used for this purpose are not assessable as a share of the profits of the mine is paid to the municipalities in lieu thereof next weeks article will detail more about your local assessment and its application stouffville ontario zksanwtttaziwwnaaaziaz stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop zzz22jlzzibjrriii7irejrmjrmjjtzb