the tribune stouffvilie ont thursday apri 3 1932 begging is a business in middle east continued from front page arrsegements cars art of the year 11523 the streets in the city are about the same as the laneway between riches hard ware and the mayfair it is amaz- ing how buses navigate them i took a bus trip from cadiz to seville it was an interesting trip although the old bus was pretty rough one bus broke down and some of the people had to ride on the roof of another for thirty miles we were taken on a tour of the old alcazar palace of the kings of spain it was a marvel lous place some of it dating back to the 12th century yesterday we were in harbour in gibralter when we woke up it was quite a sight to see all the ships at anchor many of them navy ships we were due to go ashore early but there was a gale blowing just before noon a large tender came alongside and took us to shore it was a most interesting experience to see around the big rock we went the length of it to europa point we hail an unusual experience getting back to our ship the cap tain of the tender had difficulty getting alongside as the gale was still blowing and when it hit u broadside it really rolled us the two ships followed each other up and down the harbour for over an hour and finally the captain of the oslofjord had to bring our liner alongside the tender it was really comical in comparison but our captain was really mad he is a stickler for sailing on time and we were hours late due in algiers to morrow i warm debate over road work continued from front page that much oud be accomplished salary schedule delayed the matter of a new salary schedule for the township employees was up once more for discussion and was shelved until next meeting which will be april 5th assessor fred cummings asked council that his car allow ance be increased from 500 to ss00 per year mrsommings stated that he drove his car 10000 miles a year for the municipality and this could not be done on 500 council agreed that the mileage should be increased but favoured holding the matter over until a full revision of employee salaries and allowances was brought in and to this mr cummings agreed clerk john crawford was instructed to prepare a bylaw ask ing the provincial police to renew their contract with whitchurch for 1952 similar to the contract in 1951 whitchurch township will pay 23780 as their portion of the s13s000 levy for the upper hol land valley conservation author ity largest contributor is new market who will pay 52464 four tenders were received for supplying the township with gravel in 1952 but the contract will not be let for a couple of weeks pending investigation into the quality of some of the gravel offered beamish construction co was the successful tendered to pro vide whitchurch with a bulldozer at an hourly rate of s1250 four construction firms tendered for the work auction sale 2 tkutoks tihkk combine full line of neariie implement milking machine at lot 22 cox 2 scahijoiio on mccoavau k 1 mile south of hlglmay for sale at the stouffvilie livestock sales arena saturday april 5th 500 bus mixed grain 300 bus ajax seed oats cleaned 1950 ford tractor equipped with ford loader white enamel cook stove equipped with oil burner 20 beatty staunchions partitions and head rail 6 water bowls all nearly new sold at 300 oclock sellers atkinson auctioneers thursday april 10 ule property of r e sutton mh tractor xo 30 with lights starter and pulley new in 1951 mh tractor xo si with lights starter and pulley mh tractor mower 6 ft cut new mh tractor plow xo 26 mh hay loader push bar type dis used on 20 acres new mh side delivery rake new ooekshutt tractor cultivator s ft new set double discs cockshutt 1way disc xo 33 s- disc new team corn scufiler cockshutt fanning mill new cockshutt grain binder new mh ensilage cutting box with pipes mh disc drill 13 run set drag harrows 4sec 2 walking plows drill plow turnip drill turnpike shovel cockshutt hay rake 10 ft cockshutt manure spreader fleury bissel manure spreader cockshutt grinder 2 flat racks mh rubbertired wagon set of sleighs 6 rubber belt 100 mh root pulper new 2 feed carriers 2drum roller set of trucks hoosier wagon surge milker 2unit complete xumerous small articles terms cash sale at 130 pm xo reserve giving up farming sellers atkinson auctioneers m3hcx3bexx3s363wsx3c33ss3i3a southern seas 7 0i tin lynn valley 12 oj std tin canned goods values tuna flakes asparagus cuttings chocolate malted tomato juice lynn valley peaches sliced pie apples corned beef loaf ii 23 w iv 2 25 25 17 27 red 0he savoy beverage hunts fancy halves std ouick 8 0s tin 20 oi tin 20 oi tin 12 oi tin slack knight red thin skinned seedless xol size 00 florida grapefruit 6 for 29c fresh green tops large bunclico new texas carrots 3 for 25c vt tin 34 deep south blended juice 20 oz tins 2 for 23c excellent for preserving fresh cuban pineapple each 29c oreen lacal florida bundle of 2 stalk celery hearts 15c iirt of the seaon while boilers new texas onions 3 lbs 33c good quality corn broofs each 89 domino pure soap flakes i lb 59c california sweet red emperor grapes 2 lbs 35c bc kxlra fancy lx iso winesap apples 6 for 29c vilti imichm tlwri4r ftmiy uhrity abl ird 4 1 s granulated sugar 10 m bc 1025 i api in dominion stoes limitto un6ia0cs eggs waktioi w py llfllwii mfl prfci for ungraded ep s flwjatr for dtfu i j ii iftuy ott auction sale farm stock large hank barn implements horses cattle hay grain furniture the property of mrs jas ionson at ixt 20 cox d scabboro kennedy ltd eglinton searboro junction tuesday april 8 matched team work horses black pereheron mare 10 years black pereheron mare 11 years a well matched team and have al ways worked together dairy cattle part jersey holstein cow bred aug 31 holstein heifer 2 yrsbred septlg holstein heifer 2 yrs bred sept 5 holstein heifer 15 months open 2 good yearling holstein heifers good 9month holstein heifer tractor farm machinery international 1020 tractor in good working order mccd low wheel tractor spring- tooth cultivator near new mh ldisc grain drill near new mccd 7 ft grain binder complete with horse and tractor hitches near new mh hay loader mccd 5 ft oil bath mower near new mh hay tedder mh 10 ft all steel rake near new mccd corn cultivator good set of 5sec s drag iiarows set of 3sec diamond drag harrows low farm truck wagon gear 14 ft flat rack set farm sleighs steel land roller scuffler 13tooth spring cultivator mccd xo 407 walking plow good double mouldboard plow complete with marker digging attach spring road wagon fanning mill 2row turnip drill sower cutter set platform barn scales mellotte cream separator good international 1 hp gasoline en gine in good working order lineshafting complete with several drive pulleys inside pump jack peerless bitter carrier complete with bucket sc barnyard swing pole braces inside switches hangers gates and 200 feet or more of track set of slings chain blocks round rod hay fork car fork pulley 160 ft of good drawrope heavy emery wheel stand set of stewart hand stock clippers bag holder xo of lute bags g or s 12ft steel farm gates miscellaneous articles watering troughs piping largs iron kettle is x 15 steel culvert 10rod roll of new wire fencing 10- rod roll of chicken wire fencing several rolls barbwire used wire fencing 50 or go 7ft lug steel fence posts stonehoat post hole digger logging chains electric fencer insulated post chicken crates boxes bag truck odd milk cans steel feed boxes hog crate odd lumber planking boxes etc several other odd articles forks shovel palls trees yokes odd harness etc too numerous to men tion sin of team preechlng work har ness collars etc hay graix approx 2 or 30 tons of wirebaled good mixed hay 100 bus of beaver oats suitable for seed household furniture kitchen cabinet along with other odd pieces of household furriiture and effects main bank barx 10fi x 50 there will also be offered for sale same time and place if not sold be fore sale date owing to it being ad vertised in local paper the main farm bank barn which is in good condition steel hiproof on concrete foundation all well stabled below size 106 x 50 purchaser will he ll- lowed time to remove same accord ing to announcement made known day of sale term rash xo reorve farm sold s a loo pn sharp jas smith clerk ken clarke prentice auctioneers greenwood the wms meeting for the cirj euit will meet at the home of mrs elmo disney on thursday aher- noon at 230 the mission band will meet at the parsonage on friday alter 1 oelock all children made we- come the young peoples union were in bownianvihe last thursday night presenting their drama when they won the presbytery cup for the fourth time in succession mrs henning nee klva mc- leant was in toronto at the pal- ace pier last wednesday demon- siraiing at the cooking party she i was one of 20 who entered the cross canada contest put on by home journal and salmon pack ers and won an electric range mrs fred gibson was taken fo the oshawa hospital last saturday we hope for a speedy recovery the missionary department of the sunday school are having a service in the church this sunday evening april tith when mrs dr mckinney of brooklin will be the guest speaker and will show pictures of their trip feross the states mrs ken holiday will be the soloist for the evening the ypu meet at sheila and david peggs on thursday night the regular meeting of the evening auxiliary of the wms was held at the home of mrs h dawson on wednesday march 20th the president mrs e pegg presided the program on the theme our fellow canadians from the orient was prepared by mrs monkman the roll call was answered with a contribution to a layette to be sent overseas plans were discussed regarding the sending of old woollens to be made into blankets these are to be left at the home of mrs daw son by the end of april a social hour followed aarvyrnavnaiaa mens shoes quality made and designed for long wearing comfort tops in looks burgundy leather widetoe dress brogue oxfords perfect fit feat ures built by scott mehale craftsmen 1850 cananas finest shoes for men i lehman 5 store main street stouffvilie victoria square congratulations and best wishes are extended to our newlyweds mr and mrs norman tyndall nee margaret mortson who were married on saturday afternoon moving seems to be the order of the day just now mr and mrs john buchanan have moved to the john reesor farm mr and mrs earl empringham and bar bara have moved to their new house on their farm and mr and mrs don matthews and family moved to the house formerly occupied by mr and mrs earl empringham congratulations to mr and mrs allan orr on the birth of a daugh ter there will be a good friday service for the victoria square circuit in the victoria square united church on good friday morning at 11 am special music by the three combined choirs mr and mrs herman fawcett and family had sunday dinner with mr and mrs herman mort son and joy mr and mrs traynor canning and family mr and mrs percy bennett and ray miss vicky johnson mr and mrs w sandle and margaret had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs s boy- nton and family the occasion be ing mr and mrs boyntons thirty- first wedding anniversary the wjms ladies have been invited to attend the easter thankoffering of the unionville wmjs on tuesday april 8 vandorf auction sale horses swine implements grain seed etc at lot 0 con 3 uxbiudgk 1 miles east of glasgow vandorf womens institute held their march meeting at the home of mrs j irwin with the president mrs h c powell presiding the nominating committee was appointed and are mrs geo richardson mrs arthur van xostrand mrs harold sleeth it was also agreed that 1000 be sent to the york county hospital plans are well under way for the presen tation of the institute play the family next door in the hall on april 18th at 830 pm team of horses mrs ross armitage district set ofteam harness convener of the federation of set of nreechin agriculture was guest speaker and gave a few highlights on her recent trip to ohio as well as enlightening the meeting on the wednesday april 9th the property of george alsop horse collars recent poultry and hog agenda mrs r baycroft district pres was also guest at this meeting and gave a short address on home which was very inspiring mrs rollia scott conducted a contest on trees the district director mrs geo richardson gave a re port on the recent district direc tors meeting the district annual will be held at king on may loth the meeting closed by singing god save the queen sympathy is extended to the wife and family of the late mr harry sproxton mr and mrs james long tor onto spent a weekend recently with mr and mrs gordon mac- kay sympathy is extended to the husfoand and family of the late mrs fred preston mr and mrs loy carr mr richard carr g harness 10 fat pigs chunks mcdeering binder 7 ft mcdesring oil bath mower mcdeering seed drill steel box mcdeering scuffler mcdeering hay rake near new mcdeering singlefurrow plow cockshutt no 1 manure spreader cockshutt plow singlefurrow 2row scufiler buggy cutter turnip drill steel roller cultivator 4 sections harrows set of sleighs stock rack set of 2000lb scales hay fork perfection fanning mill with bagger attachment clover screens brantford wagon hay rack sling rope root pulper xo grain bags quantity of hay quantity of ajax oats 1 bag of timothy seed hoes forks shovels 4 5 gal barrel xo of 2 x 4 scantling 4 2x6s 20 ft long root pulper and other articles too numerous to mention terms cash sale at 1 pm no reserve farm rented and miss verna marsh had supper recently with n r faulkner clerk mr and mrs robt carr sellers atkinson auctioneers mrtwiwmmmim eg nmnn style leaders for the parade short1e coats jaunty toppers in beltedfull version or boxv stvles colours red navv beiffe gray sizes 12 to 18 from 1195 smart umbrellas new ionghandled or short stubby knob in plaids solid colours or fancy borders from s30s lovely supersilk or butterfly nylon hosiery new spring- colours 45 51 go gauge new prices dresses smart taffcttas crepes summersilks sizes 12 to 44 from s895 separate skirts practical for sweaters or blouses in plaids glen checks plain gabardines sizes 12 to 40 from 395 b louses i a must for easrer for suit or separate skirls in fancy or plain sheer nylons pastel crepes or suede taltettas from 195 gloves gloves chamoisettc rayon nylon or kid in best costumeshades beige red pink blue white black tangerene from 110 hand bag lineup shoulder strap boxstyle pouchbag tailored type in black red navy tan gray green and wheat from 398 be sure to see flowers veiling head scarves lacey handkerchiefs new buttons nylon slips rayon panties spofford co stcuffville ontario mmmimminunmriiiimi in nmnimiiiiiiii