tfie tribune stouffvihe ont- thm- ay februaiv 2s 1932 the stouffville tribune established 1833 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized ii lecond claw mall post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffvihe ontario in canada 250 in usa s300 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments soaring tax rate predicted here this year as various figures are compiled for stouffvilles 1952 municipal budget it is evident that the local tax rate is in for the greatest increase in years and the fact of the matter is there are no real drastic reductions which can be made at the present time your writer is aware of additional expenditures in this new year which will amount to at least six or seven mills on the present tax rate which stands at fortytwo at least half of this increase at the present time will be taken up by the increased public school budget additional improvements in equipment and service at the town ollice will make some increase more improved firefighting equipment is to be asked for while the community centre board is expected to present a budget equally as large as last year the local high school budget is still unknown although not too great a change is anticipated until some movement is underway towards the new school public school reserves have been wiped out so that this years budget cannot look for any financial aid in that manner repairs to the municipal building also cannot wait much longer it would appear that the community centre budget would most likely be in for the most drastic paring if council is to make any effort to stem the rising tide of taxes schools and other necessary services cannot be scaled down to any great degree although council should certainly make it plain to school boards that they expect a real effort to keep costs to a- minimum and cut out the frills if stouffvihe like other municipalities is to ride out the period of costly living essential service such as the new high school and sewers will have tobe faced before the next ten years have passed and these will not be nearly so burdensome if tax payers are not forced up to their necks in taxes before that time arrives only in the debenture department can local ratepayers breath easily at the moment stouffvilles debenture debt is practically nil and this fact may provide a cushion for the abovementioned expenditures when they come missing the boat both the town the local organizations and the stouff vihe arena company are missing the boat by neglect ing to make some effort to place a floor in the towns artificial ice arena while we are fully aware that the arena is operated as a stock company something for which the ratepayers may be thankful the fact that so many townsfolk are shareholders in the concern make it to a large degree a community project while we do not intend to suggest in this column how the financial angle of installing a floor should be handled the fact remains that the revenue to be derived and the accommodation and convenience which would be provided nre untold stouffvihe as a municipality would be provided with a wonderful rallying place for any large community undertakings local organizations who are hardpressed for means to raise funds because of the lack of a large auditorium for various types of entertainment would find the flooring in the arena a real boon the arena com pany itself is losing out through the loss of revenue which could be so easily derived through the idle summer months and without the heavy operating overhead which must be carried in the winter the churches too might appreciate the added con venience it has been suggested that if the place were floored all churches in the community might participate in holding one joint evening service during the summer months and possibly stimulate sagging attendance at this time of year the handling of the arena and manner in which the companys original debt has been reduced to less than half its original figure in less than three years has been a real credit to the officials and the fact that this project was never placed as a direct charge on the tax bills should give local ratepayers neverending satisfaction at this very moment council is confronted with a problem which could be handled to the best advantage if the arena were floored the question of holding street dances could be readily solved and all such affairs could be put on without fear of the weather or of disrupting traffic in fact the work of setting up for such dances could be handled much more simply in this large enclosure than on the street would reward folly it is highly unlikely that mr st laurent will have miss agnes macphail called to the senate there are fifteen vacancies there likely always will be about fifteen vacancies until close to an election in which mayhap the government thinks it may be turned out of office mr st laurent might think he would like to have a nonliberal appointed but he is not deliberately trying to alienate liberals so many of them are sure they are deserving of the honor probably a hundred are eyeing each vacancy each vacancy filled therefore means 90 persons disappointed maybe even resentful it is politically better to have 100 persons still ahopin and willin than 99 disappointed so as long as the party controls the senate vacancies are fine another point is that to elevate miss macphail to the senate would lie to reward folly she was a leader of pacifism in this country remember her successful cam paign against the high school cadets the woolly- minded socialists here the isolationists in the united states the appeasers in great britain the potential colla borators in france were reasons for hitlers rise his determination to dominate his belief that the world would be the prussians oyster for a thousand years hitlers reading of the signs in the countries he designed to con quer failed to note that the anglosaxon nations can rouse themselves to reality but it was not miss macphaifs fault that he didnt succeed meanwhile the agnesforsenator bowmanville states man boom is loomiiig though it sounds like an idea that should have been saved for the dog days and then for gotten printed word the old home to by stanley wstt hes 5en cit thzes times at the slczk me s markham theatre phone 357 2 shows nightly 7 9 pm sat matinee at 2 pm doc plllsburt at last 6ets tubby berrz cw his fbet bible questions and answers question where did noahs ark rest after the flood answer and the ark rested in the seventh month on the seven teenth day of the month upon the mountains of ararat genesis 8 1 q lo vou think jacob will be saved a it is written in luke li 2s of certain workers of iniquity ye shall see abraham and isaac and jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of god and you yourselves thrust out q does the bible claim that it is inspired a the bible uses such phrases as thus saith the lord or god said about 3800 times in 2 samuel 232 david safdi the spirit of the lord spake by me and his word was in my tongue q my friend tried to tell me that we will observe a special day of worship in the new earth to come that isnt true is it a how about isaiah fit 22 23 for as the new heavens and the new earth which i will make shall remain before me saith the lord so shall your seed and your name remain working together the township of whitchurch planning board has shown again its keen awareness of the need for group action in its invitation to representatives of the 14 north ern municipalities to discuss common planning problems not long ago the township board addressed public notices to its neighboring municipalities on the need for inter- municipal planning now the board has narrowed its objectives to a discussion of conservation recreation municipal planning and land use problems and discussed these matters at a meeting in whitchurch municipal build ing on friday evening the advantages of such discussions are immediately obvious the 14 municipalities vaughan and markham townships and north are pretty much of a unit within the county they are semirural communities for the most part their populations are individually smaller than those to the south their problems are pretty much the same all of them are expanding the urban municipalities into the rural municipalities the latter experiencing the development of new urban centres there is a need here for collective planning if this growth is to be orderly and economical and if measures are to be taken now to provide for park space and proper proportions of industrial residential and agricultural development but such a meeting has a deeper significance the amalgamation by toronto of its immediate neighbors is yet to be settled should the city proceed those same 14 municipalities will be in their turn a county unit it is to their advantage that they learn early to work together upon the solution of their common issues and it is not a bad thing at all that the municipalities- with so much in common but so at odds with the rest of the county have a chance to know each other better even though toronto remains confined to its present borders a certain amount of solidarity in the north would be an advantage in settling some of the county issues these municipalities have already had some experi ence in working together eleven 6f them administer a county health unit three other groups work together on conservation commissions they share among themselves several high school areas and there is room for still other combinations working together on the solution of common problems meetings such as that called by whitchurch twp were unthought of 20 even ten years ago they are necessary today it is to whitchurchs credit that they have taken the lead in this instance newmarket era thursday only feb 2sth the browning version with jean peters and michael redgrave fridav and saturday feb 29 mar 1 8 hep stars 9 hot song hits plus i vyptpcmcolorll j courtuko qsb f tokihrdenp a coium6ia poube huu j lrs el fcf e pijii frj ue 10es ptfucrt b jove lts ejected t ktcuwtd qym frankieuine ill bmy danielspl itebwmoorev monday and tuesdav march 3 and 4 wednesday and thursday march 5 and 6 the day the earth stood still with michael rennie and patricia neal plus selected short subjects now you con see princess elizabeth and the duke of edinburgh ctose up in the first complete pictorial story of their tour of canada entirely in glorious n i w a fulllength c0l0r feature playing march 1015 southern indian a little hea of lake is the fourth largest manitoba new jet plane for transpacific air service pretty ann martin of mon treal takes time out to pose with a sevenfoot nineinch model of a dehavilland jet aircraft- which will go into ser vice on canadian pacific air lines transpacific service this year to be displayed at wind sor station montreal early next week the sloooomodel will go on tour to winnipeg vancouver and honolulu in addition to appearing at the canadian national exhibition in toronto this year of plas tic and metal construction it has a wingspan of nine feet seven inches with rubbertired wheels on a retractable under carriage which can be operat ed by hand to fold into the belly of the aircraft a remove- able panel in the side displays the interior of the moffel which consists of crew com partment showing pilot and copilot seat in front of a detailed control panel the wireless operators dials and ranee eu are aligned in one corner while the navigators working table is shown in the other the next section shows lounge room the lounge section which accommodates two sets of four chairs has tables with folding leaves which the body contains 28 reclining chairs with the hand luggage rack overhead the sectional view of the rear compartments discloses ladies and mens washrooms and the service compartment of the stewardesses which is located at the rear of the aircraft n cheap ice storage though the modern refrigerator using electricity or other means of energy is replacing the icebox in many rural areas ice can still be used to advantage when a source of supply is readily avail able and it can be stored without providing an elaborate icehouse any unoccupied corner of a shed will serve as a site for a roughboard enclosure an enclos ure ten feet square and eight feet high will hold enough ice to pro vide 50 pounds a day for 130 days after allowing for a reasonable amount of wastage the smaller the amount stored the greater the proportion of wastage the bottom of the enclosure should be covered with about one foot of sawdust if the soil beneath is impervious clay it will be better if there are a few inches of gravel below the sawdust in putting in the ice the boards can be taken away for one side and be replaced when the ice is in position a space of one foot should lie left between the stacked ice and the side boards and this should be filled with sawdust the ice should also be covered with sawdust it is the sawdust that keeps the ice from melting and the drier the ice the longer it will keep sanitary contractor septic tanks pnmped drains flcanrd and repaired 24 hour fierrlre c stuvdek hihmon t hill phone 320w zttt