the tribune stouffville one thurday february 23 p32 make these classified advs your market place lost od found j c f0r sale i sale register i c0mhg events lost between stouffville and yonge street on markharn-whit- church townline one milk can phone albert king stouff 62808 lost tailsate with license c25745 from 1ton mercury between stouffville and 8th con pickering phone claremont 1516 lost black and tan hound in glen major district answers to name of sport anyone knowing its whereabouts phone clare2006 lost will the party having my large iron house key attached by string to small black gong please return these to lesion hall as i value them for sentimental reas ons janet rrodie phone 52w3 stouffville see cys anniversary sale adv for sensational savings farmers 11348 international ton pickup in good condition j saturday march 1 auction snow tire heater radio best offer will consider trade wt rennie phone 121 the wa aoldiug a st best cash ofer buys good 1950 3ton maple leaf dump truck and business ph agincourt 251w3 1s50 postiac for sale standard coach financing can be arranged phone 6512 stouffville 1939 mercury sedan radio and heater 12500 as is mole motor sales phone 372w stouff 194s mercury sedan clean car throughout builtin radio and heater 99500 mole motor sales phone 372w stouff christ church are patricks tea and bake sale in the parish hall on saturday march 15 from 3 to 5 in the afternoon sale at tb- stouffville li restock sales arena selling livestock our specialty fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs horses pickup md delivery can be ar ranged come early and bring something to sell this is jwur community ale you bring it well sell it sale every saturday 1 at 1 pm make this your market loc where buyers and sellers meet woman 1av of prayer on friday sellers and atkimon auction- kob 9th a pm n the presby eers terian church mrs rev raymond come to the leap year dance to be held in brougham twp hall on friday feb 29th under the aus pices of joy rebecca lodge draw clock will be made admission help wanted township of uxbrldgio applications will be received until march th 1952 for the position of assessor for the township of uxbridge applicants please state 1 qualifications and salary expected john ashenhurst clerk goodwood john ashenhurst clerk goodwood ont 432 1950 chevrolet coach in lovely condition throughout 10000 ac tual miles s1695 trade or terms mole motor sales phone 37 2v stouff articles for sale for sale 20 tons baled hay mostly alfalfa leslie smith lot 12 con 3 whitchurch phone stouff c4221 4 32 dominion washing machine for sale mrs kn wagg plume 24j1 stouff miscellaneous sanitary work i am prepared to handle your drain age work cesspools septic tanks and other outside conveniences cleaned chas dadson bloomington phone 66424 general brickwork chimneys built or repaired 35 years experience jacy sjtylks cedar valley ontario 446 mos if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and processed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call schells meat market ltd stouffville phone 220 will pick up deliver 444 sewing machine sales and service new machines from s950 all with reverse stitch guaranteed repairs to all makes k middlemiss phone 807 stouffville 42tf carpenter work all kinds of carpenter work done also cement work and eavetrough- ing les ogden ph 65s27 stouff 444 we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3501 49tf baby chicks hillside poultry farms have been raising chicks for canadian farm ers for more than a quarter cent ury theyre canada approved some of the very best and at prices within the range of all hundreds of customers testify to their excellence price lists are ready tell us when you need them breed and quantity agent orval wilson whitevalo markham 55w3 37tf albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate delivery claremont 1516 mount albert 4120 30 tf tractor repairs we are prepared to look after your tractor troubles any make 50tf henry ogden son old horses 1500 at your farm also dead and crippled stock pickup service phone collect agincourt 18j12 campbell mink 34tf we repair all makes of sewinx machines new ones from 8950 up singer sewing centre 102 main st newmarket ph 1075 open until 9 pm saturdays 39tf j piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gorhardhelntzmao phone fairs radio electric stouffville 806 21tf all orders promptly attended to for sale prim lady hand made aprons variety of patterns all made from good quality print reasonable prices vera hilts ph stouff 6730s 432 antique gramaphoxe for sale phone 3 103 claremont one only electric canadian beauty rangette with automatic oven control ireduced price for quick sale stouffville coop ph 269 or 122 handwork for sale hand- smocked childrens dresses hand knitted garments to your order reasonable mrs fox mt albert phone 4103 chantenay half long carrots for sale 100 per hamper bring your own hampers fred hisey almira 442 15 bags of chippewa seed potat oes for sale 300 per bag phone 67602 stouff bruce taylor for sale large quantity of good cob corn in the crib phone 145w markham for sale water jacket heater no 40 2 years old or would swap for a good size quenec heater also electric refrigerator over 7 cuft in excellent condition 75 len keeping main st near school sewing machine for sale treadle model phone 49j4 stouff mrs sawyer poultryequipment listen to them all but remember we spec ialize in sales and service of poul try equipment our new 1952 stock is arriving now of james- way warner and premier equip ment new and used coal oil gas and electric brooders also feeders waterers wafers brooder rolls thermometers automatic electric time clocks etc altona feed supplies claremont phone 61306 stouffville 433 for sale 75 large bales dry wheat straw also m h 13hoe drill carruthers bros ph 60503 quantity of mixed hay for sale baled or loose w claugh- ton phone 60305 stouff refrigerator for sale 17 cuft j keeprite double doors suitable for store good condition e allen i ringwood ph 67wl stouff 442 for sale glass ddor cupboard and a kitchen cabinet ph 61204 stouff mrs thompson for sale by tender the undersigned will receive ten ders for driving shed 20x30 timber frame with hay loft above up until march 15 1952 build ing can be seen on lot 11 con s whitchurch highest or any tend er not necessarily accepted fh roberts box 50 union 443 wanted electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges etc installed radios ranges toasters irons and other appliances repaired k h middlemlss 1 6tf pho 367 stouffville wanted barn timbers 2 pieces s x s x 16ft 2 pieces 8 x s x 25ft anyone having timbers phone harold jarvls markham 43j1 carpenter work wanted cupboards or inside work w greenbury phone 29w2 stouff wanted house to rent in or near markham or stouffville ph stouffville 60s 14 radios 1 appliances 1 complete repair and servicing by ex pert technician all work fully guaranteed 10tf bell son phone stouffville 281 washing machine repai f wed march 5 auction sale of faun stock and implements 20 head of milking shorthorn cattle yorkshire hogs horses poultry hay and grain oliver tractor mod el 66 like new at lot 33 con 3 east gwillimbury 3 miles north of queeitsville known as lowlands farm the property of alfred veri reechin and walter kozub terms on chattels cash sale at 1230 sharp percy mahoney john grant clerks as farmer auc tioneer wednesday march 5 monster auction sale of 40000 worth of brand new international harvester mccormiekdeoring farm ma chinery consisting of w6 w4 a c ii and cub tractors cultiva tors seed drills plows sot baler no 400 and no 200t spreaders power mowers double disc inter national refrigerators home freezers etc the greatest display of new farm machinery ever to be offered by public auction in this country at king city con 3 king twp 4 miles west of no 11 highway 20 miles north of tor onto the property of ma wilson reason for selling lease sudden ly expired on warehouse nowhere to store goods from weather terms cash unless otherwise ar ranged before the sale starts sale at 1030 am sharp refreshment booth on the grounds jack walk- ington clerk sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday march s important extensive auction sale of register ed holstein cattle consisting of cows heifers springers etc ihc tractor threshing machine farm stock implements hay grain complete lot of household furni ture all in al condition proper ty belonging to ernest d stong at lot 3 con 5 vaughan twp at edgely 12 noon as this is a very large sale it will start precisely on time terms cash no reserve as the farm is sold and everything has to be disposed of ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday march8 auction sale of used farm machinery approx imately 30 tractors all other types of farm machinery including threshers binders plows seed drills forage harvesters combines etc draw prize of registered hol stein heifer calf valued at 25000 only purchasers of machinery eligible for draw sale at 1 pm uxspring farms limited inter national harvester dealers corner 12 and 4 7 highways phone ux- bridge or port perry monday march 10 auction sale of 44 head of listed register ed holstein cattle implements hay and grain etc on lot 4 con 3 york entrance off don mills rd property of j darlington sons terms cosh implement sale at 11 am sellers atkin son auctioneers cattle sale at 1 pm le franklin auct l turn er clerk catalogue of cattle on request from owners wednesday march 12 ex tensive auction sale of registered and high grade holsteins regist ered percheron horses 3 tractors 2 combines 32 conveyor baler with pickup new and nearly new tractor implements pigs grain baled hay and straw quantity of good tools the property of samu el winger at lot 15 con 3 vaughan on dufferin st 2 miles north of no 7 highway at concord farms rented terms cash sale at 12oclock sharp very large sale must start on time womens institute of carrville will have a refreshment booth on the grounds clerk d goulding sellers atkinson auctioneers 414 tuesday march is auction sale of horses cattle pigs farm implements etc at the elliott farm newtonbrook on yonge st the property of mr simpson terms cash no reserve sale nt 1 pm ken clarke prentice auctioneers wednesday march 19 auction sale of 100 acre farm farm imp lements pigs ford tractor milk cooler and milking machine hay and grain also entire household furniture at lot 4 con 2 ux- bridge 1 miles east of stouff ville li mile north of altona the property of iorne byer terms on chattels cash terms on prop erty made known day of sale property sold subject to reserve bid watch bills for description of farm as farmer auctioneer joyce is the guest speaker all lad ies are cordially invited wanted large size babys crib wooden preferred good condition phone 61 60s stouff jutes wanted large jutes suit able for bulky dairy feed 20c each stouff coop ph 269 or 122 cars and trucks wanted for wrecking purposes highest cash prices paid ph aurora s0r3 lirs i all itimw of washing machine re paired and serviced by capable mechanics we pick op and deliver and iraarantee prompt and efficient tervlce oar charge are rconb c h bell son phone 2slw stouffville work wanted expert typing of any kind done at home dcnna keeping stouffville wanted childs play pen in rood condition phone stouff 46j1 mrs bill sanders under new management the elms restaurant and sonice station on no 7 highway west of brougham will be under new management commencing march 1st regular hours 7 am to 10 pm saturday nights to 1 am your patronage will be greatly appreciated staley and ellicott proprietors 412 on march 7th a convention of the north york unit of the ontario temperance convention will be held in aurora united church at 730 pm no afternoon session ora torical contest film election of officers the guest speaker will be the royal moulion field represent ative for the ontario temperance federation implements for sale allis chalmers hay baler used only 2 seasons good as new norman smith uxbridge rr 3 farm equipment oliver farm machinery starling stable equipment cannon ball barn door track howard rotavator garden tractors fox farm machinery doon bailer twine prices on request 1 pickering jt sons victoria square ph stouff 04012 433 wagon unloading irons we have on hand a number of extra sets of irons for making up for age harvester wagons save lab our now by building wagon boxes for use with your harvester next summer stouffville coop phone 122 or 269 for sale massey harris no 11 electric separator phone 2603 claremont massey harris tractor for sale fully equipped with hydraul ic lift wheel weights sealed beam lights electric engine heater and prestone ph rich hill 39 lw 44- real estate to let nice bright room in good home on main street would give breakfast mrs sellers main st evenings 442 for rent 5iroom house in vi cinity of stouffville reasonable to responsible family with or with out children apply box v stouff ville tribune lots for sale 4 lots 50 to 64 frontage good road water and hydro teellar drain from each near centre of town and all new buildings in area phone 33w4 js sanders 442 ileal estate for snlo property belonging to the estate of the late albert mantle claremont about svi acres of land springfed creek sixroomed house furnace bath hardwood floors barn hen houses fruit trees etc price 7500 mrs ii jarvis glauford station rr 2 443 house and ixt house and lot for sale in new gormley 6room house insul brick garage and hen house in good repair possession april 1st apply frank harvey gormley for rent 95 acres of good farm ing or gardening land in high state of cultivation with bank barn lots of water at lots 11 and 12 con s whitchurch compris ing 6 acres of fall wheat 32 acres plowed and rest seeded to alfal fa apply fh roberts unlon- ville ont 44tf farm wanted 25 acres to 200 acres with good stream or water supply good shade not particular of condition of buildings or where located box s tribune 433 farms urgently wanted large or small we have a list of clients waiting some with cash please write stating full particul ars to local representative of crown trust co mr cf smith unlonvlllc out personal lots for sale eight building lots for sale on rose ave east of obrien will sell together or separate also a 2storoy building 15x50 and one building 10xlv b litner bald win phone sutton 37rl3 in stouffville soutnwest cor ner rupert and william sts large brick house on double corn er lot furnace septic tank tool shed to rear verandahs in need of minor repairs good clean con dition possession guaranteed on or before march 31 1952 send best offer to bruce clarke broker 100 rivercrest road toronto junction 3423 42tf toronto and york roads commission notice to truckers half loading regulations 1952 on and after saturday march 1st the i load restrict ion will be enforce ou all roads in the york county highway system under the jurisdiction of this com mission with the following except ions road no 1 bathursi street south of eg- linton avenue 2 kingston road 4 victoria park avenue sun rise avenue south 5 durdas street city limit to humber river bridge 6 vaughan road eglinton south 7 weston road north umit of town of weston south 7 old weston road s broadview avenue city lim it north oconnor drive don mills road west 10 lawrence avenue in town of weston 10 a dixon road west of town of weston 17 lansing side road dawes road to kingston road 19 eglinton avenue west city limit to keele street 20 scarlett road 34 bayview avenue york mills road south 35 blythwood road n w long chairman 11 c rose chief engineer 67 adelaide st east amateur contest veterans hall markham sat march 830 pm 15 a fill kvfnivos entertain ment fob the whole family admission 3v talent invited anyone wthinj to compete in thi- oitct phone markham 2311 for full partit ulir- ami npiointiitcnt ac companist will ik- prccut if so de sired ood prizes 434 in memoriam matthews in loving memory ot a dear mother who passed away march 1 1951 and while she lies in peaceful sleep her memory we shall ever keep ever remembered by harold dora and joyce crawforth loyst in loving memory of frank s loyst who departed this life march 1st 1949 not dead but passed beyond the mist that binds us here into the newer larger life of that unclouded sphere lovingly remembered by wife and family holden in loving memory of mrs truman holden who passed away march 2 1951 time passes on months have pass ed since death its gloom its shadow- cast within our homes where all seem ed bright and took from us a shining light we miss that light and ever will her vacant place theres none to fill down here we mourn but not in vain for up in heaven we will meet again ever remembered by the family holden in loving memory of a dear grandmother mrs truman llolden who passed awav on march 2 1951 deep in our heart lies a picture of a loved grandma laid to rest in memorys frame we shall keep it because she was one of the best lovingly remembered and sad ly missed by grandchildren krla and billy live stock 2 yorkshire hogs for sale from registered stock phone 65215 stouffville wj valliere wanted to buy canner and cut ter cows for killing purposes top market prices paid l kahn sons brooklin ph 21rl2 442 baby chicks large type british columbia white leghorns high egg producers also sussex x ham p cross all eggs pro duced on our own farm february to june double blood tested wilsons poultry farm millikcn phone agincoiirt vlw2 43s good markets for the poui- trykeeper with early chicks weve pullets and cockerels dayold and started for immedi ate shipment in wide choice ask for prices order mixed in advance bray brooder fred wise richmond hill stiver bros stouftville u p p p p p live stock owners why take less for dead and crippled horses and cattle the ontario rendering co guarantees you more phone at any time stouffville 184w uxbridge 15w 42tf 4 ij p ip 4 p selling entire dairy herd of first class holstein cows 7 fresh this month boh swan cherry- wood rr 2 pickering phono 227j2 investment opportunities we have a number of excellent op portunities for investment of first mortgage monks at 6 in amounts skinny men women gain 5 tof 1000 to 15000 call collect wanted to buy yourp hoi serviceable ape earl doner phone j 62307 i 15 lbs new pep too try famous for further information ostrex tonic tablets for double results new healthy flesh nr vigor new get acquainted siie real estate brokers only 60c all druggists markham phone 23u 27tf wignall and shepherd chicks does this mean anything to you this year we purchased over 5000 rop wingbanded pedigreed cockerels to use in our breeding stock we are sure that you will agree with us that this rop breeding will increase the egg production of our 1952 pul- lets for layers and improve our cockerel chicks for broilers and roasters buy chicks with genu ine breeding back of them all popular pure breeds and cross breeds to chose from also turkey poults tweddle chick hatchery fergus local agent altona feed supplies ph 61306 stouff 433 holstein bull calf 10 months of age sire of calf the twice all- canadian spring farm fond hope xxx 1 dam cynthlo slsis keres pontlac gp with 2yarold rtoord of 909s lbs of 3679j milk albert kisg phone sout 2s0s auction sale livestock 1 m plem ents 20 head milking shorthorn cattle yorkshire hogs horses poultry hay and grain oliver tractor mod el 66 like new the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 33 con 3 east gwillimbury township 3 miles north of queensville known as lowlands farms wed march 5 the following properly belonging to alferd verrecchia and walter kozub cattle roan shorthorn cow due in march shorthorn cow fresh calf by side roan cow bred milking holstein cow bred march 29 red and white cow bred milking red and white cow bred mar 29 roan cow bred milking red heifer bred milking brindle heifer bred milking red heifer 2 years red steer black stoor 4 heifer calves 2 veal calves 2 nannie goats all cattle bred to maple bulls horses pony 9 years old gelding buggy and harness grey mare is years old 2horse trailer harness set double harness number horse collars implements oliver tractor model 66 new 1950 first doss condition fleury tractor plow 2furrow set double disc cockshutt grain binder 7 ft cut mcd 13disc drill fertilizer cockshutt good roller 3drum bissell mower mc d hay rake 10 ft set drag harrows horsedraw disc set sloop sleighs wagon gear rubber tired wagon good hay rack steel wheel wagon tractor trailer manure spreader mc d cuaaer buggy fanning mill and bagger cream separator churn set hog scales hay fork sot scales 2000 lbs number of dairy pails number of poultry feeders and drinkers draw rope 150 ft wheelbarrow large iron kettle track car and pulleys snow plow feed bin number of sacks number of barrels block and tackle single plow cistern pump and pipe 2 bushel measures number of cow chains forks shovels hoes etc pigs yorkshire sow bred nov 27 yorkshire sow bred dec 1 yorkshire sow brod dec 2 yorkshire sow bred dec 3 yorkshire sow bred dec 4 yorkshire sow brod dec 15 yorkshire sow bred jan 25 bog 2 years old 23 hogs about 130 lbs 20 hogs about 120 lbs 6 hogs about 125 lbs 5 hogs about 130 lbs 3 pigs 7 weeks old poultry about 4 5 yearling hens heavy breed hay nnd grain about 20 tons of mixed hay quantity of clover hay quantity of wheat furniture heintzman square piano antique in good condition kitchen stove 4 lids kitchen table and chairs numerous other articles real estate at the same time and place there will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid the 200acre farm ho acres workable with good drainage bank barn large implement shod good hog pen 8room house with good cellar overflowing well at barn equipped with hydro about 40 acres of good bush property to he sold at 3 pm sharp terms made known day of sale those interested in the farm contact l e rollings owner phone 979m newmarket tenns on rhatfcls cixli sale jirl- it i2so pm iadi- of the w a will icrv- luncit percy mahoney john gran clerk as farmer auftionor iliom- 117112 stoiiffwiiic