Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 7, 1952, p. 3

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trie fribttrie stouffviue on- thursday february 7 1952 the stouffville tribune established 188s member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized as second class mail post office department ottawa issued every thursday at stouffviue ontario in canada 250 in usa 300 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments up io ihe workers unless canadian government policies are careful tariffs on goods imported from japan are going to be too low to protect the interests of canadian workers believers in free trade as an economic theory will not go to the extent of arguing that the plan should be carried in practice to the point of admitting to canada the pro ducts of workers paid a few cents per hour as in the case in japan remember these japanese workers have available the same machines and tools with which to produce as are at the disposal of the canadian workers they have or can develop the same skill the difference between them is that the japanese worker is paid a pittance while his canadian competitors have a decent standard of living there are plenty of interests in canada eager to exploit the cheap labor of japan there are importers who would like to handle japanese goods there are consumers who do not care what happens to canadian workers if they can buy goods a little more cheaply unless canadian workers take a stand about all this they need scarcely be surprised to experience the unem ployment unless they are willing to take such cuts in wages as will permit them to compete with japan for parents only the old home town by stanley by xarcy cleaver kekdixg the muds or mem koi feathered 1 k i ends is wung by stout wires from a sturdy branch of a tree this can lo be placed on a wooden post- a deep metal bani on the trunk of the tree or around the post will the first pet i can remember courage- eats this can be was a blue jay shaped in the form of a funnel jack miner writes in his fascln- vvuh lhe thi s down- atmg autobiography jack miner i wajr and the birds he was eager to a metal trays or dishes if keep ms pet alive but unfortunate- vou vvam lo fec blr in zero ly he didnt follow rhe right diet leather sometimes the poor although he stuffed him with fishj birds wet feet freeze to the wire i worms jack miner admitted that tnesn of a soap container hi the next morning the blue was struggles to remove the suet esms j v t kee lhe fewii pbce as rustic tounuew bo and girls have a possible shv birds are vvarv of but mot of mem have had more woodpeckers and chick- success with feeding the grown adce5 are all glad to work hard to birds and leaving the care of thej lhe sue rillb fledglings to their parents rough bark of a tree holes can be l fj i tared i a stump wan the bark municipal bodies and ihe press partly because there are a number of new members on municipal bodies this year and party because we feel the matter should be restated for all we publish below some extracts from a booklet the municipal council in ontario which outlines in clear manner the question of the relationship between municipal government and the press while it holds no official position in municipal govern ment the press plays an important and useful part in its operation it is largely through the columns of the news paper that the citizens obtain their information with respect to what matters are being dealt with by their coun cil and their disposition in this way the press serves as a connecting link between the council and its people and serves to protect the electors and taxpayers by keeping councils under close scrutiny while the representatives of the press have no special rights they have the same right of attendance at council meetings and access to public records as other inhabitants of the municipality although the representa tives of the press may be excluded from committee meet ings experience shows in the long run in most matters it is better to have the representatives of the newspapers get the correct story first hand than to ge a garbled version of the proceedings by indirect means most newspapers can be relied upon not to publish information which it is clearly not in the public interest to have published in fairness to the representatives of the press however it should be remembered that their busi ness is to get news and not necessarily to print only what the council or a member of council wants to be published there is probably no other agency in a community that can do more to promote or obstruct good municipal government than the local press raer when they sing in the early mornings with such abandon in the autumn when many of them gather in flocks to migrate to the south birds are a never ceasing source of interest im glad to feed the birds in the winter time one bird watcher said enthusiastically they give on it and these tilled with melted grease an empty dried half of a grape fruit skin makes a handy con tainer for melted grease a food hopper can be constructed by punching holes along the upper edge of an open can idling it with corn or rye or oats and then p r v n inverting over a large wooden rl k ule ule deb this can bo arranged so that louetoihem i the food will gradual v drop lown his true that birds have existed and flow out of the holes all for centuries without much help khkii of s f food f h ftom man some species such as kitchencrumbs bits of cereal or the whooping crane have become fl sll ls uil f fwhf fn h dried moat nuts and scrapings of mess killing by hunters but lt bmter al u con- dunng the long winter months mi turned a climate like ours especially after a heavy snow fall or an ice drinking water in the storm which forms a glazed cover- winter it quickly freezes and so it i lis well to put warm water out in i wooden bowl in the summer editors mail 1591g3 king street west toronto 2b jan 31 1952 a v nolan and son the stouffviue tribune stouffviue ont dear sirs another year has passed and again we wish to thank you and the staff of the tribune for your splendid cooperation in present ing salada advertising to the public this year marks our 60th anni versary which is almost like say ing the 00th year we have used the newspapers of canada for we went into the papers very soon after we started marketing our tea from the outset we had two basic ideas the first was to give the finest quality of tea we could and the second to advertise it as i widely as our purse would per mit and the years have vindicated the policy the latest proof of this is the new building we are erecting in the town of mount royal quebec with a floor space of 125000 square feet it will be one of the most modern tea buildings in the world with the whole process of blend ing packing and shipping carried out on one floor it is a pleasure to acknowledge once again the fine and courteous cooperation we have had from the newspapers yours very truly salada tea company of canada limited k k bythell okeat deeds he fell within himself a mighty urge to do great deeds that all men would acclaim to visit vice dens haunts of crime and purge the land he loved from sordid- ness and shame he turned each night at end of futile day his disappointed weary foot steps home and pondered restless sleepless hours away o would his chance for glory never come time passed the impulse slowly waned was dead that night he felt uplifted rest- full sweet and down within a deep content hed led a timid child across a busy street wfr ing on the trees and the ground i birds are often kept alive by pro viding food for them it is hunger and not cold which kills many of our songsters on snowy days birds search for weed seeds and bushes with ber ries a sunflower head a few rows of wheat or stalks of corn with cobs are real treasure to the hun gry feathered folk there are quite a number of people who throw a few crumbs on the ground after a snow or ice storm but if this is only a spas modic gesture the birds cannot depend on the food supply feed ing the birds faithfully is a reward ing leisuretime family project a wooden plank fastened firmly to form an extended window- ledge shelf is often used addi tional boards can be placed to form a shelter at one end from the prevailing winds and slanting roof erected to keep the snow off the food a branch or two of pine or spruce in front of the shelf also provides some shelter the birds like to light on a limb be fore eating a thin glass curtain prevents the birds flying away in alarm when someone comes to the window to watch sometimes a square feeding box with glass on three sides so time the birds can forage for food but a little food and water supplied regularly at the feeding station attracts the feathered folk the parent birds will sometimes be observed showing their young ones their feeding place in the mid summer in the warmer months the bucket or pail with a small hole in the bottom filled with water and suspended over a large shal low dish such as the cover for a big garbage can attracts the birds place gravel in the dish and watch how this running water acts as a magnet 1 the canadian national parks branch department of the inter ior ottawa has a useful pamphlet available on request on attract ing birds with food and water on the new book shelf in the public library look for leon a hausmans beginners guide to attracting birds purchase an inexpensive book such as the golden nature guide by zim and gabrielson simon and schuster buy or borrow p a taverners birds of canada or r t petersons field guide to the birds so that you will know the names of the feathered friends i a i it ikksidext dull on rummey wellknown victoria square farmer has been elected president of richmond hill agiculuiral society the fair will hold its 103rd annual fair may 2tt bkkitiiaupt to he sworn in tkb 18th premier frost stated last week that louis o breithaupt of kit chener likely will be sworn in as ontario lieuterianitkovernof on feb istli the day his appointment becomes effective the new lieutenantgovernors first official dutv will probably be the opening feb 21 of the first session of ontarios ture 2 th legisla- that the birds have shelter from j who enjoy your food and water the wind and can also be observed copyright dear editors mail editor i have been recently criticised because people have felt my actions in council were disturbing however i would like to point out to them these facts recently 1 was appointed as a member to the committee re plumbing and sanitation and at the first meeting with our plumb ing inspector i find these sur prising facts mark ham township is supply ing the residents of harding park subdivision with water and are not sending them bills nor mak ing any effort to collect remuner ation therefrom we have supplied harding park subdivision with i7s323 gallons of water since june 1931 which vbild ordin arily be charged at tioc per thou sand gallon- plus ss00 per year service charge for each household 1 understand there are approxi mately 10 households the reason for this is and i quote from a report from mr t l galbraith plumbing inspector in answer to your inquiries regarding harding suwdi vision the situation is as follows due to improper installation of present water system by the subdivide the township engineers planned a complete system tying in with area no 1 and assessing the cost against the landowners in the area covered this plan was disputed by some resulting in the town ship engineers making changes which are under way at the pre sent due to the unsettled condi tions i was advised by council and their engineer to make no charge for water consumed until the matter was cleaned up we took over from richmond hill on june 9 1051 i shall endeavour to do my ut most to clear up this situation be cause i do not think it is fair to the farmer for other taxpayers to have to supply water to any sub division out of the general fund of the township without making some effort to collect same the alwve is a good example of what a few may call peace disturb ing but in my opinion this is one of many cases where the tax payers money has not been pro- perly handled alf ie masurier days of yore from the files of the tribune 18 years ago a tragic death occurred at lake musselman on sunday afternoon when john dults dropped dead while skating on the lake he was in the midst of entertaining a party of eight or ten toronto friends on sunday at his cottage and all were enjoying the ice skating when the unfortunate fellow collapsed in the midst of the merriment the community was shocked on friday evening to learn of the drowning accident which befell mr roy brillinger of orillia son of mr and mrs henry brillinger of stouffviue mr brillinger was walking across the ice of lake couchiching when the frozen sur face gave way and he fell into the water before rescuers were able to reach him the body was whirl ed away by the swift current the canadian bank of com merce at markham was robbed by- two youthful bandits of around s2300 on monday afternoon and although mr orvaj hisey took up the chase the bandits made a successful escape stouffviue mohawks scored a 10 shut out over sutton this week with dinty dodgins netting the lone tally for the locals the largest crowd of the season wit nessed the most exciting game to be played here this winter markham township council met on monday evening when the highest relief bill to date was passed amounting to nearly 1300 donald mckinnon formerly of cashel was smothered to death when a trench which he was digg ing caved in other workers scrambled to safety but mckin non became trapped the excava to be postponed high prices were registered at the farm auction sale of b d davidson of victoria square when one registered cow brought 140 work horses sold at 100 while oats went at 37c per bushel 14 years ago those who feared the january thaw would miss us this season are now at rest again on this score the warm sun on sunday melted the snow banks down and on monday it rained off and on filling the low cisterns and swell ing the creeks while gladening the hearts of farmers whose water supply might have been getting low the old blacksmith shop on mill street just north of schells butcher shop has been sold to rev e morton pastor of the christian churches at ringwood bloomington and altona mr morton intends to make use of the excellent frame in the building in the construction of a house for himself nine pupils attending markham high school last term from stouff viue cost the taxpayers of this village 50392 it is hot so many years ago since parents were com pelled to pay at least a part of this cost themselves but the law today compels the state to pro vide the whole cost and thus the bill which comes from markham because stouffviue does not pro vide the education these pupils seek returning from toronto after midnight on tuesday mr thomas birkett insurance broker of the town struck a cnr train at the markham crossing fortunately the freight was at a standstill but due to the heavy fog the driver did not notice the barricade across the road the stouffviue creamery dis on was cleared in a short time closed the fact that the price of cream as paid by them has hit a record high the company right now is paying for cream deliverer 38c for special grade and 3fic for first grade r h spofford 10th concession farmer at mongolia sold a fancy pair of gray geldings last week to we have experienced the most george rodanz for use on hi severe weather of the winter i burnbrae farms at ringwood so season with the thermometer i few of the farmers take any pride registering is degrees below zero in raising good horses these day- owing to tne extremely cold that it is almost like old times t weather the farm stock sale of i read of the sale of something that russell storry north of town had would make good show stock- and in spite of artificial respira tion the victim never recovered there are still a number of vacant houses in stouffviue ten to be exact this is unusual for this town considering the low tax rate since the last issue of the pape skinny men women gain 5 10 1 lbs get new pep vim vigor what thrill hoiv llmba 111 out unly hollow ill ij uccb do l03ccr ncrii btd loemw bftlf- sirrved sickly uniiim look ttwunniu of cirls vkimti nun who rnvcr couli sum before tif nti proii i of hhajtlj iuikhkitn bodies nrj uiauv tuv mnti1 borbumm tlctibuildtdc if mn- it tonics -imuin- invlkorstor i hi vltamh iti cikuiii eimrti iikkmi improve i hctu9 tti iltcnflqd so food cht ou more iittd ami ikirillinnt dm nation bareboat i i ur gfftick ur iai si- vtiru youve kiiuhi f c 10 15 or so his you nj fur normal wrlrlit i little nct zpl cviti lte vnty ooc lrv ripmmk rfv trt lihlft- lor new vigor mti a ivd foaijri lit- vtr dj at all jrusteu 8w buys nd whys jcyife iw e ek ycii illfe row service montreal 00000 piuze money heres your hie chanro to win the 100000 first prize or ariv other of the 143 cash awards to a tolal o s500000 second prize is s20000 third priie is 10000 ami there are 110 prizes of s500 each all of these prizes will he doubled if the prize winning contestant has al ached only one boxlop label or facsimile from any one of the following products velveeta boxfop crown brand corn syrup label s topped tin any junket boxtop tintex dye or color remover boxtop tender leaf tea box- top from a container of tea or tea bags bovril boxtop or label realemon lemon juice label vitone can top miracle whip salad dressing label bromo seltzer boxtop or label silver gloss starch boxtop robin hood cake mix boxfop white chocolate or ginger bread johnsons pride furniture wax label davis gelatine boxtop lavoris boxtop or label zubes cough lozenges paper disc milko boxtop chase sanborn coffee front panel from bag or metal strip from tin kraft de luxe slices label you need just one boxtop label or facsimile to double vour prize money and you can win a special sl00000 bonus too read about it under heading 100000 bonus confidentially yours the popular new weekend newspaper column presents this great and easy contest this is all you have to do find and circle 19 letters of the alphabet in this column which if placed in order iconld tpell confidentially yours heres a winning tip just read back a few lines and you will find the word contest circle each of the first three letters and you are on your way to the big prize money i you will find the remainder of the letters scattered throughout he column the order in which they are circled does not matter you may circle the letters in this column or on a separate slip of paper write fhe complete words from which you took the key letters which spell out your solution these key letters must then bo circled in this way you can send in as many entries as you wish 1 contest closes march 31st 1952 be sure to include your name and address only first class mail with sufficient postage accepted remember 200000 is the first prize if correct solution contains ft boxtop label or facsimile from anv of the above products there are 143 other prizes for a grand total of 5000001 major prize winners names will appear in this column within a few weeks a complete list of winners will be furnished on request mail your entries and enclosures lo confidentially yours po box 350 station 11 montreal increase your chances of winning by rushing as many entries as possible 100000 bonus at ihe time off ihe fudging a special 100000 bonus will be awarded to the first contestant with correct solu tion who has enclosed one boxtop label or facsimile from any six of the products mentioned above the fudg ing will continue iff necessary beyond the awarding off the other 143 prizes until a cor rect solution is found which qualifies for this special 100000 bonus hang some cay decorations put on a pretty dress and have fun al ciiha yor parties its easy to do when youre 3fhi not all worn out from fussing over fussy food jyim js simply make something easy vet ohsodclicious at br with wonderful jell0 puddings heres fv sk a recipe thats always a partysuccess yet economi es s ca am simple to prepare marble pie i prepare 1 package each jcll0 chocolate pudding and jello vanilla pudding using li cups milk for each cool mixtures put a tablespoon at a time into baked 9inch pic shell alternating flavours cut through filling with knife in zigzag course to marble repeat in opposite direction ive never seen a husband as proud as marys was the other night he beamed with delight when we all asked for eecond helpings ol marys won derful cake she told us her cake success secret swans down cake flour surprised no ill bet youre not if you use swans down for you know that it makes cakes as light as a dream beautiful tender cakes that melt in your mouth but do you know why swans down makes such wonder ful cakes firstly its made by cakeflour experts and its sifted and resifted tjl its 2 times as fine as ordinary flour dont take chances when 3oure cakebaking to all your precious ingred ients add the wizardry of swans down cake flour so why 1 never did believe that old say ing about being able to do some thing with your hands tied behind your back just rij fry it sometime i your hands are just about the most precious possession you have not give them the good care they deserve after a particularly grubby job treat them to a thorough cleansing with wonder working snap hand clean er snap removes grcaie stains and all hardtogetoff dirt in a flash yet its kind to your hands its kind three ways for snap hand cleaner contains three magic ingredients fino italian pumice and pure soap for cleans ing plus kindtohands glycerin for conditioning thats why i urge you to take good care of your hardworking hands with snap hand cleaner yes its trite as ive proved to myself again and again for five upsets tiiat can make you feel sluggish and blue m theres one remedy to set you right speedy sparkling sal hkpatica anytime you suffer from irregularity headaches liver upset constipa tion or overindulgence take gentle sal hepaticft for jast relief it usually leaves you feeling like a million in no time at all yes sal hepatica has saved the day and the evening many a time for me thats why i always like to have this onc-for- five laxative handy in my mcdicinocabinetl only the very rich could afford to drink tea in the days of queen ill than as criminals by the people for tea even then was a muchsoughtafter beverage in those days it wamt blended anil would be almott unrecognizable as tea to us today so i cant help thinking how lucky we arc to have within pocketbook reach of all of u a tea bnd a mjerb a red rose tea kvrr uuaeii it well do and by the way youll like red rose coffee as much as red ro tea

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