the tribune stouffville ont thursday january 31 1952 make these classified advs your market place implements live stock 1 coop oat roller terr suit able for the average farm caja- city about 12 cat lbs per tour requires a 1 to ib bp motor stouffvlltc coop ph 122 or 269 for sale model fc case tractor in good condition also one plant planter ph 64012 stouff 402 sale register 10 pigs for sale s weeks old also 10 chunks about 120 lbs ernest hoorer phone 6620 s stouff coming events cy says ip your tractor could talk 4- ford ferguson tractor for sale good rubber mechanically al also dearborn side draft mow er phone 76j1 stouff mel eni- merson farmers attention to avoid disappointment later now is the time to order your dion thresher the best on the market ask the man who owns one we also sell for the inited farmers coop the gehl forage harvester forano threshers blowers wagon unloaders spreaders disc etc no of machines limited owing to steel shortage sales anil real service john l gildman ph pickering242j2 brougham 20 pigs for sale s weeks old n h fretz phone 6 for sale hosteia heifer 2 yrs old mrs ym beach phone 4117 mount albert want started pullets bray has them for shipment they also have heavy cockerels if its day old chicks youll need get price list and order them now partic ulars from fred wise richmond hill stiver bros stouffville sat feb 2 extensive auction sale of brand new furniture and household effects etc to be held at a simpson co ltd stop 10aj the goodwood loba is holding its regular euchre on friday jan 5th in the township hall at 800 oclock admission 35c refresh- ents registered guernsey cow for sale due in february fred drap er phone 2202 claremont masseyiiakhis combine for sale masseyiiarris clipper combine six- foot cut wisconsin 4cyliuder engine drive 25bush grain tank with auxiliary scourkleen this combine is being offered for sale the owner requiring a larger machine for great er acreage it is in new condition having done only one seasons work economical to operate exceptional value at 147500 approx 500 less than new machine may be inspected at hermitage farm pickering ont miscellaneous sewer good careful sewer will do various types of sewing if in terested phone mrs percy dike stouff 66215 for sale registered vaccinated holstein heifer first calf due this week earl shirk phone 20j4 markham 15 pigs for sal 9 weeks old jim mckean bellemey rd scar- boro il kitchener big 4 special for immediate delivery pullets 2 weeks old 3390 cockerels 3 wks old 1990 also can supply day- old chicks for immediate delivery phone your order to w b heise gormlev ontario 67309 stouff yonge st newtonbrook full sale held inside ample parking space tuesday feb 5th armour hgts delivery service arranged s3le at public school annual meeting and 2 pm sharp terms cash ken election of officers york north clarke prentice auctioneers j young progressive conservative saturday feb 2 auction association guest speaker mr a a sale at tbj stouffville livestockj iext mackenzie mpp york n if you wish your pork or beef killed cured and processed ready to cook or stored without pain to them or you just call schelis meat market ltd stouitvillo phone 220 will pick up deliver 394 chtcks does this mean anything tp you this year we purchased over 5000 rop wingbanded pedigreed cockerels to use in our breeding stock we are sure that you will agree with us that this rop breeding will increase the egg production of our 1952 pullets for layers and improve our cock erel chicks for broilers and roa sters buy chicks with genuine breeding back of them all popu lar pure breeds and crossbreeds to chose from also turkey poults tweddle chick hatchery fergus local agent altona feed sup plies phone stouff 61306 we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oboyles meat market ph 3s01 49tf michell poultry farm is now booking orders for 1952 chicks phone markham 3c0 h g michel claremont 371 baby chicks hillside poultry farms have been raising chicks for canadian farm ers for more than a quarter cent ury theyre canada approved some of the very best and at prices within the range of all hundreds of customers testify to their excellence price lists are ready tell us when you need them breed and quantity agent oival wilson whitevnle markham 55yv3 37tf old horses 1500 at your farm also dead nnd crippled stock pickup service phone collect aglncourt 18j12 campell mink 24tf sewing machine service machines repaired converted re- flnlshed also new and used ma chines for sale 28tf k h middijemiss phone 307 stouffville we repair all makes of sewing machines new ones from 8960 up singer sewing centre 102 main st newmarket ph 1075 open until 9 pm saturdays 39tf piano tuning repairs 8 hoffman formerly with gerhardheintzman phono fnrrs radio electric stouffville 806 22tf ah orders promptly attended to electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges etc installed radios ranges toasters irons and other appliances repaired k h midillemiss ltf phop 367 stouffville tractor repairs we are prepared to look after your tractor troubles any make 50tf henry ogden son radios i appliances i complete repair and servicing by ex pert technician all work fully guaranteed 10tf bell son phone stouffville 281 washing machine repc f airs all mk of washing machlnm paired and serviced by capable mechanics we pick np and deliver and guarantee prompt and efficient t rice our charges are reasonable c h bell son phone 281 w stouffville albert lageer wood choice hardwood immediate duvery claremont 1516 mount albert 4120 30 tf according to statistics women live four years longer than men so you might as well give up fellers the wife will get in the last word anyway wanted wanted a good sized box stove in working condition call stouff ville coop phones 122 or 2g9 wanted 2 warner electric brood ers 500 chick capacity phone 61413 stouff w watson wanted used 1 unit mccormick- deering milker ph 60302 stouff wanted high chair in good con dition phone 2sj1 stouff mrs wilson sales arena selling livestock our j at s pm specialty fresh cows springers heifers sheep calves pigs horses i pickup and delivery can be arj ranged come early and bring something to sell this is your community sale you bring it well sell it sale every saturday at 1 pm make this your market where buyers and sellers meet sellers and atkinson auction eers tf wed feb 13 auction sale of farm stock and implements geo white threshing machine 21x42 no6 combination and full line of farm implements 30 head of holstein cattle 75 hogs 100 pul lets horses at lot 10 con s east gwillimbury at mt albert the property of h hroderiek no reserve as farm sold terms cash sale at 12 oclock sharp h pear son and reg willoughby clerks a s farmer auctioneer at same time and place on sat feb 23 entire household furniture will be sold sat feb 16 auction sale of household furnishings including new rugs quilts comforters car pets feather ticks a large quant ity of good carpenter and black smith tools new 32 extension lad der and quantity of lumber and timbers the property of joseph winger lot 16 con 3 vaughan np reserve owner quitting terms cash sale 100 pm sellers and atkinson auctioneers auction sale of used farm mach inery to fceheld in april approx imately 30 tractors and all other types of faiffii machinery all makes and models uxspring farms limited international harvester dealers corner 12 and 47 highways phone uxbrfdge or port perry 384 cards of thanks mere words are inadequate to ex press our gratitude to each and ev eryone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers words of sympathy and deeds of kindness extended to the family and relatives of the late doreen seebeck we can only say- thank you all so much mary and alex saehko and family barbara isobel and gordon seebeck it could tell you what ails it but n catrr so yowd better- do some checking now our shop can take care of you the sisters and brothers of the late margaret graham express their gratitude to their friends neigh bours and relatives for their kind nesses sympathy and flowers receiv ed during their recent bereavement also for the flowers boxes cards and messages received during her illness service is our business cy bellman sons your international harvester dealer stouffville ont phone 290 i wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the cards and baskets of fruit sent me by the claremont wa the good fellow ship class the ladies institute the ladies auxiliary claremont also my neighbours and friends for their in quiries and kindness shown me and for those who called on me during my stav in the hospital loss hill help wanted wanted to buy quahtity of mix ed grain or oats and barley sep arate h f newman dunbarton ph pickering 77w2 young married man with farm background reasonable education with farm machinery experience for parts man position uxspring farms limited international har vester dealers uxbridge ontar io 392 articles for sale cars for sale i apples for sale victorias starks at 150 per bushel levi smith ph 63612 stouffville 392 1950 austin sedan for sale very good condition for particulars call stouff 39wl b ruddy dont run for water let a duro pump bring it to you ask your plumber or get a free book let from bassett supply company 11 wellington west aurora 4 01 pickup trucks 1910 cliev htm pickup loaded with extruvs 1030 hiev jijton pickup like new 1911 cliev z ton pickup real good maple leap auto saies stoulvville phone 108w2j 1950 black plymouth deluxe i fordor sedan for sale immacul- ate perfect condition mileage 22500 heater reasonable in price carefully driven by one owner i phone stouff 66311 j axminster rug for sale good as new size 69x9 ph 33w2 stouff for sale small size findlay cook stove c l wideman phone 65515 stouffville for saleset of kitchen cupboards also hoosier kitchen cabinet h pugh ph stouffville 62902 lard homerendered lard for sale 20c per pound n l fretz ph 66008 stouffville township of markham applications for a treasurer applications for a treasurer for the township of markham will be received by the undersigned up until monday february 4th 1952 twelve oclock noon applicant will state age qualifica tions and salary expected chas hoover 392 township clerk unlonvllle ontario speciai two only new coop space heaters 10 per cent dis count these stoves are identical to the famous fess oil space hea ter stouffville coop phones 122 or 269 we wish to thank relatives and neighbours for cards letters and phone calls and to all who helped in any way during our recent bout with the mumps wilf and edna ferguson and family perfect tea is so easy to make with tea bags lost and found found large black and brindled collie with white mane breast and paws came to my house rupert and albert streets about decemb er 10th he has been there ever since gentle and amiable well- trained he would make a splendid farm dog owner or failing own er anyone who would like such a dog may have him by phoning allan sangster stouff 26sj real estate for sale new 6room bunga low all conveniences ready for occupation also new garage lo cated on market st stouffville ph stouffville s7wl carriage gray folding gendron carriage for sale in good condition also buffalo robe like new phone 60920 stouffville township of markham applications for a township assessor applications in writing will be received by j a fleming assess ment commissioner until 1200 oclock noon monday feb 4th 1952 for the posulon of assistant assess or for markham township applicants are requested to state age qualifications salary and ex perience if any typing preferred but not essen tial any information relative to the said position may be obtained from the undersigned j a fleming 392 assessment commissioner box 57 unionville ontario sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 34 hour service c stunden richmond hill phone 320w 3stf the ise of the plow in soil conservation will be one of the important subjects covered at the annual meeting of the ontario plowmens association being held in toronto february th and 5th these sessions will get under way the afternoon of the 4th for sale a hind quarter of beef willing to half it w yake phone 62801 stouff milk cooler for sale woods 4- can portable good as new fred draper phone 2202 claremont for sale battery radio 5tube electraholm 1 gas washer briggs stratton motor 2 good tires and tubes 750x16 8 ply firestone bert evans agincourt feed barley for sale 2 tons phone victor foote 62104 stouff for sale 2 warner 500 chick space- maker electric brooders special price 4000 each phone 96w stouff agnew hardware bone char for sale a limited amount at a reduced price call or have a cwt delivered to you stouff coop phone 122 or 269 50 acre farm for sale good buildings 30 acres workable 4 acres bush balance pasture dril led well telephone hydro avail able would consider selling house and small acreage separate h stevens goodwood ph 66513 stouffville stouffville westend large brick house on double corner lot furnace septic tank tool shed to rear verandahs in need of minor repairs good clean condition- early possession rruce clarke broker 100 rivercreflt road toronto junction 3423 24tf investment opportunities we have a number of excellent op portunities for investment of first mortgage monies at 6 in amounts from 1000 to 6000 call collect for further information 27tf wignall and shepherd read estate brokers markham phono 230 tikes 5 brand new 60016 4ply dominion nobby tread automobile tires regular price 3350 spec ial 2395 also several tire tubes at one third off regular price one beatty bros oil burning chicken brooder 500 chick capac ity regular 2soo special for 2095 c h bell son ph 2slw stouffville seek no further property hunting is a tiresome task the reason why one need not ask you drive around from place to place and wear the leather off your feet you burn up tanks of gas and oil the place you need you often pass while at my office waits a list of properties you have missed just leave your lizzy in her stall take up your phone and send a call to greenwoods home of real estate no hour too soon and none too late at markham 212 i wait your needs to meet james ii greenwood real estate and insurance broker 384 hemlork is one of canadas slow or growing trees it may take 100 or 200 vears to reach maturity polltry equipment listen to them all but remember we spec ialize in sales and service of poul try equipment our new 1952 stock is arriving now of james- way warner and premier equip ment new and used coal oil gas and electric brooders also feeders waterers wafers brooder rolls thermometers automatic electric time clocks etc altona feed supplies claremont phone 6130s stouffville when cork was scarce fisher men on the groat lakes used to use the thick outer bark of the base of old balsam poplars as floats for their net- wanted 1 00 farmers to bring in their seed grain during january 10 reduction of regular rates on cleaning treating etc all work now done by appointment only phone 263w stouffville dicksors hill mills markham twp council appoints planning board continued from front page ous members concerning their handling of council business and arguments waxed hot and heavy reeve timbers suggested that council might discuss briefly some private business as the meeting drew to a close and stated this intention to the few remaining ratepayers in the council chamber they obligingly left however this move found grave exception vith councillor lemasurier who reprimanded the reeve for sug gesting that the public leave when a further flareup ensued the meeting was quickly adjourned the resumption of business was carried on monday evening with out a serious increment onty con tentious issue was the servicing of water to some forty householders in highland park subdivision it was stated that these ratepayers had been receiving free water for a considerable period since mr teetzel the subdivider who laid the original water mains had put into operation a system which did not come up to engineering stand ards do you mean to tell me that this township is providing free water to these people queried councillor lemasurier i never heard of it comment ed councillor chas hooper our water engineer mr gal- braith tells me he hasnt any authority to send out bills stated mr lemasurier clerk hoover explained to council that this authority would be there once the portion of high land park being serviced was placed in a properly constituted water area and the necessary by law passed i want permission to send those people bills stated councillor le masurier the water is obtained from richmond hill and sold to the householders at 60c per thousand gallons each dwelling is individ ually metered rough estimates around the council table as to the total amount of water rates out standing ran from 300 to 1000 a resolution proposed by coun cillor lemasurier and councillor lennie that the newlynamed plumbing dept be permitted to send bills to highland park users on the advice of the township solicitor was passed and concluded the discussion deputyreeve alf james was appointed council members on the board of health and the com munity centre board in memoriam symes in loving memory of a dear wife and mother melinda j studoholme who passed away on jan 30 1943 v what is home without a mother all things this world may send but when we lost our darling mother we lost our dearest friend ever remembered by husband and family tranmer in memory of fo wm t tranmer ba who gave his life over berlin germany jan 30 1944 the airforce crest those wings so hardly worn and worn so proudly on his uni form his number one of thousands who became defenders of our homes at dutys call the rank now does not seem to matter much the name to strangers matters not at all but to us who loved him words are hard to find only a timeworn phrase our lips repeat lie liveth still in hearts he left behind mother dad and family united church wa the january meeting of the united church womans associa tion was held jan 21 when rev claude brethen was the speaker mrs allan mcconnochie rendered an appropriate solo and later read a poem ring out wild bells in the address by rev brethen he stated that one need not greatly fear for the wellbeing of the chinch when mothers and wives are working for the good of the church he asked the members to think of what constitutes happi ness material conditions do not govern happiness poor people are just as happy as the rich he show ed them the essence of life con sists of three things first some work to do second someone to love third something to hope for rev brethen also conducted the installation of officers the closing hymn was all the way my saviour leads me rev brethen pronounced the benediction a social half hour followed wearisome bronchial night day cnnt sleep for coughing bronchial tubes full of tightlypacked phlegm that no amount of coughing seems able to dislodge so tired from your wearisome bronchial cough you cant work cough properly then heres good news try templetona razmah cnpaulea quick satisfactory relief strnnjrlink phlegm loosened so it cornea nwny easily get razmah from your druxttist 65c s1j5 s tftas4satm4s4 implements on hand new implements tractors all sizes field cultivators grain fertilizer drills mannre spreaders 2 and 3 furrow plows manure ixwlor for miinll tractor klcctrlr hummer mill cream separator refrigerators home ft7ern used implements case iv tractor massey- harris oi super trac tor grain drills case vac tractor with a mound- plow goodison threshing machine international manure spreader 2 wheels on rubber cream separators phone 254 henry ogden son stouffville ont