sr mu vol 02 no 4j the tribune stouffville ont january 31 1932 more gain less drudgery as farms mechanized there is a quiet revolution going on across canada and especially in ontario turning farming into new channels of activity and new realms of purchasing in part the changes are being forced under the steady pressure of labor scarcity and high costs but they also are being introduced voluntarily by progressive farmers who see in mechanization the way to greater efficiency more profits and less drudgery back of these forces are the manufacturers and the distribu tors of farm implements and equipment who displayed wares and services at the coliseum last week in an exhibition held by the ontario retail farm equipment dealers association chas cooper equipment clare- mont had a prominent display in the big show and clarke prentice was another local exhibitor mr cooper has been an important member of the executive since the organization began g m brown goodyear tire rubber co of canada new tor- onto said that with an increase in income the farmer has been able to experiment in packaging pro cedure he has turned to visual packages using plastic materials and has therefore had to market a better quality crop and this in turn further improves his revenue sales of such containers to farm outlets were more than doubled not only is the farmer spending his increased cash income in improved production implements but he seems to be paying more attention to the farm house j a fellows of brantford reported an increase during 1951 and an indi cated gain for 1932 in sales of water systems pumps and storage boilers for farm properties manufacturers of electrical appliances for housekeeping re ported farm women ore seeing to it the homes are provided with vacuum cleaners washers refrig erators and other home require ments a survey of the exhibits shows the high level of sales spreads throughout he equipment field and overflows into firms manufact- continued on page 2 three houses ransacked in saturday night burglary- two others were entered will discuss new assessment system with county head whitchurch township council will meet in special session shortly to discuss with county assessor symonds the proposed new coun ty system of assessing which is on a measured basis and one hundred percent value similar to that now in vogue in ontario county deputyreeve timbers told coun cil that he and his committee had discussed the new system with mr symonds but fell that a full meet ing should be held with the coun ty assessor present lefore pro ceding further councillor baycroft stated that he believed the new system was no doubt a step in the right directon with possibly a few modifica tions and that definitely the town ship should undergo a reassess ment a communication was tanled from school section no 1 calling for a further requisition of 5000 for their building fund this lat est grant will bring the total amount forwarded to 15000 total amount of the building project on debenture is 2s000 school sec tion no 7 gormley called for an advance of 2000 to cover main tenance and both grants were ap proved gormley school was forc ed through increased attendance to engage a second teacher last year and set up a second class room the 1952 rating will be on this basis of a tworoom school prestons lake ratepayers be lieve that the cost of garbage col lection is too high per cottage and ask that the council defer any move regarding tender for 1952 until they have had further oppor tunity to discuss the matter a communication from the ratepay ers pointed out that while thjy are agreed the collection is a fine tiling from a sanitation standpoint the cost appears out of line road accounts passed for pay ment on thursday night amounted to ss100 while many stoulfville residents were busily hustling up and down the sidewalks gathering in their weeks supply of groceries or meeting their next door neighbors a couple of prowlers were also fevorishly at work taking advan tage of the darkened houses to commit burglary at the home of mr motley symes lloyd avenue the thieves gained entry through a cellar win dow made their way upstairs where they completely ransacked a couple of rooms in their search for money a gold wrist watch was left untouched by the uninvited guests and a wallet which was be- lieved at first to have been taken was later recovered on the floor at one end of a room beds dress ers and other articles of furniture were turned upside down by the prowlers mr symes was attend ing the senior hockey game at collingwood when the breakin occurred and was summoned to the phone by his wife who came upon the scene after returning from her saturday night shopping account books and records which had caused the owner considerable alarm at the time for fear that they might be taken were left un harmed by the prowlers the thieves were apparently taken by surprise at the howard haynes residence also on lloyd avenue when the owner returned home somewhat ahead of schedule the- burglars didnt have enough time to begin their thorough search and only one drawer in a dresser was pulled out and an insurance policy left lying on the floor as mr haynes entered the front door the men ran out the back entrance the burglars made their largest haul at the home of mr ed williams on mill street where about 13000 was taken one hun dred dollars of which was in american bills one man scaled the back kitchen roof standing upright and entered the house through the bathroom window in gaining entry the catlike individ ual caused little disturbance with the exception of knocking over a can of talcum powder which was later found out in a snowbank at the side of the house his snowy footprints however showed that he proceeded downstairs where he tried in vain to open the back door perhaps to let his partner in the key to the door was lying close by but in the darkness he failed to notice it as in the symes resid ence the rooms wore completely turned upside down in their search for money a purse con taining 15 was missed however and a 1 bill lying on the table was also overlooked at the home of mr ken schell the thieves used dire measures to gain entry thev obtained an axe failed to see flares cars collide on friday night during the heavy snowstorm two cars belong ing to win brett of toronto and neu smith of markham rr2 were in collision on the eighth concession north of mount joy the large transport belonging to uxbridge farmers coop was park ed on the side of the road with a flat tire and although flares had been posted the brett vehicle according to markham township constable bill sharon did not notice the warning signals until he was too close to stop as the driver swerved his auto to one side in order to miss the truck he collided with an oncoming car belonging to smith xo one was injured in the accident but both ears received considerable damage mrs harry stover is visiting her mother and sister in brantford also spending a few days with her sisterinlaw mrs don brown in woodstock athletic club carnival a real variety show stouffville athletic club carni val the fiit to be staged in this district this winter promises to be a real variety show headed by the newmarket citizens band which will provide both musical numbers and skating music the big show gets underway at 730 oclock with a minor hockey demonstration by the four junior nhl clubs who have been spon sored by the local lions club the stoutfville skating club more than sixty strong will pro vide one number including the entire group in addition therell be prizes for children and adults for the best valentine costumes as well as large cash prizes for the local organization entering a group depicting their society therell be public skating and a host of lucky draw prizes includ ing at the top of the list a line iulova watch to top the evening a number of old tyme fiddlers will be on hand to give a demonstra tion and this group augmented by other musicians will provide music for mocassin dancing com mencing at 1015 an added feature will be a gift bag for every one of the first one hundred ladies arriv ing at the carnival tickets for this big show are now on sale from executive mem bers of the athletic club at the arena and at the tribune whitchurch will seek govt aid in planning dispute claim dept officials arbitrary most arbitrary was the expres sion used to describe the attitude of the community planning board of the department of planning development when interviewed by members of the whitchurch township planning board deputy- reeve fred timbers reported to council on thursday evening that the community planning board was standing pat on their require mem of 15000 sq ft in a home lot where water and sewers were not available this figure was a re commendation of the county health unit council voiced the opinion that the health unit had no power to hold up subdivision approval through their recommendations since they were not law the present crisis has arisen concerning the woods subdivision on the outskirts of newmarket where the dept board is demand- j ing that the lots be resubdivide 1 1 to allow 15000 sq ft rather than 12000 as called for jr the whit church land restriction- bylaw and as approved by the local plann ing board it was pointed out that several houses were already built on the lots and the change asked by the dept would create definite hardship the main power wield ed by the dept is that registered deeds of these lots cannot be ob tained unless their approval of the entire plan is forthcoming here the matter remains deadlocked council felt that some of these restrictions were defeating the pur pose for which the board was es tablished some of tfie township lots were already too large too small to require hired help and too large for one man after considerable discussion it was agreed that the local provin cial member should be called into consultation on the matter and clerk crawford was instructed to arrange for an appointment mr lloyd turner of stoulfville has received the presidency of the markham fair board for the com ing year his appointment was made on wednesday of last week stoulfville municipal council will convene for a february ses sion this mondav evening feb 4 from the garage and smashed their way through a back- window the one bedroom was thoroughly ran sacked and some articles in the living room were disarranged no money or valuables were taken by the robbers however from clarke street where the schell home is located the burglars moved on to the residence of mr mervin watts who is at the present time forget- ing all his worries down in the sunny south the safe inside the house was opened but it is not definitely known whether any thing was taken squads of provincial cruisers as well as town constable rusnell patrolled the town and sur rounding district until the wee small hours of the morning but not a trace of the thieves was found however it has since been learned that some clues have been picked up and it is hoped that an arrest may be made shortly apparently these breakins tiave neon going on around the stouff- ville markham unionville and richmond hill districts for the past two years with a desire for money being their only motive other valuables in almost every instance have been left untouched the police believe that they are working against a clever gang and will leave no stone unturned until the case is solved local minister completes eleven jyears service here rev douglas davis minister of j the stouflville united church is completing eleven years of service to this church and the community this fact was pointed out at the annual meeting of the church con gregation held last week during the year just concluded rev davis recorded twentytwo funerals twenty weddings and thirty bap tisms seven young people were received into full membership in the church the reports of the various organizations were heard and the financial report of the congrega tion the missionary contributions of the local church were outstand ings total of 3208 being received in cash and bales of goods valued at 2232 in addition monies total ling nearly 800r were contributed towards the maintenance of the church and nearly an additional s3500 raised through the efforts of the various organizations the following members will comprise the board of stewards for the coming year messrs del jennings arthur wood len wilkes truman baxter delbert booth john hammersley chas nolan chas james eldon fairies wesley schell win ford and floyd forsyth the pastor reviewed the work of the past year and pointed to further improvements which would be on the boards agenda in 1952 they include a new front approach to the church renova tion of the large sunday school room and recognition of the 60th anniversary immigrant at sutton lauds helping canadian hands police hunt missing markham store clerk the markham township police force working with a detachment of provincial police launched a wide spread search for ross ray- mer 22yearold employee of the markham drug co who dis appeared on wednesday morning he was last seen leaving mark ham high school headed towards no 7 highway and up until press time at 3 oclock he had not been located according to his employer mr harry mason the young store clerk was carrying letween twentyfive and thirty dollars in hi waiiej the time of his dis appearance city proposal would make 8th con provincial highway if a proposal made by the city of toronto were adopted the 8th con of markham and whitchurch stretching from no 2 highway north to sutton would be convert ed into a provincial highway this stretch of road running north through ringwood is only one of eight similar thoroughfares which toronto would like to see taken over by the province the proposal that forty per cent of these roads in the county sys tem to which toronto contributes a portion of the maintenance cost be taken over has passed on to the toronto york roads com mission for discussion the county council withheld any endorsation of the plan until it had been discussed by the com mission in a meeting with the city council it was pointed out that toronto contributes towards con struction of go miles of highway outside the city limits the city wants the province to take over construction and maintenance of all highways which form connect ing links in the metropolitan area the roads to which toronto con tributes were built many years ago and at that time toronto was happy to contribute since they believed that such roads would be a boon to the city bringing in business since it is no longer necessary for the city to construct roads to bring customers to tor onto the city would like to unload this liability if passible fire victims fund passes 600 mark with the publishing of these latest contributions to the stoulf ville fire victims fund the cur rent campaign to raise funds in aid of those who suffered loss dur ing the fire in the geo baker building is officially closed the response has been good and the appreciation of the committee who took charge of this effort is extended to every contributor donations previously acknowledged 60179 rev douglas davis 500 lehmans shoe store 1500 john mathewson 500 len wilkes clothes shop 500 alvin klinck 1000 howard st john 200 anonymous 100 ken laushway 500 61979 mrs ken hamm returned home on tuesday after undergoing an appendicitis operation on satur day mr stan schmidt linotype oper ator at the tribune entered st michaels hospital toronto on wednesday for an appendix oper ation markham township council names new planning board although unable to say emi gration to a new land has brought the reward expected of hard work disaster has afforded 31yearold maurice de cheveigne the chance to study the helping hand of the canadian farmer at close range this opportunity came about when the former free french soldier n canada only four years aw all hi dreams perish in a recent fire which roared through two barns on his farm at sutton ont des troying nearly all of his stock for days after the fire the young frenchman seen above with his wife and daughter saddled by debt and without stock wondered what the fut ure held in this land of rangers that was before formation of the maurice de cheveigne citizens benefit committee which is beginning to turn a black picture into a brighter one already the committee has provided a bulldozer to level the ruins of the two razed barns another will be raised on the same site by free labor while money is being solicited to replace the hogs tools and equipment des troyed by the fire a bylaw giving final appoint ment to the proposed new mark ham township planning board was fully ratified on monday even ing making the following appoint ments r t shorten 1 year term harry maynard and alan stagg 2 years dr t tanner and dalton rumney 3 years deputyreeve alf james was named council member and reeve win timbers will act as member exoflicio the board will hold its inaugural meeting on feb 7th at which time a chairman will be selected and the matter of remun eration dealt with it is expected that a budget will be prepared for council for 1052 during the discussion on friday evening concerning the setting up ofthe board there was a differ ence of opinion arose as to the numbers of its personnel reeve timbers suggested that it be a five man board made up of two coun cil members and three private citizens councillor hooper and deputyreeve james also felt there should be two members of council on the board at least for the first year councillor lemas- urier only favored one member of council on the board and took the stand that the ratepayers might believe that the board was domin ated by council deputyreeve james stated that such a thing was impossible since the two council members would be heavily out numbered business proceeded on friday evening under considerable ten sion councillor ixmasurier who has proved quite a pepperpot since taking his seat on the board was accused of needling the vari- continued on back pase father of four killed in freak bush mishap an experienced woodsman was killed and his friend of long stand ing injured in a freak treefalling accident north of stouffville on thursday a dash by horsedrawn sleigh driven by the fatally injured mans brother over a milelong snow- covered trail through thick woods failed to save the accident victim nathan oldham 31 father of four small children died of a skull fracture while being taken by ambulance to a toronto hospital he had been rushed to newmarket hospital by ear after being brought from the woods milton graves suffered a pos sible fractured arm and required seven stitches in a head wound received when he was struck by the same tree chesley 33 brother of nathan said unlucky circumstances had contributed to the fatality- he said he was cutting the top off an eightinch hardwood tree which had lodged in the limbs of another when a strong wind sent it swinging in the direction of the two men below he had been cutt ing it to fall on the far side of the supporting tree the men below might still have got in the clear but failed to hear a warning shout look out below because of the noise of the saw they were operating the plunging tree slid along another downing tree and struck both men